Chapter 313 Driving Master, Liu Yifei

Before Reba left, she flirted with Lin Yueyue.

This shows that she really wants to invite Lin Yueyue to her home.

Of course, she might also want Lin Yueyue to take Lin Feng to her home, and let the sheep fall into the tiger's mouth!
After sending Reba off, Lin Feng was ready to take Lin Yueyue back to the hotel to find Liu Yifei.

After two days of playing in the hotel, they were going home.

After all, school is about to start, and Lin Yueyue is finally going to kindergarten.

And it's time for Lin Feng's free life to begin!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng couldn't help but laugh. A happy tomorrow is waiting for me!
Lin Yueyue saw the corners of Lin Feng's mouth that couldn't help but turn up, and couldn't help but ask: "Dad, you and Sister Reba seem to be very happy when you are eating?"

"how come?"

"Don't lie, I've seen it all, you were just snickering!"

Lin Feng: "..."

"If you like Sister Reba, then we can invite her to dinner more often in the future!"

Lin Yueyue said very maturely: "Sister Reba is very good-looking. I think it's normal for you to like her!"

Lin Feng: "..."

"Yueyue, actually you can be less talkative next time!" Lin Feng exhaled helplessly: "We are not familiar with Sister Reba, why do we invite people to our home?"

"If you date a few more times, you'll get familiar with it!"

Lin Feng: "..."

Although this sounds right.

But why is it so awkward? !

While Lin Feng was on the road, he still had a little chat with Lin Yueyue.

Don't invite random people to your home in the future.

There was no other reason than that he didn't really like having other people in his home.

He is more sociophobic.

Lin Yueyue was relatively social at that time and felt like she could get along well with everyone.

After chatting along the way, Lin Feng and Lin Yueyue finally returned to the hotel.

It is already afternoon.

Perhaps she was a little tired today, so Lin Yueyue fell asleep when she arrived at the hotel.

Neither Liu Yifei nor Liu Yan are finished yet.

Lin Feng was the only one in the whole room.

Perhaps he was a little tired from raising children, but Lin Feng enjoyed his alone time very much.

I opened my phone and looked at it. There were all the scandals about him and Liu Yifei on the Internet.


In fact, it’s not a scandal, it’s all true.

They really are together.

It's just that some marketing accounts are too outrageous, but most people are still normal.

After all, Liu Yifei has reached the age of starting a family.

There seems to be nothing wrong with falling in love with a single man.

Some people feel pity for Liu Yifei. After all, she is a first-line female star with a beautiful figure. Why can't she find a single rich man instead of Lin Feng? !
Lin Feng has a child, and it’s hard for the stepmother to do it!
Lin Feng smiled helplessly.

He doesn't pay much attention to the entertainment industry now, so there is no need to confront netizens. As long as they don't go too far, Lin Feng will take it as a joke.

As for what Liu Yifei thinks, that's her business. If she wants to face off, Lin Feng will also become a keyboard warrior.

Time passed quickly.

At 05:30, Liu Yifei opened the door to the room.

Lin Yueyue was not awake yet at this time.

Lin Feng was leaning on the sofa and playing games.

Hearing the sound of the door, Lin Feng walked over.

As soon as Liu Yifei entered the door, she pounced on Lin Feng and pushed Lin Feng against the wall with a bang.

Then he nibbled hard on his mouth.

It wasn't until both of them were a little short of oxygen that they separated.Liu Yifei hugged Lin Feng and asked softly: "Where is Yueyue?"

"Sleeping in the room!"

"Okay, okay, I was still wondering if I was too impulsive!"

Lin Feng smiled slightly: "What's wrong, did you want to be more impulsive, but thinking about Yueyue's presence, you chose to kiss tactfully?"


"Hey, I don't believe it. If you're not impulsive, then I'll be impulsive instead!"

With that said, Lin Feng directly hugged Liu Yifei sideways.

Liu Yifei took one and quickly hugged Lin Feng's neck.


Liu Yifei patted Lin Feng's back hard several times.

"Don't argue, don't argue. What if Yueyue wakes up?" Lin Feng whispered: "If Yueyue wakes up, we can't hug each other!"

Hearing this, Liu Yifei stopped.

Hey Hey……

This reminded Lin Feng of some strange movie plots.

"Madam, you don't want your child to see it either!"

As he spoke, Lin Feng gently pecked Liu Yifei on the cheek.

Liu Yifei's face immediately turned red.

Then she looked at Lin Feng affectionately and whispered: "Lin Feng, I love you so much!"

"I love you very much too!"

Lin Feng gently placed Liu Yifei on the sofa, and then the two of them kissed together again.


An hour later, Liu Yifei and Lin Feng were both lying on the sofa.

I was really a little bold today.

Actually in the living room!
"Lin Feng, have you seen the hot searches on the Internet?" Liu Yifei asked.

"what happened?"

"The hot searches are all about the two of us!"

"Haha, it's all true anyway. If they want to report it, let them report it!"

Saying that, Lin Feng deliberately teased Liu Yifei: "Do you still want to criticize and deny that we are together?"

"How could it be possible? I'm not a popular celebrity. I care about whether I'm single!"

Liu Yifei said, pinching Lin Feng's abdominal muscles: "Look, my boyfriend is so awesome, they are all envious of me!"

Lin Feng: "..."

Liu Yifei spends time with Liu Yan every day, so she's learning how to cheat!
How can you drive on such a broken road?

Lin Feng smiled and said: "You are taking advantage of me! No, I want to take it back!"

As he said that, he pinched Liu Yifei's belly.

Liu Yifei covered her belly.

The two people were instantly entangled.

If Lin Feng hadn't let her, she might have lost her belly today!
Liu Yifei looked helplessly at her messed up clothes.

He laughed twice: "You bad guy, my clothes are almost ruined by you!"

"Am I a bad guy? You were the one who pinched my abdominal muscles first, okay!" Lin Feng also laughed: "I'm just asking for justice for my abdominal muscles!"

"Go, go, don't play tricks here!"

Liu Yifei bulged her mouth and turned her head to the side, not looking at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng deliberately teased her: "Why are you so careless? Otherwise, you will continue to evade justice on me!"

Hearing this, Liu Yifei's lips curled up: "That's not what I said!"

As she spoke, she moved her wrists and ankles.

Lin Feng: "..."

Are you Liu Yifei?Could it be that Liu Yan was wearing a mask to disguise herself? !
Why are you driving all the time? ! are definitely not Liu Yifei!
(End of this chapter)

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