Chapter 8 Yanze
Many tasks in the spiritual fields, such as plowing the ground, sowing seeds, watering, harvesting, etc., can be completed by mortals.

What must be done by monks is to maintain the soil of the spiritual field, treat spiritual plant diseases, and kill high-level pests.

By transferring the eldest brother to the ancestral land, as long as the family is not destroyed, safety is guaranteed.

Moreover, if the eldest brother is transferred to the ancestral land, the mother and sister-in-law can also follow him.

My father was injured before because he wanted to save his eldest brother.

Without the ties of his family, with his father's strength, self-preservation is not a problem when facing the red sand wolf.

Although the goal is not completely achieved, it is acceptable.

Liu Yuanchen cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Great Elder."

Seeing that he agreed, Liu Qingming nodded slightly: "You tried your best this time, but I couldn't fully meet your requirements.

Let's do this. I will reward you with 20 yuan of spiritual stones. Go to the Finance Hall to receive the reward. "

After Liu Yuanchen received the reward, he left Dongyang Peak directly.

This time he didn't dare to ride on the family's boat, lest he be tricked again.

Dongyang Lake is not the end of Qingshui River. On the east bank of Dongyang Lake, there is a waterway about ten feet wide, also called Qingshui River.

The lake water pours down from the water channel, flows eastward for hundreds of miles, and finally flows into the salt lake.

Liu Yuanchen went down the river along the river bank. Both sides of the river were still lush and green.

As he passes by, he will startle the birds and hares in the bushes.

Because of the abdominal injury, he did not dare to move forward at full speed.

Half a day later, a small lake with a diameter of less than ten miles appeared in front of him. This was the salt lake.

After being consumed all the way, the Qingshui River, which has a very small amount of water, flows in from the west bank of Yanze.

Near the river mouth, there are neat rows of houses, which are the residences of the tribesmen.

There is fresh water in that area, drinking water is convenient, and some farmland can be opened.

Looking from a distance, there are white squares on the north and south sides of the salt lake.

These squares are the salt ponds where salt is dried, and young people are busy in the salt ponds.

The salt in the salt pool is dazzlingly white with almost no impurities.

It's not that the Liu family's salt-making technology is so good, but that there is really no sediment in this poor place.

Surrounded by Gobi desert, even grains of sand are hard to find.

The only river that flows into the salt marsh, also called the Qingshui River, does not have much sediment.

In addition, the Liu family deliberately intercepted sediment upstream, and very little sediment flowed into the salt marsh.

The process of drying salt for the Liu family is also very simple. They dig a large pit with a flat bottom on the rocky ground on the shore of the lake.

A canal was then dug to divert water from the lake. When the pit was filled with water, the canal was then blocked.

After a few days in the sun, the water in the pit will be dried, leaving a layer of white salt. The salt can be shoveled off and shipped directly.

Monks who cannot completely abstain from food still need to eat salt.

Mortals under the command of various forces cannot do without salt.

There are many places that produce salt in the Red Wasteland, but most of them produce coarse salt with a lot of sediment, which is far inferior to the snow salt produced in Yanze.

Every year, Yanze brings a net profit of nearly 400 yuan of spiritual stones to the Liu family.

Although it doesn't look like much, it is already the Liu family's second largest industry, second only to the spiritual plant industry.

From the time he was born to the age of ten, Liu Yuanchen has been living by the salt lake. When he revisited his old place, he felt particularly close to it.

After looking at the scenery for a while, we walked towards the mouth of Qingshui River.

Soon, he came to a small courtyard.

Opening the door, you will see the layout of the small courtyard as soon as you enter the quadrangle, with a main house, east and west wing rooms, and a fire room in the southeast corner.

At this time, a tall middle-aged man was practicing swordsmanship in the yard. It was Liu Yuanchen's father, Liu Qingyun.

Liu Yuanchen walked into the yard: "Father, how is your injury?

I heard from Uncle Six that you were injured, so I rushed back to take a look. "

Liu Qingyun put away the long sword in his hand: "It's true Qingfeng, I'm asking you to run hundreds of miles for such a trivial matter.

I was scratched by a red sand wolf. As you know, red sand wolves have rough skin and thick flesh. They can endure hunger, but their claws are not sharp.

The red sand wolf that hurt me was not a wolf king, and his cultivation level was comparable to mine.

After the injury, I took two healing pills and rested for several days, and I was fine. "

He looked at Liu Yuanchen carefully: "When your eldest brother got married last year, your height only reached the tip of my nose, but now you have caught up with me.

My cultivation level has also broken through to the fifth level of nourishing qi. It seems that I will be able to surpass me in a few years. "

Liu Qingyun's talent is not good either, he is just a C-level low-grade immortal.

Since adulthood, he has been guarding the salt lake where spiritual energy is lacking.

After practicing hard for many years, I was able to cultivate my Qi at the sixth level.

Liu Yuanchen looked at his father's complexion. His face was rosy, his breath was strong, and he did not look like he was injured.

"Is Yuan Chen back?"

A woman wearing an apron and holding a feather duster came out of the main room.

Liu Yuanchen greeted her: "Mom, it's me who's back."

This person is Zhang Ling, Liu Yuanchen's mother. She is an ordinary member of the Zhang family, a cultivating immortal family.

In terms of seniority, Liu Yuanchen and Zhang Jingcheng, who is also in the Qingdan Sect, are still cousins, but their blood relationship is far apart.

The children of the Liu and Zhang families often intermarried, and they all had conflicts with the Chen family, so they had a very good relationship.

More than 200 years ago, the Chen family and the Liu family competed for salt. The Zhang family also contributed to the Liu family's victory.

When the Chen family suppresses the Zhang family, the Liu family will also help.

The two families join hands to deal with the Chen family, which is quite close to each other.

The Chen family is considered the strongest family in this area, and this advantage has existed since the founding of the clan.

The ancestor of the Chen family was originally a Qihai realm disciple of the Qingdan Sect. He left the sect and started a family when his path became hopeless.

With their connections within the Qingdan Sect, the Chen family's children have a higher status within the Qingdan Sect, and there are always people in the middle ranks.

Although the Liu family and the Zhang family also have children who worshiped the Qingdan Sect, they are still not as good as the Chen family.

Zhang Ling saw the tears and blood stains on Liu Yuanchen's robe at a glance: "Yuanchen, are you injured?"

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "It's okay, when I come back, I will take the family's cargo ship.

Chen Changming from the Chen family enlisted the casual cultivators to rob the ship, and my second uncle and I had a fight with them.

I broke one of Chen Changming's back molars, and he also made a small cut.

I used Zhixue Powder and I'm fine now. "

Zhang Ling was still worried. Liu Yuanchen lifted her robe and saw that the wound had almost healed, and she felt relieved.

Even so, she always told Liu Yuanchen to run away if he was in danger.

In the evening, the eldest brother Liu Yuanfu came back from the salt field, and the four of them had dinner together.

As for the eldest sister-in-law, she went back to her parents' home.

The eldest sister-in-law is also an ordinary member of the Liu family, but she is not a branch of the Liu Yuanchen family.

Among ordinary people, it is common for people from different distant clans to intermarry with each other.

After all, it is difficult for them to come into contact with ordinary people with foreign surnames.

At the dinner table, Liu Yuanchen said: "Father, I helped the family save the goods this time. I applied to the eldest elder to move you and eldest brother to a safe place."

"The great elder only agreed to transfer my eldest brother back to his ancestral land to open up wasteland and farm. You still have to continue to sit here."

Liu Qingyun's eyes lit up: "There are often monsters watching here in Yanze, and now the red sand wolf is targeting us again.

Yuan Fu cannot practice, and it is really dangerous to stay here.

It would be much safer to be transferred to the ancestral land.Your sister-in-law is pregnant, so it's not a problem to be worried here.

You all go to live in the ancestral land, and I stay here by myself.

Even if the red sand wolf comes again, I will be sure to protect myself. "

Liu Yuanfu gnawed on the steamed bun and said vaguely: "I grew up in Yanze since I was a child, and I only know how to dry and collect salt.

Ask me to go farm in Dongyang Lake. I don't know anything. Isn't it a delay for the family? "

Liu Yuanchen knew his brother well. He had been loyal and honest since he was a child. Even though he was tall, he never bullied the weak.

He also takes great care of his only biological brother, but he is a bit resigned to death.

Liu Qingyun looked like he hated iron and said, "If you don't know how to farm, why don't you know how to learn?

This was an opportunity Yuan Chen had made great contributions to and sought from the Great Elder. "

"The area around Yanze is extremely dangerous. Since you can remember, you have been attacked by monsters more than ten times.

Every time they were attacked, at least one or twenty tribesmen would die from the mouths of monsters.

If I hadn't saved you this time, you would have been swallowed by the red sand wolf. "

“I’m still alive and can take care of you.

What if I die?What about you and your children and grandchildren?
Even if Yuan Chen breaks through the Qi Sea realm in the future, he can live for more than 200 years.

But he was in Qingdan Sect, hundreds of miles away from Yanze. If something happened here, he wouldn't have time to rescue him. "

"Also, Dongyang Lake is rich in spiritual energy. If you live there, your descendants will have a higher chance of having immortal seeds in the future.

If you don’t think about yourself, you have to think about your children.

He's taller than me, but he's just careless. "

Once he heard that it was related to future generations, Liu Yuanfu no longer refused: "Okay, I will learn to farm."

Zhang Ling tried to smooth things over: "Before I got married, I also worked in the cemetery.

When we get to Dongyang Lake, we can also help.

What Yuan Fu doesn’t understand, I’ll teach him. "

After eating, Liu Qingyun left the house.

Even in normal times, the monks stationed in Yanze need to patrol at night.

What's more, there are red sand wolves now staring at the salt lake, and their patrols are even more careless.

Liu Yuanchen was not a guarding monk, and since his injury had not healed yet, he stayed at home.

After dark, Liu Yuanchen lived in the east wing where he had lived since childhood.

He sat cross-legged on the bed and performed the Shenmu Shengtian Gong.

The spiritual energy here is really thin. Compared to this, Yujin Mountain is considered rich in spiritual energy.

Especially since this place is too far away from the blessed land of Qingshi Mountain, the mana it can feed back is only one thousandth of that of a low-grade spiritual stone.

A hundred breaths of mana can be fed back once, and the mana fed back in one day is not as good as a low-grade spiritual stone.

Moreover, he also had to consume mana to maintain the vine armor on his body.

Among the vines, only the earliest ones are carefully cultivated and can survive normally when planted in spiritual fields.

Other vines are spawned by mana. Once there is no mana to maintain them, they will wither in a very short period of time.

Under the threat of the red sand wolf, he did not dare to give up the rattan armor. After all, this thing was comparable to a first-level mid-level defensive magic weapon.

There is no battle now, he just needs to keep the cane alive, and it doesn't consume much mana.

The little mana that Blessed Land fed back was barely enough for Teng Jia to consume.

After recovering the mana he had consumed during the day, he stopped practicing, and instead recalled the scene when Immortal Zhenyuan was giving his sermon.

After all, the power of the Shenmu Shentian Gong is related to the charm of the Shenmu. There will always be some benefits in understanding the charm of the ginseng fruit tree.

It was late at night and he was completely in samadhi.

Suddenly, a shrill howl of a wolf came.

Liu Yuanchen was immediately awakened. The howling of wolves was not far away. It must be that the group of red sand wolves were looking for trouble again.

He quickly got up and went to the courtyard, carefully identifying the location of the wolf howling.

Zhang Ling also walked to the courtyard: "Yuan Chen, is the red sand wolf here again?"

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly: "It should be, mother, you stay in the house, I will guard the yard, nothing will happen."

Zhang Ling knew she couldn't help, so she retreated to the main room.

Liu Yuanfu, who had been tired for a day, was not awakened. In the east wing, slight snoring kept coming.

Liu Yuanchen released his spiritual consciousness and observed the surrounding scene.

The small courtyard is not far from Qingshui River, and there are some vegetation around it.

With the ability to sense the vitality of vegetation, it can monitor the situation within a thirty-foot radius.

This method consumes very little spiritual consciousness, only about one percent of that of ordinary spiritual exploration.

Not long after, noisy shouts came from the north, mixed with the screams of wolves.

Liu Yuanchen was not worried about the situation of the battle.

Before, there were only three monks who were in charge, and they were able to repel the wolves.

A few days ago, two more late-stage Qi-cultivating clan members and two mid-stage Qi-cultivating tribesmen were transferred from the ancestral land, making it easy to deal with the wolves.

After half a cup of tea, the fighting noises became smaller and smaller, and the screams of the wolf became more and more frequent.

When Liu Yuanchen heard the howling of wolves getting closer and closer to his courtyard, he cheered up and was ready to take action at any time.

Not long after, a wolf broke into his sensing range.

It ran forward in a panic, not caring about the danger.

Soon, it arrived near the small courtyard.

Liu Yuanchen used Wood Shadow Escape and jumped over the wall. Several vines flew out from his sleeves and wrapped around the wolf.

I saw that this wolf was just over ten feet long and nearly five feet tall at the shoulders. It had a powerful aura, no less powerful than the Chen Changming I met before.

The average red sand wolf is only seven or eight feet long, so this wolf should be the wolf king.

The incident happened suddenly, and before the Wolf King could react, his four legs were entangled in vines.

It struggled violently, trying to break free.

Liu Yuanchen used the Green Light Technique on the vines, and hair-thick spikes suddenly sprouted from the smooth vines.

The sharp thorns pierced the wolf's skin, and the wolf king let out a shrill roar.

Liu Qingyun's voice came from a distance: "Yuan Chen, be careful, that's the Wolf King, don't fight forcefully."

The wolf king became ferocious under the pain.

A powerful momentum burst out, and several vines were instantly shattered.

Liu Yuanchen knew that he was no match for him, so he quickly injected some magic power into one of the broken canes.

A bud grew on the vine. The bud detached from the vine and grew roots, which were tightly wrapped around a tuft of long hair on the wolf's tail.

The Wolf King broke free from the restraints of the vines and ran towards the southwest without daring to tangle with Liu Yuanchen.

From the due north, three figures ran over, and the one running at the front was Liu Qingyun.

"Yuan Chen, are you not injured?"

Liu Yuanchen shook his head: "I'm fine. The Wolf King didn't dare to fight with me. After breaking free from my vines, he ran to the southwest.

I left a mark on him so I could sense his location. "

The eyes of an old man with white beard and white hair lit up: "The wolf king was injured in the leg by me, and he will definitely escape back to the wolf lair to heal his injuries.

As long as we can touch the wolf's den, we can kill this group of wolves in one fell swoop. "

(End of this chapter)

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