Chapter 101

In the huge playground, Yueyue let herself go, jumping, jumping and running. Lin Feng was afraid that she would fall, so he chased her closely behind him.

After a while, the equipment was debugged and the director found Lin Feng.

"Teacher Lin, the equipment has been adjusted. Can we shoot now?"


Lin Feng gave Xu Yang a few words to stretch his muscles and prepare for filming.

The CCTV staff present were a little surprised. Lin Feng gave them a somewhat stereotyped impression. They didn't expect him to be so easy-going and down-to-earth.

The artists they had contacted before brought several bodyguards and assistants with them. Lin Feng's coffee was not too small, but he only brought one manager, which was somewhat beyond their expectations.

When Yueyue was tired from running, Xu Yang took her to the basketball court next door to play.

On this side, the director was communicating with Lin Feng about filming a promotional video.

The content of the shooting was not complicated. It just asked Lin Feng to do some martial arts movements. After Lin Feng had a general understanding, he nodded and told the director that the shooting was ready.

Regarding martial arts, the director was also a layman. He exchanged shooting ideas with Lin Feng, and the rest was to let Lin Feng do various martial arts movements.

Standing at the designated position, Lin Feng did several somersaults, whirlwind questions, and flying questions.

These basic martial arts movements are not difficult for him at all. The movements are standard and gorgeous, and he can pass them all in one go.

The director also nodded with satisfaction. He had never expected that the filming would go so smoothly.

It only took more than ten minutes to shoot the first half of the shot, and the captured footage only needed to be handed over to the behind-the-scenes staff for editing.

At this time, a circle of college students gathered around the playground.

They didn't know that CCTV came here to shoot a promotional video. They only knew that the school playground was under martial law, and some bored students came to join in the fun.

The crowd was gathering more and more. They stood in the distance and looked curiously towards Lin Feng.

"What show are you filming?"

"It seems like CCTV is filming some propaganda video."

"Who is that practitioner? He looks familiar."

"It seems to be Lin Feng, right?"

"Remove the appearance, that person is Lin Feng!"

"Ah? Lin Feng? My male god!"

"Lin Feng, I love you."

"Our school is quite busy today. I heard that Reba will be coming over soon."

"Who? Reba? Really?"


This group of students were talking quietly, and there were many Lin Feng fans among them. They were excited and called their friends over, and more and more people joined in the fun.

Here, the director explained to Lin Feng the content of the subsequent filming. Lin Feng understood it immediately after hearing it.

The filming location was changed and the director signaled to start filming.

Lin Feng quickly performed several bouncing somersaults with his hands and feet, including side flips, forward flips, back flips, and all kinds of flips.

His movements are not sloppy at all, and the details are in place. He is so handsome.

The onlookers screamed in surprise, and the staff at the scene even gave a thumbs up and marveled.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng adjusted his posture again, and it seemed that he was going to use a bigger move.

He took a step forward, then suddenly raised his right leg, stepped on the air and made a vertical leap, followed by a beautiful roundhouse kick.

After landing firmly on the ground, he raised his head and moved his entire body to do a cartwheel, followed by a horse stepping on a flying swallow and a double flying problem.

Although he was far away and the onlookers could barely see Lin Feng's expression, his white shirt and black casual pants were particularly eye-catching, and most people could picture Lin Feng's handsome facial expression.There was another burst of applause at the scene.

"I wipe, this is too handsome."

"This guy is so awesome, so damn hot."

"This is no better than some little fresh meat that is born with insufficient nutrition."

"Are you comparing Xiao Xianrou to Lin Feng? Why don't you use curse words when you curse?"

"What kind of drama is this? I must follow it."

"Even if Reba comes, I will just watch Lin Feng boxing here."

"Lin Feng is so manly. This is what you call a real man. I'm a nymphomaniac again."


"Okay, stop! Thank you for your hard work, Teacher Lin!"

The director waved his hand with satisfaction and quickly made Lin Feng stop. At the same time, he led all the staff to applaud Lin Feng.

The scene was filled with applause and cheers, and Lin Feng felt a little embarrassed.

It's just a few basic martial arts moves, your reaction is probably too much.

I didn't even use half of my skills, so I excited you like this?

Despite this, Lin Feng politely bowed deeply to everyone in response.

The director took a bottle of water, ran to Lin Feng and handed it to him.

"Teacher Lin, this is your real kung fu. It makes my blood boil."

Lin Feng waved his hand: "Some fur, it's not that bad."

In fact, this is really not Lin Feng pretending to be low-key and deliberately modest.

The shots he took just now were as simple as eating and drinking to him, but within a few years he would not be able to do this kind of action at all.

These actions are flashy, cool to look at, and have a wide range of practical applications.

But this was enough to amaze some onlookers.

Especially the college students who were watching not far away, their voices were hoarse with excitement. It seemed that a female student had fainted just now because she was too excited.

"Director, are there any scenes that need to be reshot?" Lin Feng asked.

The director shook his head repeatedly: "No, it's all the same. Teacher Lin, you are more professional than me in filming. You know what angle is more suitable for filming. As a director, I feel inferior."

"Haha, director, please stop praising me. You still don't know how much I weigh."

The director was apologetic and flattering, but he really believed that Lin Feng had a high level of professionalism.

"By the way, Teacher Lin, can you make another video of sword dancing?"

This is an idea that the director just came up with. He had previously thought that he would just let Lin Feng shoot some martial arts action.But after the filming, the director was deeply shocked. He wanted to add a sword dancing video to the promotional video. Firstly, it would give Lin Feng more opportunities to show his face. Secondly, it would also improve the effect of the promotional video.

Lin Feng agreed without thinking: "Okay, no problem."

"Do you need to make any more preparations?" the director asked.

"No, just bring me the props and I can start at any time."

"Okay." The director nodded heavily and hurriedly ordered the staff to get the props.

At this moment, his admiration for Lin Feng increased even more. Today, he not only overfulfilled the task, but also gave him a feast for his eyes. When he went back to report his work to the leader, he must give Lin Feng a few words of praise.

He has shot a lot of works, and he has met many actors, big and small, in the past few years, but he has never knocked down a high-quality and high-level actor like Lin Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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