Chapter 24 Move to the vegetable market

When Lin Feng was worried, the security guard who had just bought bean sprouts came back.

"Grandpa, what's wrong?" Yueyue asked curiously.

The security guard chuckled and rubbed Yueyue's little face. This little guy is really cute.

"Grandpa wants to tell you that if you set up a stall here, you won't be able to sell anything at all."

"Ah?" Yueyue opened her mouth in surprise.

"Uncle, how come it can't be sold?" Lin Feng asked nervously.

The uncle explained: "There is a vegetable shop downstairs in this community. Residents usually go there to buy vegetables. It is convenient. You guys are guarding the door of the community. Who are you selling to?"

Lin Feng suddenly realized that the uncle was right.

This is my first time selling vegetables. I blame myself for my lack of experience and I still don’t think carefully about the details.

The uncle added: "Young man, you'd better go to the vegetable market in the north. There are many people buying vegetables there. If you stay here, you won't be able to sell out all the food tomorrow."

Lin Feng listened to the advice. Seeing that this old man was a real person, he must not have lied to him.

"Okay, uncle, I understand. Thank you!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Yueyue was also very polite and thanked the security guard.

"You're welcome, grandpa wants to thank you for the bean sprouts you sent!" The grandpa waved his hand and reminded, "Young man, please go quickly. At this time, there are many people in the vegetable market. If you go late, there will be many people. They’re all gone.”

"Okay, I'll go right now."

After saying hello, Lin Feng quickly closed the stall and drove to the vegetable market.

After arriving at the vegetable market, Lin Feng found an empty seat and set up a stall.

"Dad, there are so many people here, we don't have to worry about selling our bean sprouts!" Yueyue said excitedly.

"Yes!" Lin Feng nodded vigorously, he was also confident.

Sure enough, I listened to people's advice to eat enough.

It was around ten o'clock in the morning, and the vegetable market was overcrowded.

If the security guard hadn't reminded him, he and Yueyue would still be stupidly guarding the gate of the community, and these piles of bean sprouts would have been sold until the end of the year.

After a while, someone stopped in front of the stall.

"How do you sell bean sprouts?"

Yueyue said quickly: "It costs 3 yuan a bag. Auntie, these bean sprouts are so fresh. You can buy two bags!"

The little guy is very proficient in this kind of rhetoric, and he can almost speak it.

"Wake up and bring me two bags."

Two more bags of bean sprouts were sold, and Yueyue smiled like a sunflower.

But the good times did not last long. After selling this order, the bean sprouts could no longer be sold.The stalls next to them were doing very well, but their stall was particularly deserted.

"Dad, we are selling so well, why can't we sell our bean sprouts?" Yueyue asked, puffing up her cheeks.

"I...I don't understand this either. This is my first time selling vegetables," Lin Feng said in frustration.

Yueyue looked around and seemed to have discovered the problem.

"Dad, you see, other people shout so loudly when selling vegetables, and their vegetables sell well. We don't hawk here, not even anyone. Does this have something to do with it?"

"Does it matter?" Lin Feng frowned and asked.

"Dad, why don't you shout a few words, like this: Come sell bean sprouts! Fresh and cheap bean sprouts!" Yueyue suggested, shouting like someone else was buying vegetables.

Lin Feng looked bitter when he saw this.

It's really difficult for him to sell vegetables while shouting.

I glanced at the side and saw that those who were shouting and selling vegetables were all uncles and aunts. There were no big men shouting and selling vegetables.

Lin Feng rolled his eyes: "Yueyue, what dad just said was good. It's up to you to do this."

"I don't! I'm a child, I can't shout!" Yueyue refused directly.

"What if I buy you a cup of milk tea?" Upon hearing that there was a reward, Yueyue, who had been quite upright just now, was immediately shaken.

"Really? Dad is not allowed to lie."

"I'm not going to lie, as long as Yue Yue buys groceries, dad will reward you with a cup of milk tea, regardless of whether the groceries are sold today."


The next second, Yueyue shouted in a low voice: "We are selling vegetables, fresh bean sprouts, 3 yuan a bag, cheap and delicious..."

In the live broadcast, there was a cry of crusade.

"Lin Feng, if you do enough, you will bully Yueyue!"

"He didn't want to shout, so he left this job to Yueyue. I'm really speechless!"

"Yueyue was too fooled, and she was bribed as soon as she was given milk tea."

"This capitalist behavior is so shameless!"


Although the audience has some opinions, Yue Yue selling vegetables while shouting is still quite interesting.He said he was responsible for Lin Feng, but he was extremely happy in his heart.

Yueyue is quite professional when it comes to selling vegetables.

This milky squealing sound, coupled with this cute appearance like a porcelain doll, instantly attracted the attention of many passers-by.

Lin Feng crossed his arms, looking like he was watching a good show.

"Little girl, are bean sprouts 3 yuan a bag?"

A young girl in her 20s stopped in front of the stall.

"Hmm, yes. Sister, do you want to buy a bag?"

"Okay, get me a bag."

Yueyue picked up a bag of bean sprouts and handed it over, her little mouth was very sweet: "Sister, you are so beautiful!"

"Haha, thank you for the compliment, you are very cute too." The little girl smiled so hard that her eyelashes curled up, and she happily paid.

After she left, another middle-aged woman came.

"Hey, such a cute little girl is actually selling bean sprouts?" The middle-aged woman was a little puzzled. She took a look at the small blackboard in front of the stall and understood immediately.

"Little girl, auntie bought two bags of bean sprouts to support you." Just when she was about to pay, her movements suddenly froze.

She stared at Lin Feng, rubbed her eyes in disbelief, and said with excitement on her face: "You...are you Lin Feng?"

Even the voice is trembling!

Lin Feng smiled and nodded: "Haha, hello, I am Lin Feng."

"Good guy, we caught a live person! If it hadn't been for broad daylight, I would have thought I was dreaming!" The middle-aged woman couldn't hide her excitement, "I'm your fan and have been chasing you for many years!"

"I didn't expect to see you at the vegetable market today..."

The middle-aged elder sister's greeting attracted the attention of many people.

At this time, most of the people in the vegetable market were old men and women. They were not star-struck, so they didn't know Lin Feng. Only a few recognized him, pointed at Lin Feng and talked about him.

Lin Feng scratched his head and laughed dryly.

The eldest sister spoke again: "Lin Feng, is this your daughter? She looks so cute!"

"Hello, Auntie, my name is Yueyue!"

The little guy is much better at communication than Lin Feng, and he is never afraid to talk to strangers.

"Hello Yueyue, I am your father's fan, can we take a photo together?"

The eldest sister had already forgotten about shopping for groceries. She finally met her idol and had to blackmail him into taking a photo before leaving.

Yueyue didn't refuse, and Lin Feng certainly wouldn't refuse the enthusiastic fans' request.

clap clap clap!
The eldest sister gestured with scissor hands and took several photos with Lin Feng and Yueyue before she was satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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