Chapter 21: Morning Exercise
Liu Yifei and Liu Sisi showed different reactions to the hot search.

Liu Yifei was watching the video and dreaming, imagining a bright future with Lin Feng: In the villa, she was playing with Yueyue with a big belly, and Lin Feng was cooking delicious food for them in the kitchen.

This is the life she looks forward to!
Although she and Lin Feng haven't gotten along yet, it doesn't mean that it won't be possible in the future.The reason why she worked so hard to cultivate a relationship with Yueyue was to make plans for the future.

This video is poisonous. Liu Yifei played it in a loop many times, and her whole body felt like it had been injected with chicken blood.

Full of confidence and fighting spirit, my heart is as sweet as eating honey!

But Liu Sisi's performance was not so calm.

She has a bold personality. After watching the video of her and Lin Feng edited by fans, she jumped up and down with excitement, and then casually retweeted the video.

She left a message in the comment area: Haha, we were really young at that time, but now we are all old and yellow.Lin Feng, if we don't go crazy, we will get old. Do you want to consider me?
She also @Lin Feng.

This message has a bit of ridicule, which made many melon-eaters shine.

At the same time, four fans of Xiaohua rushed to Lin Feng’s Weibo and started making noises. They all called Lin Lin “brother-in-law.”

"Brother-in-law, Sister Sisi wants to be with you, please agree to it quickly!"

"Our goddess Yanyan is the most suitable for you!"

"Brother-in-law, Sister Fei asked me to give you a message, saying that from now on she will be responsible for making money to support the family, and you will be responsible for cooking and raising the children!"

"We, Da Mimi, are rare career leaders in the entertainment industry, and you two are a good match."


Lin Feng had no idea that his Weibo account was about to explode.

Since he quit the entertainment industry, he has not taken care of his Weibo account. Other idols post about their daily life, post a few beautiful photos, and interact with fans.

Lin Feng obviously didn't want to do such a thing.

An account with more than 50 followers has been put aside.

The last Weibo update was posted a few years ago when I was promoting Xuanyuan Sword.

He is not pretending to be aloof and unwilling to interact with fans.

He really doesn't have the time or energy. Bringing up a milk baby alone is enough to give him a headache, so he doesn't have the time to interact with fans.


Early in the morning, Lin Feng was woken up by Yueyue.

In other families, the parents get up early and the children stay in bed, but for Lin Feng and his daughter, the situation is reversed.

When Lin Feng was sleeping soundly, Yueyue quietly climbed onto his big bed.

She didn't play any pranks today. She squinted her eyes with a smile and whispered in Lin Feng's ear: "You lazy bastard, wake up quickly, the sun is basking your butt!"

Lin Feng reluctantly raised his eyelids and turned sideways.

Yueyue raised her voice eight times: "Get up quickly! Didn't you agree to do morning exercise with me today?"

Lin Feng was so disturbed that he sat up with a painful expression.

"What time is it? Are you going to do morning exercise?"

"It's already six o'clock!" Yueyue crossed her waist and said fiercely.

"Lied to me!"

Lin Feng still didn't believe it, rubbed his eyes, picked up the phone and took a look: "Sure enough, it's six o'clock, okay, okay, dad will get up right now."

Although he hasn't slept enough, he promised Yueyue yesterday to accompany her for morning exercise today, so he can't break his promise.

Enduring the pain of getting out of bed, he slowly got out of bed.

He has never gotten up so early since he went down the mountain. He usually sleeps until he wakes up naturally. Suddenly he woke up so early, he felt a little uncomfortable.

After the two of them washed their faces and brushed their teeth, Lin Feng tied Yue Yue's hair into pigtails. When they came to the living room, they turned on the camera first, and the father and daughter started doing morning exercises.

Lin Feng's house is not small. The living room is dozens of square meters in size. There are not many furnishings in the house. One living room is enough for the two of him.

At this time, many viewers were already watching Lin Feng's live broadcast room.

"Lin Feng did what he said. I got up at four o'clock and waited in the live broadcast room." "The person upstairs is really brave!"

"I also want to get up early and exercise, but I can't take action."

"Yue Yue is so awesome, she can also do the horse step!"

"Lin Feng looks like an old artist at first glance. His horse steps are even and steady."

"You will be praised to the heavens even if you step into a horse stance..."


Every morning training, zamabu is a compulsory course for Lin Feng and Yueyue.

After finishing the horse stance and doing a set of warm-up moves, the two stood side by side and began to box.

The boxing method they played is called "Five Elements Boxing", which is a traditional health-preserving boxing method.

The two people's movements were uniform, strong and soft at the same time.

Lin Feng breathed and breathed evenly, and his fist seemed to be filled with a thousand pounds of power, while Yue Yue's movements seemed weak but full of energy, which clearly revealed the solid basic skills of the father and daughter.

At this moment, there were surprisingly few barrages in the live broadcast room, and the audience seemed to be shocked.

When the program staff arrived, they all looked horrified when they saw this scene.

The cameraman opened his mouth wide: "Teacher Lin, I thought you were setting off firecrackers."

Lin Feng's fists were full of wind, and every punch he made made a banging sound.

He raised the corner of his mouth slightly, but did not stop the movement of his hand: "This is called boxing style, there is nothing to be surprised about."

The cameraman curled his lips: "I've always seen this kind of scene on TV before. Can I not make a fuss? Teacher Lin, I look like an old martial artist when I see your movements. I admire you so much!"

Yueyue chuckled: "Uncle cameraman, praise me too!"

Hearing the sound, the cameraman looked at Yueyue again and couldn't help but admire: "Yueyue is also very powerful. I feel safe staying with you!"

Yueyue smiled from ear to ear: "Giggle, uncle talks so nicely. But I think dad is the better one."

Lin Feng said proudly: "That goes without saying, otherwise how could I be your father?"

"Does a father have to be better than his children?"

"Of course!"

"I object. Edison invented the light bulb and made more than 2000 inventions in his life. His father was just a businessman and did not accomplish much."

This rebuttal was so well-founded that Lin Feng was stunned.

The cameraman was also stunned. This little guy Yueyue is not only smart, but also knows a lot.

In the live broadcast room, bullet screens floated by.

"Yueyue is only four years old, so she has enough knowledge!"

"As an adult, I don't know as much as Yue Yue. I feel so ashamed."

"Haha, Lin Feng gets yelled at every day."

"I discovered that Yueyue especially likes to argue with Lin Feng."


Lin Feng tightened his movements, breathed a long sigh of relief, and hit a set of "Five Elements Fist", sweating on his forehead.

"Yueyue, let's go wash our faces."

Yueyue's face was flushed. She met Lin Feng's gaze and asked curiously: "Dad, don't make excuses to avoid me. Did you tell Edison that his father is better than Edison?"

Lin Feng was speechless for a while. This little guy was too serious. Did he deliberately want to make himself look bad?

He frowned and thought for a while, then replied decisively: "Edison's father invented Edison, and of course he is more powerful than Edison. You don't understand this, you are so stupid!"

(End of this chapter)

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