Chapter 56
He has the ability to resist poison, but it may harm his master, and Liu Yuanchen is helpless.

"Master, I have always been very careful. I have never eaten anything poisonous, and I don't know that I still have the ability to resist poison."

Zhao Hong waved his hand: "It's not your fault, it's my negligence.

Fortunately, you were not snatched away by other forces, and there is still room for change.

Otherwise, I will lose at least half my life.

If I train you well, Master You won't blame me. "

He glanced at Liu Yuanchen: "When I meet your master in the future, you have to say something nice to me."

Liu Yuanchen quickly promised: "Master, don't worry, if master blames you in the future, the disciple will definitely say a good word for you."

Zhao Hong breathed a sigh of relief: "You can walk freely in the black mist with the help of vegetation, and now you have anti-toxic constitution, which is very suitable for walking in Wuyun Ridge.

It seems that from now on, it will be up to you for the Bahuang Pavilion to take root in the Red Wasteland.

As long as I can make achievements in this matter, even if your master blames me, someone will protect me. "

Liu Yuanchen looked puzzled: "Master, why do our Bahuang Pavilion take root in the Red Wasteland?"

Hearing this, Zhao Hong was stunned: "Did I just say this?"

Liu Yuanchen nodded: "I said it."

Zhao Hong could no longer deny it: “The long-cherished wish of our ancestors of the Bahuang Pavilion is to repair the Red Wasteland ground and restore the Yuanling World to its former glory.

Shenting's cooperation with us is also related to this matter. "

“Since you heard it, it’s rotten in your stomach.

If it were leaked out, the sect's long-term plan might fail. "

His master had said so, so Liu Yuanchen naturally didn't dare to ask any more questions.

"Master, don't worry, I will keep my mouth shut."

Zhao Hong nodded slightly: "The Cave Heaven Blessed Land opened by Earth Immortal Dao monks will continuously deliver spiritual energy to the owner.

Therefore, the Cave Heaven Paradise can also be regarded as a part of the body of the Earth Immortal Dao monk.

The Cave Heaven Paradise relies on spiritual veins, and the spiritual energy in the spiritual veins comes from the evil energy of the earth veins, and it will inevitably contain some other energy.

Just like the Wuyunling Great Spiritual Vein, the spiritual energy is relatively dirty.

If the Cave Heaven Paradise is opened here, the spiritual energy conveyed by the Cave Heaven Paradise will naturally be relatively dirty.

A monk with an average physique simply cannot bear this kind of filthy spiritual energy. "

"You have a poison-resistant constitution, and dirty spiritual energy will not cause any damage to you. You are very suitable for opening up a paradise in Wuyun Ridge."

Liu Yuanchen didn't sense any turbidity. The mana fed back by the Qingshi Mountain Spiritual Realm had always been extremely pure.

Given the extraordinary nature of the ginseng fruit saplings, the turbid odor should be ignored.

But the issue of Wuyunling's great spiritual vein level cannot be ignored.

Liu Yuanchen was puzzled: "Wuyunling's great spiritual veins are very unstable and their grade is not high.

If we open up a paradise here, our future achievements will be very low. "

Zhao Hong shook his head and chuckled: "Before the invasion of the alien creatures, Wuyunling's great spiritual vein was one of the highest-grade spiritual veins in the entire Yuanling world.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and the foundation of Wuyunling's spiritual veins is very strong.

When our elders from Bahuang Pavilion repair some of the earth veins, it won't be a problem for Wuyunling's great spiritual veins to grow to the seventh or even eighth level. "

“Although there are higher-grade spiritual veins in the outside world, most of them are under the control of the Divine Court.

Unless you serve as a dog to the Divine Court, it is impossible for them to allow you to use those great spiritual veins. "

Liu Yuanchen fell into deep thought. He had the dead wood longevity skill and could live forever.

It’s not a big deal if the spiritual vein level is lower.

As long as a cave can be slowly created, energy can be extracted from the void.

At that time, the level of spiritual veins will not matter.

Anyway, the spiritual realm has been placed in Qingshi Mountain. It is hard to say whether it can be moved in the future. Once it is here, it will be settled.

Seeing that he was deep in thought, Zhao Hong waved his hand: "Okay, you go and rest.

I have to think carefully about how I can avoid a beating from your master. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was a little curious, what kind of person was his master?How could he make his master afraid to this extent?

Without thinking much, he left the main house and returned to the east wing.

After running back and forth all night, and being shocked by Po Ling's cries, Liu Yuanchen felt a little sleepy.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, he slowly performed the Shenmu Shengtian Gong.

The risk of a master war breaking out is getting bigger and bigger. If the spiritual realm can't rush, they can only worry about their own cultivation.

The sooner you break through the Qi Sea Realm, the better your chances of survival will be.

In the next few days, Zhao Hong did not go out to hunt any weird creatures.

Liu Yuanchen also enjoyed his leisure time. Apart from practicing every day, he would just make several batches of pills.

Three days later, Liu Yuanchen had just finished practicing the Kaishan Stick Technique when he suddenly received a message.

It turned out that Zhang Jingcheng and Liu Yuanqi were coming to visit and wanted to say hello in advance.

Needless to say, Zhang Jingcheng was his distant cousin and the only person in the Qingdan Sect who could be called a friend before he became an alchemist.

As for Liu Yuanqi, the relationship is not very good, but there is no hatred either.

Not long after receiving the message, the two of them had already arrived at the gate of the small courtyard, carrying gifts.

Liu Yuanchen greeted them and saw that the two of them were still the same as before, but after being baptized by the fire of war, they appeared to be much more mature.

Zhang Jingcheng's face had a sense of vicissitudes of life that did not belong to a young man, while Liu Yuanqi's face was full of depression.

There was also his master and junior brother in the small courtyard, which was not suitable for entertaining them. Liu Yuanchen took them to the Chunfeng Tower on the bank of Jin'ao Lake.

The senior officials of the Qingdan Sect are also relatively good at handling affairs. They know that these disciples have experienced fighting and need to be indulged.

Therefore, he ordered Lingchutang to build a Chunfeng Tower here, which is almost the same as the Chunfeng Tower inside the mountain gate.

The three of them came to a private room and sat down. Liu Yuanchen asked, "Cousin, Ninth Brother, how are you spending your time in Jin'ao Lake?"

Zhang Jingcheng sighed: "As a disciple of the Guard Hall, I have been staying here since before the Lingshi vein was discovered in Jin'ao Mountain.

It must have been more than two years now.

In the past two years, I have participated in more than 300 fights. "

“There are not many disciples left who came with me at the beginning.

If it weren't for the talismans given to me by my family, I probably wouldn't be alive now. "

"Later, the sect built a defensive formation here, and the first group of disciples who came here were somewhat taken care of.

Now I rarely go out on patrol, I just do some odd jobs near Jin'ao Lake. "

"The only thing I'm worried about now is that there are strange creatures attacking Jin'ao Lake.

I was completely relieved when I heard that Deputy Hall Master Zhao had come to kill the strange creatures.

I just hope that the war will end soon so that I can save my life. "

Liu Yuanqi on the side looked very pale and his eyes were bloodshot.

After Zhang Jingcheng finished speaking, he also sighed: "I also participated in the battle against Gray Goose Lake and saw my tribe members die in front of me."

“Although he came back alive later, the Supreme Elder of our Liu family was seriously injured and had to recuperate for more than a year, but he still has not fully recovered.

There is also the second brother, who bravely killed the enemy in that battle, but was targeted by a late-stage Qihai monk from Moyun Sect.

Even if the Supreme Elder took action, he still lost an arm.

Now he has completely collapsed and locked himself in the cave. No matter who persuades him, he will not come out. "

"In addition to going out on patrol every day, I also have to take care of my second brother and the Supreme Elder. Almost all my energy is spent on these things.

If this keeps going on, I don't know how long I can last. "

"Sixth Brother, can you go and persuade Second Brother?

Not asking him to cheer up like before, but at least he needs to look like a normal person. "

Liu Yuanchen shook his head: "Do you think it will be useful if I try to persuade him?"

Before, one of the two was a genius disciple, and the other was an outer disciple who was bullied by the Chen family.

Now the genius disciple has become a disabled person, while the outer disciple has become a direct disciple.

This psychological gap is really too big.

Now that Liu Yuanchen goes to persuade him, he will also think that he has been humiliated.

Once this kind of person enters a dead end, there is really no way he can pull him back.

"Alas~~" Liu Yuanqi sighed again, "The Supreme Elder doesn't have much life left, and the second brother is so decadent. I really don't know what to do in the future."

Liu Yuanchen patted him on the shoulder: "The family still has the patriarch, so it can't fail.

Although our Liu family suffered heavy losses, the Chen family was attacked by the Moyun Sect and the Blood Bat Sect. The monks lost more than [-]% of their members and more than half of their property.

In the next few decades, they will no longer be able to bully other families.
Without the threat of external enemies, the family can still slowly recover. "

After the three of them ate and drank, they dispersed.


The three masters and apprentices stayed in Jin'ao Mountain for a full year, and Liu Yuanchen was already 21 years old.

Perhaps it was because they knew that Zhao Hong was in charge of Jin'ao Mountain, and the Moyun Sect was particularly well-behaved.

In this year, no decent battle broke out either on Jin'ao Mountain or in the Qingshui River Basin.

Zhao Hong also accidentally took Liu Yuanchen and Meng Tieshan to find the bad luck of strange creatures, but he didn't gain much.

Liu Yuanchen focused his attention on cultivation, and his cultivation has made great progress.

As early as more than three months ago, his cultivation had broken through to the ninth level of qi nourishment.

According to this cultivation speed, it should not be difficult to reach the peak of Qi Nourishing Realm within a year.

At the age of 22, at the peak of Qi cultivation, he can be regarded as a first-rate genius in the Red Wasteland.

Liu Yuanchen had just finished meditating. When he went out, he saw that the sun had set and black mist was spreading from the east.

Zhao Hong walked out of the main room: "Yuan Chen, let's go into the mountain tonight to look for bad luck with weird creatures."

The master and apprentice walked out of the small courtyard and saw a figure like a big black bear busy in a spiritual field at the door. This was Meng Tieshan.

His appetite was so big that even though the sect gave him rations for ten people, it was still not enough for him.

In order to fill his stomach, he opened up more than an acre of spiritual land on the wasteland in front of the small courtyard.

The golden silk rice growing in the field was cultivated by Liu Yuanchen using Yimu Peiyuan Technique. After harvesting, the rice stalks will not die.

Coupled with the abundant spiritual energy here, it can mature once every month and a half and harvest eight times a year. The yield is quite high, which can barely guarantee that he will not go hungry.

Liu Yuanchen shouted: "Junior brother, we are entering the mountain."

Hearing this, Meng Tieshan put down the farm tools in his hands.

The three masters and disciples headed east along Wuyun Ridge.

The afterglow of the setting sun disappeared in the western sky, the entire Wuyun Ridge was dark, and the black fog became extremely thick.

Zhao Hong looked around: "This black mist has become a little thicker. Those bastards from the Ten Thousand Gods Sect can really cause trouble for people."

After the three masters and disciples walked dozens of miles, a sharp eagle cry came.

The sound seemed to go directly into the brain without passing through the ears, making the brain hurt.

Liu Yuanchen and Meng Tieshan also had experience. As soon as they heard this sound, they immediately released their Gang Qi to protect themselves.

Zhao Hong chuckled: "I really encountered a ruthless character this time, and it turned out to be a strange monster."

In the past year, Liu Yuanchen has gone into the mountains many times to hunt and kill strange creatures, and Liu Yuanchen has learned a lot about these things.

Weird monsters are also a kind of weird creatures, and they are the most powerful race among them.

Monsters live in the black mist for a long time. Over time, they become infected by the black mist and become strange monsters.

Because the weird monster itself is a monster clan and has a complete life.

Therefore, in terms of strength, they are much stronger than cross-border stuff like Po Ling.

Especially the strange monsters transformed by high-level monsters are extremely powerful.

However, the monster also has shortcomings.

Affected by the black mist, their intelligence is generally low.

Only by cultivating to an extremely high level can one possess a spiritual intelligence comparable to that of a human being.

However, the hunting instinct of the monster cannot be underestimated.

From the sound of this strange monster, it should be an eagle-like monster.

Among the demonic birds of the same level, eagles are definitely not weak in strength.

Moreover, none of them are slow.

Liu Yuanchen had already taken out the Bahuang Pavilion disciple token to avoid being attacked by this strange monster.

The three masters and disciples moved forward slowly, and the sounds became more and more harsh.

At this time, Zhao Hong was no longer as relaxed as before, and even his breathing had stopped.

Released fiery red energy to protect the two disciples.

Suddenly, something broke into Liu Yuanchen's range of perception and rushed towards him.

This thing was extremely fast, and before he could determine what it was, a pair of sharp claws had already caught him in front of the door.

The sound of gold and iron clashing sounded, and Liu Yuanchen felt like he was hit by a huge force.

The whole person flew backwards for more than ten feet, and did not stop until he hit a big tree.

He sensed himself and found that he was not injured, and the Gang Qi barrier on his body was still intact.

At this time, he finally sensed the general appearance of the thing through the light of the vitality of the vegetation. It was a giant eagle with a wingspan of more than one foot.

The giant eagle attacked Liu Yuanchen again, and a fiery red hand appeared out of thin air and grabbed the giant eagle.

The sounds of broken bones kept coming.

Not long after, the big hand disappeared out of thin air.

The giant eagle turned into a ball of rotten meat and hit the ground heavily.

Zhao Hong's voice came again: "The grandsons of the Ten Thousand Gods Sect are really capable, and they can actually attract the Dark Feather Black Eagle."

Before he finished speaking, he had already arrived beside Liu Yuanchen: "Yuanchen, are you hurt?"

Liu Yuanchen shook his head: "With the protection of your Gangqi, I was not injured."

Zhao Hong felt relieved, and a fire cloud appeared: "Since there is nothing wrong, I will take you to make a fortune."

Liu Yuanchen was puzzled: "What kind of fortune can be made here?"

Zhao Hong had a smile on his face: "Ming Yu Xuan Ying likes to collect some precious spiritual objects. As long as we can find this guy's lair, there will definitely be treasures.

If you're lucky, you might even find a few eggs. "

Liu Yuanchen was puzzled: "The Dark Feather Black Eagle is a strange monster, and its strength will be greatly reduced if it leaves the black mist. What's the use of its eggs?"

Zhao Hong chuckled: "This is because you don't have enough knowledge. If the strange monster can be cultivated from an early age outside, it will be of endless use."

(End of this chapter)

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