Chapter 314 The mother-in-law is here and slipped away!

Liu Yifei directly pulled off Lin Feng's clothes.

Then he squeezed his abdominal muscles twice.

He squeezed it again and again, making the sound that farmers make when selecting cattle.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, not bad, it's really good!" Liu Yifei said with a smile, "I'm starting to envy you. If I have a figure like yours, I won't need to lose weight!"

Lin Feng: "..."

Before he could say anything, Liu Yifei continued: "Brother Lin Feng, you have a great figure!"

She said it in her throat, and Lin Feng almost had a nosebleed.

This clip sound is really attractive!

"Brother, can you tell me how you maintain such a good figure?"

Liu Yifei said with a smile and raised her eyebrows with Lin Feng.

Lin Feng: "..."

He exhaled: "Xixi, can you be a little more normal? I can't stand you like this. The hairs on my body are all standing up!"

"Hmph! Men like this kind of throaty voice, I know it!" Liu Yifei bulged her mouth: "I saw in short videos, girls all talk like this!"

"Can we consider our age for a moment? I'm thirty, and I can't listen to this kind of voice!"

Lin Feng waved his hand: "Your normal voice is fine. If you clamp it again, my nose will bleed!"

Liu Yifei: "..."

"By the way, if you want to maintain a figure like mine, you have to exercise more. You can't lose weight just by not eating!"

"Ah, that's it, you haven't been exercising during this time!"

“My amount of exercise during this period has exceeded my usual exercise time!”

Lin Feng couldn't help but laugh: "It seems that you are very dissatisfied with my performance in the past two days. How about I prove myself again?"

As he said that, he looked at Liu Yifei with a wicked smile.

Liu Yifei didn't understand it at first, but she realized it in an instant and immediately turned red.

He quickly pushed Lin Feng away: "You, I'm just talking, just talking!"

Lin Yueyue was sleeping, and Lin Feng and Liu Yifei were more comfortable in the living room.

The scale of chatting has finally become an adult scale.

Both of them chatted freely.

Finally, they talked about things online.

They were all prepared not to respond to it.

It's not because of anything else, but because Lin Feng has already quit the entertainment industry, so he doesn't want to talk about himself on the Internet.

Moreover, Liu Yifei no longer lives only by her fans. She has works, so she can stop listening to her fans.

Just as the two of them were sitting on the sofa watching TV, Liu Yifei's phone suddenly rang.

Liu Yifei was too lazy to answer the call, but seeing that it was Liu Yan, she picked it up anyway.

As soon as the phone was connected, Liu Yan said anxiously: "Xixi! Your mother is here! She has already gone to the hotel now!"

"Ah? Didn't my mother go to France to see an art exhibition? Why did she come back so suddenly?!"

"Really, I just went to the restaurant to eat. I happened to see your mother on the way. You should prepare quickly!" Liu Yan said.

"Great! Thank you, Sister Liu Yan!"

Liu Yifei hung up the phone and became panicked.

She felt that her mother must have come back because of what happened online.

She jumped up from the sofa.

Even his body was trembling slightly.

If her mother found out that she and Lin Feng were already living together, she might be mad!Maybe he will also madly insult Lin Feng and Lin Yueyue!
can not be like this!Absolutely not!He couldn't let his mother find out that he was already living with Lin Feng!

But what should we do now? !
"It's over! It's over! My mother is back!" Liu Yifei was trembling all over.

Lin Feng smiled and patted her shoulder: "Don't worry, don't worry! Nothing will happen to your mother when she comes back. At most, we can just admit that we are together!"

"It can't be done! It can't be done!" Liu Yifei suddenly became even more panicked.

Lin Feng: "..."

He looked at Liu Yifei with some confusion.

Why is she so nervous? !

She is not a student who fell in love early. She has no freedom to fall in love since she was 27 years old? !

This is too crazy, right? !

"Lin Feng, you don't understand. My mother is a very tough person. She never wants me to be with you. I'm afraid she will say something unpleasant!" Liu Yifei said helplessly.


"You don't know, my mother's speech is really hard to hear. How about you wait until I explain it to her and then we can talk to her about this!"

Liu Yifei was very nervous: "She is coming soon. You and Lin Yueyue go out first and wait for my call, okay?"

With that said, Liu Yifei had already started to help Lin Feng pack his things.

Lin Feng was not busy anymore, so why did he feel like he was about to be caught and raped?
What kind of family doesn't let their daughter fall in love when she's 27 or [-]?

A family of nuns? !
That's not right. Liu Yifei's mother must have given birth to her at her age.

Then why not let her fall in love, I'm so bad? !
Lin Feng breathed out: "Stop cleaning it up. You will have to tell your mother about this sooner or later!"

"Don't be like this. Just wait for me to do my job as my mother. She really speaks in a very unpleasant way. Take Lin Yueyue away. I'm afraid of scaring her!"

Liu Yifei was almost crying.

Lin Feng looked a little distressed and exhaled helplessly.

Okay, just follow her.

After all, that person is her mother, not an outsider.

In the future, if two people get together, they will still get along as a family.

Moreover, Lin Feng didn't want Lin Yueyue to think that his grandmother was a fool without quality.

sour sour...

Let's take Lin Yueyue and leave first. When Lin Yueyue is gone in the next issue, we can meet Liu Yifei's mother again!
So, he walked to the second bedroom.

Lin Yueyue had already woken up at this time.

So he said to Lin Yueyue: "Yueyue, can we find another room to sleep in today?"

"what happened?"

"Dad will tell you later, get dressed first!"

Lin Feng directly dressed Lin Yueyue.

After he pulled Lin Yueyue out, Liu Yifei had already put away all the luggage.

Lin Feng glanced at her helplessly.

Liu Yifei came up and kissed Lin Feng: "After I finish my job as a mother, I will go to you immediately. You go to Sister Liu Yan's place to stay for a while, and I will open a new room for you in the evening!"

With that said, Lin Feng and Lin Yueyue exited the room.

There was no one outside, so Liu Yifei sent them to the elevator.

"I've already told Sister Liu Yan, you can just go there!"

Lin Feng sighed helplessly: "Okay, this time it's because Yueyue is here, but next time, I want to talk to your mother!"

(End of this chapter)

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