Chapter 57 Mysterious Yellow Stone

Hearing what Zhao Hong said, Liu Yuanchen was a little confused: "You also said before that the strength of strange creatures will be greatly reduced after they leave the range of the black mist.

Moreover, this strange creature has been affected by the black mist for generations, so there must be something wrong with its bloodline.

To tame them is probably much more difficult than taming ordinary monsters. "

"What's the use of taming a weird monster that doesn't have the strength to obey?"

Zhao Hong shook his head: "There is no time to explain, hurry up to the cloud."

Liu Yuanchen and Meng Tieshan stopped talking nonsense and quickly climbed onto the fire cloud.

This time, Zhao Hong was obviously a little anxious.

He casually took out a talisman and took out a feather from the rotten flesh of the Dark Feather Black Eagle.

With a gentle twist of his hand, the feather turned into ashes.

All the ashes fell on the talisman.

Then, the talisman burned and turned into a glowing shadow of a butterfly.

As soon as the butterfly's shadow appeared, it quickly flew towards the east.

The fire cloud suddenly accelerated and followed closely behind the butterfly shadow.

The flying speed of the fire cloud was extremely terrifying. Liu Yuanchen roughly estimated that it would definitely exceed two thousand miles in one hour.

Even with a ball of Gang Qi protecting him, Liu Yuanchen still felt a little unsteady on his feet.

The flying height of this fire cloud is not high, it is only about ten feet above the top of the mountain.

Every time it encounters a boulder or tall tree blocking the road, Huoyun will swerve to avoid it.

Liu Yuanchen released vines one after another and wrapped them around the fire cloud, barely able to stabilize his body.

Meng Tieshan is in a worse situation. He is too tall and it is more difficult to stabilize his body in this situation.

Every time Huoyun made a sharp turn, he would fall down.

Fortunately, there is a layer of strong energy barrier on the edge of the fire cloud, so even if he falls, he will not be thrown out.

About half an hour had passed, and the surrounding black fog had become extremely dense.

Even face to face, it is difficult to see each other clearly.

Liu Yuanchen sensed the vitality of the vegetation, but it was not affected at all and could still cover a radius of eighty feet.

The glowing butterfly shadow did not fly forward, but crashed into a towering tree and disappeared.

Zhao Hong's face was filled with joy: "We're finally here."

The fire cloud slowly fell next to the big tree, and then disappeared.

This time the fire cloud came all the way, making Liu Yuanchen extremely uncomfortable.

After falling to the ground, I still felt a little dizzy. When my feet stepped on the ground, it always felt like they were stepping on cotton.

After being reincarnated into this world for more than 20 years, I finally felt the motion sickness I felt in my previous life.

Meng Tieshan on the side was even more miserable. As soon as he landed on the ground, he leaned on a big tree next to him, bent down and vomited.

Zhao Hong looked helpless: "At this speed, you two will die or live.

In the future, when your cultivation level is high, you will need to fight in the air from time to time when fighting with others.

With your little ability, wouldn't it be certain that you would die if you fought with others in the future? "

Just as Liu Yuanchen was about to speak, a sharp eagle cry sounded again.

Zhao Hong punched out, and the fiery red energy turned into a fist and hit the top of the big tree.

Before Liu Yuanchen found out where the target was, he heard a muffled sound.

Then, he felt a big bird hit the tree trunk like a meteor, and then slowly slid down.

Zhao Hong sighed: "It's a pity that the male eagle is the Black-feathered Black Eagle, and the female eagle is just a black-feathered kite.

Even if there are eggs or chicks in the nest, their potential will be limited due to their messy bloodline. "

After that, he walked to the big tree.

Reach your right hand forward to make a grasping motion.

A big fiery red hand suddenly appeared, grabbing the tree trunk and shaking it violently.

From time to time, the sound of roots breaking could be heard from the roots of the big tree.

After more than ten breaths, the fiery red hand suddenly lifted up, and the entire tree was uprooted.

The fiery red hand laid the big tree horizontally on the ground and slapped it hard, splitting the trunk into two halves.

"The Mingyu Black Eagle's nest is in a tree hole. You two should go look for it and see if there's anything good there."

After that, he walked some distance due east.

He looked around warily, as if on alert.

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen stepped forward.

Meng Tieshan also wanted to go over and take a look, but as soon as he took a few steps, his stomach became upset again.

He had to hold on to a tree and continue to vomit.

Liu Yuanchen quickly discovered a pile of fist-sized stones with the help of the vitality of the vegetation.

Covered by the black mist, he couldn't directly tell what grade of spiritual objects these stones were.

In addition to stones, there is also a pile of hay, leaves, bark and other materials, which should be an eagle's nest.

In the eagle's nest, there are actually two eggs.

These two eggs are not very big, almost the same as ordinary duck eggs.

There is a cold air on the eggshell, which is obviously not an ordinary thing.

After searching around for a long time, I couldn't find anything else.

Liu Yuanchen put the fist-sized stones into the storage bag together with the eagle's nest and two eggs.

After Zhao Hong walked around for a while, he came back again.

"Have everything been put away?"

Liu Yuanchen handed the storage bag to him: "Pack it all away. I rummaged around and found nothing else."

Zhao Hong nodded: "That's good, this place is shrouded in black fog all year round, and there are many strange creatures.

If it attracts a large number of strange creatures, I have no chance of escaping unscathed.

The previous killing of the female eagle had caused quite a stir, so we had to leave as soon as possible. "

Before he finished speaking, a fire cloud appeared at his feet.

Liu Yuanchen climbed onto the fire cloud, and Meng Tieshan resisted the desire to vomit, staggered over and climbed onto the fire cloud.

Huo Yun's speed was much slower, but Liu Yuanchen had probably adapted to it.

After flying more than a thousand miles, Zhao Hong collected Huoyun, and the master and apprentice returned to Jin'ao Lake on foot.

After dawn, the three masters and apprentices returned to the small courtyard.

Liu Yuanchen took out the storage bag: "Master, everything in the Mingyu Black Eagle's nest is here.

Along with the pile of rocks are two eggs. "

Zhao Hong took the storage bag, took out everything in it, and placed it on the table.

A pile of rocks, two eggs, and a bird's nest.

Without the obstruction of the black fog, Liu Yuanchen finally saw these things clearly.

Both eggs are black, but have some gray lines on them, and they feel cold to the touch.

Liu Yuanchen wanted to use his spiritual sense to explore the situation inside the egg, but found that his spiritual sense could not penetrate.

Zhao Hong chuckled: "These weird creatures have been living in the black mist for generations, and they themselves have been affected by the black mist and have undergone some changes.

The eggshell was naturally affected and cannot be seen through by spiritual consciousness. "

He picked up an eagle egg: "Both of these eggs are still alive, but unfortunately this one has very weak vitality and is almost impossible to hatch."

"It's not a purebred Dark Feather Black Eagle in the first place. It's not worth a few spiritual stones, so there's no need to waste effort.

These two eggs are of no use to me, so you two should share them. "

Liu Yuanchen had no plans to raise a spiritual beast, let alone the descendant of a strange monster.

"Junior brother, you choose first." Meng Tieshan picked up the eagle egg that could not be hatched: "I want this, I have a big appetite and I can't raise a spiritual beast at all.

No matter which egg comes into my hands, it will be eaten. It doesn't matter whether it can hatch or not. "

Zhao Hong smiled slightly: "Tieshan is quite real."

After that, he took out a jade slip and said: "This is a way to cultivate the descendants of the strange monster. If you can hatch the eagle egg, you can cultivate one or two according to the method recorded above."

"The potential of Mingyu Xuanying is not small. Even if the blood is not pure, it will still be no problem to grow to the point where it is comparable to the Golden Body Realm human race."

"If you open up a paradise in Wuyun Ridge in the future, this thing will be the best fighter.

In the place shrouded in black mist, there are still many treasures of all kinds, and he can also help hunt for them. "

“Moreover, the purebred Dark Feather Black Eagle can also hide its figure under the darkness of night.

Neither the naked eye nor the spiritual consciousness can detect it.

Only the spiritual sense of Earth Immortal monks can discover them. "

“Although this egg has impure blood, it should be able to inherit some of the abilities of the Dark Feather Black Eagle.

It will be of great use in the future to detect confidential information or shady people. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen also became interested in the Mingyu Black Eagle.

When this little eagle grows up, if it can inherit the ability of Mingyu Xuanying, it will be very useful.

At night, he can also hide his figure and sneak into the enemy's territory.

You can also take the spiritual plant seeds or seedlings cultivated with the Jiamu Withered Rong Technique and plant them quietly in the enemy's territory.

With such an effect, it doesn’t take much effort.

There is no need to worry about not being able to raise an eagle when there is a spiritual realm.

"Master, don't worry, this disciple will definitely take good care of this guy."

Zhao Hong nodded and looked at the more than 20 stones on the table.

Picking up a fiery red stone the size of a fist, he said: "The lava iron crystal is a bit interesting, but unfortunately it is not pure enough and can only be used to forge fourth-level magic weapons."

There are a dozen fire-red stones on the table, all of the same color.

He picked up a black stone again: "This is the Mist Stone, which is formed by some stones absorbing a large amount of black mist.

The value is not very high, and the only advantage is that it avoids detection by divine consciousness, but it can be used to refine magical weapons that hide the body. "

Apart from the lava iron essence and the mist stone, there were only three green and yellow stones left on the table.

Zhao Hong picked up a stone and looked at it carefully.

Immediately, his eyes lit up: "I didn't expect that Wuyun Ridge could produce such good things."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen also became energetic.

My master has a very high vision, and he thinks it is a good thing, so these green and black stones are certainly not bad.

"Master, what is this stone?"

Zhao Hong chuckled: "This object is called Xuanhuang Stone, and it will be of great benefit to the growth of Dongtian Paradise."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen's eyes lit up, and Meng Tieshan also looked very interested.

Seeing the two of them eager for knowledge, Zhao Hong was also very interested.

"Xuanhuang stone means Tianxuandihuang, which also contains the power of heaven and earth.

There are two types of black stone, one is congenital and the other is acquired.

The innate black yellow stone was left behind when the Yuanling Realm was born. Most of these treasures will be absorbed by the Yuanling Realm.

The remaining ones had been divided up as early as the early days of the formation of the Earth Immortal Way.

Even if there are any leftovers, they are all in the hands of the older generation.

Even your master doesn’t have the innate black yellow stone in his hands. "

“As for the Houtian Xuanhuang Stone, it is relatively common.

After the Cave Heaven Paradise is formed, some Houtian Xuanhuang Stone will be derived from the space barrier.

In addition, this thing will only be born where the heaven and earth collapse. "

“These black yellow stones may be derived from the natural blessed land.

Of course, it could also be that the war that year damaged the space of the Red Wasteland, and it could be derived by chance.

It's a pity that the grade of these black yellow stones is not high, only the fifth grade.

It has very little effect on the formed blessed land.

On the contrary, spiritual realms that have not yet grown into a blessed land need this thing more. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen felt excited.

I have always been worried that the growth of the spiritual realm is too slow, and if a master war breaks out, it may be affected.

With this black yellow stone, the spiritual realm can grow into a real blessed place as soon as possible.

Liu Yuanchen asked: "How to use this thing?"

Zhao Hong replied: "Because these things are originally derived from the space barrier, they have a high degree of compatibility with the Cave Heaven Paradise.

You can use this object as a raw material to refine a magical weapon that suppresses the spiritual realm, or you can place it in the spiritual realm.

As long as it comes into contact with the space barrier of the spiritual realm, it will be absorbed by the spiritual realm. "

“After the spiritual realm absorbs this thing, its expansion speed will increase significantly.

Moreover, the space barrier in the spiritual realm will become more stable. "

“If you are wealthy, you can also directly use black yellow stone to refine defensive weapons.

This thing has a hint of the power of heaven and earth, and has extremely strong defensive capabilities. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen and Meng Tieshan were both very interested in this thing.

Zhao Hong also saw what they were thinking: "These three black and yellow stones all have a big flaw."

After hearing this, the two brothers looked at him in confusion.

Zhao Hong smiled slightly: "This thing has been infested by black mist on Wuyun Ridge for countless years, and it contains a lot of chaotic energy.

It is very difficult to remove these messy energies.

If this thing is used to refine a magical weapon that suppresses the spiritual realm, or if it is integrated into an already formed spiritual realm, it will affect the environment in the spiritual realm.

In particular, the magic weapon that the spiritual realm feeds back to its owner will also have the characteristics of black mist. "

"Yuan Chen, you have a poison-resistant physique and can resist the invasion of black mist. You should keep this black yellow stone."

Although Liu Yuanchen was happy, he looked a little disappointed when he saw Meng Tieshan, so he still said, "Master, let's divide this thing equally between the two of us."

Meng Tieshan quickly refused: "Senior Brother, this thing is more suitable for you. Only by placing it with you can it play a greater role."

Zhao Hong nodded with satisfaction: "You two brothers know how to be humble, which is very good.

Don't worry, they are all my disciples, and the palms and backs of their hands are all flesh. I will not favor one over the other.

Although the value of Xuanhuang Stone is high, the value of Xuanhuang Stone contaminated by black mist is very average.

The three black yellow stones are of similar value to these lava iron crystals and mist stones.

The Xuanhuang stone will be given to Yuan Chen, and the other materials will go to Tieshan. "

The two brothers received the materials each.

Then, Meng Tieshan picked up the eagle egg that was difficult to hatch: "Master, should this be eaten boiled or roasted?"

Looking at this foodie apprentice, Zhao Hong sighed: "This is the descendant of a strange creature, and there is some black mist left in the egg.

Except for Yuan Chen's physique, no one else can eat it directly.

It's not too late for you to eat it after I wash away the remaining black mist inside it first. "

After that, he took the eagle egg and mobilized Gang Qi to wrap it up.

Not long after, wisps of black energy slowly overflowed from the egg.

After half a cup of tea, black gas no longer emerged from the eggs.

Zhao Hong handed the eagle egg to Meng Tieshan: "You can eat it now. I roasted it while I was removing the black fog."

(End of this chapter)

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