Xiaoyao Dixian: Obtain the inheritance of Zhenyuan Immortal at the beginning

Chapter 54 Can it be called a weird creature if it’s not weird?

Chapter 54 Can it be called a weird creature if it’s not weird?

According to Zhao Hong's instructions, the middle-aged monk took the three masters and apprentices to a small courtyard more than ten miles south of Jin'ao Lake.

Liu Yuanchen was a little worried: "This elder doesn't even have a defensive formation outside the small courtyard.

Once the evil cultivators make a sneak attack, wouldn't they suffer heavy losses? "

The middle-aged monk smiled and said: "There is a defensive formation outside here, but it is daytime now, and the disciples of the sect need to patrol nearby.

Many people had to come in and out, so the outermost defensive formation was not activated, and only one layer of warning formation was activated. "

"At night, all the disciples will come back, and then the outermost defensive formation will be activated."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly.

It's good to have a defensive formation at night. If you are sleeping comfortably and are suddenly killed by an enemy on the bedside, it won't feel good.


After the three masters and disciples moved in, the elder said goodbye and left.

Liu Yuanchen still has some understanding of his master's temperament, and he will definitely go out to cause trouble tonight.

After checking into the small courtyard, I immediately went to the east wing, sat cross-legged and meditated, and entered a state of concentration.

As for Meng Tieshan, his sensitivity in this regard is obviously insufficient.

When he arrived at the new place, he patrolled around the courtyard to see if there was any place suitable for establishing a spiritual field.

After he cultivated Gang Qi, his appetite became more and more terrifying.

Without Lingtian and Linggu around him, he felt insecure.

It was getting late, and black mist spread from the mountains and forests to the east.

The Qingdan Sect disciples who were out on patrol also returned one after another.

Several idle elders came out to count the number of disciples.

If everyone has returned, the outer defensive formation will be activated, and no one will be able to enter or exit by then.

At this moment, Zhao Hong walked out of the main room of the courtyard: "Yuan Chen, Tieshan, it's time for us to go out and do things."

Liu Yuanchen, who was meditating cross-legged, heard the sound and immediately got up and came to the courtyard.

After waiting for dozens of breaths, Meng Tieshan still didn't come back.

Liu Yuanchen was a little strange: "Where did junior brother go?"

Zhao Hong closed his eyes and sensed for a moment, then pointed in the east direction: "I'm helping people work over there."

The master and apprentice left the small courtyard and headed east.

After walking two or three miles away, I saw Meng Tieshan busy in a medicinal field.

This medicine field looks very ordinary. Although the surrounding spiritual energy is rich, the soil is relatively poor, which is the level of first-order mid-grade. It should be newly developed.

Next to the medicine field, there was an old monk, watching him work with a smile.

When the old monk saw Zhao Hong and Liu Yuanchen approaching, he quickly stepped forward and saluted: "Disciple, see Deputy Hall Master Zhao."

Zhao Hong nodded and said nothing.

Meng Tieshan, who was busy in the medicine field, heard the noise and ran over to salute.

Seeing that his body was covered with mud, Zhao Hong shook his head helplessly: "We have to go out to do things tonight. If you don't have a good rest at your residence, why are you running out?"

Meng Tieshan smiled honestly: "I couldn't sleep, and there was no point in staying at the residence, so I went out for a walk.

This senior is old and it is inconvenient to take care of Lingtian, so I will help him. "

Zhao Hong sighed lightly, accepting such a talented but simple-minded disciple, he didn't even know that he was being used as a coolie.

"You haven't rested all day, so you should go back to your residence and take a nap first. Yuan Chen and I can just go out."

Meng Tieshan didn't care at all: "This can't be done. I said before that I want to go out with you, Master, and I can't break my promise.

I'm very energetic now, and it's not a big deal if I don't sleep for a day. "

Seeing his persistence, Zhao Hong said nothing more.

Zhao Hong turned around and was about to leave. Liu Yuanchen looked at the old monk and said coldly: "My junior brother is simple-minded, but he is not someone who can be bullied.

If there is a next time, even if Master doesn't say anything, I will kill you. "

Someone is plotting against his junior brother. Due to his status, the master is not able to get along with these little people.

But as his eldest disciple, he couldn't just watch his junior brother suffer.

Hearing this, the old man looked horrified: "Deputy Hall Master Zhao, this disciple has absolutely no such intention.

I wanted to spend some spiritual stones, and it was Meng Xiaoyou who took the initiative to help. "

After that, he took out four or five more spirit stones: "This is Meng Xiaoyou's reward for helping his disciples."

Meng Tieshan still wanted to refuse, but Liu Yuanchen casually took the spirit stone and stuffed it into his arms.


The three masters and disciples left the area covered by the formation and walked due east along Wuyun Ridge.

The black fog became thicker and thicker, and Liu Yuanchen felt that his five senses were suppressed, and his eyes could not see even one foot away.

As a last resort, he had to release a ray of consciousness to sense the vitality of the surrounding vegetation.

Meng Tieshan, on the other hand, was a little panicked at this time: "Master, you can't see anything here, how can you walk?"

Zhao Hong looked at the two of them: "I was negligent. You two haven't developed spiritual awareness yet, so you can't see anything in the black mist.

The things in this black mist are extremely complex, the five senses will be suppressed, and even the detection distance of the divine consciousness will be reduced dozens of times.

Follow me closely, don't get lost. "

Then he deliberately slowed down.

But even so, Liu Yuanchen had to trot to keep up.

Meng Tieshan was in a worse situation. Although he was fast enough, he couldn't see the road at all.

He was stumbling as he ran, either bumping into rocks or big trees.

The vegetation along the way was severely damaged by him.

Fortunately, his body is strong enough that even a century-old tree cannot hit him.

Liu Yuanchen couldn't stand it, so he took one of his hands and led him forward.

Zhao Hong soon realized something was wrong: "Yuan Chen, can you walk freely in this black mist?

The black mist here is enough to suppress the consciousness of the Qi Sea Realm to about one foot.

Could it be that you can see things in the black fog? "

Liu Yuanchen shook his head: "My five senses have also been suppressed. Being able to walk freely in the black mist relies not on my consciousness and five senses, but on the vegetation.

I can see the road with the help of vegetation, and the black fog does not affect this. "

He dared to say this because he had seen many such records in ancient books.

The special ability to communicate with plants and trees, or to use plants and trees to spy on distant situations, is not common, but it is not uncommon.

Zhao Hong nodded slightly: "Boss and trees hearing and hearing? This thing is not something that can be cultivated, but is the special ability of some immortal species.

I remember that your immortal species is of the vegetation type, so it’s not surprising that you can awaken this special ability.

With this ability, you can be reused under the Great Xia Dynasty. "

Liu Yuanchen was a little curious about the "spiritual sense" that the master mentioned before. This kind of thing seemed to be able to ignore the influence of the black mist.

"Master, what is spiritual awareness?"

Zhao Hong slowed down and explained patiently: "Spiritual awareness is a unique method inherited from the earthly immortal way from the physical way.

This is because physical monks do not cultivate the soul, but some special demon clans are born with strong souls and even have magical powers to attack souls.

In order to avoid being suppressed by these monsters, the ancestors of the Flesh Path integrated their souls and bodies into one.

In this way, as long as the physical body is intact, any means of attacking the soul will have no effect at all. "

“However, integrating the soul into the body also has a big flaw, that is, the detection ability is greatly weakened.

The monks rely on their spiritual consciousness to explore the surrounding situation.Once the soul is completely integrated into the body, it is difficult to use the spiritual consciousness. To detect the situation in the distance, you can only rely on your eyes and ears.

When encountering complex terrain or noisy environments, physical monks are helpless. "

“In order to make up for this, our ancestors studied the cultivation method of spiritual awareness by referring to the inheritance of some demon clans.

Even ordinary people who have not practiced cultivation will have some premonitions, or intuitions, before encountering a life or death crisis.

Spiritual perception combines this premonition ability with the exploration ability of spiritual consciousness.

In terms of function, there are great similarities between spiritual sense and divine consciousness.

For example, checking the content recorded in the jade slips can be done with spiritual consciousness and spiritual awareness.

There is also sound transmission through divine consciousness, and spiritual sense can also transmit sound. "

“There are some places where spiritual awareness is not as good as spiritual consciousness, such as not being able to directly attack and defend.

However, the Earth Immortal Dao monks integrated their souls into their bodies and completely ignored the attacks from their spiritual consciousness.

In addition, spiritual sense is not suitable for controlling things from a distance.

Methods such as flying swords to kill people can be done by Qi Dao practitioners and Shinto monks, but we Earthly Immortal monks cannot do it at all. "

“However, the role of spiritual sense in exploration is stronger than that of divine consciousness, and it is almost uninterrupted.

Just like this black mist, it has a strong suppressive effect on spiritual consciousness, but has no effect on spiritual awareness.

There are many treasures that can evade spiritual detection, but I have never heard of any spiritual object that can evade spiritual detection. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was very interested in spiritual awareness.

Give up your spiritual consciousness and turn to spiritual consciousness. This is a bloody gain!

I can't use my spiritual consciousness to attack, but my opponent's spiritual consciousness attack is also ineffective against me, which means I don't have any losses.

However, if I don’t cultivate my spiritual consciousness, I don’t need to spend resources on this.

And those who cultivate spiritual consciousness have to invest a lot of resources.

When facing the Earthly Immortal Dao monks, all this investment would be in vain.

As for killing people with flying swords, it is better to kill people with a sap.

Generally speaking, it is a great deal for Earth Immortal Dao monks to cultivate spiritual awareness.

And spiritual sense is even more powerful than divine consciousness in terms of exploration.

The importance of exploration ability is self-evident.

When fighting, the first to find the enemy is the first to take action. This is the difference between life and death.

"Master, how should I cultivate this spiritual awareness?"

Zhao Hong glanced at him: "Don't aim too high, the cultivation of spiritual awareness starts from the Condensing Yuan Realm.

To truly cultivate and take shape, you need to reach the golden body state, and you are still far away. "

"Golden Body Realm? Is this the realm above the spiritual platform?"

Zhao Hong nodded: "Yes, after the Earthly Immortal Dao monks complete the spiritual stage, they will reach the golden body state.

This state is where the soul is completely integrated into the body and the body is complete, so it is called the Golden Body state.

To cultivate a golden body, in addition to integrating the soul into the physical body, other means are also needed.

It's too early to talk about this now. "

"Qi Dao and Shinto monks are different from us. After they have completed the Lingtai Realm, they are in the Soul Condensation Realm.

This state is about condensing and forming the soul in the body to prepare for the next step of cultivating the soul. "

This is the first time Liu Yuanchen has heard about the path of cultivation after Lingtai, but these are still too far away.

The three masters and apprentices were walking and chatting when suddenly, a sad cry came.

The black mist has a suppressive effect on hearing, but the crying sound seems to penetrate directly into the brain without passing through the ears.

Liu Yuanchen only felt a slight pain in his head. Meng Tieshan beside him seemed not to be affected at all.

"Master, is this crying sound coming from a strange creature? When I hear this sound, I get a headache."

Zhao Hong nodded slightly: "This is a kind of strange creature, good at attacking souls.

If the physical body is strong enough, it can weaken this kind of attack, and you can see that Tieshan will be fine.

If you mobilize Gang Qi to protect your body, you won't have headaches. "

Liu Yuanchen did as he was told and used Gang Qi to protect his whole body. Although he could still hear the sad cry, he no longer had the headache.

Zhao Hong smiled and said: "Since everything is fine, I will take you to see what this weird creature looks like."

The three masters and disciples walked away in search of the sound. The further they moved forward, the harsher the sound became.

Even Meng Tieshan, who is physically strong, can't bear it.

A burst of fiery red energy surged out of Zhao Hong's body and enveloped the two of them. The headache and harsh feeling disappeared immediately.

The three of them quickened their pace, and soon a strange thing appeared within Liu Yuanchen's sensing range.

This thing looks like a woman wearing a long white dress, but I can't see clearly based on my senses.

Its body is floating in the air, and it floats around frequently.

Moreover, the trajectory of movement is irregular.

Even flying in the clouds cannot be so flexible.

Except for ghosts, nothing else seems so weird.

However, according to Liu Yuanchen's perception, this thing can also block the green light emitted by the vitality of vegetation.

As long as this can be done, there must be an entity.

Liu Yuanchen asked carefully: "This thing moves so strangely. Is it a ghost or a living thing?"

Zhao Hong shook his head: "It can be said to be a ghost, or it can be said to be a living creature.

This thing is called Po Ling, and it can be regarded as a type of spirit race.

These are things like soul fragments and resentment, attached to corpses and other negative things.

If the prototype of a spirit body is born from a yin object, the soul fragments and other objects will be integrated into the prototype of the spirit body to form a spirit. "

"The soul is a combination of the spirit race and the incomplete resentment ghost. It is between the ghost and the spirit race, half alive and half dead.

They are best at soul attacks. After killing creatures, they will also devour their souls to make up for their own shortcomings.

If it weren't for my protection, both of you would have died in its hands.

Because the soul is incomplete and there is no strong physical body to protect it, this thing is most afraid of methods that shock the soul.

For example, the sound of thunder and the roar of some mythical beasts can severely damage it. "

Liu Yuanchen took a breath: "Is this thing so weird?"

Zhao Hong chuckled: "Can you call it a weird creature if it's not weird?"

Liu Yuanchen thought this made sense. He had heard about strange creatures before and thought they might just be some strange monsters.

Unexpectedly, the first time I saw a strange creature was this cross-border thing between ghosts and spirits.

Zhao Hong opened his mouth and let out a roar. The roar sounded like a tiger's roar or an ape's cry, but it had a majestic and sacred feeling.

As soon as the roar came out, the soul's crying stopped immediately.

Then, the figure fell to the ground.

The sound of breaking porcelain kept coming, and the spirit turned into a pile of debris.

Zhao Hong smiled and said: "It turns out to be a soul transformed from a piece of rotten bone."

Liu Yuanchen was a little unbelievable: "Is this solved?"

Zhao Hong asked back: "What do you think? The cultivation level of this thing is equivalent to the late stage of Ning Yuan.

After killing such a little guy, is it possible that I have to fight it for [-] rounds? "

(End of this chapter)

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