Chapter 22 99 servings of bean sprouts

After saying these words, Lin Feng quickly ran into the bathroom.

Yueyue frowned and muttered: "Edison invented the electric light, and his father named Edison, so it is his father who is more powerful, and I am right to think so."

The cameraman next to him couldn't help laughing like a pig when he saw Yueyue's serious look.

"Lin Feng's reaction is quick enough."

"Yueyue is too serious, but Lin Feng handled it perfectly. Thumbs up to Lin Feng."

"The father and daughter hold debate competitions every day."

"Lin Feng's gangster logic can fool children."


At seven o'clock in the morning, Da Mimi was woken up by the alarm clock. She sat up holding her groggy head.

She was worried about Lin Feng. She slept very lightly last night, so her mental state was very bad.

After getting up, she picked up her phone and accidentally clicked into Lin Feng's live broadcast room.

She didn't know why she acted like this. Her thoughts seemed to be controlled by others.

When she saw Yueyue practicing Qigong, she couldn't get out.

In the picture, Yueyue has small beads of sweat on her forehead, her face is flushed, and she is extremely focused when practicing.

This little girl looks exactly like me when I was a child, very cute.

He is also very energetic when boxing, like a little tiger with a mouthful of milk and fierce milk.

Dami suddenly fell in love, covered her mouth and laughed.

Just as he thought twice, he suddenly stopped, his expression gradually darkened, and crystal liquid surged in his eyes.

Da Mimi was very puzzled when she noticed the changes in herself.

what's the situation?
When did I become so crybaby?

This is not in line with her personality. She is a strong woman and Sister Mi, whom everyone admires, why would she cry?
Don’t you like children?Why do I want to cry when I see Yueyue...

Damimi was upset and couldn't figure out why this situation happened.

She quickly closed the live broadcast room and threw her phone on the sofa.

It's better to wash up and go to the company. Only by immersing herself in work can she forget all her worries. Working hard is her destiny.

On the other side, Lin Feng had already prepared breakfast.

Breakfast consists of hot milk, falafel, and fried eggs.

She and Yueyue fought quickly and had enough to eat and drink in less than 5 minutes. After that, the two of them started clearing the table.

Yueyue is well-behaved and sensible. She matures earlier than other children. She understands Lin Feng's difficulties and often helps with housework to the best of her ability.

This made Lin Feng very pleased.

After cleaning, Lin Feng took Yueyue for a walk in the small park downstairs.

At the same time, he made plans for this morning's itinerary. He planned to go around the community and choose a kindergarten for Yueyue.

Lin Feng had enrolled Yueyue in a kindergarten before, but Yueyue was not in good health at that time and had been ill for half a month.

After she recovered from the illness, Lin Feng simply refused to let her continue and played with him for more than half a year.

Now that the little one is four and a half years old, she should go to kindergarten to let her adapt to the environment first and prepare for elementary school in the future.

As soon as he reached the gate of the community, Lin Feng received a strange call on his cell phone.

"Hello Mr. Lin, this is the supermarket in front of our community. Here's the deal. The soybean sprouts you purchased online have arrived. Please come over and pick them up quickly."

"By the way, you'd better push a bigger cart over, otherwise you won't be able to fit these 99 portions of soybean sprouts."

What the hell?

99 servings of soybean sprouts?

Lin Feng was dumbfounded and suspected that this was a telecommunications fraud.

"I'm sorry, you must have made a mistake. I didn't buy soybean sprouts in a group!"

The person on the phone added: "Did your family or friends buy it? Anyway, your contact information is shown on the order."

"That's weird."

"Why don't you ask your family if they bought it, but you'd better get rid of these 99 bean sprouts quickly. There are a lot of bean sprouts piled up in our store, which is affecting the business."

"Oh, okay, I'll check it right now." After hanging up the phone, Lin Feng subconsciously lowered his head and met Yueyue's eyes.

"Yueyue, are these the soybean sprouts you bought?"

The little guy spread his hands and said, "It's not me!"

"What's going on? Is it a scam?" Lin Feng muttered a few words in a low voice and turned on his phone with a skeptical attitude.

Sometimes for convenience, he will also buy something on the group buying app.

When he clicked on the mini program and saw the order page, he felt bad.

There are actually 99 consumption records of soybean sprouts on it.

What happened?
He didn't buy this either.

I took another look at the order time and saw that I bought it around nine o'clock last night.

At that seemed like Yueyue was watching cartoons on his mobile phone.

Lin Feng understood immediately and it was this little guy who bought it.


Lin Feng sighed and lowered his head to meet Yueyue's eyes: "Yueyue, see if this is the order you placed."

Yueyue took the phone, glanced at it, and said confidently: "This, it seems I accidentally operated it. Is there any problem, dad?"

Lin Feng: "..."

Seeing that Lin Feng didn't say anything, Yueyue added: "I saw a lot of delicious food on there yesterday, so I just ordered a few of the ones on top. Did I make a mistake, dad?"

In the live broadcast room, the audience saw Lin Feng's expression was wrong and became curious.

"What's wrong? Why doesn't Lin Feng say anything?"

"What about 99 servings of bean sprouts? Why was I so confused?"

"Could it be that little Yueyue bought 99 servings of bean sprouts by mistake?"

"It's possible! My child is like this. He uses my mobile phone to buy things and often receives express delivery inexplicably."

"Lin Feng is angry. He doesn't want to hit Yueyue, right?"

"Lin Feng must not touch any of Yue Yue's hair, otherwise I will never be done with you!"

"Speak quickly, I'm so anxious."


Lin Feng curled his lips, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "You bought 99 portions of soybean sprouts with dad's mobile phone last night."

Lin Feng's tone was very calm, without the slightest hint of anger.

Seeing this, the audience in the live broadcast room also gave up their concerns.

"Ah? 99 servings of soybean sprouts, is that a lot?" Yueyue asked, blinking her big watery eyes.

Lin Feng chuckled and felt helpless: "99 portions of soybean sprouts are 99 pounds. If we eat bean sprouts every day, it will be enough for us for two months."

When Yueyue heard this, her face turned green and she waved her hands quickly: "No! No! I don't want to eat bean sprouts!"

"I don't want to eat it either, but this is all your fault."

"Uuu~Dad, I know I was wrong." Yueyue said aggrievedly.

Lin Feng looked at her calmly: "In the future, are you going to mess up dad's phone?"

"No." Yueyue pursed her lips, looking pitiful.

In the live broadcast room...

"Haha, 99 kilograms of soybean sprouts, Yueyue's mistake is absolutely incredible."

"The platform also distributes so many bean sprouts. This is the first time I've seen them."

"If there are no quality issues with vegetables, the platform will refuse to return them."

"Then what should we do? Lin Feng won't really make bean sprouts for her to punish Yueyue, right?"

"I was so scared that I quickly changed the password on my phone."


(End of this chapter)

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