Chapter 325 Intelligence Master

After receiving the name, Liu Yan bowed and saluted: "Thank you, Lord, for the name."

Liu Yuanchen looked at Liu Yan. As the wood spirit of the Dayan Divine Tree, this guy inherited the legacy of the mother tree and should have great potential.

The four wood spirits before were not very strong at all.

Xiaoyu's true body is white jade ginseng, which was originally a first-level spiritual plant. Older white jade ginseng can only grow to a lower-level second-level plant.

It's just that ginseng spiritual plants have great advantages in transforming spirits.

After transforming into a spirit, the spirit body and the main body can become one and are no longer bound by the main body.

For ordinary wood spirits, the growth of the spirit body is limited by the level of the body.

And Xiaoyu's body and spirit body are one, so this restriction is very weak.

As long as the living environment is good enough, Xiaoyu's cultivation can continue to grow.

After staying in Dongyang Blessed Land for nearly a hundred years, Xiaoyu has grown to the level of Ningyuan Realm, far beyond the level limit of White Jade Ginseng.

Moreover, he got some resources from the ginseng fruit tree, and the growth limit is still very high.

Xuan Jia is the spirit of poisonous thorn vine. Its body and legs are stronger than Xiaoyu, but it is only a second-level spiritual plant.

After transforming into a spirit, the main body and the spirit body have not merged into one, and now they can only barely break through the Condensing Yuan Realm.

In terms of potential, he is the smallest.

The main body of the golden armor is the diamond bean, which was cultivated by Qibao Medicine Master personally and carefully cultivated by Liu Yuanchen.

In terms of body and base, it is stronger than Xiaoyu and Xuanjia.

However, his body and spirit body are not integrated into one, and his growth potential is much lower than Xiaoyu's.

Qingsha's body is Yinsha wood. When he reaches adulthood, he becomes a fourth-level spiritual plant. A few can grow to fifth level.

In addition, Qingsha has obtained the memory of Qingpeng Demon King, and his potential is not low.

However, the gap between the four of them and Liu Yan is very big.

Those that can be called sacred trees can grow to the eighth level after adulthood.

Compared with acquired spiritual roots, it is only a little short of Tao Yun.

Although Liu Yan is not the spirit of the mother tree of Dayan Divine Tree, he has inherited part of the legacy of the mother tree after all.

As long as the growing environment is good enough, growing to the eighth level will not be a problem.

Although he failed to merge the spirit body and the main body into one, but based on the growth potential of the main body, it is only a matter of time before the two merge.

As for the three of them, Qingsha, if they hadn't been trained by Liu Yuanchen, they wouldn't have been able to grow to that point in their lives.

Liu Yan himself has extremely high potential, and with normal cultivation, he can grow to the eighth realm.

If one is successful in cultivation and understands a law, it is possible to condense the Tao aggregates and become a true acquired spiritual root.

“After plants and trees transform into spirits, they will have some innate methods, similar to small magical powers.

Your body level is extremely high, so you must have some magical powers.

Liu Yan, what is your little magical power? "

Liu Yan smiled proudly: "My lord, my subordinate's innate magical power is a clone."

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly, which was not unexpected.

After all, the Dayan Shenmu was born with laws such as clones.

Many masters use the Dayan Divine Tree to understand the methods of clones.

As the spirit of the Dayan Divine Tree, Liu Yan would be strange if he didn't have the means to clone himself.

"With your little magical power of clones, how many clones can you create at one time?"

Liu Yan shook his head slightly: "My subordinates don't know either, but I can give it a try."

After saying that, phantoms separated from his body.

The appearance of these phantoms is exactly the same as his real body.

However, these clones all looked very weak, and their breath was obviously much weaker than the original body.

Liu Yan himself has the cultivation level of Soul Condensation Realm, but his clone only has the cultivation level of Lingtai Realm.

However, the number of clones is indeed a bit too much.

In just a few breaths, more than sixty clones appeared next to Liu Yan's body.

At this time, something was obviously wrong with Liu Yan's spiritual power.

He struggled to twitch the corner of his mouth: "To make the Lord laugh, my subordinates can only derive sixty-four clones now.

If there are any more, serious problems will arise in the main body's mana operation. "

Seeing this situation, Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised.

After all the hard work, he could only condense four clones.

Liu Yan had just transformed into a spirit and was able to create more than sixty clones.

If the sixty-four Lingtai realm clones join forces to form a formation, it will not be difficult to kill the masters of the sixth realm.

No wonder Heaven restricted the Dayan Sacred Tree so that it could not transform into spirits.

The body of the Dayan Sacred Tree should be the eighth-level Sacred Tree.

If it were a spirit transformation, it would be a master of the eighth realm.

The clone he created must be at least a master of the seventh realm.

As for the quantity, it will never be less than what Liu Yan made. It is not difficult to make hundreds of clones.

It is easy for so many seventh realm clones to form a formation together and kill the Immortal Immortal.

In the entire Yuanling world, I am afraid that no one can subdue the spirit of the Dayan Divine Tree.

Liu Yuanchen looked at these clones: "Sixty-four clones can completely set up a large formation.

These clones are all controlled by your body and are connected with each other.

As long as your consciousness can hold on, it will be easy to trap and kill the masters in the sixth realm. "

Hearing this, Liu Yan looked embarrassed.

"Lord, although my clone can form a formation, it is not suitable for fighting."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised: "Why is this?"

Liu Yan sighed: "My lord, once these clones start fighting, they will consume a lot of mana.

And these mana can only be provided by me.

Sixty-four avatars lined up to fight. The consumption was too great and the subordinates could not hold on. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen suddenly realized.

He is an Earth Immortal monk, blessed with a steady stream of mana, and can control multiple clones to fight at the same time.

However, other creatures do not have this ability.

Liu Yan thought Liu Yuanchen would be disappointed, so he quickly explained: "These clones of my subordinates are not very powerful in combat, but they have other functions."

“They can hide their figures among earth, rocks, and vegetation, especially among vegetation.

Even if an expert detects it personally, it is difficult to find it. "

Before he finished speaking, a clone instantly merged into the peach tree next to the clear water.

Liu Yuanchen used his spiritual sense to investigate, and sure enough he did not find a clone in the peach tree.

Later, he sensed the vitality of the peach tree and discovered that there was a shadow in the sea of ​​life.

The appearance of this shadow is exactly the same as Liu Yan.

Liu Yuanchen was quite surprised. It was not a strange thing for the spirits of vegetation to hide in the vegetation.

Xuanjia, Jinjia, and Qingsha all have this ability.

But this guy's clone can actually merge directly into the vitality of vegetation.

Without the ability to detect the vitality of vegetation, it would be almost impossible to discover the clone hiding among them.

This thing is extremely suitable for spying on the enemy.

It's a pity that if you cultivate some plants and trees by yourself, they can serve as eyes and ears.

The role of Liu Yan's clone is indeed a bit useless.

Seeing that Liu Yuanchen was not very interested, Liu Yan continued: "My lord, please don't underestimate this clone.

They can keep in touch with my body at any time, and there is no limit on distance. The clone is attached to other spiritual plants, and can cultivate with the help of the spiritual plant's body and feed back the original body. "

“Not only that, they can also communicate with other spiritual plants.

Most of the spiritual plants in this blessed land have some spiritual wisdom, and their subordinate clones can get a lot of information from them. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen felt excited.

As early as when he was in the Qi-nourishing realm, he discovered that his magic power could cultivate spiritual plants of ears and eyes, and he had always wanted to build a spiritual plant intelligence network.

And, he did take action.

It's just a pity that the Lingzhi Intelligence Network received too much messy information.

It is difficult to sift out valuable intelligence based on your own abilities alone.

Analyzing intelligence does not require extremely high talents, but judgment is still required, and it definitely takes a lot of effort.

Liu Yuanchen spent most of his energy on cultivation.

In addition, we must also take into account the properties of the Yin and Yang realms and steal the power of Heavenly Dao in Wuyun Ridge.

The four clones combined are not enough, so how can you have time to deal with this?

Coupled with the authority of the Wind Yin Beast Language, the value of the ears and eyes spiritual plant is not high.

Now that Liu Yan is helping, it's different.

He can communicate with vegetation and can hide his avatar in vegetation without being discovered.

As long as he sends his clones out to sit in important areas, he can build a huge intelligence network.

Although the original spiritual plant intelligence network can cover a large area, the eyes and ears cannot be too far apart.

Like Chihuangyuan and Luochuan Country, there is a huge desert with no grass growing in the middle.

It's impossible to cross just by relying on the eyes and ears.

The communication between Liu Yan and his clone has no distance limit.

If he places a clone in Luochuan Kingdom, it can make up for the shortcomings of the original spiritual plant intelligence network.

In the future, as Liu Yan's cultivation improves, he will be able to create more and stronger clones, and the intelligence network will continue to expand.

Even, this spiritual plant intelligence network can cover the entire Yuanling world.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen said softly: "I need someone to help me analyze the intelligence and pick out the useful content. Are you qualified?"

Hearing this, Liu Yan cupped his hands and said, "I have inherited a lot of the mother tree's legacy and memories, and my intelligence is not inferior to that of most human races.

Although he is not good at fighting, his subordinates still have the ability to analyze intelligence. "

"Wherever my subordinate's clone goes, I will be able to deliver all valuable information to the Lord."

Liu Yuanchen was also very satisfied. The previous four wood spirits, except Qingsha, were all too simple.

It is not difficult to let them do simple tasks.

But asking them to analyze the intelligence is obviously not enough.

As for Qingsha, he does know some worldly ways, but that is because he has inherited the memory of Qingpeng Demon King.

Moreover, this guy is a bit selfish.

When he first found trouble with the Poisonous Dragon Demon King, this guy said that thirty thousand taels of incense and silver were robbed by the demon generals under the Poisonous Dragon Demon King.

Later, he ordered the Ghost Claw General to investigate the matter.

As a result, Qingsha was only robbed of 10,000 taels of incense and silver.

My hands are usually unclean and I still look for opportunities to write off accounts.

This guy can only guard one side at most, and he is guarding a place that is not very important.

Such an extremely important matter as obtaining intelligence must not be left to him.

However, Liu Yan's loyalty also needs to be tested.

"I heard that all Dayan sacred trees are equivalent to clones of the mother tree, and they still maintain contact with the mother tree."

Liu Yan quickly explained: "Generally speaking, this is the case, but my subordinates are special.

You used magical powers on your subordinates before, but the connection between the subordinates and the mother tree was much weakened. They could only sense the existence of the mother tree, but could not communicate with it. "

“After transforming into a spirit, you can no longer sense the mother tree at all.

Maybe it's because of the influence of Lord Linggen, or maybe after I transformed into a spirit, my life level surpassed that of my clone.

The mother tree was afraid that I would become a guest and cut off contact with me. "

After hearing this, Liu Yuanchen felt a little relieved.

If the mother tree of Dayan Divine Tree can still control Liu Yan, then Liu Yan cannot be trusted.

Even if I can suppress him with the help of the ginseng fruit tree, it will always be uncomfortable for people with double intentions.

However, he was not worried about Liu Yan cheating.

As long as your core secrets are not exposed and some other information is leaked, it is not a big problem.

Even if the Luochuan Dragon King inheritance or even the leak of the Xiantian Formation is leaked, Bahuang Pavilion is there to support it. This is the benefit of having a backer.

Liu Yuanchen pointed to the clear water peach tree: "Stay far away, carefully sense the clear water peach tree, and try to see if you can see anything."

Liu Yan did as he was told, and after flying dozens of miles, he sensed the clear water and spiritual peach tree again.

A look of surprise immediately appeared in his eyes.

"Lord, when I was sensing this peach tree, the entire peach tree seemed to have turned into a pair of my eyes and ears.

I can see everything around the peach tree and hear sounds around the peach tree. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was secretly happy.

‘Sure enough, the wood spirit I enlightened is actually an advanced version of the ear and eye spirit plant.

Ordinary ear and eye spiritual plants can transmit messages to each other, and wood spirits can naturally do the same.

Liu Yan can use other eyes and ears to observe the surrounding situation, and can also send information to me. ’

The characteristics of the ears and eyes, coupled with Liu Yan's magical power of avatar, are the best choice for obtaining information.

“This will happen to the vegetation that has been nourished by my magic.

These spiritual plants are called ear and eye spiritual plants by me.

I get information through them.

It's just that these eyes and ears have acquired too much information. I don't have time to fiddle with it, so I don't use it much. "

Hearing this, Liu Yan's eyes shone: "My Lord actually has such magical powers. It's true that I can't hide it. The main body and clones of my subordinates can transfer energy to each other."

“My lord, it must take a lot of effort to cultivate the ear and eye spiritual plants.

As long as the master transfers mana into the body of the subordinate, the subordinate can transfer your mana to any clone.

Cultivating the ear and eye spiritual plants by your subordinates' avatars can save you, the Lord, a lot of time. "

Liu Yuanchen thought for a while and felt that Liu Yan's method made sense.

The factor that limits the expansion of the Lingzhi Intelligence Network, in addition to the difficulty in analyzing intelligence, is that it is troublesome to cultivate the eyes and ears of Lingzhi.

For example, the Demonic Cloud Sea in the Yang Realm is now occupied by demon clan, and I need to know the information there.

However, there are dragon masters over there, so they can't send clones to cultivate ears and eyes.

And Liu Yan's clone has extremely strong hiding abilities.

He could definitely send a clone to the Demonic Sea of ​​Clouds in the Yang Realm to secretly cultivate ears and eyes spiritual plants there.

It won't be long before every move of the demon clan will be in his eyes.

Liu Yan can use his clone to lurk in the heart of the enemy and cultivate his eyes and ears.

It also allows the clone to obtain and analyze intelligence.

No matter how far apart, information can be passed back.

All in all, this guy is a master of intelligence.

He can play a role in any aspect of obtaining intelligence.

Liu Yan is a natural intelligence master. He can easily establish a huge intelligence network with just one wood spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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