Xiaoyao Dixian: Obtain the inheritance of Zhenyuan Immortal at the beginning

Chapter 48 The first step of integrating the spiritual hub

Chapter 48 The first step to integrate the spiritual hub

Three days later, word spread quickly that Liu Yuanchen and Chen Changlin of the Chen family teamed up to kill the evil cultivator of the Blood Bat Sect.

Moreover, Chen Changlin was praised as extremely heroic in the rumors.

In Chen Changshan's cave at Qingdan Sect's Songyun Peak, Chen Changshan and Chen Zongming looked at each other.

Chen Changshan asked: "Zong Ming, you have always been smart. Liu Yuanchen took the initiative to share the credit with our Chen family. Is there any conspiracy behind this?"

Chen Zongming shook his head: "It's hard to say, Liu Yuanchen took the initiative to share the blame, probably because he wanted to kill someone with a borrowed knife.

But I have never heard of this blood bat sect, and I don’t know where it comes from. "

Chen Changshan thought for a long time: "I have never heard of it, I think it is just a small evil cultivator force on the Demon Cloud Sea.

Otherwise, the disciples of the Blood Bat Sect would not go to the Qingshui River Basin to work hard. "

Chen Zongming also nodded slightly: "That's probably the case. In this case, we don't have to be too nervous. We just need to ask the family to be more vigilant to prevent the Blood Bat Cult from retaliating."


In Gray Goose Lake, more than five hundred miles east of Qinghe Town, in a secret room underground, several monks wearing dark red robes gathered together.

One of the strong men slapped the table: "The Qingdan Sect is really looking for death. Killing an outer disciple of our Blood Bat Sect is just a trivial matter.

But they actually publicized it so much that they simply didn't take us seriously.

I want to personally kill Liu Yuanchen, and then wipe out all nine of his clans. "

A thin monk next to him sneered: "Kill Liu Yuanchen and destroy all nine of his clans?
I remember that more than 3000 years ago, a Demon Flame Sect under the Ten Thousand Gods Sect did something similar to the disciples of Bahuang Pavilion.

Three days later, tens of thousands of disciples of the Demon Flame Sect died.

The disciples who participated in the killing were even exterminated.

Shenting and the Academy all took action to help Bahuang Pavilion, and even some forces under the Ten Thousand Gods Sect also took action to deal with the Demon Flame Sect.

In the entire human race, no one came forward to speak for the Demon Flame Sect. "

“Our Blood Bat Sect is incomparable to the Demon Flame Sect back then.

It took Bahuang Pavilion three days to destroy the Demon Flame Sect, but it might not take even one day to destroy our Blood Bat Sect.

If you are tired of living among the nine tribes, quit the Blood Bat Cult first and then take action.

Maybe Bahuang Pavilion will be reasonable and only destroy your nine clans without involving us. "

The strong man said angrily: "Then let's just forget it? His disciples from Bahuang Pavilion killed our disciples and publicized it. Do we still need the face of the Blood Bat Sect?"

An old man waved his hand: "No need to argue, our outer disciple of the Blood Bat Sect was beheaded by the disciples of the Bahuang Pavilion, so he died a worthy death.

In the Ten Thousand Gods Religion, which family's descendant has not been killed by the disciples of Bahuang Pavilion?There is no shame in telling this matter. "

“The Qingdan Sect dares to publicize this matter so much that it clearly doesn’t take our Blood Bat Sect seriously.

However, Qingdan Sect has Zhao Hong in charge, so we have to give Zhao Hong some face. "

“As for the Chen family, the unconventional forces dare to interfere with our Blood Bat Sect’s affairs.

If the Chen family is immortalized, where will our Blood Bat Sect’s face be? "

After saying this, everyone present was filled with admiration.

Being able to describe bullying the weak and fearing the strong in such a fresh and refined way, no wonder he can become an elder.

The strong man spoke again: "Elder, I will personally lead people there and raze the Chen family to the ground."

The old man waved his hand: "There is no need to make such a big fanfare, we have some tacit understanding with the forces under Shenting.

The masters on both sides did not take the initiative and only let the juniors go out to fight.

You personally take action against the Chen family. As long as Shenting still cares about face, it will definitely send experts to deal with us.

At that time, we will be directly against Shenting. "

The thin monk stood up and said: "In the opinion of my subordinates, we should send some outer disciples, plus the disciples of Moyun Sect, to attack the Chen family."

The old man nodded: "This is the safest way. Tell those outer disciples that if they kill a ninth-level Qi-nurturing monk from the Chen family, they can become my direct disciples of the Blood Bat Sect."

The thin monk bowed and responded: "Elder, don't worry, I will definitely take care of this matter."

The strong monk was dissatisfied: "Elder, can we just let Liu Yuanchen be so rampant?"

The old man pondered for a moment: "Send a few direct disciples of the Qi-nourishing realm over to teach him a lesson, but don't kill him."

"Why? He has no mercy on our disciples of the Blood Bat Sect.

According to the rules of Bahuang Pavilion, we will send monks of the same realm to kill their disciples. They will not seek revenge. "

The old man glanced at him: "Kill the disciples of Bahuang Pavilion in a fair fight. The senior officials of Bahuang Pavilion will not seek revenge.

But Zhao Hong's lineage is famous for being a calf protector.

You kill his disciples, and the masters of his line are looking for trouble for us when they have nothing to do. Can we bear it?
Just teach him a lesson and gain some face.

If you are still angry, go deal with the Chen family together. "


Liu Yuanchen didn't stay in Qingdan Sect for long before he went to Qingshi Mountain again.

After digging a hole for the Chen family, everyone's thoughts became clear.

It doesn't matter if you have more or less credit, etc.

Next, it’s time to prepare for the fusion of the spiritual realm with the spiritual hub.

Originally, he was not in a hurry to fuse the Lingshu, but wanted to wait until he cultivated a new Wood Spirit, and then use the Wood Spirit to suppress the Lingshu.

It's not that you need a wood spirit to cast the secret fusion technique.

It's because the Lingshu is outside the spiritual realm and is usually unguarded.

If there is only one spiritual plant to suppress the spiritual hub, once someone discovers it, all the previous efforts will be wasted.

The wood spirit can take the initiative to fight, and even if it is discovered, it still has the power to protect itself.

But now the situation has changed, and forces outside the Red Wasteland such as the Blood Bat Sect have taken action blatantly.

According to Master, the divine court is also arranged in the Red Wasteland.

Once the Blood Bat Cult makes things big, the forces of the Divine Court will definitely take action.

There is a conflict between the two families, and a war between the masters is likely to break out.

There is only one spiritual hub in the spiritual realm now. If it wants to exist stably, it can only rely on the great spiritual vein of Wuyun Ridge.

And once a master battle breaks out, it is likely to damage the great spiritual veins of Wuyun Ridge.

At that time, his spiritual realm may be destroyed in the war.

Before the war breaks out, the spiritual realm must be integrated into as many spiritual hubs as possible and upgraded to a blessed land.

By then, the blessed land will have its own spiritual veins, and even if the great spiritual veins of Wuyun Ridge are severely damaged, the blessed land can still be preserved.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen couldn't help but sigh: "The situation is stronger than the people, and the chaos in the Chihuang Plain is the general trend.

If you don’t have enough strength, you can only go with the flow. "

He came to the cave outside the spiritual realm and prepared to find the next spiritual hub.

It is uncertain how long it will take to fuse the spiritual realm with the spiritual hub.

If you look for those exposed spiritual hubs, the probability of being discovered is too high.

Liu Yuanchen sacrificed a green silk vine and wrapped it around a stone pillar.

Then, while walking deeper into the cave, he used his magic power to encourage the green silk vine to grow rapidly.

The function of these green silk vines is not only to prevent getting lost, but also to mark the path that has been traveled to avoid repeated searches and waste of time.

There are still some requirements for the spiritual hub to perform the fusion secret technique. These requirements are mainly the location of the spiritual hub.

If the distance between the newly found spiritual hub and the spiritual realm is too far, if you want the spiritual realm to annex the spiritual pivot, you need to make the spiritual realm grow very large.

In the process of spiritual growth, the amount of mana and time consumed will be extremely terrifying.

As for the amount of spiritual energy flowing out of the spiritual hub, it is not that important.

The spiritual vein is equivalent to a water pipe, and the spiritual pivot is the hole in the water pipe.When there is little water in the pipe, not much will leak out from the breach.

But the spiritual realm is like a water pump, pumping water into the breach. As long as the water pipe is empty, a lot of water can be pumped out.

The only spiritual hub in the spiritual realm now was only a second-order low-grade spiritual spring.

The spiritual energy now gushing out of it is completely at the level of a fourth-order high-grade spiritual spring.

Even a half-dead spiritual hub like Yujinshan can be used to perform the secret fusion technique.

However, Yujin Mountain is more than 100 miles away from Qingshi Mountain, so it would take a very long time to fuse the two spiritual hubs.

In addition, the spiritual hub of Yujin Mountain is at the bottom of the well, so its concealment is too low and can easily be exposed.

This underground cave is extremely complicated. There are often two or three forks just a few feet away.

If there were no green silk vines to mark the places that had been explored, I would probably have to go around in circles for the rest of my life.

After working hard for several days, Liu Yuanchen finally found another spiritual hub in the cave.

Like the Lingshu in the spiritual realm, this Lingshu is also a spring, but the amount of water is smaller.

Moreover, there is not much spiritual energy spilling out of it, only the first-order high-grade level.

He sensed the distance between the spiritual realms and found that the straight-line distance between the two places was only about twenty miles.

But in order to find this spiritual hub, he drilled in the cave for five days.

Green silk vines used to mark the route wind around the various forks in the cave.

All added up, it is probably hundreds of miles long.

In order to stimulate the growth of the green silk vine, a lot of mana is spent.

If it weren't for the spiritual realm constantly feeding back his magic power, he would have been unable to bear it long ago.

Take out a few grains of golden rice from the storage bag, cultivate them with Yimu Peiyuan Technique, and then plant them next to this spiritual spring.

There is golden rice here as a marking point, so it will be convenient to find it next time.

Afterwards, he returned to the spiritual realm and looked at the five poisonous thorn vines.

In a few months, they have grown to five or six feet in length.

Liu Yuanchen released his spiritual consciousness to explore the vitality of these poisonous thorn vines.

The green light in the five poisonous thorn vines is extremely dazzling.

Among them was the smallest poisonous thorn vine, and the vitality inside began to gather.

But compared with Xiaoyu before being enlightened, there is still a huge difference.

The life force in Xiaoyu's body was all gathered together.

Even without the secret technique, he could slowly give birth to wood spirits.

However, ginseng spiritual plants have innate advantages in breeding wood spirits that other spiritual plants cannot compare with.

The vitality of this poisonous thorn vine is only small on the inside, but not enough to form a ball.

Without intervention, it would be difficult to give birth to a wood spirit in a few hundred years.

If you want to turn it into a wood spirit in a short time, you must use the secret technique of enlightenment.

Naturally, Liu Yuanchen would not use this method.

The ginseng fruit saplings that had previously enlightened the first-level high-grade Xiaoyu had been withering for a long time.

To convert the second-level low-grade poisonous thorn vine, the loss of special energy will only be greater, and the loss to the ginseng fruit saplings will also be greater.

However, even if it does not become a wood spirit, it can also be used to suppress the spirit hub.

The newly found spiritual hub is located in an underground cave. The possibility of casual cultivators getting in is extremely small, and there is no need to specially cultivate wood spirits to guard against casual cultivators.

These cultivated spiritual plants contain special energy from ginseng fruit saplings.

Although there are not many, it can be said that they are related to ginseng fruit saplings.

In this way, there is a basis for performing the fusion secret technique.

Liu Yuanchen forced out a drop of blood essence and dripped it onto the smallest poisonous thorn vine.

Then, he continued to inject mana and spiritual power into that drop of essence and blood.

Under the guidance of the power of divine consciousness, that drop of blood began to evolve into extremely complex inscriptions.

After spending nearly an hour, the inscription was finally successfully outlined.

Under Liu Yuanchen's guidance, the inscription slowly penetrated into the poisonous thorn vine plant.

At this time, Liu Yuanchen sensed the poisonous thorn vine again and found that there was a bloody inscription in the place where the vitality was the strongest.

This inscription is like the sun, with all the green light spots orbiting around the inscription.

Seeing this situation, Liu Yuanchen collapsed on the ground: "It's finally completed. This secret technique is really not something that monks in the Qi Nourishing Realm can play."

Then, he took out several pills and drank them.

After refining the elixir, his condition recovered somewhat.

After three days of rest in the spiritual realm, he repeated his old tricks.

However, this time his target was ginseng fruit saplings.

To integrate a spiritual hub into the spiritual realm, two anchor points are needed.

One is the core spiritual object that suppresses the spiritual realm, and the other is the spiritual object that suppresses the target spiritual hub.

The ginseng fruit sapling is the core spiritual object that suppresses the spiritual realm, so it is natural to participate in it.

After expending a lot of effort, the bloody inscriptions were condensed again.

The ginseng fruit sapling did not reject it at all and allowed the bloody inscription to blend in.

In Liu Yuanchen's spiritual sense, the bloody inscriptions came to the roots of the ginseng fruit tree.

Under the illumination of the blood-colored inscriptions, one can see the green light inside the sapling.

However, the light representing the vitality in the saplings condensed into the shapes of babies.

This "baby" is extremely small, about the size of a mung bean.

Just near the roots of the tree, there are dozens of mung bean-sized "babies" densely packed.

Liu Yuanchen was pleasantly surprised. He had never succeeded in sensing the vitality of ginseng fruit saplings with his spiritual consciousness before.

This time, the secret technique was used, and it had some effect.

The two inscriptions had been condensed, and Liu Yuanchen dug out the roots of the selected poisonous thorn vine.

Then, he left the spiritual realm and came to the newly discovered spiritual hub.

Plant this poisonous thorn vine beside the spiritual spring.

The poisonous thorn vine has just been planted and is still a little sluggish.

Liu Yuanchen used the Armor Wood Withered Rong Technique to pour a ball of mana into the poisonous thorn vine.

The entire Poisonous Thorn Vine suddenly became energetic.

At the same time, roots quickly grew from the poisonous thorn vine and penetrated deep into the spring water.

Within a moment, Liu Yuanchen sensed something strange happening in the spiritual realm.

The blood-colored inscriptions in the poisonous thorn vine are also rapidly absorbing spiritual energy, making them extremely dazzling.

This inscription is a pair with the inscription on the body of the ginseng fruit sapling, and the two are originally related.

The connection between the two spiritual plants will be transformed into a pulling force under the influence of the inscription.

As the spiritual realm grows, it will continue to move closer to this side under the influence of pulling force.

Now there is movement in the spiritual realm, and it is obvious that traction has been formed.

The first step of merging the spiritual realm with the spiritual hub is now complete.

(End of this chapter)

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