Chapter 100 Heading to the filming location
It wasn't until his agent Xu Yang knocked on the door that he was disturbed by the knock on the door.

When the door opened, Xu Yang saw a sleepy and slovenly look, and was startled by him.

"I'll go~ Brother, where did you escape from?"

Lin Feng scratched the head of the chicken coop and said listlessly: "What's wrong with you? I didn't go anywhere. I was just sleeping at home."

"Sleep like this?" Xu Yang said in surprise, "Thankfully I'm here. If you record the show today, if the people on the show see you like this, they will laugh at you to death!"

Lin Feng didn't take it seriously, walked to the sofa in a daze, and sat down: "Am I still afraid of jokes? It's really interesting."

After saying that, Lin Feng picked up a pillow and pressed it on his head. He wanted to block out the noise outside and sleep quietly for a while.

Because of the filming of the program these days, he was forced to get up early every day to open the business because he was so lazy. Today, he finally didn't have to film the program, and Xu Yang even made a noise.

How frustrating!

Seeing this, Xu Yang hurriedly pulled him and reminded: "Don't sleep, old cousin. Today is the mission of CCTV's mother, we have to go there early, don't let people think we are acting big!"

Xu Yang threw the bag in his hand on the coffee table and said: "I have brought you clothes. You should get up quickly, wash up, and then simply put on makeup. After that, we can set off."

Lin Feng was not happy when he heard that, he sat up straight and said angrily: "You still need to put on makeup, even with my looks?"

Lin Feng particularly hated makeup, especially foundation. It felt very uncomfortable when layers of foundation were applied to his face.

Over the years, unless he was filming martial arts dramas, he basically didn't wear makeup. He was so confident in his appearance.

Lin Feng, who was wearing makeup, couldn't even act.

Lin Feng asked tentatively: "Is it okay without makeup?"

As soon as he said this, Yueyue, who had just woken up, ran out.

Yueyue's look when she just woke up was also very exaggerated, and Xu Yang couldn't help but be amused by her again.

And Yueyue hadn't seen Xu Yang for a long time, and she was particularly cordial when they met.

She opened her arms and threw herself into Xu Yang's arms: "Uncle, I miss you so much!"

"Little cutie, uncle misses you so much!"

"Uncle, did you bring me something delicious?"

Xu Yang: "..."

Sure enough, it's still you. Before we even get closer, you still ask for something delicious.

But Xu Yang is also used to it. Because of this, there has never been any barrier between her and Yueyue, which also proves that his relationship with Yueyue is extraordinary.

"When has my uncle ever seen you and not brought you something delicious?" Xu Yang pinched Yueyue's little nose, "I did!"

"Thank you uncle!"

Xu Yang put Yueyue down and placed the breakfasts he brought on the coffee table one by one, including fried dough sticks, steamed buns, and seafood porridge.

"Yueyue, hurry up and eat! It's still hot!" Xu Yang ordered.

Yueyue unceremoniously grabbed a small fried dough stick and took a bite: "Uncle, do you want to put on makeup for me? I want to put on lipstick, I want to glue eyelashes, and I want to put on eye shadow!"

Yueyue knows so much, she learned it from TV programs that teach people how to put on makeup.

Girls all like to dress themselves up beautifully.

Xu Yang smiled and said, "Okay, uncle will put on makeup for you later. I'm sure to make Yueyue look as beautiful as a little princess."

"Haha, okay!" Yueyue smiled from ear to ear, while Xu Yang looked at her with a doting look. When Yueyue was still a little baby, Xu Yang changed her diapers. In the blink of an eye, the little guy has grown so big.

Thinking about it, it was really not easy for Lin Feng these past few years. Without the help of his cousin, Lin Feng would have been unable to turn around.

Xu Yang patted Lin Feng's butt and shouted: "Lin Feng! Get up quickly, we are ready to go!"

Lin Feng was indifferent. Xu Yang's previous strength immediately turned into a coward. He said in a soft tone: "You are my brother. We can't make any trouble today. Get up quickly. I beg you." !”

Hearing Xu Yang's attitude, he was about to burst into tears. Lin Feng got up from the sofa and reluctantly ran to the bathroom to wash up.

Yueyue ate some fried dough sticks and porridge. After eating, she ran to the bathroom to wash up.

Yueyue has been able to take care of her own daily life independently since she was four years old. This may be related to the fact that she does not have a mother. Lin Feng has paid special attention to cultivating her independent ability since she was a child.

The little guy is much more mature than his peers in terms of life.

While the father and daughter were washing, Xu Yang looked at the time and walked back and forth in the living room. It seemed that time was a bit tight.

At this time, he also called the makeup artist downstairs to his home. After Lin Feng and the others had finished washing, the makeup artist was going to put makeup on them.

Of course, Lin Feng has always been very stubborn, and he would not give it even to CCTV. He believed that his quality would produce better results, so he didn't put on makeup at all and just had a hairstyle.

Yueyue especially liked makeup. When the makeup artist put makeup on her, she acted very quietly. After a while, her makeup was also put on.

With that cute look, Yueyue looks like a porcelain doll from an anime.

Yueyue was very satisfied with her new outfit and looked in the mirror for a long time.

Lin Feng changed into a white shirt and black casual pants, which showed off his figure. With his new hairstyle, he looked like a young man in his twenties.

Yueyue's eyes lit up and she praised: "Dad, you are so handsome today."

Lin Feng asked: "Isn't dad usually handsome?"

"Handsome! It's just that you are more handsome than usual today. You look more like my big brother."

This meant that Lin Feng was handsome and young today. After hearing this, Lin Feng laughed wildly and felt even more beautiful.

Xu Yang came over and patted him on the shoulder and said: "Cousin, this is your dressing style. You look like a greasy middle-aged man in his 30s. I can't stand it anymore." "

Lin Feng glanced at him displeasedly: "Although I am thirty, I am not greasy. Can you speak?"

"Okay, okay, I made a mistake. You are handsome and everything you said is right." Xu Yang had no temper at all in front of Lin Feng. He was really afraid that Lin Feng would give up his job if he was unhappy.

A few people chatted and laughed as they went downstairs and drove to the shooting location.

The filming location was Leicheng University, which is the most famous university in Leicheng and one of the top ten schools in the country.

The reason why I chose to shoot at the university was to highlight the theme of the shoot.

After half an hour's drive, Lin Feng and the others arrived at Leicheng University.

At this time, CCTV program staff were already waiting at the scene.

The shooting location was the football field of Leicheng University, and local materials were used, so there was no need for other arrangements.

The staff was debugging the equipment on site, and Lin Feng played with Yueyue for a while.

It was Yueyue's first time to come to the football field. She was both excited and curious.

(End of this chapter)

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