Chapter 64 Night Attack
Liu Yuanchen thought for a long time before speaking: "I haven't heard Master mention anything about Tieding Mountain, and I can't judge accurately.

However, based on the information I know, it can be inferred that there may be forces outside of Red Wasteland involved behind Tieding Mountain.

As for which force it is, I don't know.

As long as this speculation is correct, Tieding Mountain will never dare to break out into a real war with our Qingdan Sect.

Once a war breaks out between the two sides, it will disrupt the layout of those big forces. "

"As for Tieding Mountain's request for profits from the Jin'ao Lake Soul Stone Mine, as long as it doesn't make a big deal, the forces behind the scenes will not interfere in these small matters."

Hearing this, Mo Lianshan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hearing you say that makes me feel relieved.

The war between the sect and the Moyun Sect resulted in huge losses in both resources and manpower.

However, Tieding Mountain was waiting for work, and its strength was not damaged at all.

Even after the defeat of Moyun Sect, our Qingdan Sect cannot afford a second war. "

Liu Yuanchen tried to persuade him: "Elder Mo, please don't take it lightly.

Although there are signs of evacuation from the Moyun Sect, it does not mean that they will not launch an attack.

It's impossible for them to take down the Jin'ao Mountain side, but if Qinghe Town works hard, it's not without hope. "

“Especially now that there are many casual cultivators in the town, there is no guarantee that there won’t be evil cultivators mixed in.

If the Moyun Sect sends men to sneak attack Qinghe Town, and there are evil cultivators in the town who cooperate with others, Qinghe Town is likely to be breached. "

“Moreover, the various conditions in Qinghe Town are much better than those at Gray Goose Lake.

Once the Moyun Sect takes over Qinghe Town, material losses will be greatly reduced.

By then, Jin'ao Mountain will be alone.

This battle has changed from our Qingdan Sect having an absolute advantage to being evenly matched.

The battlefield is fought on the territory of our Qingdan Sect. Once the altars are broken, our war potential will be lost.

If Tieding Mountain takes the opportunity to cause trouble, can our Qingdan Sect still be able to fight this battle? "

Hearing this, Mo Lianshan's face turned cold: "If this is really the case, we people will be the sinners of the sect.

These days, we think the overall situation is settled, but we are indeed taking it lightly.

If the evil cultivators come to attack in large numbers at this time, we really have no chance of holding on. "

"No, I will send a message to the sect master immediately, requesting to strengthen the defense of Qinghe Town.

There is also a need to strengthen patrols near Qinghe Town. "

After receiving Liu Yuanchen's reminder, Mo Lianshan moved very quickly.

Less than a quarter of an hour later, groups of sect disciples began patrolling Qinghe Town.

These patrols also carry a special magic weapon. When they see casual cultivators, they will test whether they are evil cultivators.

The entire Qinghe Town is even more restricted in terms of entry and exit.

Qinghe Town, which had already calmed down, was suddenly filled with clouds of war again.


Two days later, Liu Yuanchen heard rumors that there was another big movement in Tieding Mountain.

He came to the Qingdan Pavilion Mission Department again. When he saw Mo Lianshan, he asked, "Elder Mo, I heard that there was another big noise over at Tieding Mountain. I wonder what happened?"

Mo Lianshan sighed: "Isn't it because the sect didn't agree to the benefits they asked for last time?
Tieding Mountain has completed its recruitment, and hundreds of disciples have stationed in Shuanglong Hefang City. "

Liu Yuanchen of Shuanglong Hefang City had heard that it was the junction of Qingdan Sect and Tieding Mountain, and this city was jointly established by the two sects.

My junior brother Meng Tieshan grew up in Shuanglonghefang City.

It can be said that Shuanglong Hefang City is a buffer zone for the two companies.

The Tieding Mountain monks forced their way into Shuanglong Hefang City, and their provocative intentions were very obvious.

"What's the sect's response?"

Mo Lianshan sighed again: "How else can we deal with it? We can only issue recruitment orders again and garrison several important towns on the front line.

In addition, the second elder was sent to Shuanglong Hefang City in person to negotiate with Tiedingshan. "

"No matter whether Tieding Mountain will fall out with us or not, our Qingdan Sect is now in a predicament of being attacked from two sides.

The Moyun Sect may have wanted to withdraw their troops before, but seeing this situation, they must delay it a little longer to see if there is any advantage they can take advantage of. "

"Thankfully, you reminded me before. In the past two days, I was investigating evil cultivators in Qinghe Town, and I found a lot of spies.

Moreover, each one has good strength.

It's a pity that these people were all dead soldiers. They committed suicide when they were caught, and no information was obtained.

It seems that the Moyun Sect is really targeting Qinghe Town. "

"There is a big movement on Tieding Mountain right now. Even if all the hidden stakes are pulled out, the Moyun Sect may still be interested in this place.

I have issued an order that non-Qingdan Sect disciples are not allowed to enter or leave Qinghe Town.

The defensive formation is also activated throughout the day. I hope Qinghe Town can avoid this disaster. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen's heart trembled.

The original speculation that Moyun Sect might launch a surprise attack on Qinghe Town was just a guess.

But the hidden piles of evil cultivators were found in Qinghe Town, which means that the Moyun Sect is indeed targeting Qinghe Town.

In addition, things were going on at Tieding Mountain, which involved a lot of resources and energy from the Qingdan Sect.

If the Moyun Sect does not take action against Qinghe Town, it would really be sorry for the deep friendship in Tieding Mountain.

"The situation is so urgent. I have to ask Master what the hell is going on over there at Tieding Mountain."

After that, he took out the Bahuang Pavilion disciple token and sent a message to his master.

Soon, he received a reply.

Mo Lianshan looked at him nervously: "Yuan Chen, what did Deputy Hall Master Zhao say? Will our Qingdan Sect and Tieding Mountain fight?"

After reading the letter, Liu Yuanchen's face showed joy: "Don't worry, my previous guess was right.

Behind Tieding Mountain, there are also big forces outside the Red Wasteland controlling it, and behind our Qingdan Sect, there are also big forces secretly supporting it.

The master battle that broke out at the Chen Family's Xuansha Lake was proof of this. "

“The forces behind our Qingdan Sect and the forces behind Tieding Mountain have a pretty good relationship.

Tiedingshan took this opportunity to take action and wanted to get a share of Jin'ao Lake.

It should be that the forces behind it are expressing their stance, wanting some benefits and not making things too tense.

If the Qingdan Sect doesn't give any benefits, there may be some minor troubles. "

Hearing this, Mo Lianshan breathed a long sigh of relief: "That's good, at least the Qingdan Sect is not in danger of being destroyed."

From his master's message, Liu Yuanchen learned that the force behind Tieding Mountain was called Qianji City, and it was also a force that survived from ancient times.

Thousand Machine City is famous for its superb weapon refining methods. In terms of weapon refining, no one in the entire human race can match it.

The top ten weapon refining masters in the human race are all from Thousand Machines City.

Fifteen of the top twenty weapon refiners came from Thousand Machines City.

However, Qianji City relies on craftsmanship and is not particularly keen on competing for territory.

Moreover, Qianji City’s attitude towards Shenting is similar to that of Bahuang Pavilion.

As long as Shenting does not take the initiative to cause trouble, Qianji City will not be an enemy of Shenting.

Moreover, the two companies often cooperate.

Especially when dealing with the demon clan, the two sides often fight side by side.

Many of Shenting's high-level magic weapons were also purchased from Thousand Machines City.

Thousand Machine City's intervention in Chihuangyuan this time was mainly due to the special location of Chihuangyuan.

Before the invasion of alien beings, the Red Wasteland was a treasure land with many precious ores.

After a great war, all the earth veins were crippled.

This kind of profound and extremely complex terrain is the easiest place to derive special materials.Thousand Machine City focuses on refining weapons, and you can make a lot of money by refining weapons for others.

They may not care about the territory, but they cannot care about the special refining materials.

Of course, Thousand Machine City would never dare to truly offend the Divine Court.

As for Shenting, they did not dare to really fall out with Qianji City.

What happened in Tieding Mountain was that the two major forces were expressing their attitudes and testing each other's bottom line.

Although we know that Qingdan Sect and Tieding Mountain cannot fight, it is inevitable that Moyun Sect will move Qinghe Town.

Liu Yuanchen was not too worried. Qinghe Town was fully prepared.

Even if the Condensation Realm masters from Moyun Sect take action, it will be difficult to capture Qinghe Town in a short while.

And this period of time is enough for the Qingdan Sect to send people to support.

However, Liu Yuanchen still planned to stay away from Qinghe Town.

If a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, Moyun Sect is likely to attack Qinghe Town.

Although the masters of Moyun Sect did not dare to take action against him, the younger monks who were also in the Qi Nourishing Realm could definitely engage in a wheel battle.


Half an hour later, Liu Yuanchen had left Qinghe Town and arrived at Yujin Mountain, waiting quietly for dark.

He bought three first-grade low-grade wild ginseng plants from Qinghe Town, and he planned to give two to his parents.

As for the remaining one, it naturally stays in the spiritual realm.

Wild mountain parameters can produce seeds once a year and can be planted in large quantities.

From now on, we can continuously produce wild ginseng, which is enough for my wife to eat till the end of her life.

It was getting late, and Liu Yuanchen arrived at the Qingshi Mountain Spiritual Realm.

As soon as he entered the spiritual realm, he was shocked.

I only stayed in Qinghe Town for less than three days.

But the changes in the spiritual realm were really too big.

The main part is still a hemispherical space eight feet in diameter. There are no other changes except that the space barrier becomes thicker.

The really big change is the single horn sticking out due south of the spiritual realm.

When I left before, the horn was only two feet long and seven feet wide.

In less than three days, the entire horn was five feet long and more than two feet wide.

This expansion rate is almost one foot per day.

At this time, the tip of the horn was already nine feet away from the spiritual pivot in the center of the spiritual realm.

It is 31 feet away from the second spiritual hub.

If we continue at this rate, wouldn't it only take a little more than a month to complete the integration?
And the black-yellow stone placed on the edge of the spiritual realm is still emitting black-yellow energy.

It helped the spiritual realm expand so much, but only less than half of the entire Xuanhuang Stone was lost.

Of course, as this horn grows longer, it continues to get thicker.

Growing longer requires consuming the energy in the black stone, and growing thicker will naturally consume it as well.

As the horn gets bigger, the consumption will get bigger and bigger.

According to this calculation, the three black yellow stones in his hand can definitely support the second spiritual pivot of spiritual realm fusion.

He really didn't expect that the Xuanhuang Stone would be so effective.

He looked up at the top of the spiritual realm.

The sky, which was originally the size of a palm, has expanded a lot at this time and has grown to about three feet in diameter.

Although I don’t know what the purpose of this sky is, as the spiritual realm is the prototype of the world, the more it resembles the complete world, the better.

Over the past few days, the eaglet has grown up a bit, and has more and more feathers on its body. The white down is almost invisible.

The entire body is already a foot long.

This guy has now become Xiaoyu's follower and doesn't care about his master at all.

Liu Yuanchen was also happy to have some leisure time. He took out a wild ginseng plant from his storage bag and planted it at the edge of the spiritual realm.

He also casually used the Jiamu Withered Rong Technique to make it grow faster.

Afterwards, he put a stick of incense on the Dixian Ancestor Temple and started meditating next to the Lingshu.

In the middle of the night, Liu Yuanchen had an idea and wanted to check the situation in Qinghe Town.

As soon as his mind moved, many small light curtains appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness.

On one of the light screens, a large number of strangely dressed people appeared.

He used his spiritual consciousness to open the light curtain and found that the scene in the light curtain was near Qingshi Mountain.

It is now midnight, and the black fog is thick on Qingshi Mountain. Few people enter the mountain at this time.

Then, he heard someone whispering.

"Brother Jin, what do you think the boss is crazy about? They asked us to come to this place shrouded in black mist in the middle of the night.

You can't see anything clearly, why are you running around here? "

"I have an old friend who has joined the Moyun Sect and is also in this team. I heard that he wants to attack Jintongshan and Qinghe Town.

As long as we can capture one place, we will definitely win this battle. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen's heart trembled. His previous guess was indeed correct. Moyun Sect really didn't hold anything back.

He opened all the light curtains of all the ears and eyes on Qingshi Mountain, and found that the group of people lined up in a long and twisted line, heading west along the trend of the mountain range.

A rough estimate showed that there were 1000 to 300 people.

Unfortunately, the ears and eyes cannot sense the target's mana fluctuations.

Liu Yuanchen could only roughly guess their cultivation level based on their speed and whether they were struggling while rushing.

There are seventy or eighty people in this group who are suspected to be monks in the Qi Sea Realm, and the other monks should be in the late stages of the Qi Nourishing Realm.

As for whether there were monks in the Condensation Realm, he couldn't deduce.

At this speed, they could arrive at Qinghe Town or Jintongshan before dawn and launch a night attack.

At this time, Liu Yuanchen did not dare to leave the spiritual realm easily.

If there is a master among those people, he may be exposed.

But the spiritual realm is actually in a different space and cannot directly send messages to the outside world.

Liu Yuanchen could only wait patiently until all the evil cultivators left Qingshi Mountain.

He waited for another half-quarter of an hour before coming out of the spiritual realm.

He quickly sent a message to Mo Lianshan, passing on the news that the evil cultivators were about to attack Qinghe Town and Jintongshan.

In order to avoid exposing his strength, he did not give the information in too much detail.

After sending the letter, he also specifically stated that he was too close to the army of evil cultivators and did not dare to act rashly, and asked the other party not to reply to the letter.

Later, he returned to the spiritual realm again.

It was impossible to join the war, and now he was behind the army of evil cultivators.

If he is strong enough, he can stab the evil cultivator in the back.

But with his little strength, going out is no different than seeking death.

For the sake of my own life, I'd better stay in the spiritual realm.

In the eyes of others, he risked his life to spy on the army of evil cultivators and passed on the information in a timely manner.

On the verge of battle, discovering traces of the enemy is a great achievement.

Even if he doesn't take action, he has already secured the first victory in this battle.

(End of this chapter)

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