Xiaoyao Dixian: Obtain the inheritance of Zhenyuan Immortal at the beginning

Chapter 83 Poisonous Sting Vine Transforms into Spirit

Chapter 83 Poisonous Sting Vine Transforms into Spirit

Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised. He had known about the power of Shenting and the Great Xia Dynasty before, and thought that Shenting could already cover the sky in the human race.

No other human race force can compete with it.

When I heard about the Daxia Academy before, I thought it was founded by the Daxia court.

Unexpectedly, the strength of the Great Xia Academy was so powerful that the Divine Court was helpless.

“The reason why the cultivating forces are strong depends on resources and inheritance.

The Shenting and the Great Xia Dynasty were powerful because they controlled the vast majority of the human race.

With the power of massive incense, you can obtain a lot of resources.

The Great Xia Dynasty probably controls a lot of industries, and in terms of resources, it should crush other forces.

Although Daxia Academy has a profound foundation, its inheritance is at best profound.

In terms of various resources, it should be far inferior to Shenting and the Great Xia Dynasty. How can the Academy withstand the pressure of the Great Xia Dynasty? "

Wan Yutang smiled: "You are really good at finding the key to problems. To maintain a big power, resources are essential.

There are many ways to make money in Daoshan, mainly three.

One is its own production. Wenwen Mountain has the largest spiritual vein in the human race's territory, and it is also the origin of the Earth Immortal Way.

Therefore, many senior masters of the Earth Immortal Way have opened up the Cave Heaven Blessed Land on Wenwen Mountain.

After tens of thousands of years of transformation in the Cave Heaven Paradise, it has become the number one holy land for cultivation of the human race.

The Great Xia Dynasty built its capital near Dao Dao Mountain in order to absorb the aura of Dao Dao Mountain.

Dao Dao Mountain itself is not that big, but if these powerful caves of the Earth Immortal Way are added, the territory can reach about [-]% of the Great Xia Dynasty.

The spiritual objects produced in these top caves cannot be underestimated. "

“The second is to rely on selling inheritance.

Daxia Academy has many inheritances, and it is constantly cultivating talents and constantly researching new inheritances.

Anyone who worships the Imperial Palace can learn these inheritances.

However, what can be learned for free are the basic traditions that are widely spread.

If you want to learn advanced inheritance, you must either exchange resources or contribute to the academy.

If a certain teaching in the academy creates a particularly powerful spell, this spell can be placed in the academy's inheritance.

If others want to learn, they have to offer benefits, which are shared between the teaching and the academy.

Those who learn magic can only use it themselves and cannot pass it on to others, otherwise they will be hunted down by the academy.

Of course, you can also buy out a certain inheritance, but the cost is too high. "

“Third, the resources supported by the Great Xia Dynasty.

The cooperation between Daxia Academy and Shenting is not in vain.

The academy system helped the Great Xia Dynasty cultivate talents, and the Great Xia Dynasty naturally benefited from it.

This system for cultivating talents includes martial arts academies and schools at all levels.

Monks who join the academy system can continue to be admitted to higher-level academies if they are talented.

Those who are not talented enough can either stay in a low-level academy to teach, or go to the Great Xia Dynasty to find a job.

More than [-]% of the talents cultivated by the academy system every year entered the imperial court.

The Great Xia Dynasty had acquired so many talents, so naturally it would benefit the academy a lot.

However, the Great Xia Dynasty was controlled by the nobles, and it was difficult for people without noble status to stand out.

The real geniuses didn't want to suffer that kind of anger, so most of them stayed in Daxia Academy. "

"With these three ways to obtain resources, even if Daxia Academy is not as good as the Shenting system in terms of resources, the gap is not particularly terrifying.

Coupled with the support of other forces, the Academy as a whole has the ability to compete with the Divine Court. "

Liu Yuanchen admired in his heart that Daxia Academy's second source of wealth was really a bit like the patent fees from his previous life.

After mastering enough profound inheritance, you can earn resources through patents.

Most of the geniuses cultivated by these resources stayed in the academy and continued to study various inheritances, which can be regarded as forming a positive cycle.

Coupled with the numerous top-notch caves on Wenwen Mountain, this foundation is really not easy to shake.

After listening to his explanation, Liu Yuanchen finally understood.

Bahuang Pavilion was already inextricably linked to Dao Dao Mountain, and various forces joined Da Dao Mountain under its command.

It is normal for the master to serve as a lecturer in Daxia Academy.

After the average-talented disciples of Daxia Academy achieved success in their studies, most of them joined the imperial court.

In this case, it makes sense that the envoy who came to the Qingdan Sect to consecrate him called his master the teaching.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Wan, for clarifying this question. Where is the City God's Temple?"

Wan Yutang glanced at him: "Can't you ask me something that I would be embarrassed to receive payment for?"

Liu Yuanchen also looked helpless: "My knowledge is limited, and any doubts I have are related to what I saw.

If it were really a profound question, I wouldn't be able to touch it at all.

As for the question about you being embarrassed to receive payment, I can also ask some. "

Wan Yutang became interested: "Just ask me a question that I'm embarrassed to get paid for. I can also open up new business for Wanbao Chamber of Commerce."

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "I want to know how to make Dongtian go further."

Wan Yutang's face turned dark: "You really know how to ask, if I had known, I would have gone to the Great Xia Academy to serve as a sacrificial wine, why do I need to argue with you here?
Forget it, let’s discuss the City God’s Temple. "

“The City God’s Temple is also part of the Shenting system. Whether it is a county seat, a prefectural city, or the capital of a princely state, there is a City God’s Temple.

The City God is responsible for managing all things related to ghosts in the area, including ordinary people's poverty and longevity, and the ghosts after death.

When encountering evil spirits, Yin soldiers will also be dispatched to conquer them. "

“The various regions that have been assigned to the Red Wasteland will also be divided into gods next.

Most of the land, mountain gods, water gods, etc. in Qinghe County are under the jurisdiction of the City God.

The City God's Temple in the county town is empty, and the authorities have not yet arranged for the City God to come down. "

Liu Yuanchen thought to himself: The city god in this divine court system has similar powers to the city god in the myths and legends of previous lives.

After getting the information he needed, Liu Yuanchen casually took out a few spiritual stones: "This is the money I paid to buy the information from you.

I know that your Wanbao Chamber of Commerce wants to save face, but I’m afraid you’ll be embarrassed to accept it if I give you too much. "

Wan Yutang looked at the several spiritual stones on the table: "Actually, if you give me more, I can accept it shamelessly.

As a businessman, making money is the most important thing, regardless of losing face. "

Liu Yuanchen said seriously: "You can sacrifice your face, but as a junior brother, how can I let you embarrass yourself for me?

These few spiritual stones can be regarded as the opening of the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce's intelligence business.

I wish Brother Wan good luck in opening his business and his business will be prosperous. "

After that, he left the hut.

When they got downstairs, shopkeeper Du had prepared fifty copies of the sea-gathering elixir.

Liu Yuanchen left Wanbao Chamber of Commerce with the elixir and headed straight for Yujin Mountain along the Qingshui River.

Wait until it gets dark before rushing to Qingshi Mountain.

After returning to the blessed land, I found that the size of the blessed land had not changed at all.

The main spiritual veins in the blessed land grew rapidly under the nourishment of the six spiritual hubs.

In just over half a month, it has been close to the first-level mid-level.

The six spiritual hubs of this spiritual vein combine the attributes of the five elements.Even if there is one more water attribute spiritual hub, a state of balance can be achieved under the interaction of the five elements.

When the five elements' spiritual energy is completely balanced, it will merge together and will not show the attributes of the five elements. It is called no attribute.

This spiritual vein has all five elements, so it naturally becomes a non-attributed spiritual vein.

The growth rate of non-attributed spiritual veins is superior to that of ordinary spiritual veins.

However, due to the restriction of Wuyunling's great spiritual vein level, the growth rate of spiritual veins will become slower and slower in the future.

The spiritual energy level of Wuyunling's great spiritual veins has been fluctuating. In the past hundred years, the spiritual energy level has been declining and has not yet reached the lowest level.

I wonder if the spiritual veins will change after the Great Xia Dynasty intervenes.

If there is no change, the level of spiritual energy will continue to decline in the future. After the book of land is formed, the blessed land should be moved.

After inspecting the blessed land, the spiritual plants were growing well.

The Water Moon Lotus, which Liu Yuanchen had high hopes for, also began to show buds.

As for golden leaf bamboo, it also inherits the rapid growth characteristics of bamboo spiritual plants.

It has only been planted for more than a year, and it already occupies a land of more than ten feet in radius.

Although the bamboo is still relatively small and has not grown into a big bamboo pole, the new bamboo is already as thick as an adult's thumb.

In another year or two, real bamboo will grow.

Liu Yuanchen inspected near the third spiritual hub. Xiaoyu was lying on the ground, chatting animatedly with the poisonous thorn vine.

Seeing him coming, Xiaoyu said quickly: "Father, this poisonous thorn vine is now smart and can communicate with me normally."

The fact that the spirit plant has become smart means that it has greatly improved in terms of spiritual intelligence and is a big step closer to deriving the wood spirit.

Liu Yuanchen released his spiritual consciousness to explore the distribution of vitality inside the poisonous thorn vine.

Before this poisonous thorn vine started to suppress the third spiritual hub, most of its vitality had already been gathered inside, making it the most likely spiritual plant to transform into a spirit after Xiaoyu.

After such a long period of growth, there should be some changes.

In his perception, most of the life force has gathered inside this poisonous thorn vine.

At the junction of the roots and stems, they converge into a light spot the size of a soybean.

The current state of Poison Sting Vine is similar to that of Xiaoyu before being enlightened.

Liu Yuanchen turned his head and looked at the ginseng fruit sapling beside him. It was already five feet tall at this time.

When Xiaoyu was first enlightened, the ginseng fruit sapling was only three inches tall. Even so, it only languished for a while.

Now that the ginseng fruit sapling has grown so big, the special energy contained in its body should be much stronger than before.

Enlightening a second-level spiritual plant should not have much impact on the saplings.

Thinking of this, he decided to use a secret technique to enlighten the poisonous thorn vine that was about to transform into a spirit.

Liu Yuanchen operated his secret technique, and the magic power surged in his body. In the sea of ​​consciousness, the fairy seeds turned into the appearance of a ginseng fruit tree.

Waves of green energy surged out from the shadow of the mother tree.

It passes through the meridians and finally reaches the fingertips, transforming into the shape of a ginseng fruit.

It's just that this "ginseng fruit" is only the size of a soybean and is completely green.

Liu Yuanchen put his fingertips on the joint between the roots and stems of the poisonous thorn vine, and the "ginseng fruit" melted directly into it.

He once again sensed the changes in the vitality of the poisonous thorn vine. After the "ginseng fruit" was integrated into his body, he went straight to the green light spot that had been condensed before.

Then, the "ginseng fruit" continued to shrink and got into the green light spot.

After the two merged, the poisonous thorn vine began to suck in spiritual energy crazily.

This is quite similar to the previous enlightenment of Xiaoyu, except that as a second-level spiritual plant, the poisonous thorn vine makes much more noise.

A small spiritual energy vortex appeared above the poisonous thorn vine.

All the spiritual energy within a radius of more than ten feet was driven by this whirlpool and converged into the poisonous thorn vine.

A large amount of spiritual energy poured into the poisonous thorn vine, turned into life force again, and finally merged into the green light spot.

After a while, the light spot began to grow rapidly.

After more than a hundred breaths, the light spot grew to the size of a longan, and its shape began to change, gradually growing into the appearance of a young child.

Xiaoyu also went through this process when she first transformed into a spirit.

It's just that the child transformed by Xiaoyu is as white as jade, and the guy in front of him is overall blue-black.

The poisonous thorn vine absorbs spiritual energy faster and faster, and the child is also growing rapidly.

A quarter of an hour later, the child had grown to the size of a fist.

The spiritual energy vortex showed no signs of disappearing, but instead continued to grow.

Not only did the child increase in size, but his appearance also changed, gradually changing from the appearance of a two or three-year-old child to the appearance of a teenager in his teens.

Half an hour later, the boy had grown to four feet tall.

At this time, the spiritual energy vortex gradually weakened and eventually disappeared completely.

However, the poisonous sting vine's body remained in place.

This point is different from Xiaoyu's original one. After Xiaoyu transformed into a spirit, his body and spirit body were completely integrated into one, regardless of each other.

Therefore, Xiaoyu's body is complete.

After the poisonous thorn vine derived the wood spirit, the original body did not disappear.

The derived spirit body is not entirely a physical entity, but a phantom formed by a ball of energy.

It's just that this shadow is extremely solid and looks very much like an entity.

This newly formed little guy is much more powerful than Xiaoyu.

Apart from her braids, Xiaoyu is only a little over a foot tall, and her growth is extremely slow.

I have been transformed into a spirit for several years, and my cultivation has improved somewhat, but my height has not changed much.

The legendary ginseng doll was originally not very tall.

The poisonous thorn vine spirit has just transformed into a spirit body, which is four feet tall.

Moreover, he was not like Xiaoyu who just wore a bellyband and almost ran around naked.

He wore black armor with a helmet on his head, and there were tiny spikes on the entire armor.

Perhaps due to the influence of the ginseng fruit tree, his skin color changed from blue-black to closer to blue.

He knelt down on one knee, cupped his fists with both hands, and saluted Liu Yuanchen: "Father."

Liu Yuanchen was surprised: "You can speak?"

The little guy nodded: "I usually listen to Xiaoyu and Mingyu talking, and I learn a lot of human languages.

Every time Xiaoyu chats with me, my spiritual intelligence improves.

Being able to grow up so quickly is indispensable without Xiaoyu's help. "

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly, more communication can indeed enhance spiritual intelligence.

After all, among human cubs, those who communicate more with their parents will improve their intelligence faster.

The little guy asked again: "Father, Xiaoyu and Mingyu both have names, what is my name?"

Liu Yuanchen was in trouble. Xiaoyu's whole body looked like it was carved from white jade, so he was called Xiaoyu.

This little guy's skin color is dark blue, so it would be inappropriate to call him Xiao Qing or Xiao Hei.

"You are wearing black armor, let's call you Xuan Jia."

He saluted again: "Xuanjia, thank you father for the name."

(End of this chapter)

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