Chapter 7 The Ancestral Land of the Liu Family
Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised. He struck with all his strength, but it didn't work. This man was very powerful.

Before the man in black robe had time to cast his spell, he bullied him.

A yellow talisman suddenly appeared in the hand of the man in black robe. Silver light flashed, and a small silver sword burst out from the yellow talisman.

Liu Yuanchen hurriedly dodged and managed to avoid the direct thrust, but the small sword still stabbed diagonally into his abdomen.

The man in black robe laughed loudly: "Liu Yuanchen won the first-level high-grade silver sword talisman and will definitely die.

Liu Qingsong, you don’t even think about living today. "

After Liu Yuanchen was hit, he only felt a burning pain in his abdomen.

However, the circulation of Qi, blood and magic power were not significantly affected, and he was bullied again.

The man in black robe was unable to dodge for a moment and received a punch in the face.

The bamboo hat on his head was shattered, a burst of smoke rose from his feet, and he retreated at an extremely fast speed.

"Ahem..." The man in black robe opened a distance of more than 20 feet, and then spit out a mouthful of blood, with half of a back molar mixed in the blood.

Liu Yuanchen was shocked. He attacked with all his strength from close range, but only broke one of his teeth.

Although he has some brute strength, he lacks the means to attack.

The only spells he mastered were Wood Shadow Escape, Entanglement, Green Light and Sweet Rain.

Wood Shadow Escape can be used to become invisible in the shadows of vegetation, and when practiced to the point of proficiency, one can even evade divine consciousness to a certain extent.

The entanglement technique can barely be regarded as an attack method, but it can only control the vines.

Green Glow Technique and Ganlin Technique are both spells needed to take care of spiritual fields. Green Glow Technique uses mana to condense thorns, which can kill field pests without damaging spiritual plants.

As for the sweet rain technique, it uses the magic power of wood to induce water vapor and bring down the sweet rain.

It can enhance the vitality of grass and trees, cure diseases of grass and trees, and also improve some harvests.

Unfortunately, the offensive power of these methods is not strong.

If you have the opportunity in the future, you have to practice one or two attack methods.

Sensing the wound on his abdomen, the silver sword talisman cut a five-inch-long hole in the vine armor made of two layers of intertwined green silk vines.

However, the rattan armor also blocked most of the power of the silver sword talisman.

The wound on the abdomen was very shallow, only about half an inch, but it bled a lot, and there was a palm-sized patch of dark red blood on the Taoist robe.

Injecting mana into the vines, the vines continue to grow, and the vine armor returns to its original state.

Due to his lack of strength, the man in black robe was also on guard. It would be difficult for him to make a successful attack, and he might even get himself involved.

Liu Yuanchen used Wood Shadow Escape again and escaped tens of feet towards the east, keeping a distance from all the casual cultivators.

If you can't do anything, you can run away at any time.

Liu Qingsong smiled contemptuously: "Chen Changming, it turns out it's you.

All fellow Taoists also saw that what this person used just now was the Chen family's Qingyan Escape.

Everyone should know about the conflict between my Liu family and the Chen family. You fell into the Chen family's trick of killing people with a borrowed knife. "

"As I said, my Liu family only purchased a few spiritual talismans and nothing else."

Hearing this, all the casual cultivators stopped, and there was no longer a greedy look in their eyes.

They didn't run away, but looked like they were watching the fun.

Seeing that all the casual cultivators were shaken, Liu Qingsong threw more than 20 spiritual stones to the back of the boat: "This conflict was caused by the Chen family.

I, the Liu family, have no grievances or enmities with any fellow Taoists, and I ask all fellow Taoists to show your respect.

These spiritual stones are considered as tolls for fellow Taoists. "

As soon as they saw the spirit stones, the casual cultivators had no intention of watching the excitement, and each used their own methods to fight for the spirit stones.

Everyone dispersed, and only Chen Changming was left standing in the way.

Loose cultivators are a ragtag group of people who are driven by common interests and can be used for one purpose.

Now there are no common interests, and it is difficult to get together anymore.

He pointed at Liu Yuanchen: "The plan was originally well-planned, but it was messed up by this arrogance.

Wood Shadow Escape can actually be practiced to the point where the body is completely hidden, and even my consciousness cannot be completely locked on it.

I am curious about how you can hold my silver sword talisman. "

Liu Yuanchen only felt that Chen Changming was slightly stronger than his second uncle. Even if he and his second uncle joined forces, it would be difficult to keep him.

If he hadn't been fooled, he might have been rumored to have gotten the silver sword talisman by force.

It’s hard to say how big the impact will be, but it’s still a problem.

Thinking of this, he pulled out a few broken canes from the holes in his robe.

"I have a few vines hidden on my body, and your silver sword talisman just hit the vines."

Chen Changming had no doubts. Perhaps he felt that Liu Yuanchen had a young mind and liked to show off.

He sighed: "What an unjust defeat."

After saying that, the whole person turned into a line of blue smoke and disappeared into the reeds.

When Liu Yuanchen returned to the boat, Liu Qingsong took out a packet of medicinal powder: "This is a hemostasis powder. Sprinkle it on the wound quickly."

Liu Yuanchen did as he was told, and the effect of this hemostasis powder was quite good.

It turned out that the wound had been bleeding slowly, and within a few breaths of spreading this dark red powder, the bleeding stopped.

After more than ten breaths, the wound began to scab.

Liu Yuanchen felt relieved: "Second uncle, I was dragged in without a trace and almost lost my life.

If it weren't for my Wood Shadow Escape, it would be difficult to find Chen Changming with your methods.

You have to tell the family master about my contribution.

I don’t ask for anything else. In addition to compensation and rewards, giving dozens of spiritual stones is not too much, right? "

Liu Qingsong took out 16 yuan of spirit stones and secretly stuffed them into Liu Yuanchen's sleeve.

"Don't worry, my second uncle won't take your credit.

This time I lost a pack of hemostatic powder and more than 50 spiritual stones, and I had to find a dealer to compensate. "

Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised. The second uncle looked serious and was very good at falsely reporting losses.

More than 20 spiritual stones were thrown out and more than 50 were reported.

The extra 30 yuan was divided equally between the two.

Although there were two family members who were operating the boat on the boat, they did not dare to show their heads in the cabin, and they did not know how many spiritual stones Liu Qingsong had thrown out.

After touching the spiritual stone in his sleeve, Liu Yuanchen felt much better.

As long as the price is enough, what's the point of shedding a little blood?
Liu Qingsong took action to clear the big trees blocking the road, and the cargo ship continued to move forward.

The stalwart casual cultivator's storage bag and magic weapon fell into his hands.

When it comes to picking up trophies, it’s also about striking first.

In addition, Liu Yuanchen was short-handed, and he was too embarrassed to ask for it again.

The cargo ship moved forward slowly, and after passing this swamp, the river behind it became much normal.

Although it is still narrow, without the twists and turns of the river, the cargo ship can move forward at full speed.

More than an hour later, several low mountains appeared ahead.

The lush vegetation on the mountain is incompatible with the surrounding red desert.

At this time, Liu Qingsong's breathing became much more relaxed.

With a smile on his face: "Finally we have arrived at Dongyang Lake. I didn't dare to breathe all the way."

Liu Yuanchen didn't care: "What is it that makes you so nervous?"

Liu Qingsong smiled and said: "It's nothing, just a few talismans left by ancient monks. I don't know how much power is left."

Liu Yuanchen naturally didn't believe it. If it was really an ancient monk's talisman, he wouldn't say it easily.Then, he heard Liu Qingsong's spiritual voice: "The ancient monk's talisman is just a cover, but it is actually two blood jade pills."

As a disciple of the Qing Dan Sect, Liu Yuanchen naturally knew about the Blood Jade Pill, which was an auxiliary elixir for monks in the Qi Nourishing Realm to break through to the Qi Sea Realm.

The mana of monks in the Qi-nourishing realm is in the gaseous state, while the mana of the monks in the Qi-sea realm is in the liquid state.

The process of breaking through the realm is to convert gaseous mana into liquid state.

In this process, Qi and blood are used as containers and spiritual consciousness is used as external pressure to gradually compress mana.

Once the energy and blood are insufficient, the container cannot contain the magic power, and a large amount of magic power spurts out instantly, which can burst the monk's meridians and Dantian.

At this point, it is very likely that he will die, or in the best case scenario, he will become a disabled person.

The function of the Blood Jade Pill is to replenish the power of Qi and blood to prevent insufficient Qi and blood from suppressing the magic power.

To break through the Qi Sea realm, you also need pills to replenish your spiritual consciousness, pills to protect your meridians, and pills to replenish your pure mana.

Blood Jade Pill alone is absolutely not enough.

One blood jade pill is less than a thousand spirit stones.

Although such strategic materials are rarely sold on the market, a few occasionally appear at the auctions held by the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce in Qingdan City.

Although it is very risky to break through the Qi Sea Realm, as long as the consciousness, energy, blood, and mana are sufficient, the success rate of the breakthrough is not low.

These auxiliary elixirs are prepared for those monks who have insufficient accumulation.

Liu Yuanchen was not interested in the Blood Jade Pill at all. With the Shenmu Towering Technique and the prototype of the Blessed Land, there was no need to consider the power of Qi, blood and mana.

"I thought it was a good thing, that's all."

Liu Qingsong's expression froze, then he felt relieved, and said via voice transmission: "Yes, to you, this thing is just a precious jelly bean.

You have only nourished your Qi to the fifth level, and your Qi and blood are already not inferior to mine.

By the time you reach the peak of the Qi Nourishing Realm, your Qi and blood will probably catch up with some early Qi Sea Realm monks.

When a breakthrough occurs, there is no need to replenish Qi and blood at all. "

In a blink of an eye, the cargo ship has arrived in front of the mountain.

There is a gap between the two mountains ahead, and the Qingshui River is flowing through the gap.

After passing the gap, there is a small lake with a diameter of more than ten miles in front of you. This is Dongyang Lake, the ancestral land of the Liu family.

The lake is green, like a piece of emerald, embedded among many hills.

In addition to the Clearwater River, there are several streams that flow into the small lake.

There are lush vegetation on both sides of the stream.

Like several blue dragons, they guard the jasper jewel of Dongyang Lake.

The top of the mountain directly north of Dongyang Lake is the tallest and is called Dongyang Peak.

A second-level low-grade spiritual vein passes through Dongyang Lake and Dongyang Peak, and there is a spiritual hub in the lake and on the mountain.

The lake has abundant spiritual energy and is irrigated by the lake water. The Liu family has opened up many spiritual fields by the lake.

The mainstay industry of the Liu family is the sale of various spiritual plants, which are all supported by the spiritual fields by the lake.

Although he was traveling with the Qingdan Sect, supplies were scarce in the Red Wasteland, and all kinds of spiritual items were in short supply, so there was no competition.

The cargo ship Liu Yuanchen was riding on docked at the small ferry at the foot of Dongyang Peak Mountain.

Before the boat stopped, Liu Qingsong jumped off the bow and ran towards the mountain.

Because there is a spiritual hub with second-level spiritual veins, the top brass of the Liu family all live on Dongyang Peak.

Even the important institutions of the family are arranged here.

Liu Qingsong ran over in a hurry, naturally going to make a business trip.

Liu Yuanchen was still waiting for rewards and compensation from his family, and was unwilling to leave just now, so he waited on the dock.

Not long after, a tribesman came down from Dongyang Peak to send a message, asking him to go to the executive hall.

The standing hall is where the family's top management handles daily affairs, and is usually guarded by elders.

Liu Yuanchen climbed to Dongyang Peak. Although this mountain is the highest peak around Dongyang Lake, it is only about fifty feet high.

The top of the mountain is a gentle slope with a radius of about one mile. There are various buildings on the slope, including the executive hall.

The so-called standing hall is a small courtyard.

Liu Yuanchen pushed the door open and entered. The small courtyard was laid out like a courtyard, with a main house and east and west wing rooms.

A majestic voice came from the main room: "Yuan Chen, come in."

Liu Yuanchen entered the main room and saw a desk and a master's chair inside.

A thin monk in his forties sat on the chair, while Liu Qingsong stood aside.

Liu Yuanchen cupped his hands and said, "Yuanchen has met the great elder."

This strong man is none other than the eldest elder of the Liu family, Liu Qingming, the number two figure in the Liu family and the fourth oldest.

He nodded slightly: "You deserve the greatest credit for bringing the Blood Jade Pill back safely this time.

I heard from my second brother that you have mastered Wood Shadow Dungeon to the point of mastery? "

Liu Yuanchen replied: "In the Qingdan Sect, I have been guarding the Yujin Mountain Spirit Field, and I don't have much to do. I have a lot of time to practice Wood Shadow Escape.

It took several years to train Mu Ying Dun to the current level. "

In the past few years, he has never relaxed his practice of Wood Shadow Escape.

After all, it doesn't matter whether you can win the battle, saving your life is the most important.

Although his level of Wood Shadow Escape is good, it is far from perfect.

Being able to be completely invisible in the shadows of vegetation, and being able to evade spiritual awareness to a certain extent, should be the blessing of the technique.

Liu Qingming looked approvingly: "Yes, the sixth brother said in the letter that you have also learned how to make alchemy, and can you make a nearly high-quality spirit-rejuvenating elixir?"

Liu Yuanchen answered truthfully: "That's true. Now we can only refine the Bigu Pill and the Spirit-Rejuvenating Pill."

The look of satisfaction on Liu Qingming's face became even stronger: "The family's main business is planting various spiritual plants. Although they have focused on cultivating alchemists in recent years, they have achieved very little.

Until now, the family does not have a second-level alchemist.

Since you have this talent, you have to work hard.

In the future, becoming a second-level alchemist will increase the family's income by thousands of spiritual stones a year. "

"What reward do you want for your meritorious service this time?"

Liu Yuanchen's heart moved slightly as he was waiting for these words.

However, he still planned to play hard to get: "It is natural to do things for the family. I dare not ask for rewards."

Liu Qingming waved his hand: "Any meritorious service must be rewarded, and any fault must be punished. Only in this way can people's hearts be calmed.

If you want any reward, just say it. As long as the clan rules allow, I will try my best to help you. "

The words are beautiful, but the interpretation of the clan rules lies in the hands of the main line.

Whether the clan rules allow it or not is not a matter of his words.

Liu Yuanchen stopped fighting: "I heard that Yanze was targeted by a group of red sand wolves, and my father and elder brother were both there.

If the Red Sand Wolf attacks again, their lives will be in danger. I hope the elder can move my father and brother to a safe place. "

Liu Qingming was silent for a moment: "The family monks are short of manpower, and there is a shortage of people everywhere.

The red sand wolf attacked Yanze and transferred several monks to garrison it.

Transferring the third brother now will definitely cause dissatisfaction among other tribesmen, so this matter needs to be postponed.

However, your eldest brother is just an ordinary person, so it’s easy to handle.

The family plans to open up some more spiritual fields outside Dongyang Lake, so safety is not a problem.

First, transfer your eldest brother over and let him do some work in the spiritual field. What do you think? "

(End of this chapter)

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