Chapter 34 The target of public criticism
"Lin Feng is such an embarrassment to artists. Hurry up and quit the entertainment industry. Why should you be on any show?"

"You're so cruel. Is there any problem if you don't beat the child?"

"Looking at this skilled posture, it seems that this is not the first time Lin Feng has spanked a child."

"A true violent maniac, won't the child have any psychological shadow?"

Not only that, but some parenting experts who fished in troubled waters came to try to gain Lin Feng's popularity.

They all used Lin Feng as a negative teaching material to speak out from their own experience.

"Dear parents and friends, even if children do something wrong, we must educate them calmly and without criticism. Lin Feng's approach is not worth promoting."

Liu Yifei and Tang Yan also knew about this immediately.The two of them knew Lin Feng relatively well. Although they felt that he was a bit cruel, they knew that Yueyue was Lin Feng's heart and they were reluctant to scold her.Lin Feng was able to do this kind of thing just for Yue Yue's good.

The rice on the other side was fried.

When she saw the video edited by netizens, she became furious.

He cursed and sent a private message to Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, a violent man like you is not worthy of being a father. I seriously suspect that you have sadistic tendencies!"

At this time, Lin Feng, the "violent man" in Dami's mouth, and Yueyue cleaned up the locust flowers on the ground.

Carrying a bag full of sophora flowers, I was just about to walk home when I heard a WeChat notification on my phone.

After seeing the message from Da Mimi, he sneered.

This femme fatale woman actually started to care about Yueyue.

Oh, it's really rare.

Is the sun out of the west today?
He typed out a line of text on his phone leisurely: "What qualifications do you have to educate me? I am a violent man, so who are you? A man who abandoned his daughter still has the nerve to judge me, how ridiculous!"

After Da Mimi saw this news, she almost lost her temper.

She wanted to fight back, but everything Lin Feng said made sense, and she couldn't find a better entry point, so she could only throw her phone on the sofa angrily.

Lin Feng put his cell phone in his pocket, was shirtless, holding the bag in one hand, and walked back while holding Yueyue's little hand.

At this time, Yueyue had come out of her sadness and happily chatted with Lin Feng about how to deal with these locust flowers at night.

She was looking forward to dinner.

After returning home, the father and daughter went to the kitchen together and selected all the good-quality Sophora japonica flowers as ingredients.

The next step was to clean the locust flowers, and the industrious little bee Yueyue took over this task.

She soaked the sophora flowers in a basin and washed them several times.

After washing, she asked Lin Feng to come over for inspection.

Lin Feng did not hesitate to praise the little guy, and Yueyue's mouth was twisted with joy.

"Dad, are you going to use these locust flowers to make something delicious for me?" Yueyue looked at Lin Feng expectantly.

When she was washing the locust flowers just now, she couldn't help but taste a few. The fresh and sweet taste made her eyes light up.

At this moment, she couldn't wait to know what kind of delicacy Lin Feng planned to make using Sophora japonica flowers.

Lin Feng curled his lips and replied: "Dad, I have to go online and learn from others. After all, I haven't done it before."

Lin Feng cooks some daily dishes, and his skills are beyond praise.

But this was his first time cooking with sophora flowers, and he needed to look for recipes online.

"Yeah, come on, Dad, keep an eye on you!" Yueyue chuckled.

Lin Feng returned to the living room, picked up his phone and was about to search for recipes when Liu Yifei sent a message.

He subconsciously thought that Liu Yifei was asking about his fight with Yueyue in the afternoon. After chatting for a while, he realized that Liu Yifei wanted to come over to see Yueyue in the evening and asked Lin Feng if it was convenient.

Lin Feng knew that Liu Yifei had just accepted a movie recently and was very busy. It was rare to find some time to see Yueyue.Moreover, Yueyue kept mentioning Liu Yifei recently, intentionally or unintentionally. Lin Feng knew that the little guy also wanted to be his mother, and even wanted to share his favorite durian with her when Liu Yifei came.

He couldn't refuse Yueyue's godmother's request.

But when I think about it, the live broadcast is happening now, and the filming can't end until eight or nine o'clock in the evening.

Firstly, Lin Feng didn't want to take advantage of Liu Yifei's popularity, and secondly, he didn't want Liu Yifei to appear in the live broadcast room at night, for fear of causing unnecessary misunderstandings.

He told Liu Yifei his thoughts, and the other party had no objection. He said that he would come over after the live broadcast and asked Yueyue not to go to bed too early.

Lin Feng replied: "I understand, see you that night!"

Liu Yifei: "See you tonight!"

After the matter was settled, Liu Yifei's red lips curled up, unable to conceal her inner excitement.

The reason is not only that she will see Yueyue in a few hours, but also because she has not seen Lin Feng for a long time and really misses her.

Liu Yifei has been silently by Lin Feng's side for so many years. A few years ago, she recognized Yueyue as her goddaughter, and successfully captured the little guy's heart.

To put it bluntly, every step she took was for a purpose. She thought that sooner or later she would become the woman Lin Feng would spend his whole life with.

But yesterday's hot search incident gave her a deep sense of crisis.

She didn't realize until yesterday that she had a competitor.

Moreover, there is more than one opponent.

Tang Yan, Liu Sisi, and Da Mimi.

Each one is very strong, even better than himself.

Especially the strong woman Da Mimi.

Liu Yifei always felt that her own light was eclipsed in front of Da Mimi.

In terms of status, Da Mimi is one of the top female artists in domestic entertainment.

In terms of appearance, Liu Yifei thinks that she is not as charming as Rice.

In terms of personality, Da Mi Mi is very cheerful and unrestrained, but he is particularly slow to warm up, which is another negative point.

Another point is that Da MiMi has a natural advantage: she and Lin Feng have a relationship foundation, and with Yueyue as a bond, there is a high possibility that they can reunite.

Thinking about it this way, Liu Yifei felt that she was inferior to others in every aspect.

Since the start is not good, we can only put in more effort.

So Liu Yifei finally had some free time and was going to find Lin Feng and Yueyue to make their presence felt.


Just as Lin Feng was searching for recipes on his mobile phone, the program staff came to him.

The staff briefly told Lin Feng about the hot searches in the afternoon, and Lin Feng's reaction was very dull.He doesn't take the comments from netizens to heart.

"Teacher Lin, I just received a notification from the director team and wants us to do a simple preparation for you."

"No problem, I will definitely cooperate."

"Is that okay now?"

Lin Feng nodded and called Yueyue who was playing with toys aside. The father and daughter sat next to each other on the sofa.

The staff member looked at the phone and started asking questions.

"Teacher Lin, many netizens criticize your education methods. What do you think of this?"

(End of this chapter)

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