Chapter 55 Anti-toxic constitution
After listening to Zhao Hong's words, Liu Yuanchen felt that it made sense.

In the eyes of his master, Lingtai realm monks are juniors, so this thing is really nothing.

Meng Tieshan also asked: "Master, are all weird creatures so weak?"

"Weak? That means being weak in front of me.

Put this thing in Jin'ao Lake, and even if there is a formation to block it, the gang can be eliminated within an hour. "

“Furthermore, souls are neither dead nor alive, and their souls and bodies are incomplete, so they are weak beings among strange creatures.

Even the top warriors of the human race would not dare to fight against those powerful and strange creatures in the heart of the Red Wasteland. "

The human race and the demon race have been fighting each other for so many years, how can they not fall behind?

That shows that the current top masters of the human race are not inferior to legendary beasts such as dragons and phoenixes.

And the strange creatures in the heart of the Red Wasteland are so powerful that top human race experts dare not confront them head-on.

Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised: "The weird creatures are so powerful, aren't they invincible in the Yuanling world?"

Zhao Hong nodded: "In terms of strength, they are indeed invincible.

After all, those most powerful strange creatures have inherited the power of some of the extraterrestrial creatures, masters of the physical body of the human race, and top masters of the demon race.

Of course, the remaining top masters of the physical realm from the human race are not weaker than them.

But after defeating the extraterrestrial creatures, the Yuanling world suffered heavy losses.

No matter the human race or the demon race, they can no longer train such powerful masters as before. "

Liu Yuanchen was even more puzzled: "Then why didn't they fight out?

Even if there are not many strong men under his command, it is not enough to defeat the human race and the demon race.

But with their strength, occupying a large territory should not be a problem. "

Zhao Hong smiled disdainfully: "Although these strange creatures are powerful, those powers are not cultivated by themselves, but are created by various chances and coincidences."

"This is true for all weird creatures. Only when shrouded in black mist can they display their full strength.

Once they are in an environment without black mist, their strength will decline rapidly.

Some strange creatures will die within a short period of time as soon as they leave the black mist.

Therefore, the weird creatures will almost never leave the scope of the black mist. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen's doubts disappeared, and the three masters and disciples continued eastward.

After killing the spirit, the three masters and disciples walked eastward for hundreds of miles, but could not see any trace of the strange creatures.

Meng Tieshan, who was very excited at first, was already yawning again and again.

Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised. His junior brother had already cultivated Gang Qi, and his cultivation level was equivalent to that of a disciple in the early stage of Qi Yang Realm.

However, disciples in the Qi-nourishing realm are full of energy and will not feel sleepy even if they don't sleep for two or three days.

Soon, the terrifying energy and blood power of his junior brother appeared.

With strong qi and blood, you will naturally be energetic.

He was not sleepy yet, but he, who was so energetic, became sleepy first.

Soon, Zhao Hong also discovered something unusual about his second disciple.

He took out two pills and handed them to the two disciples: "I was negligent. The black mist in Wuyun Ridge, even if it is relatively thin, is harmful to the monks.

Tieshan's cultivation time is still too short, and his ability to regulate his breath is insufficient.

Running in the black mist, he inhales much more black mist than the average monk.

Starting to feel sleepy means that the black mist has begun to affect the sea of ​​consciousness.

This elixir has the effect of resisting black mist. After eating it, the black mist inhaled from the body will be expelled. "

Meng Tieshan took a pill and swallowed it in one gulp.

However, within a few breaths, the whole person became energetic.

Liu Yuanchen didn't feel anything at this time. He had the power of spiritual consciousness and could observe his own situation at any time.

Moreover, he used to often run back and forth in places shrouded in black fog, even in the middle of the night.

Especially after learning that the spiritual plants cultivated by the Jiamu Withering Technique could build a spiritual plant intelligence network, he stayed in the black mist for a longer time.

But after staying in the black fog for a long time, no problems occurred.

In addition, the place shrouded in black mist may be haunted by strange creatures, and few monks are willing to enter the mountain when the black mist is shrouded.

There is no rumor among casual practitioners that black mist is harmful to the human body.

Therefore, he always believed that the black mist only covered people's five senses and consciousness, and did no harm.

The three masters and disciples continued to go east, and the time soon reached midnight, but they never encountered any other strange creatures.

Looking at Meng Tieshan who was feeling sleepy again, Zhao Hong did not intend to go any further.

The three masters and apprentices returned the same way and headed towards Jin'ao Lake.

Along the way, Meng Tieshan's sleepiness became more and more serious.

Liu Yuanchen took out his own elixir: "Junior brother, this is the elixir that my master gave me before. You take it first."

Although Meng Tieshan was so sleepy that his eyelids were shaking, he still refused: "Brother, I can't take your things."

While he was talking, Liu Yuanchen stuffed the elixir into his mouth: "My fellow disciples, there is no need to be so polite."

The elixir was stuffed into his mouth, and Meng Tieshan was too embarrassed to spit it out again, so he had to swallow the elixir.

Zhao Hong was a little surprised: "Yuan Chen, don't you feel anything is wrong?
After inhaling this black mist, everyone's body constitution is different, and the places where abnormalities appear are also different.

Check carefully to see if the internal organs and meridians are damaged. "

Liu Yuanchen acted as he was told, first looking inside his whole body with his spiritual consciousness, and then using his magic power and Qi without any hindrance.

"Master, I don't find anything wrong with me."

Instead of feeling happy, Zhao Hong looked a little nervous, and even his breathing became rapid.

Seeing his posture, Liu Yuanchen felt a chill in his heart.

My master has an extraordinary family and has stayed in the Red Wasteland for decades, so he should know the black mist very well.

Don't forget that this black mist has already caused a lot of damage to you. You don't know it yet, right?

"Master, is there something wrong with my body?

If you have any questions, please speak up quickly and don’t scare the disciples! "

Zhao Hong shook his head: "It's okay, don't worry, maybe you are born with strong resistance to this black mist.

Generally speaking, most people who are resistant to black mist have anti-toxic constitutions.

However, it's too early to tell.

After you return, take another test to see if you have an anti-toxic constitution. "


Although Meng Tieshan took the second pill, he still didn't last long.

Just an hour later, he started to feel sleepy again.

In the end, it was Zhao Hong who carried him back to Jin'ao Mountain.

Meng Tieshan's body doesn't look much different from a black bear.

But in the eyes of the monks, it was nothing.

When we arrived at Jin'ao Lake, the sky in the east was already slightly red.

The black fog on Wuyun Ridge is also slowly fading.

At this time, the outermost formation near Jin'ao Lake has been closed.

The disciples in charge of patrol also started to go out.

Seeing the three masters and disciples returning, everyone quickly saluted.

The disciples stationed at Jin'ao Lake have always been worried that strange creatures will attack Jin'ao Lake.

Zhao Hong personally came to deal with the strange creatures. In order to calm people's hearts, the sect naturally spread the word.

Now that the formation has just been activated, the three masters and disciples are seen coming back from outside.

Apparently, they spent the night outside.

With someone to deal with the weird gods, these disciples will naturally feel at ease. .The three masters and apprentices returned to the small courtyard where they lived temporarily. Zhao Hong stood in the courtyard and threw away Meng Tieshan in his hands.

Meng Tieshan flew directly into the bed in the west wing.

"Yuan Chen, come with me. I want to verify whether you have anti-toxic constitution."

Liu Yuanchen was also very curious. The ginseng fruit saplings and the inheritance of Zhenyuan Immortal had indeed brought him many benefits.

But he was really not sure whether he had an anti-toxic constitution or not.

After all, he is an elixir master and knows the medicinal properties of various elixirs very well, so there is no risk of accidentally ingesting them.

Coupled with the bright future, he has always cherished his life and would not try poisonous things.

Even if he has an anti-toxic constitution, he never seems to have a chance to use it.

Zhao Hong took out an elixir. This elixir looked ordinary, but it had no medicinal smell at all. Instead, it had a strong aroma of wine.

Liu Yuanchen was puzzled: "Master, has this elixir been soaked in wine?"

Zhao Hong shook his head: "This elixir is called 'Three Days of Drunkness', and it is made from a variety of fine wines and some elixirs.

Normally, this thing can be used as a poison like a drug.

Especially when placed in wine, it can make the wine more fragrant.

There are no flaws in ordinary drug testing methods. "

"Alcohol can also be regarded as a kind of poison. The drunkenness of these three days is extremely strong.

A person who is not a particularly good drinker can be drunk for three days after taking one pill.

Some old drunkards who drink a lot dislike ordinary spiritual wine as being too weak, so they like to refine such elixirs. "

“Another advantage of this three-day drunkenness is that even people who don’t know how to drink will wake up after taking it for three days without any damage to their bodies.

It is perfect for testing poison resistance. "

Liu Yuanchen had never drunk alcohol before, and he didn't know how much he drank.

However, he still believed in his master.

He took the elixir and swallowed it in one gulp.

Zhao Hong frowned when he saw it: "What a waste of a good thing. This one is drunk for three days and sold to those old drunkards. It can be sold for hundreds of spiritual stones at least.

You just swallowed it in one gulp without even tasting a single bite. "

Because he swallowed it directly, Liu Yuanchen didn't taste much of the alcohol.

Within a few breaths of the elixir entering his stomach, Liu Yuanchen felt his stomach feel hot.

Soon, the heat spread along the body to the head.

After a while, he felt a little dizzy.

At this moment, the immortal seed in the sea of ​​consciousness shone brightly and transformed into the image of a ginseng fruit tree.

The heat in Liu Yuanchen's body also slowly flowed into the sea of ​​consciousness, and was then swallowed by the immortal seed.

In less than a hundred breaths, all the heat flow was sucked away by the immortal seed.

Then, streams of pure mana spurted out from the immortal seed.

Liu Yuanchen knew that he was indeed able to resist poison.

However, this ability is also brought by the immortal seed.

In the legends of previous lives, all the spiritual roots of the ancient world were extraordinary.

In the primitive world when the world first opened, there was a lot of violent energy, and they could all live well.

Refining various complex energies is just a joke to those spiritual roots of heaven and earth.

As the second generation of the top heaven and earth spiritual root, the ginseng fruit sapling should inherit most of the abilities of the mother tree, even if its potential is far inferior to that of the mother tree.

Even if these abilities are weakened versions, is it not a piece of cake to detoxify them?
After the immortal seeds resolved all the heat currents, Liu Yuanchen felt relaxed all over.

At this time, Zhao Hong's expression was very strange.

There was relief and pride on his face, but at the same time there was fear.

Liu Yuanchen was puzzled: "Master, what's wrong with you?"

Zhao Hong sighed: "That Three-Day Drunk Pill took more than ten kilograms of third-level spiritual wine to refine.

With just this knowledge of Kung Fu, you are completely refined.

It seems that you do have the ability to resist poison, and you are not weak at all. "

"Then what's the reason for your expression?"

Zhao Hong sighed again: "The disciple is capable, and as a master, I am naturally happy.

However, when you visit the master in the future, I'm afraid I will get a beating. "

Liu Yuanchen became even more confused: "Do we still have such rules in Bahuang Pavilion?"

Zhao Hong shook his head: "This is not a rule, this is your master trying to beat me.

You don't know how much advantage a monk with a poison-resistant physique would have if he took the path of an alchemist.

The most difficult thing about refining elixirs is studying the elixir formulas. In the process of improving the elixir formulas, someone needs to test the elixirs. "

"Testing elixirs is not just about picking up random people, it also requires some attainments in alchemy.

Make sure that after taking the elixir, you can analyze the medicinal properties and toxicity of the elixir.

In this way, the elixir can be continuously improved. "

“Behind every mature alchemy recipe, there are many alchemists who were poisoned to death.

Many alchemists were poisoned and their research results were lost. "

“And monks with anti-toxic physique can adjust the elixir as they wish when studying the elixir.

You can also taste the refined elixir yourself.

If there is a problem, the prescription can be adjusted immediately.

This condition is a great advantage for ordinary alchemists. "

“Your master also possesses the Immortal Seed of Plants and Trees, and has a poison-resistant constitution.

He was extremely accomplished in alchemy and earned the title of 'King of Ghost Hand Alchemy'.

This title is not just for fun, for an alchemist, it is the highest honor.

In the entire human race, there are only a dozen or so Alchemy Kings still alive.

Your master has created more pill recipes than all the other pill kings combined.

In time, he might become the number one alchemist in the human race. "

“In the process of refining alchemy, it is inevitable that some poisonous things will be refined.

Your master has researched a lot of elixirs and is quite good at using poisons.

People who don't deal with him call him the 'Ghost Hand Poison King'. "

“Although your master has taken in several disciples, none of them have the ability to resist poison.

Therefore, no one can reach the height of his old man in alchemy.

As for the poison path inheritance, those who don't have a poison-resistant physique will definitely be tortured to the point of being transformed into human beings if they practice it. "

"Over the years, he has always wanted to recruit a disciple who can inherit his inheritance of alchemy and poison.

He has many requirements for this disciple. He needs to be of good character, resourceful, extremely talented in alchemy, suitable for practicing the earthly immortal way, possessing a poison-resistant physique, and having a firm heart...

These requirements are not high, but taken together, it is difficult to find them in the entire Yuanling world.

The old man had been searching for hundreds of years but could not find anything satisfactory. "

Liu Yuanchen looked proud: "I seem to meet all these conditions."

Zhao Hong glanced at him: "Forget it, you only meet the three requirements, you have a poison-resistant constitution, you are suitable for practicing the earthly immortal way, and you have a good talent for alchemy.

However, these three are all mandatory conditions.

If you meet all requirements, you are qualified to become your master's registered disciple. "

"But I have accepted you as my disciple. When I take you to see the ancestor in the future, if the old man finds out about this, he still has to kill me alive?"

(End of this chapter)

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