Chapter 33 It’s hot again

The crowd of onlookers under the tree stared intently at Lin Feng's every move.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage was a bit strange.

"Lin Feng's figure makes me drool."

"Me too, these abs are killing me."

"Lin Feng is so handsome, he's such a nymphomaniac!"

"You've never seen a man, right? Are you still in the mood to care about whether Lin Feng is handsome or not?"

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. Yueyue is a little lucky star, and lucky people have their own destiny!"

"Are you not nervous? It's so dangerous. My little heart is in my throat."

"Isn't it coming down soon?"


Lin Feng glanced back. When he was more than one meter above the ground, he stopped and jumped down from the tree.

In an instant, the others had landed firmly on the ground.

Seeing this, everyone relaxed. They were also worried about Lin Feng just now.

"Dad, this feels like flying on an airplane!" Yueyue looked excited.

Some children who were watching the fun under the tree swarmed around.

"Uncle, you are so handsome."

"It would be great if my dad was as good as you."

"Little sister, your dad is Spider-Man, right?"

Lin Feng chuckled, squatted down and untied the rope, then put Yueyue down.

Yueyue raised her arrogant little chin as she listened to the children's exclamations.

This feeling of being admired by children is so refreshing!

Lin Feng patted the dust on his body, puffed out his chest, and showed off his tendons.

This inadvertent action caused many female viewers at the scene and in the live broadcast room to have intracranial orgasms instantly.

The live broadcast room was filled with cries and shouts.

Lin Feng glanced at the seven or eight children surrounding him. His wrong demonstration just now might have misled these children.

Therefore, he planned to provide ideological education to the children.

"Cough cough!"

Lin Feng coughed twice, his eyes were calm and majestic.

"Children, you all think what uncle did just now is very handsome, right?"

"Yes!" replied in unison.

"But! What uncle did by climbing the tree just now is wrong. Climbing trees is very dangerous. You must not imitate uncle, you know?"

Several children looked at each other and whispered.

Lin Feng saw this and picked up an apple he had just bought for Yueyue from the ground.

He held it in his hand and squeezed it hard, and with a pop, the apple shattered into pieces. He threw it upwards, and the apple crumbs fell to pieces as they fell to the ground.

The children were stunned. Lin Feng looked around and said seriously: "Our human bodies are as fragile as apples. If you fall from a height, you will suffer the same fate as apples."

"So, don't take chances and do dangerous things. The same goes for climbing trees. If you fall, your life will be gone."

"Can you understand what uncle said?"

The children nodded: "Yes!"

Lin Feng smiled happily and told several parents of the children to take good care of their children and avoid making big mistakes.

There was a roar of praise from the crowd.

As soon as Lin Feng finished speaking, the cameraman came over dejectedly.

"Teacher Lin, I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

"I didn't think much of Yueyue, so she..."

Lin Feng waved his hand: "I know you must have been tricked by this little guy. I don't blame you."

The cameraman breathed a sigh of relief: "But please don't blame Yueyue." Lin Feng smiled faintly: "Well, I don't blame you!"

The next second, his face tightened and he waved to Yueyue: "Come here!"

As if intimidated by Lin Feng's majesty, Yueyue twisted her butt and came to him obediently: "What's the matter, Dad?"

Without saying a word, Lin Feng picked up Yueyue and slapped her little butt twice hard.

"Ahhh! It hurts!" Yueyue screamed, her butt was burning, and tears flowed out.

"It hurts, right! Do you know you're wrong?"

"I know...I know." Yueyue sobbed with her mouth flat.

"Do you dare next time?"

"Absolutely not!"

Yueyue's tears were flowing down, but Lin Feng was crying in her heart.

This was the first time he hit Yueyue since he was a child.

Normally, he would not even move a hair on Yueyue's head. This time the situation was too serious. If he were not careful...

Lin Feng didn't dare to think that he could only use this method to make her remember.

"Yueyue must be hurt from being beaten, wuwuwu, let's not cry."

"Lin Feng is using a deadly attack. Yueyue is only a little over four years old. How can such a small body withstand such a beating from him?"

"That's right, it's enough to scold Liang Yueyue, why are you still getting it?"

"Lin Feng is a violent man, Yueyue must have been beaten by him many times before!"

"You guys upstairs know how to educate children? Lin Feng is willing to beat Yueyue because he wants her to have a long memory. The situation just now was so dangerous!"

"We don't understand, but you do!"


Netizens in the live broadcast room also started tearing up.

Yueyue lay on Lin Feng and cried for a full 2 ​​minutes. Seeing that Lin Feng ignored him, she hid behind a tree and secretly wiped her tears.

Some of the staff and onlookers were trying to persuade Lin Feng to calm down, while others were trying to soothe Yueyue's injured little heart.

Lin Feng sighed and asked coldly: "Little guy, how long are you going to cry? It's time for me to go home and cook for you."

"Huh, I just cried for a little while, and I haven't cried enough yet." Yueyue said stubbornly.

Lin Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Someone advised him to go over and coax the child, but Lin Feng just shook his head. He was giving Yueyue time to reflect on his mistakes.

If he were to coax Yueyue with a playful smile now, Yueyue would forget about this in the blink of an eye.

Let Yueyue immerse herself in the sadness for a while, and the lessons learned will be more profound.

Beating and scolding children would not be worth mentioning in reality. Moreover, Lin Feng did it for educational purposes and did not abuse Yueyue for no reason.

However, this happened on the show, and the impact it had on the Internet was extraordinary.

In parent-child programs, the guests create an entertainment atmosphere where they can live in harmony with cute children. Even if the children make mistakes, they correct them in a peaceful way.

But Lin Feng did the opposite and showed his father's ferocious side in the show.

This matter quickly spread on the Internet, and Lin Feng himself fell into the whirlpool of public opinion.

Netizens have different opinions. Some people think that Lin Feng did the right thing, while others severely reprimanded Lin Feng for his actions.

Some nefarious people even maliciously edited the video of Lin Feng beating Yueyue in the show and posted it on major social platforms.

The response was unprecedentedly violent.

Lin Fenglang sex education.

A four-year-old child was severely beaten by his father.

Well-known entertainers hit children on the show.

These terms quickly topped the hot searches on major platforms.

Originally, netizens had high expectations for a washed-up artist to return to the entertainment industry with a cute baby. Today, many netizens' few good impressions of Lin Feng were wiped out.

In addition, there are people who maliciously set the pace, and there is a crusade against Lin Feng on the Internet.

(End of this chapter)

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