Chapter 65
In Qinghe Town, Mo Lianshan was holding his concubine and working in bed.

Ever since he gave birth to a genius son named Mo Linghai, Mo Lianshan realized the supreme truth of making the family strong, which is to have more children.

As long as you have more children, you can always give birth to a few capable descendants.

Descendants with average talents can just arrange an errand.

As for the descendants with good talents, the sect will naturally vigorously cultivate them, and there is no need to spend many resources on their own.

He is over 180 years old and has long entered the period of decline as a monk. There is absolutely no hope of breaking through to the Condensing Yuan Realm.

In the days to come, instead of practicing hard all day long, it is better to enjoy yourself more.

If you have more children, you might be able to produce another genius.

The war was tense before, so he naturally did not dare to bring his family to Qinghe Town.

But in the past six months, the evil cultivators did not harass Qinghe Town again, so he gradually relaxed and took over his favorite concubine.

When he was busy working vigorously, the jade talisman suddenly made a sound.

Mo Lianshan was frightened and took the jade talisman with a curse: "Who is so short-sighted to send me a message at this time?"

After taking a look at the jade talisman, he suddenly felt like he was dead and shivered even more.

It took more than ten breaths for Mo Lianshan to react.

He stood up from the bed, grabbed some clothes and put them on.

At this time, he was panicked and confused, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

He had to use all his magic power and shouted loudly: "I am Mo Lianshan, all the disciples of the Qingdan Sect, get up, the evil cultivators of the Moyun Sect are about to attack, everyone is ready to fight."

After the shouting, the entire monks in Qinghe Town became busy.

Then, he remembered to report the situation and spread the news of the evil cultivator's attack to the senior officials in the sect and his fellow disciples in Jintongshan.

Soon, Hu Shanren's voice also sounded, but he was much calmer.

“All Qingdan Sect disciples perform their duties and prepare for battle according to the formulated plan.

Open the defensive array and block all means of communication.

Unrelated persons are not allowed to go out for a walk or make any noise. Violators will be shot! "

At this time, the entire Qinghe Town was busy.

Mo Lianshan gradually calmed down, and he quickly sent a letter to the sect to report the matter.

In addition, he also sent a message to the monks on the other side of Jintong Mountain to warn him.

After finishing these things, he touched his forehead and found that his face was covered with sweat.

Even the clothes on his body were soaked with sweat.

It was unclear whether it was the cold sweat caused by fear or the sweat caused by fatigue before.

Hu Shanren ran over quickly and wanted to ask what happened.

As soon as I ran into the small courtyard of Mo Lianshan's residence, I was so laughing that I couldn't speak.

Mo Lianshan was in shock: "I said Deputy Hall Master Hu, why are you laughing?"

Hu Shanren suppressed his smile and pointed at Mo Lianshan: "If outsiders see what you are wearing, our Qingdan Sect will be completely embarrassed."

Hearing what he said, Mo Lianshan looked at his clothes and suddenly turned red with embarrassment.

After receiving the message, he ran out in a hurry. The clothes he was wearing turned out to be my concubine's.

Hu Shanren joked: "Brother Mo, don't tell me, you look really charming in this bright red dress."

Mo Lianshan blushed, got into the bedroom again, changed back into his own clothes, and then walked out confidently.

Hu Shanren asked: "Brother Mo, what news have you got?

Why did you come out to set up defenses without even putting on your clothes? "

Mo Lianshan took out a jade messenger: "This is from Yuan Chen. When he was walking outside, he ran into the evil cultivator of Moyun Sect.

They also divided their troops into two groups, one heading towards Qinghe Town and the other heading towards Jintong Mountain. "

Hu Shanren also felt a chill on his face when he saw the jade talisman conveying the message.

“Our Qinghe Town and Jintongshan are the two easternmost front teeth of the sect’s hinterland.

The evil cultivators of the Moyun Sect have occupied Xuansha Lake and need to take a detour before they can threaten the sect's hinterland.

But no matter which one of these two front teeth falls out, it will cause a hole in the door.

There have been unusual movements at Tieding Mountain in the past few days, and the sect's senior leaders have focused their attention there.

The Moyun Sect took the opportunity to make a sneak attack, and the timing was really good! "

"By the way, have you sent a message to Jintongshan?"

Mo Lianshan nodded: "Of course, as soon as I receive the message, I will notify Jintongshan and Shanmen.

If nothing unexpected happens, the Jintongshan side should have been prepared.

There should also be experts from the sect heading here. "

"Yuan Chen is still outside, and I'm worried about something going wrong with him."

Hu Shanren sighed: "The evil cultivators have been planning for a long time and must be extremely well prepared. It's hard to say whether we can withstand it.

First, use all your strength to defend against the enemy. Let’s talk about Yuan Chen after the war.

The disciples in Qinghe Town were all moving, and someone had to be in charge.

At this time, I cannot be left out.

Brother Mo, just continue to sleep with my concubine. "

Mo Lianshan said angrily: "Go away! As an elder, I should take the lead at this time."

After saying that, he took out a long sword and walked towards the south entrance of Qinghe Town.


An hour and a half later, the Moyun Sect monks arrived to the east of Yujin Mountain.

This place was no longer shrouded in black mist, and the evil cultivator team split into two groups, each boarding a large flying boat.

One team followed the mountains of Wuyun Ridge, heading west, heading straight for Jintong Mountain.

The other team turned north and followed the Qingshui River towards Qinghe Town.

oh oh oh~~
A rooster crows, announcing the arrival of the fifth watch.

After a busy period in Qinghe Town, all the monks were ready for battle, and the entire Qinghe Town became quiet again.

A blood-red long sword appeared out of thin air and struck the defensive barrier outside Qinghe Town.

bang bang bang ~~
The bloody sword was like a horn of attack, and then, countless rays of magic light of various colors illuminated the night sky.

The defensive barrier of Qinghe Town is extremely tough. It has withstood dozens of attacks and only swayed slightly without any signs of collapse.

Outside Qinghe Town, under a big tree, three monks wearing blue robes with black cloud patterns gathered together.

A young monk was the first to ask: "Qinghe Town's defensive barrier is extremely strong, and the defensive formations should be fully activated.

There was news from our hidden pile before that Qinghe Town usually only turns on the warning formation.

Even at night, only one layer of second-level low-grade defensive formations was opened.

This formation has withstood dozens of attacks and is still strong. It is obviously more than a second-level low-grade one.

Moreover, after the attack, Qinghe Town was silent, without any sounds of panic and shouting.

Obviously, the Qingdan Sect monks had already prepared.

Could it be that we leaked the news? "

The three of them respected an old man, and the old man shook his head: "We took action after nightfall yesterday, and entered Wuyun Ridge under the cover of the seniors of the Blood Bat Sect.

There was a black mist over there, and the monk's five senses and consciousness were suppressed.

I don't believe that anyone can find our traces under the darkness.

When we arrive at Yujin Mountain, we will take a flying boat over. How much kungfu does this have?
Even if someone noticed, the monks in Qinghe Town would not be able to prepare in such a short period of time. "

After that, he asked the middle-aged man on the side: "You have always arranged the hidden stakes in Qinghe Town, but what information have you obtained?" The middle-aged man shook his head: "A few days ago, the monks in Qinghe Town He suddenly went crazy and tightened his control over the town.

Most of the men I sent were dug out, and more than 20 people were lost.

The remaining hands were hidden and did not dare to act rashly again. "

The old man sighed: "It seems that too many hidden piles were dug in Qinghe Town, which made them suspicious.

It will be difficult to capture Qinghe Town. "

The young man was a little anxious: "Then what should we do? Is it possible to retreat like this?"

The middle-aged man also said quickly: "Elder, we can't retreat so easily.

Qinghe Town was prepared, probably because there were too many hidden stakes before, which aroused the vigilance of the monks in the town.

They are not sure about our sneak attack tonight, so their preparations will not be sufficient. "

“The Qingdan Sect’s mountain gate is more than five hundred miles away from here, so it will take at least half an hour to come over for support.

As long as we can capture Qinghe Town within two-quarters of an hour, we still have two-quarters of an hour to set up a temporary formation.

Now we still have a chance and we should give it a try. "

The young monk also expressed support: "Manager Zhang is right, we do still have a chance.

It took so much effort to sneak in here this time. If we just evacuate, there will be no good results when we go back. "

Thinking of the possible punishment he would face if he retreated, the old man gritted his teeth and took out a silver talisman.

"This is the formation locking talisman given by the Lord of the Blood Bat Sect. As long as the talisman is activated, the formation below level [-] can be locked, preventing it from functioning properly.

The defensive barrier of the formation cannot operate normally, and it cannot disperse the force of the attack.

Such a formation is just an empty shell.

As long as we concentrate our efforts and attack one point.

Even the third level formation can be easily broken. "

“Manager Zhang, prepare with all your Qihai realm combat power.

After I lock the formation, you will all attack wherever I attack. "

The middle-aged monk accepted the order and went down to prepare.

Within a few dozen breaths, a dozen monks wearing blue robes with black cloud patterns arrived outside the southern entrance of Qinghe Town.

The old man took out the silver talisman and poured mana into it.

After a few breaths, he waved his sleeves and the talisman instantly shattered.

Thousands of cold rays of light shot out quickly, hitting the defensive barrier above Qinghe Town.

The defensive barrier was originally gray. With the naked eye, you can clearly see streaks of light passing through the barrier.

Wherever the cold light went, the defensive barrier instantly turned into ice blue, as if it was sealed by ice.

Moreover, the continuous flow of light in the defensive barrier also stagnated at this time.

Seeing that the locking talisman worked, the old man's face was filled with joy.

He took out a bloody long knife and slashed towards the southernmost entrance of Qinghe Town with the knife in both hands.

The silver sword light shot out quickly, and other monks immediately took action, attacking the same place.

The frozen formation shattered instantly like an egg shell.

The old man was overjoyed and shouted: "Follow me and fight in. Whoever grabs everything in Qinghe Town gets it."

Hearing these words, all the evil cultivators suddenly rushed to Qinghe Town with blood rushing to their heads.

The formation was broken and there was no movement in the town, which made the old man a little uneasy.

After thinking about it, the number of monks here has an absolute advantage.

Even if there is a conspiracy, as long as they can break through the Qingdan Pavilion and occupy the center of the formation, they have nothing to fear.

A group of evil cultivators successfully rushed to the center of Qinghe Town without encountering any obstruction.

No one in the town came out to stop him, which made all the evil cultivators feel furious.

A scream rang out, and everyone looked back, only to see an evil cultivator in the late stage of nourishing qi, whose body had been broken into two parts, and he fell in a pool of blood.

However, no trace of the person who made the move was found.

There was another scream, and everyone looked over. The scene was the same as before.

At this time, everyone was furious. The evil cultivator who was a casual cultivator did not dare to fight anymore and turned around and rushed south.

However, they all stopped after rushing a few feet away.

A group of Qingdan Sect disciples came out and blocked all the street entrances.

It was obvious that these Qingdan Sect disciples were well prepared.

The old man was also frightened and shouted: "Draw up a formation to defend against the enemy!"

Dozens of monks wearing blue robes with black cloud patterns took out various formation flags and gathered in the center of Qinghe Town.

A figure rose into the air and laughed, "I thought it was some master coming to sneak attack me, but it turned out to be Old Ghost Yu.

You old thing, you're not dead yet? "

The old man narrowed his eyes slightly and saw the person coming clearly: "Hu Shanren, you are really capable, you can discover my intention in advance.

However, you haven't won this battle yet.

With just such a small manpower, you want to trap me? "

Hu Shanren sneered: "If you were outside, I really couldn't do anything to you.

Now you have thrown yourself into a trap, and I am catching a turtle in the urn. "

Before he finished speaking, countless swords, swords and shadows flew out from everywhere, like a swarm of locusts, rushing towards the place where evil cultivators gathered.

Those evil cultivators who had no background as casual cultivators were already in chaos.

Under the killing formation, the chaotic Qi-nourishing realm evil cultivators were helpless and could only run around.

The result was naturally heavy casualties, and most of the monks lost their combat effectiveness.

Only the disciples of the Moyun Sect in the center of the town set up formations to defend themselves against the enemy, but they were able to block the attacks of the formations.

More than 600 people rushed in, and now there are only about [-] people with fighting ability.

Hu Shanren sneered: "Old ghost Yu, can this sword, light, sword and shadow formation still catch your eye?"

The old man's face was already livid at this time: "Maintain the formation and break out to the south."

After that, he rose into the air and attacked Hu Shanren with the blood-red sword in his hand.

Hu Shanren smiled and held out a blue-black shield in front of him.

The sword and shield struck each other, and light blue light emitted from the shield.

Old Ghost Yu flew away, his whole body twitching.

"Hu Shanren, you are so despicable, you actually used lightning attribute materials to refine a shield."

The thunder attribute is unparalleled in attack, and it is the most suitable for refining offensive magic weapons. Who in the right mind would use thunder attribute materials to refine a shield?
Of all the evil cultivators' methods, they are most afraid of the power of thunder.

Old Ghost Yu was unprepared and caught him all of a sudden.

Hu Shanren sneered: "Who said shields can't attack."

Having said that, he held a shield and stepped forward.

Yu Laogui was afraid of the power of thunder and did not dare to confront him head-on, so he had to keep retreating.

Suddenly, the shield suddenly dispersed and turned into dozens of blades.

Yu Laogui had just been hit, and his whole body was numb. He used his escape skills to dodge, but he was still slashed on the thigh by a blade.

He did not dare to fight anymore and turned into a ball of blood mist and fled due east.

At this moment, a large net appeared out of thin air, covering the blood mist.

(End of this chapter)

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