Chapter 326 Heavenly Punishment

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen used his power to escape from the mountains and left Panlong Mountain, all the way to Wuyun Ridge.

He took Liu Yan out of Dongyang Blessed Land and said: "This is Wuyun Ridge in the underworld. Thousands of miles east, there is a large lake called Demonic Cloud Sea.

You send a clone to the Sea of ​​Demonic Clouds to quietly cultivate the ears and eyes spiritual plants nearby.

Once you find important information, report it to me immediately. "

"This is a test of your ability. If you do it well, you will benefit from it."

Hearing this, Liu Yan's face was filled with smiles: "Don't worry, Lord, I will spread the eyes and ears throughout Wuyun Ridge."

Liu Yuanchen quickly stopped him: "The water in the underworld is very deep, don't make things too obvious, and don't make your own decisions.

Let you monitor Moyunhai, and don't worry about anything else. "

Liu Yan calmed down his emotions: "I know my mistake, and I will never dare to make my own decisions again in the future."

No one likes a subordinate who makes his own decisions. Such a guy is uncontrolled and can easily get into trouble.

Liu Yuanchen's hands condensed streams of light, and after a while, these streams of light converged into a sand table.

In this sand table, there are Panlong Mountain, Wuyun Ridge, and Demonic Cloud Sea.

He pointed to a hilltop in the southeast of Demon Cloud Sea: "This is a stronghold of Futian Sect. If you have a chance, keep an eye on it.

Once you have any information, please report it to me at any time, regardless of whether it is valuable or not. "

"If you can't detect anything, that's no problem. The most important thing is not to alert the enemy."

Liu Yan immediately expressed his loyalty: "Don't worry, Lord, I will keep an eye on that place."

After saying that, dozens of clones flew out of his body and quickly sank into the rock formations.

The earth escape method of these clones is quite extraordinary. Liu Yuanchen used his spiritual sense to detect it and was completely unable to detect it.

It was only after exerting the authority of the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm that the traces of those clones were discovered.

Liu Yuanchen took Liu Yan's body into Dongyang Blessed Land and patrolled Wuyun Ridge.

In the past ten years or so, there has always been a clone who was casting spring breeze and turning rain on Wuyun Ridge.

More and more vegetation on Wuyun Ridge began to recognize him.

Because of this, he stole more and more power from Wuyun Ridge.

The authority of the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm can already cover a section of more than 500 miles on Wuyun Ridge.

Although there is an obvious improvement, the entire Wuyun Ridge spans a million miles, and these five hundred miles are really inconspicuous.

If you want to take the power of Wuyun Ridge into your hands, you need to get the approval of the vast majority of the creatures on Wuyun Ridge.

There is a mountain range stretching for millions of miles, and there are many creatures on the mountain, including many monsters.

It is almost impossible to get the approval of the vast majority of living beings.

To become the True God of Heavenly Dao in Wuyun Ridge, one may have to wait until the end of the year of the monkey.


After arranging things for Liu Yan, Liu Yuanchen returned to Panlong Mountain.

The Demonic Sea of ​​Clouds was in turmoil before, and both General Yunhai and General Dongyuan suffered heavy losses.

Now, they want to train more masters, and there is a huge demand for various spiritual objects.

Especially Yang Qi, although this thing is worthless in the Yang world.

But in the underworld, it is an indispensable treasure for many ghost cultivators to break through to the great realm.

As for those monsters, they need to be nourished by Yang Qi during the entire cultivation process.

Otherwise, like the Poisonous Dragon Demon King and the Blue Scale Dragon King, their cultivation will be stuck in a certain state and they will not be able to make any progress for hundreds of years.

During this time, Panlong City was extremely lively.

Both the official forces in the underworld and the grass-headed kings from various places have sent people to Panlong City to purchase spiritual objects with Yang energy.

Liu Yuanchen stood on Panlong Mountain, overlooking Panlong City at the foot of the mountain.

I saw the ghosts queuing up at the city gate to enter the city, forming a queue of more than a hundred feet long.

Fortunately, Panlong City is managed by many monks from the Bahuang Pavilion, and no one dares to make any mistakes.

Although a little busier, it is also very orderly.

On the other side of the world, there is a Shinto avatar responsible for selling spiritual items from the underworld.

Many affairs of Dongyang Divine Mansion are also handled by Divine Power Clone No. 1.

All industries can operate smoothly.

Just when he was about to retreat, he found a scorching hot air rising into the sky on Panlong Mountain in the Yang Realm.

Panlong Mountain is one's own foundation, so it cannot be damaged.

He quickly used his surrogate clone's small magical power, and his body and magical clone No. 1 were exchanged, and he instantly arrived at Panlong Mountain in the underworld.

I saw a scorching red light rising into the sky from the east of Panlonghufang City.

The surrounding vegetation had withered, and some were even on fire.

The nearby shops are all properties directly under Dongyang Shenfu and are protected by formations, so there have been no problems for the time being.

Fortunately, there are many experts from Bahuang Pavilion on Panlong Mountain who have already controlled the fire.

Looking in the direction, that should be the underground fire room.

If there is a problem with the formation of the underground fire chamber and the underground lava rushes out, the losses will be more than that.

Looking from a distance, I saw my master and master observing the situation by the ground fire room.

Liu Yuanchen quickly flew over, saluted his master and master, and asked: "Master, what happened?"

Zhang Lingxu's face was full of smiles and he even stroked his beard.

"What else could it be? Of course Tieshan is about to break through to the Lingtai realm."

After hearing this, Liu Yuanchen felt that the matter was still reasonable.

When he devoured the Earthly Evil Blood Flame given to him by his Grand Master, his cultivation had already reached the late stage of the Condensing Yuan Realm.

With his talent, he should have broken through to the Lingtai realm long ago.

But later I obtained the inheritance of Zhu Rong's ancestral witch, revised the exercises, and laid the foundation again, which took a lot of time.

Even so, he was still able to break through the Lingtai realm in time when he was over a hundred years old.

This talent is really not comparable to ordinary people.

Liu Yuanchen looked at the scene around him: "With junior brother's talent, the news of breaking through the Lingtai realm is definitely not small.

If he breaks through in Fangshi, I am afraid that the entire Panlong Mountain will be burned into a barren mountain. "

Zhang Lingxu frowned slightly: "Tieshan has begun to break through. If we move it at will, I am afraid that the breakthrough will fail."

Liu Yuanchen chuckled lightly: "Master, don't worry, this disciple is the mountain god of Panlong Mountain. It's easy to move him to another place."

Before he finished speaking, a large piece of khaki smoke appeared out of thin air.

The smoke turned into a yellow dragon and got into the underground fire chamber.

Not long after, I saw a fiery red figure sitting on the head of a yellow dragon, flying towards the due north.

The fiery red figure was Meng Tieshan. At this time, he had reached the edge of breakthrough, and his whole body was enveloped in flames.

Wherever it passed, waves of heat were set off.

Even the rocks on Huanglong's head showed signs of melting.

However, as soon as he left, Panlonghufang City immediately returned to normal.

Liu Yuanchen and others immediately flew north to protect Meng Tieshan.

After flying nearly two hundred miles, Huanglong landed on a flat Gobi desert.

Within a radius of fifty miles, there is no vegetation at all.

Even if he has to survive a catastrophe, there will be no problem.

Huanglong landed and merged directly into the earth. Meng Tieshan sat firmly on the ground.

The moment he landed, the flames on Meng Tieshan's body suddenly burst into flames.

The flames gathered together and turned into a small Zhurong ancestral witch.

Flames continued to pour out of Meng Tieshan's body and merged into Zhu Rong's ancestral witch's body, and his figure expanded rapidly.

After more than a hundred breaths, Zu Rong's figure expanded to more than ten feet tall. Red flames swept across, and the rocks on the ground were melting rapidly.

Afterwards, the expansion speed of Zhu Rong Zuwu's figure slowed down.

Zhang Lingxu frowned slightly: "This is troublesome, there are no flames around Tieshan to replenish his mana.

If this continues, even if he can break through, it will affect his future potential. "

Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "It doesn't matter, I'll dig an underground fire chamber here."

He urged the earth book again, and the rock under Meng Tieshan's butt continued to disintegrate, and his body continued to fall.

In just half a cup of tea, a large pit with a diameter of one mile suddenly appeared on the originally flat rocky ground.

This large pit is thousands of feet deep, with a huge lava lake at the bottom.

At this time, Meng Tieshan's entire body was soaked in the lava lake.

The fire energy in the lava continued to flow into his body.

The surface lava cooled rapidly and condensed into black rock formations.

Soon, the rock formations cracked again under the impact of the lava below, and the black rock sank.

With the lava providing fire attribute energy, the shadow of Zhu Rong Ancestral Witch expanded rapidly, and soon grew to a height of more than a hundred feet.

At the same time, a fire cloud floated from the sky.

Wisps of red energy continued to fall from the clouds, blending into the shadow of Zhu Rong's ancestral witch.

The shadow of Zhu Rong's ancestral shaman opened his mouth and swallowed the fire cloud into his belly, and the red flames swept across all directions.

Within a hundred miles, everything was like a furnace.

From time to time, there was a crisp sound of "clicking" in my ears, which was the sound made when rocks could not withstand the flames and cracked.

The entire sky was baked into a fiery red, and it could be clearly seen thousands of miles away.

Liu Yuanchen breathed a long sigh of relief: "Fortunately, I didn't let my junior brother break through at Panlong Mountain, otherwise, my family fortune would have been reduced to ashes."

Subsequently, the shadow of Zhu Rong's ancestral witch quickly shrank, and finally disappeared into Meng Tieshan's body.

His aura also surged instantly, reaching the level of the early stage of the Lingtai realm.

Moreover, his aura is stronger than that of an average early-stage spiritual stage monk.

Coupled with the extremely powerful physical strength of the Witch Clan, there may not be many Lingtai Realm monks who can defeat him.

Zhao Hong also laughed heartily: "Both of my disciples have broken through to the Lingtai realm. From now on, I will be the number one master in the human race."

Zhang Lingxu slapped him on the back of the head: "Yuan Chen and Tieshan, how much have you taught these two children?

Your master and I, as well as Ling Yu, don’t we think more about you than you? He has the nerve to call himself the number one master of the human race. "

At this moment, a gray cloud suddenly appeared directly above Meng Tieshan.

On the red wasteland, a strong wind blew for no reason, and massive energy converged on the gray clouds.

Not long after, the gray cloud grew to a radius of more than ten miles.

Even the color changed from gray to black.

A terrifying coercion descended from the sky, making people have the urge to kneel down.

Even though Liu Yuanchen was hundreds of miles away, he could only barely stand.

Liu Yuanchen was a little confused: "Master, does it mean that Iron Mountain also condenses the Three-Yuan Spirit Platform?"

Zhao Hong shook his head: "Impossible, his magic power is only at the early stage of the Condensation Realm.

The cultivation level of spiritual consciousness is even lower, and it is impossible to condense the Three-Yuan Spirit Platform.

Ordinarily, there should not be a catastrophe. "

Upon hearing this, Liu Yuanchen became even more confused.

When a monk breaks through to the Spirit Platform realm, as long as he does not condense the Three-Yuan Spirit Platform, there will be no catastrophe.

Zhang Lingxu's face turned livid: "This is not the Lingtai Heavenly Tribulation, but the Heavenly Punishment. How could Tieshan suffer the Heavenly Punishment?"

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was shocked.

The Heavenly Tribulation is a test imposed by Heaven on monks. No one can escape except the Earthly Immortal monks who do not have the Three-Yuan Spirit Platform.

But as long as you get through it, you can get a lot of benefits.

But natural punishment is different. It is not a test, but a punishment.

Usually it is those evil practitioners who have done many evil things and have a lot of karma on their bodies, who will attract heavenly punishment.

And once the divine punishment appears, the chance of survival will be extremely slim.

My junior brother has a pure nature. When he obtained the Dharma Eye of Merit, he even looked at his junior brother specially.

He has no karma at all, so how could he attract divine punishment?

At this time, he once again used the Dharma Eye of Merit, and his eyes instantly turned bright yellow.

Under the eyes of merit and virtue, he clearly saw that Meng Tieshan's body was covered with a bright yellow light shield.

This is a manifestation of merit and virtue, and it is impossible for a person who has merit to be punished by heaven.

At this moment, a bloody light emerged from Meng Tieshan's body, which was karma.

The blood light continued to surge, and finally gathered into a figure, which was exactly what Zhu Rong Ancestral Witch looked like.

Liu Yuanchen suddenly understood in his heart that this karma came from blood.

The ancestral wizard Zhu Rong and the ancestral wizard Gonggong fought in Mount Buzhou, causing Mount Buzhou to collapse.

The ancient world had no support, and even the sky had a big hole.

It is precisely because Buzhou Mountain was broken that the potential of the ancient world was greatly reduced.

Among the Wu clan, those with the most karma, the descendants of Zhu Rong and Gonggong were the first to bear the brunt.

This karma is rooted in the blood. Although my junior brother is only a shaman, his witch blood is extremely pure.

Those who have inherited the bloodline of the Wu Clan from Zhu Rong's lineage will naturally inherit the karma of Zhu Rong's lineage.

The calamity that his junior brother encountered was entirely due to his bloodline.

Liu Yuanchen thought for a moment and realized that no matter how pure his junior brother's bloodline was, he couldn't compare to the pure blood witches.

Among the twelve tribes of the witch clan, the earth witches are the strongest.

The two tribes of water and fire were ranked low, but they were still able to bring out top experts to arrange the formation of the Twelve Capital Gods.

How did they withstand the catastrophe when they broke through?

It's a pity that I know so little about the Witch Clan that I can't think of a way to deal with it for a while.

However, the source of divine punishment is karma.

As long as the karma is reduced, the power of heavenly punishment will naturally weaken or even disappear.

To reduce karma, it is natural to use merit to offset it.

At this time, Zhao Hong was walking back and forth in place, as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

"Master, under the punishment of heaven, you will almost die without rebirth.

Tieshan is also your disciple, you have to think of a way. "

Zhang Lingxu let out a long sigh: "When Heaven carries out punishment, whoever dares to get close will be punished together.

The higher your cultivation level, the stronger the punishment from heaven, and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

Whether he can escape this disaster can only depend on Tieshan's luck. "

While the three of them were talking, the dark cloud had expanded to a radius of fifty or sixty miles.

Among the dark clouds, there were bloody lightning flashes from time to time.

Seeing that the heavenly punishment was about to fall, Liu Yuanchen said quickly: "This disciple has a secret technique that can hopefully solve this heavenly punishment.

It just requires losing a lot of things, but it may not succeed. "

Hearing this, Zhao Hong's eyes widened and he grabbed Liu Yuanchen's shoulders.

"Yuan Chen, just take whatever you need. Although I am not rich as a teacher, I still have a lot of good things.

As long as I can rescue Tieshan, the traitor, it won't be a big deal if I lose my life. "

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: "Only merit can save junior brother. We, master and disciple, will split it equally, so we shouldn't lose too much."

(End of this chapter)

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