Chapter 25 Brother-in-law
She smiled from ear to ear: "Well, I'll round up your bean sprouts!"

Lin Feng looked confused: "Sister, you don't have to do this, you can't even eat so many bean sprouts!"

"Just throw it away if you can't eat it. You can also give it away, but I didn't drive today. Can you deliver it to my door?"

Lin Feng winked awkwardly: "Sister, do what you can, do what you can..."

"Auntie, it's shameful to waste food!" Yueyue also educated her.

"I don't think it's easy for you to sell vegetables." The eldest sister paused and said, "Well, I can just buy five bags."

"Okay, no problem!" Lin Feng pointed to the bean sprouts on the ground, "You can pick whatever you want!"

"Thank you, aunt, for taking care of our business!" Yueyue said excitedly.

The eldest sister smiled heartily: "You're welcome, if you and dad hadn't stopped me, aunt would have done it for you!"

In the live broadcast room, the barrage was abuzz.

"This eldest sister is so interesting!"

"Lin Feng and Yueyue did a good job, congratulations!"

"Isn't it happier to meet an idol on the street than to win the first prize in the lottery?"

"I'll meet Lin Feng by chance sometime!"

"Sisters, I'm on my way to the vegetable market. I'll be there soon!"



On the other side, Jiaxing Media.

In the office, Reba laughed like a pig while holding her mobile phone.

Hearing the noise, Da Mimi glanced at her displeasedly: "Reba, do you want to send her to the hospital?"

Reba suppressed a smile: "Sister Mi, this Yueyue is so funny. She shouted at the vegetable market and sold bean sprouts, which made the people who bought vegetables go crazy."

"What? Yueyue is selling bean sprouts?"

Damimi was surprised, Lin Feng, Lin Feng, you are really good.

Yesterday, he vowed that he was not short of money, so today he took Yueyue to sell vegetables.

What about your so-called dignity?
How about your face?
Doesn't this slap in the face hurt?
Thinking of this, Da MiMi's stomach churns, and Lin Feng feels extremely sick.

"Sister Mi, don't you watch Lin Feng's live broadcast? Their live broadcast room is very popular. Especially Yueyue, she is so cute and has attracted a lot of mom fans." Reba asked.

"Isn't it just a live broadcast? Is there anything interesting to watch? I'm not interested!" Da Mimi said coldly.

When you tell lies, you don't even blink.

"Hey, take a look. I guarantee you won't be able to stop." Reba kept recommending it to Da Mimi, and after saying that, she handed the phone to Da Mimi.

Da Mimi glanced at it pretending not to bother, and burst into laughter the next second.

Yueyue's original way of selling potatoes is really so funny that people can't help but laugh after watching it.


Lin Feng's side.

Just a few minutes after the talkative lady left, a curly-haired girl rushed over and stopped in front of the stall.

"Hello Yueyue!"

The girl greeted Yueyue with a soft voice. She was in her twenties, tall and dressed very maturely.

"Eh? Sister, do you know me?" Yueyue looked at her with big doubtful eyes.

"Hey, I came here to watch your live broadcast. Sister is your fan!" The girl knelt down and caressed her face, "Yueyue, you are so cute. Sister, can you pinch your little face?"

Yueyue took a step back vigilantly, stepped forward, and made defensive movements.

"Don't come here! I know how to hit people!" The little guy was wondering why everyone wanted to scratch my cheeks. The aunt just grabbed a handful of them too. Are my cheeks so fun? If you pinch them again, you will get them. It hurts to pinch.

The girl curled her lips, a little disappointed: "Yueyue, please don't hit your sister. Well, if you don't let your sister rub your face, she will stop rubbing it."

Lin Feng on the side was also amused and explained: "Yueyue, don't be nervous. My sister doesn't mean any harm. She just likes you."

Only then did Yueyue relax, tighten her movements and asked: "Sister, if you like, buy some bean sprouts! To support me, I made a mistake..."

"Hehe, sister is here to buy bean sprouts. I want to buy two bags!"

"Great, thank you sister for your support." Yueyue turned her head and said, "Dad, don't be stupid and get two bags of bean sprouts for sister."

Lin Feng: "???"

This little girl still dares to order him?

It’s amazing to have fans!
The score is quite big!

After complaining in his mind, Lin Feng still picked up two bags of bean sprouts.

The moment the girl took it, her face turned red with embarrassment.

What girl wouldn't be tempted by this handsome look?

He has sharp-cut facial features and a heroic spirit between his brows.

The aura was so overwhelming that she couldn't breathe.

After staring blankly at Lin Feng for less than half a minute, she heard him cough a few times. The girl came back to her senses and realized that she had lost her composure just now.

He lowered his head and said shyly: "Thank you, brother-in-law."

"What? Beauty, what did you call me?" Lin Feng asked in surprise.

"Brother-in-law, what's the problem?"

"Brother-in-law? How did you discuss it?"

Lin Feng was confused, and Yueyue also looked at the beautiful girl in confusion.

The pretty girl smiled and felt emotional. Lin Feng didn't know that he was being searched for by netizens because of his CP.

This girl is Liu Yifei's true fan. Yesterday, she also joined in the annoyance and criticized Lin Feng and Liu Yifei on Weibo.

Now everyone in the world knows about it, but the person involved, Lin Feng, doesn’t know about it yet. Doesn’t he read Weibo?

Lin Feng's first reaction was that this girl was sent by Da Mimi.

But then she thought about it, Da Mimi couldn't be that stupid. She wished that no one knew about her relationship with her, so how could she do such a stupid thing.

Just when he was wondering, the girl asked tentatively: "Teacher Lin, don't you read Weibo?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Lin Feng frowned.

"No wonder, then you must not know that you are on the hot search, right?"

Lin Feng shook his head.

"Let me explain it to you. Yesterday, some netizens edited videos of your interactions with Liu Yifei, Liu Sisi, Tang Yan and Da Mimi, and uploaded them to Weibo. This video caused quite a stir. Netizens The CP made you and the four of them a hot search topic. And as the protagonist, you were respectfully called brother-in-law by netizens."

Lin Feng was shocked after hearing this.

What is this all about?

Nowadays, fans are chasing stars.

Brother-in-law, did you get my consent?
"Um...thank you fans for your support. How can I be your brother-in-law? Don't make such jokes in the future. Those sisters will be unhappy if they see it." Lin Feng said modestly and awkwardly.

"Teacher Lin, you don't know how influential you are. Nowadays, many people follow variety shows because of you. With your appearance and temperament, you have captured the hearts of so many fans, down to teenagers. From girls to aunties and aunts in their 60s and [-]s, your fans are spread across all ages.”

"Thank you. I appreciate the compliment."

After withdrawing from the circle for a long time, Lin Feng was obviously not used to the praises from enthusiastic fans, and he politely thanked the girl.

(End of this chapter)

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