Chapter 23 Selling Bean Sprouts

Lin Feng didn't blame Yueyue. He had to blame himself for this matter. The mobile phone was set up for small-amount password-free payment, otherwise Yueyue would not have mishandled it.

He first canceled the password-free payment function, and then looked at Yueyue with a loving look on his face: "Yueyue, don't be sad, it's okay. Dad also knows that you did it accidentally, and Dad doesn't blame you."

"Let's go, we have to pick up the goods quickly. Putting so many bean sprouts in other people's stores will affect their business."

Yueyue grabbed Lin Feng's extended hand, raised her head and said, "Dad, can the bean sprouts still be returned to others?"


"Okay! Then daddy wants to eat with me."

"Haha, you really want to eat all the bean sprouts, so many bean sprouts will make you vomit..."

"You can't throw it away if you don't want to eat it. That would be a waste."

"Yueyue, use your smart little head and help dad figure out how to get rid of these bean sprouts."

"Let's feed the pigs. It's not a waste to feed the pigs."


Holding hands with each other, the figures, one large and one small, walked towards the garage.

Ten minutes later, Lin Feng drove Yueyue to the supermarket.

"Wow~so many!"

As soon as she got off the car, Yueyue saw packed bags of bean sprouts piled at the door.

She frowned and exclaimed, obviously worried.

Lin Feng made a visual inspection and found that these bean sprouts could almost fill an entire trunk.

The fat black man standing in front of the supermarket is the supermarket owner.Although Lin Feng knew him, he was not familiar with him.

"Brother Hei, I'm here to get the bean sprouts."

The boss met Lin Feng's gaze and smiled: "Brother, you bought all these bean sprouts? Take them away quickly, they take up too much space."

"Huh? Does your family run a restaurant?" The fat black boss asked again curiously.

Lin Feng shook his head speechlessly.

"Then why did you buy so many bean sprouts at once? Can you finish them?"

Lin Feng chuckled again and looked down at Yueyue. The little guy shrank his neck in embarrassment.

He joked: "I grind soy milk and make tofu, but I can't finish it. Brother Hei, please help me get these bean sprouts to the car."

"Hey, okay! Open the trunk."

Boss Hei was very happy. After speaking, he picked up a few bags of bean sprouts and loaded them into Lin Feng's car.

Lin Feng and Yueyue were not idle either, helping to transport bean sprouts to the car.

The bean sprouts are packed in small bags, each bag weighs a pound. Yueyue can carry four bags in one trip without difficulty.

After a while, all the bean sprouts got on the bus.

Looking at the trunk full of soybean sprouts, Yueyue's mouth twitched.

"Dad, why don't you take these bean sprouts up the mountain and give them to the masters?"

Lin Feng shook his head: "It's a day's journey up the mountain, don't you think it's troublesome? Besides, by the time we get to the mountain, the bean sprouts will probably be damaged."

"Oh, what should I do? Feeding pigs won't wake them up, and feeding people won't work either. Anyway, I can't think of a better way." Yueyue looked resentful.

Lin Feng rubbed her little head, and it seemed that this really made this little guy very worried.

After thinking for a while, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Otherwise, set up a stall at the entrance of the community and sell bean sprouts.

There are so many bean sprouts that you can’t finish eating, and you can’t throw them away.

Since Yueyue has committed a sin, punish her by selling bean sprouts and let her make up for her mistakes. This is also a kind of training.

Lin Feng told Yueyue his thoughts.

"Selling bean sprouts?"

Yueyue's eyes widened in surprise, and she was very interested in Lin Feng's proposal.She clapped her little hands and said, "Dad, this is a great idea. I like selling bean sprouts."

Soon, the two found a small open space at the entrance of the community, set up a stall, and started selling bean sprouts.

It's said to be a stall, but it's actually nothing.

The bean sprouts were placed on the open ground, and a small blackboard was set up next to it.

Lin Feng had just bought the small blackboard from the supermarket, with a few lines of words clearly written on it.

"Bean sprouts, 3 yuan/bag. Discounts for large quantities."

"Dear uncles, aunts, grandparents: Because of my wrong operation, I bought a lot of bean sprouts with my father's mobile phone. Now I can only sell them at the original price. These bean sprouts are really fresh and cheap."

In the live broadcast room, there were many discussions.

"Lin Feng's mind works so fast!"

"Yes, yes, I can not only handle the bean sprouts, but also exercise Yueyue's abilities. It kills two birds with one stone."

"Lin Feng's education method is really good. Yueyue made mistakes and didn't blame her. He thought of a compromise method as punishment."

"Is this punishment? You didn't see how happy Yueyue was smiling!"


Yueyue smiled happily, but the bright smile didn't last for a few minutes before the little guy's face fell.

When she first started selling bean sprouts at a stall, she was new and curious.

But after standing here for a long time, no one bought it, and she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"Dad, why doesn't anyone buy it?"

Lin Feng also looked confused: "I don't know either."

It stands to reason that the bean sprouts are fresh and cheap. They set up a small blackboard and wrote marketing words.Moreover, the traffic at the entrance of this community is quite large, and many people pass by.

But most of them just take a look and leave without any intention of buying.

You need marketing, you need traffic, you need traffic, but Lin Feng was puzzled whether he could sell out a copy of the bean sprouts.

At this moment, an old man in security uniform walked over. This man should be the security guard of the community.

"Kids, are you selling bean sprouts?"

"Yeah, grandpa, do you want to buy it? These bean sprouts are very fresh."

While Yueyue was talking, the security guard noticed the small sign hanging on the stall.

He understood immediately. Looking at the clothes of the father and daughter, they did not look like small traders. It turned out that the child had accidentally bought the wrong thing.

In this case, then buy a bag. The bean sprouts look quite fresh.

"Girl, give me one."

Lin Feng felt happy, it was open, and he quickly said: "Yueyue, get two bags of bean sprouts for grandpa."

"Hey, hey, I want a bag. I bought too much and can't eat it." The uncle waved his hands repeatedly.

"Uncle, buy one and get one free on bean sprouts. If you can't eat them, just put them in the refrigerator."

"Isn't it 3 yuan a bag? Buy one and get one free? You won't lose money by selling like this, right?"

"You opened for us, I gave you these bean sprouts." Lin Feng explained with a smile.

"Oh? It's such a good thing, so thank you."

Yueyue picked two bags of bean sprouts and handed them to the security guard, who left with a smile on his face as if he had gotten a big deal.

"Dad, we have sold two bags." Yueyue looked at Lin Feng with her big eyes bent.

"Yes, Yueyue is awesome!"

Yueyue chuckled, her little face drooped as she approached, "But... there are still 97 bags left. When can we sell out?"

When Lin Feng heard this, he was immediately discouraged.

Yes, there are 97 bags left. If we keep selling at this rate, when will they be sold out?
(End of this chapter)

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