Chapter 82 Academy System
All three of them got official positions. After thanking them again and again, they said goodbye and left.

Liu Yuanchen stayed in the cave for another two days before leaving.

However, he did not return directly to the blessed land, but went to Qinghe Town again.

Now that the Great Xia Dynasty has decreed it, it should be called Qinghe County.

The master no longer stays in the Qingdan Sect. Now that he has broken through the Qi Sea Realm, he will probably rarely return to the Qingdan Sect's mountain gate in the future.

He casually cultivated a big tree by the Yingyue River with the Jia Mu Dry Rong Technique, and then left the cave.

He used the wind control technique all the way and rushed towards Yujin Mountain.

Every twenty miles, several big trees must be cultivated using the Jiamu Kuerong technique.

Although he will rarely return to Qingdan Sect in the future, the Lingzhi Intelligence Network still needs to be established.

It doesn't seem to be of much use now, but there's no guarantee it won't be of great use in the future.

After arriving at Yujin Mountain, they turned around and headed north to Qinghe County.

More than a year has passed since the last time I came here.

The city wall, which was not yet completed at that time, is now completed.

The city wall is more than five feet high, and monks with helmets and armor are already guarding it.

At the city gate, there were eight monks guarding the city, all of them wearing armor.

These people's cultivation level is not high, they only have the ninth level of Qi nourishment or the peak level of Qi nourishment.

However, each of them carries an evil spirit about them.

There are not dozens of lives under his hands, so he cannot cultivate this kind of evil spirit.

Just looking at each other, Liu Yuanchen felt that the younger generation was a little chilly.

Above the city gate, there is also a magical mirror, which is of high quality.

Every monk who comes in and out will be illuminated by the precious mirror.

It is estimated that this mirror is used to distinguish evil cultivators from demons.

Casual cultivators entering and exiting the city gate must also pay spirit stones as entry fees.

Otherwise, you will be blocked from the door.

Inside the city gate, there is also a monk dressed as a scribe, who is responsible for issuing entry tokens.

This monk's cultivation level is not low, he is already in the early stage of Qi Sea Realm.

He looks to be in his forties, but his true age is hard to tell.

At this time, Liu Yuanchen was still wearing the Qingdan Sect's standard robe, and it was the elder's robe.

According to the rewards from the Great Xia court, all Qingdan Sect elders have noble status, so these people naturally dare not stop them.

Arriving at the gate, the scribe responsible for issuing tokens bowed his hands.

"Master Qingdan Sect, Qinghe County is a border county.

According to the rules of the imperial court, entering the city requires verification of identity, payment of entry fees, and an entry token.

You are a master of the Qingdan Sect and have a noble status, so you naturally do not have to pay the fee.

But you still need a token to enter the city, and please state your name. "

Liu Yuanchen did not show off, and directly took out the golden elder token of the Qingdan Sect: "Liu Yuanchen."

Hearing this, the scribe quickly stood up and bowed and saluted: "It turns out that I am a disciple of Bahuang Pavilion. I am a young man with poor eyesight. Please forgive me, Mr. Liu."

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: "No need to be polite, just give me the token."

The scribe quickly took out a black iron token, engraved his name on it, and handed it to him respectfully.

Liu Yuanchen took the token and strode towards the city.

When I came last, most places in the county had not yet been built.

This time I came here, the whole county has changed drastically.

Because the county seat expanded to the north, south and west on the basis of the original Qinghe Town, the original town now became the east part of the city and was divided into two by a highway.

The other places are all newly built. There are not many people staying there, but there are quite a few monks setting up street stalls.

The entire county has four gates and two crisscrossing streets, dividing the county into four parts.

At the intersection of the two streets, there is a spacious square.

In the center of the square is the county government office of Qinghe County.

In addition to the county government office, three special buildings also appeared in Qinghe County.

One is the barracks in the northwest. Qinghe County is a border county, so there are naturally soldiers stationed there. It is normal to have barracks.

The second one is the Qinghe Martial Arts Academy in the northeast. Liu Yuanchen didn't know what this martial arts academy was about.

However, the martial arts academy had just been built, and there was no one there, so I couldn't find anyone to ask.

The third is the City God's Temple in the southwest corner. Liu Yuanchen had some knowledge of the City God in his previous life.

In the previous life, the City God was in charge of the underworld, which was considered a part of the underworld. He led the dead to the underworld and was under the control of the City God.

The land outside the city and the mountain gods, water gods, etc. will also be under the jurisdiction of the city god.

As for whether the City God of the Yuanling Realm has such responsibilities, it is hard to say.

After shopping around, Liu Yuanchen came to Wanbao Chamber of Commerce.

Not to buy anything, but to get information.

The current Wanbao Chamber of Commerce is also quite lively. Shopkeeper Du is so busy that he has many servants running around taking customers to choose things.

Seeing Liu Yuanchen come in, Shopkeeper Du quickly bowed and saluted: "Mr. Liu, what do you want to buy when you come here today?"

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: "I'm here to see Senior Brother Wan. By the way, prepare fifty more Sea Gathering Pill elixirs for me.

After I finish chatting with Senior Brother Wan, I will come back to get the elixir. "

Shopkeeper Du smiled and said, "My young master is entertaining guests on the third floor. You can go up on your own."

He said this, obviously the boss was not afraid of being disturbed.

Liu Yuanchen went straight to the door of the small room on the third floor, and the door opened automatically.

In addition to Wan Yutang, there was Mo Lianshan in a brocade robe.

Seeing him coming in, Mo Lianshan quickly stood up and saluted.

Liu Yuanchen waved his hands repeatedly: "Magistrate Mo, you are an elder, I cannot afford this gift."

Mo Lianshan chuckled lightly: "You came to see Mr. Wan. You must have something important to do. I won't bother you. I'll take my leave now."

After that, he just exited the hut.

Wan Yutang gave Liu Yuanchen a thumbs up: "Junior brother Liu, your skills are really good!"

Liu Yuanchen was a little confused: "Where do you start talking about this?"

Wan Yutang pointed outside: "Letting Mo Lianshan serve as the magistrate of Qinghe County is indeed a cruel move.

I also said before that if you could become the county magistrate, it would be easier to attack the Chen family.

Now it seems that I was still too short-sighted.

You gave Mo Lianshan such a great kindness, and he never dreamed of repaying you.

Even if you don't say anything, Mo Lianshan will have to clean up the Chen family.

As a result, the Chen family may not be able to wear out their shoes.

Although these things are in line with your original intention, they do not require you to dirty your hands, and they do not require you to work hard. "

Liu Yuanchen waved his hands repeatedly: "You have wronged me. I just mentioned it casually and didn't think much about it."

Wan Yutang naturally had a look of disbelief: "Do you think I will believe it? Moreover, your arrangement is flawed.

Qinghe County is located on the border and is always facing threats from evil cultivators.

With Mo Lianshan's ability, he couldn't control the situation. "

"Speaking of which, Master Zhao is very thoughtful."

Liu Yuanchen was a little curious: "What did my master do?" Wan Yutang smiled and said: "Sure enough, this matter was not arranged by you.

You must have seen those soldiers at the city gate and on the city wall. What do you think? "

Liu Yuanchen said without hesitation: "They are all ruthless characters. If they don't have dozens of lives in their hands, they won't have that kind of momentum."

Wan Yutang gave a thumbs up: "Junior Brother Liu, your vision is still good.

Those soldiers were all veterans recruited from the border by the Great Xia court.

Regardless of their low level of cultivation, if five people form a formation, they can defeat the early stage monks in the Qi Sea Realm.

If you encounter an early Qi Sea monk with relatively little fighting experience, you can definitely kill him.

If 50 people formed an formation, it would be possible to kill a mid-stage Qi Sea monk.

If there is a general at the early stage of the Condensing Yuan Realm who is in charge, and a hundred-man formation cooperates with the general, there is hope of killing the peak Condensing Yuan Realm monks. "

"In the border areas, the army of the Great Xia Dynasty relied on these military formations to fight against the monster masters.

These old soldiers have killed hundreds of monsters.

Now they can still take full shadow, which shows their strength. "

"These people are now the county soldiers of Qingdan County. Uncle Zhao was worried that Qinghe County could not handle them, so he sent Zuo Sima, under the command of the county captain, to lead [-] elite troops to guard Qinghe County.

That Zuo Sima was a monk in the Lingtai realm. With him and five hundred elites, no one below the Soul Condensation realm dared to spy on the county. "

Liu Yuanchen suddenly realized that no wonder those soldiers were full of evil spirits. They turned out to be elites specially transferred by the Great Xia court.

My master was quite thoughtful and eliminated the safety hazards in Qinghe County.

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: "I came here this time to ask you something, not to listen to your nonsense."

Wan Yutang pretended to be angry and said with a straight face: "We, Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, are a place for business, not a place for chatting. Please don't make trouble unreasonably."

Liu Yuanchen didn't take it seriously: "Selling information doesn't count as doing business?"

Wan Yutang was stunned and felt that this was also the case.

However, Wanbao Chamber of Commerce has always only sold various treasures and never sold information.

Although it is collected on a regular basis, it is usually for internal reference.

"This is the first time for the shop to do this kind of business. Now that the customer has spoken, I naturally want to take the next step.

Otherwise, the signboard of our Wanbao Chamber of Commerce will be ruined.

What information do you want to know?Different information has different prices. "

Liu Yuanchen smiled calmly: "I saw Dongshan Wuyuan in the county today. What does this thing do?"

Wan Yutang sighed: "I didn't expect that Wanbao Chamber of Commerce would not make much profit for the first time in the business of selling information.

You can ask any county soldier to explain this matter clearly.

Forget it, I won’t charge you for this information. "

“Even if you haven’t heard of Wuyuan, you should at least know about Daxia Academy.

Although the Academy bears the name of Daxia, in fact, neither the Daxia court nor the Divine Court can directly intervene in the affairs of the Academy.

Moreover, Daxia Academy is not a single academy, but a whole system. "

"Dao Dao Mountain near the capital of the Great Xia Dynasty is the origin of the Great Xia Academy and the highest institution in the academy system.

Under the Daxia Academy, each vassal state also had a Guoxue Palace.

Under the academic palaces of the vassal states, each county also has an academic palace.

Under the county academy, each county seat also has an academy, which is just called a martial arts academy.

Qinghe Martial Arts Academy is the lowest level of the academy system. Over there in Qingdan City, there is also the County Academy. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was a little curious.

It has been known before that the Great Xia Dynasty and Shenting are one family and are the largest force in the human race.

This Great Xia Academy can actually prevent the Divine Court and the imperial court from interfering, which seems to be extremely extraordinary.

"The Great Xia Academy can prevent Shenting and the Great Xia court from interfering. Could it be that its strength is still higher than that of Shenting?"

Wan Yutang shook his head: "The strongest force in the entire human race is Shenting, and the academy system can't compare?
The reason why the Great Xia Academy was able to prevent Shen Ting from intervening was because the Great Xia Academy was a symbol of the human race's orthodoxy. "

“As early as the era of the physical way, knowledgeable people discovered the flaws of the physical way and actively explored ways to improve it.

At that time, some human masters often discussed Taoism on Dao Mountain.

As time went by, the reputation of Daoshan Mountain became more and more famous, and it became a place where masters from all races went to explore the path of cultivation.

The current three paths of cultivation of the human race were all born on Mount Dao.

It can be said that Daodao Mountain is a holy place respected by the three Taos. "

“Over time, Daoshan became a sect-like force.

It's just that this force is relatively loose. No matter which force you come from, as long as you are from the human race, you can join.

Many of the founders of your Bahuang Pavilion came from Dao Mountain.

The great Shinto masters who established the Divine Court basically came from Taoist Mountain. "

“Later, alien beings invaded, the human race weakened, and the demon race invaded.

As the most famous force in the human race, Daoshan Mountain has made great contributions to resisting the demon clan.

Coupled with the large number of masters, he has gained a very high status and has become the spiritual leader of the human race. "

“Later, the Divine Court rose up and continued to annex small forces.

In order to avoid being annexed by Shenting, other forces joined Daoshan one after another.

Under the pressure of Shenting, Daoshan became a real force and was well-organized.

The role of Daoshan Mountain has also changed. In addition to masters discussing Taoism, it also studies various exercises, spells, and the cultivation of immortality.

In addition, we also recruit and train talented juniors.

Even if Shenting still had ideas, he would not dare to take the risk of provoking a civil war among the human race and attack Daoshan. "

"In order to manage the affairs of living people, the Divine Court established the Great Xia Divine Dynasty.

At the same time, the Great Xia Dynasty also proposed to join forces with Daoshan to jointly resist the demon clan.

For the sake of humankind's justice, Daoshan also made a compromise and changed its name to Daxia Academy, nominally accepting the rule of the Daxia Divine Dynasty.

Of course, the Great Xia Dynasty also had to bleed.

Each vassal state must provide resources to help Daxia Academy establish various levels of academy.

Moreover, the people who call the shots in the academies at all levels are still the personnel sent by the Daxia Academy.

Each vassal state has limited manpower and cannot seize core power. "

Liu Yuanchen was still a little puzzled: "The academy system is so big, it should require many students.

The vast majority of the human race is under the rule of the Great Xia Dynasty. It is said that the Great Xia Dynasty should be able to control the academy. "

Wan Yutang shook his head: "You are only half right, the Great Xia Dynasty can control the academy in terms of students.

But it is difficult to completely control it. After all, the academy system is supported by many forces, large and small, in the human race, and there will not be too few students.

If the Great Xia Dynasty goes too far, the academy system can completely abandon the low-level academy and just focus on the affairs of Wenshan Mountain. "

“And the Great Xia Divine Dynasty is actually controlled by the Academy.

The Great Xia Dynasty also coveted many talents cultivated by the academy system.

If two families cooperate, they will both benefit, and if they fight, both will suffer.

Therefore, both parties cooperate with each other. "

"More than ten thousand years have passed, and there are some people in the Daxia Academy who are close to the Divine Court, and they have even established a Shinto Academy.

Therefore, the Great Xia Dynasty wanted to slowly break through the academy system from within.

Within the Great Xia Dynasty, there were also many officials with academic backgrounds.

Now that the two families have me among you and you among me, the possibility of war is extremely small. "

(End of this chapter)

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