Chapter 47 The upright gentleman Liu Yuanchen

Liu Yuanchen was still a little disappointed that the disciples of the Blood Bat Sect did not take action against him.

Perhaps because Chen Changlin was here, the disciples of the Blood Bat Sect were not strong enough to dare to face the two of them at the same time.

He thought to himself: "It seems that it is really difficult to bring trouble to the Chen family."

Since the disciples of the Blood Bat Sect don't dare to take action, there is no point in him continuing to stay here.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, I have to patrol other places, so I'll take my leave."

This ordinary sentence sounded more beautiful to Chen Changlin's ears than fairy music.

He cursed loudly in his heart: "For ten days, I didn't even dare to close my eyes.

He was very alert every day, for fear that something would disturb him.

This god of plague is finally leaving. "

For a ninth-level qi-nourishing monk, it is not a big deal to go without sleep for three to five days.

But I kept tightening my nerves and patrolling everywhere for ten consecutive days. Even an iron man couldn't bear it.

Liu Yuanchen left Black Rock Mountain and returned to Sanhekou Swamp.

By the way, I sent a message to Mo Lianshan. In addition to reporting safety, I also asked about the activities of the Blood Bat Sect disciples in recent days.

In his reply, Mo Lianshan praised Liu Yuanchen.

In the past few days, the patrol disciples sent out by Qinghe Town have never suffered any losses.

One of the patrolling disciples encountered a sneak attack using strange means.

The blood poison had just struck, and he felt weak all over.

The two disciples who were traveling with him quickly took out the detoxifying pills and gave them to him to drink. The condition of the disciple who was recruited was much better.

The three of them returned to Qinghe Town. The recruited disciple rested for two days and fully recovered.

Since then, there has never been a case of sect disciples turning into mummies.

Liu Yuanchen had a calculation in his mind: "The disciples of the Blood Bat Sect failed, so naturally they can guess that the disciples of the Qingdan Sect already know the weaknesses in his methods.

Next, he would either give up hunting Qingdan Sect disciples in Qingshui River, or look for a lone target. "

“If it’s the former, then there’s really nothing we can do.

If it is the latter, he will be the only target of the disciples of the Blood Bat Sect. "

Not long after, Liu Yuanchen arrived at the Sanhekou swamp.

In the Chen family's territory, evil cultivators dare not take action.

Then stay away and wait for the evil cultivator to take action, then lure him to the Chen family's territory and kill him.

I found a place on the edge of the Sanhekou swamp to sit cross-legged and meditate, and then used the Jiamu Withered Rong Technique to cultivate a few big trees around me.

Now these big trees are still isolated sentinels. When more trees are cultivated in the future, these big trees will become part of the intelligence network.

As night falls, the nocturnal creatures in the swamp become busy.

Although it is already late autumn, there are still tenacious cicadas chirping heart-rendingly.

It seems to be lamenting that youth is gone and life is coming to an end.

Coupled with the pale white moonlight cast by the cold moon, it makes people feel desolate.

Suddenly, the chirping of the cicadas disappeared instantly, and the fish and shrimps swimming on the surface seemed to be frightened and sank to the bottom one after another.

Liu Yuanchen knew in his heart that the opponent he had been waiting for had arrived.

Release your spiritual consciousness and sense the vitality of the surrounding vegetation.

Within seventy feet, no strange creatures appeared.

Not long after the meeting, a faint smell of blood came.

Moreover, the smell of blood is getting stronger and stronger.

Liu Yuanchen secretly rejoiced: "I've been waiting for you for several days, and you're finally here."

He pretended to be as if nothing had happened, while the Cang Yuan Qi circulated in his body, constantly flushing the blood in his body.

The Blood Bat Cult's Demon Soul Transformation Technique uses blood poison to infect the blood and control all the blood in the target's body.

The blood is out of control, and the target is naturally unable to resist and can only be slaughtered by the demon soul.

The spiritual consciousness of Qi Sea Realm monks is relatively powerful, and they have stronger control over their own Qi and blood, and have more power of Qi and blood.

That bit of blood poison is not enough to control the Qi Sea Realm monk.

Therefore, this method can only be used on Qi-nourishing realm monks.

Although this method is hidden and strange, it is not enough for the Earth Immortal monks.

Because Gang Qi is naturally capable of restraining this method.

Gang Qi originally evolved from the power of Qi and blood and can be blended into the blood at will.

Although the blood poison released by the demon soul can control the blood of living beings, it cannot control the gang energy.

Under the wash of Gang Qi, most of the blood poison that had just been integrated into the blood was separated.

Under the wrap of Gang Qi, the blood poison has no effect.

After more than thirty breaths, the average Qi-nourishing monk is about to suffer from blood poisoning.

Liu Yuanchen also pretended to be in pain, quickly took out an antidote pill and swallowed it.

Then he used Wind Escape and staggered towards Black Rock Mountain.

Soon, a black shadow rushed out of the swamp, following closely behind him.

Liu Yuanchen flew the flying boat to the vicinity of the Black Rock Mountain Mine, and the flying boat slowly landed.

At this moment, a red bat shadow suddenly appeared and penetrated directly into his body.

Liu Yuanchen was not panicked. Zhao Hong had already told him the details of this spell.

First, blood poison is used to corrode the blood, and then the demon soul merges into the victim's body, draining all the essence from the corroded blood and body.

The blood poison is bound by the Gang Qi, and even if the demon soul invades, it can't turn the world upside down.

He sat cross-legged and circulated Gang Qi to trap the demon soul.

Later, he also used his magic power to pretend to be detoxifying.

At this time, there were two blue-black light balls the size of fists in his middle Dantian.

A ball of red liquid is locked in a ball of light, which is blood poison.

In the other ball of light is a blood-red bat, which is the demon soul.

Under the restraint of Gang Qi, both the demon soul and the blood poison are helpless.

At this moment, a black shadow appeared behind Liu Yuanchen.

He was holding a long sword and was about to cut off Liu Yuanchen's neck.

A shield appeared behind Liu Yuanchen, blocking the sword.

Liu Yuanchen pretended to be struggling: "Who are you? How dare you sneak attack me? Aren't you afraid that my master will kill you?"

The black shadow laughed strangely: "Liu Yuanchen, you are really naive.

Others are afraid of Zhao Hong, but we are not.

For the sake of my path, I can only lend you your brain. "

At this moment, a loud shout came: "How dare you, Fang Xiaoxiao, do evil in the territory of my Chen family?"

The black shadow naturally did not take the Chen family seriously: "The Demon Cloud Sect is doing something, if you don't want to die, get out..."

Before he could finish speaking, he lay down limply.

Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised. The Blood Bat Sect was a big force outside of the Red Wasteland. Why were its disciples so weak?There is no way to save one's life.

Chen Changlin rushed over: "Fellow Daoist Liu, are you okay?"

Liu Yuanchen chuckled lightly: "It's okay. Speaking of which, I have to thank fellow Taoist.

If it weren't for the help of fellow Taoists, I'm afraid I would have died here. "

After that, he stood up and took off the ghost cone from the back of the corpse's head.

This man was dressed as a casual cultivator and looked to be in his thirties.

Apart from the choking smell of blood, there was nothing special about it.After searching the body, a large storage bag was found.

After weighing the weight of the storage bag, Liu Yuanchen was very satisfied.

This guy had killed several Qingdan Sect disciples before, and he still had some good things in him.

Putting the body into the storage bag, he cupped his hands towards Chen Changlin and said, "I was able to kill the powerful enemy this time, thanks to the help of my fellow Taoists.

When I return to Qinghe Town, I will definitely ask for credit for my fellow Taoist. "

Chen Changlin was still a little confused at this time: "Fellow Taoist is too polite, but I can't help you much."

Before he finished speaking, Liu Yuanchen took control of the flying boat and flew towards Qinghe Town.

Chen Changlin felt strange in his heart, why was Liu Yuanchen so friendly to the Chen family?

Liu Yuanchen returned to Qinghe Town and went straight to the Qingdan Pavilion Mission Department.

Seeing him coming back, Mo Lianshan breathed a sigh of relief: "You're back, I'm really worried that you are no match for that evil cultivator."

Liu Yuanchen took out the body and threw it on the ground.

"This guy was the one who hunted our Qingdan Sect disciples before."

After that, he also took out six red copper tokens: "I got this from this evil cultivator."

Mo Lianshan looked at the tokens and gritted his teeth and said, "These tokens are those from the same sect who died in battle.

You are able to kill this beast, which is a great achievement.

I will send a message to the sect master now to ask for your credit. "

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: "Don't worry, Chen Changlin of the Chen family helped a lot in killing the evil cultivator this time, and his contribution cannot be ignored."

Mo Lianshan was stunned. Liu Yuanchen actually took the initiative to ask for credit for the Chen family.

The grievances between the Liu family and the Chen family have accumulated for nearly a thousand years.

Before Liu Yuanchen became an alchemist, he was bullied so much by the Chen family that they even attempted to assassinate him.

"Are you sure it's Chen Changlin's credit?"

Liu Yuanchen pretended to be righteous and awe-inspiring: "Of course, without Chen Changlin's help, I might have been defeated by this beast.

Although I have enmity with the Chen family, how can I interfere with official business due to personal enmity during the war?
Please give half of the credit for killing this beast to Chen Changlin. "

Mo Lianshan solemnly raised his hands and said, "Yuan Chen, you are truly an upright gentleman, beyond the reach of this old man."


After handing over the bodies of the Blood Bat Cult disciples to Mo Lianshan, Liu Yuanchen hurriedly returned to the Qingdan Sect's mountain gate.

After causing trouble outside, it is natural to find a backer to smooth things over.

Although my master looked down on the Blood Bat Sect, no matter what, the Blood Bat Sect was a major force outside the Red Wasteland.

If you kill someone else's disciple, someone will inevitably come to take revenge.

Especially my parents, if evil cultivators attack them, they will be in trouble.

Upon arriving at the mountain gate, Liu Yuanchen went straight to the Yingyue River Cave House.

At this time, Zhao Hong was teaching Meng Tieshan to walk on water.

There were no waves when Zhao Hong stepped on the water, but Meng Tieshan was more embarrassed. Every step he took would cause splashes of water several feet high.

After running a few steps, my clothes were all wet.

Seeing Liu Yuanchen coming back, Zhao Hong returned to the shore: "Have you dealt with the little brat from the Blood Bat Sect?"

Liu Yuanchen circulated Gang Qi, and two balls of green and black Gang Qi emerged from his chest.

"It's been dealt with. This is the demon soul and blood poison left behind by the blood bat sect's disciples."

Zhao Hong grabbed the demon soul in his hand, and the red flame burned brightly in his hand. In an instant, the demon soul disappeared without a trace.

"Those people in the Blood Bat Sect are like rats in the gutter. They never fight head-on, but only secretly plot against others.

Well done to you for getting rid of them so quickly. "

Liu Yuanchen's face was full of sorrow: "Disciple is a little worried, this Blood Bat Sect is also a big force outside the Red Wasteland.

If I kill the disciples of the Blood Bat Cult now, will they take revenge?

I am protected by Master, so I am not afraid, but I am worried that the Blood Bat Church will take action against my parents and eldest brother. "

Zhao Hong waved his hand: "You don't have to worry about this, it is an iron rule of the human race that no harm will come to mortals.

Anyone who angers a close relative of a monk because he has a grudge against him is breaking the rules.

Your mother, eldest brother, and their family dare not move, otherwise they will become enemies of the entire human race and will surely die. "

"As for your father, our Bahuang Pavilion will protect the disciples and protect his close relatives within the fifth server.

If anyone touches your father, everyone in Bahuang Pavilion will take action. "

Liu Yuanchen was still a little worried: "Does the Blood Bat Church abide by the rules?"

Zhao Hong smiled contemptuously: “In most cases, they will not abide by the rules.

But there is a price to pay for not following the rules.

They can't afford the price for not obeying the rules in front of our Bahuang Pavilion.

More than 3000 years ago, there was a force that did not obey the rules towards our disciples of Bahuang Pavilion.

As a result, all the disciples of that force were killed, and even the nine tribes of those disciples were buried together.

All the human forces had no objections to this result, and even praised it. Even the Divine Court came to help us. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen felt relieved.

"Master, when I fought with the blood bat disciple, I felt that he was too weak.

No matter in terms of means or fighting skills, there is no comparison with Yue Kongming. "

Zhao Hong said disdainfully: “Our Bahuang Pavilion and Feixian Cult accept disciples carefully.

After accepting a disciple, they are carefully trained.

Every disciple is the best among his peers. "

“As for the Blood Bat Cult, they recruit disciples as if they were joking.

Collect a bunch of outer disciples, teach them some low-level sorcery at will, and won't teach them anything else, leaving them to fend for themselves.

Only monks who have cultivated to the peak of Qi cultivation while alive will become direct disciples of the Blood Bat Sect.

This demon soul transforming into blood technique is one of the low-level evil arts passed down to the outer disciples.

Therefore, there are really few Qi-nourishing realm disciples of the Blood Bat Sect who are capable, and most of them are at the level of ordinary casual cultivators. "

“However, you must not underestimate the enemy.

The direct disciples of the Blood Bat Sect are all killed from the dead, and they are no less inferior to the direct disciples of other major forces.

If you take it lightly, you may not even be able to save your life. "

Liu Yuanchen cupped his hands and said, "Master, don't worry, I will definitely act with caution.

Master, this disciple killed the evil cultivator on the Chen family’s territory.

I also asked Elder Mo to help me and give half of my credit to Chen Changlin of the Chen family.

You said that the Blood Bat Church will not take any action against the Chen family? "

Hearing this, Zhao Hong patted Liu Yuanchen on the shoulder with satisfaction: "This is my disciple, and any revenge must be avenged.

You almost died at the hands of the Chen family, which was a big revenge.

At that time, you hadn't accepted me as your teacher yet, so I took action against the Chen family, which was unfair and unfair.

It's been so long and you haven't made any move to retaliate. I'm getting impatient. "

“Those old guys from the Blood Bat Sect are all face-seekers.

Outer disciples are nothing, it doesn't matter if one hundred or eighty of them die, but they can't lose face, especially not on the weak.

As long as the killing of the disciples of the Blood Bat Sect is widely publicized here, the Blood Bat Sect will definitely take action for the sake of face.

The Blood Bat Sect doesn't have the guts to provoke our Bahuang Pavilion, but in their eyes, the Chen family is nothing.

If you lure that evil cultivator to the Chen family's territory and share the credit, the Blood Bat Sect will definitely attack the Chen family. "

(End of this chapter)

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