Chapter 102
Lin Feng could more or less feel the director's high recognition of him from his few words.

But he took all this very lightly and just performed a few simple actions. There was no need for these people to be so flattering to him.

Ha ha.

Lin Feng smiled casually and received the prop handed over by the staff. It was a simulated long sword. It was slightly lighter than the real thing, but it was still easy to hold.

At this moment, the director called the makeup artist and asked him to touch up Lin Feng's makeup.

However, after hearing this, Lin Feng waved his hand and refused: "Director, there is no need to touch up my makeup. I am used to shooting without makeup."

After saying this, everyone present was stunned.

Are there any actors who don’t wear makeup when filming?This was the first time they had seen such a person.

Nowadays, if male celebrities go on camera, they more or less need to wear light makeup, which can cover up their ugliness to some extent.

Especially those young actors, they pay special attention to their appearance, and they always have several makeup artists with them.

There are people who specialize in painting eyebrows, people who specialize in shaving faces, and people who specialize in doing eyelashes, and even a thick layer of foundation is required.

However, Lin Feng said that he would shoot without makeup without makeup. His words shocked many people.

However, if you think about it carefully, Lin Feng is not overly confident. He is confident in his appearance and can only say such things.

But he didn't boast at all. His face was flawless, and makeup did not improve his appearance at all. It even seemed to put the cart before the horse.

Several female staff present were whispering to each other and discussing Lin Feng's skin in low voices.

No woman would be envious of Lin Feng's face. His skin was so delicate and textured that you couldn't find any faults even with a magnifying glass.

The students who were watching also heard the conversation between Lin Feng and the director, and they were even more amazed.

"Isn't it right? Lin Feng is photogenic without makeup?"

"My brother has such skin that even a girl would envy me."

"Sure enough, self-confidence comes from strength. Even those little fresh faces can't be recognized by their parents if they don't make up their faces. They don't even have a camera on their faces."

"To be honest, Lin Feng is so handsome."

"Lin Feng, I love you!"

"Lin Feng, I love you!"

"Brother, I love you!"


A group of nymphomaniac female students shouted in unison.

Lin Feng held a long sword in his hand and held a few sword flowers casually.

Really, he just made a few moves very casually, and everyone present screamed again.

Lin Feng found it very ridiculous. Isn't this kind of action often seen in martial arts dramas?

Why are these people making such a fuss?

The director shouted "start" again, and the scene suddenly became quiet.

The staff and onlookers all focused their gazes on Lin Feng. Many female compatriots even clenched their fists to support their chins. From the flashing eyes, it was not difficult to see that they were in love with each other.

Lin Feng held the sword, his eyes turned cold, and he quickly entered the state.

The long sword swung freely in his hand, as if it had become spiritual.

Swish swish!
The long sword pierced the air and sounded, coupled with Lin Feng's free and easy movements, it was completely natural.

This sword dance is really like appreciating a piece of art.

The author of this artwork is Lin Feng.

This kind of martial arts action can really only be seen in Xianxia movies and TV series.

Everyone stared intently at Lin Feng's every move. Without any doubt, their jaws dropped.

It seemed like the female audience members were drooling.

A set of movements flows smoothly and is completed in one go.After dancing, Lin Feng slowly tightened his movements.

There was another thunderous applause at the scene.

The director's eyes were full of enthusiasm, as if he had watched a heart-moving ceremony.

He was both moved and excited. His palms were numb but he didn't know it. His excitement was beyond words.

Today I am lucky enough to watch Lin Feng's professional martial arts moves, which will serve as a good warning for his entire future directing career.

He can brag about this awesomeness to his peers for several years.

Lin Feng is indeed a rare talent in the entertainment industry.

This is what a professional actor should have.

This is what a passionate Chinese man should look like.

This is the spirit that the entire Chinese nation should have.

Compared with those sissy artists who only know how to show off their cuteness and face, they really insult actors.

If artists throughout the entertainment industry can achieve Lin Feng's attitude, then it will only be a matter of time before China Entertainment goes global.

He believes that the positive promotional video shot today will be the most colorful in his directorial career. When the promotional video is released, it will not only change the audience's previous understanding of actors, but also play a role in the entertainment industry. A good warning.

This trip today is not in vain!
Lin Feng smiled casually and bowed gentlemanly to everyone present.

Look at his quality and self-cultivation, I'm afraid those low-traffic freshmen can't even see Lin Feng's taillights.

There was another round of admiration at the scene.

"It's so exciting and touching! Thank you Lin Feng!"

"Lin Feng is so awesome, please accept my knee!"

"That sword seems to be one with Lin Feng's human sword. How did he do it?"

"I'm surprised, why is such a good actor not so popular?
"Those little fresh meats, can't you slap them in the face?"


These applause and praises were also heard by Yueyue.

The little guy stood not far away, looking at Lin Feng with curious eyes.

Why do these people look so shocked? Is it because Dad performed a sword dance?

Hehe, dad is too awesome.

However, Yueyue is used to it. Her father has always been an untouchable existence in her mind.

The little guy also clapped happily along with everyone, and she also reminded Xu Yang to cheer Lin Feng.

Xu Yangren on the side has long been numb, and at this moment he is in a more excited mood than anyone else.

He had been waiting for this day for a long time. He knew that Lin Feng should be known to the public.

A piece of gold should not be buried, but Lin Feng has his own thoughts and plans. He does not want to come back or be exposed to the public's view.

However, through the filming of the promotional video today, Xu Yang hopes that Lin Feng's peaceful heart will become restless again.

Maybe, Lin Feng may give up his previous thoughts soon.

Xu Yang still had a little expectation in his heart.

After Lin Feng stopped, the director quickly ran to him and held his hand excitedly. There were tears in the corners of his eyes, and even his voice was trembling.

"Teacher Lin Lin, thank you! Thank you so much! Thank you for giving us an exciting visual feast!"

Lin Feng felt a little embarrassed: "Director, it's not that exaggerated. You really flatter me."

"Mr. Lin, you don't need to be too low-key. This is the evaluation you deserve. Listen to the applause at the scene. This is the public's evaluation of you. As a director, I sincerely hope that you can drive the entire entertainment industry forward in a positive way. develop."

(End of this chapter)

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