Chapter 35 The godmother is here
"No idea, I never live in the eyes of others."

"Have you ever thought about adjusting your education methods?"

"No, I think it's fine. There's nothing to adjust."

After hearing this, the staff member felt ashamed and looked at Yueyue again.

"Does Yueyue like dad's education method?"

Yueyue pursed her lips and said arrogantly: "Of course I do, dad is the best dad in the world."

"But dad spanked you this afternoon. Don't you hate dad?"

Yueyue didn't even think about it and replied decisively: "I don't hate it! Dad spanked me for my own good. Because I did something wrong in the afternoon. No, because I made a serious mistake. Dad spanked me because he wanted me to do something wrong. Keep your memory good, I don’t blame dad at all.”

After hearing this, Lin Feng nodded happily and asked, "Will Yueyue dare to climb a tree next time?"

"I don't dare. Climbing trees is very dangerous."

Lin Feng faced the camera and said seriously: "Everyone has different ways of educating their children, which is also related to the family environment and the child's personality. There is no perfect and unified education method in this world, only the education method that is suitable for children. "

Although these sentences are short, they are very insightful and the truth contained in them is self-evident.

After hearing this, the staff present nodded in admiration.

Next, the staff asked a few more questions, and the preparation was over.

It was already six o'clock in the evening, and Lin Feng quickly got into the kitchen and started making dinner.

He was going to make sophora flower glutinous rice cakes and sophora flower egg pancakes for Yueyue.

He already knew the recipe by heart, and after working on it for nearly an hour, dinner was ready.

Yueyue had already screamed with excitement, and when the food was served, she became big and full.

Lin Feng was not very interested in the smell of sophora japonica, so he simply padded his stomach.

Seeing Yueyue eating deliciously, he felt full of accomplishment.

While enjoying the delicious food, the little guy said, "Dad, the Sophora japonica egg pancakes and Sophora japonica glutinous rice cakes you made are so delicious. Can you pick more Sophora japonica flowers next time? I would like to invite Aunt Tang Yan and my godmother to come over." eat together."

"no problem."

"Hey, thank you dad."

"Yueyue, eat less, there are other activities in the evening!"

"There are still activities?" Yueyue asked in surprise, "What activities?"

Lin Feng didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble by mentioning Liu Yifei's coming to see Yueyue during the live broadcast, so he kept it secret at first.

"I won't tell you first, you will know later."

Yueyue was looking forward to it: "Will there be any delicious food at the evening event?"

Lin Feng smiled: "It should be possible!"

"Then I won't eat. I'll leave some food for you to eat delicious food." After Yueyue finished speaking, she stopped what she was doing.

Lin Feng's mysterious appearance also aroused the curiosity of the audience in the live broadcast room.

"What other activities are there? So mysterious!"

"Did Lin Feng have a drinking date with his friends?"

"Oh, the filming will be over soon, and we won't be able to watch it."

"Lin Feng, hurry up and tell me, but it makes me anxious."


After all, the audience still didn't wait for the moment when the answer was revealed.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the filming ended and the live broadcast room was closed amidst the curiosity of the audience.

After the staff left, Lin Feng turned off all the video equipment at home.

Yueyue asked impatiently: "Dad, when will the activities start? I can't wait any longer."

"Should it be soon?"

"What kind of activity is that?"

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows: "It's your godmother who is coming to see you." Yueyue suddenly became energetic: "Is it true? Is your godmother really coming to see me?"

Lin Feng nodded vigorously.

Yueyue cheered for joy, and after somersaulting several times on the sofa, she ran into the bedroom, and as she approached, she heard the sound of rummaging through boxes and cabinets.

"Yueyue, what are you doing?"

"Dad, where is the new princess dress my godmother bought me? I want to dress beautifully to welcome my godmother."

"In the second cupboard of the closet."

"Oh, I found it, thank you dad."

This is not the first time Yueyue has reacted like this. Every time she hears that Liu Yifei is coming to see her, she is always excited.

In Yueyue's world, Tang Yan, Liu Yifei and Liu Sisi are like mothers.

It was these three women who made up for her lack of maternal love.

Among these three women, because Liu Yifei spent more time in contact with Yueyue, and Liu Yifei had a mother-like personality, she doted on Yueyue.

So Yueyue and Liu Yifei are closer.

As soon as Yueyue put on her princess dress, the doorbell rang.

She couldn't wait to open the door and saw her godmother whom she longed for.

Liu Yifei showed a motherly smile, opened her arms and gave Yueyue a big hug.

In order to express her longing for her, Yueyue kissed her wildly on the face.

"Godmother, you finally came to see me. You almost miss me to death."

Liu Yifei looked at her with a caressing look on her face: "Little cutie, it's not that my godmother doesn't want to come see you, it's that she's been very busy recently. Why don't I come to see you if I have a little time? Don't be angry with your godmother, okay?"

"Yeah, I'm not angry with my godmother. I'll be satisfied if my godmother comes to see me."

Lin Feng took the bag from Liu Yifei's hand and stood aside to watch the mother and daughter making out.

After the intimacy was enough, Liu Yifei picked up Yueyue and walked into the house. As she walked, she said, "Has our little fairy grown taller again? Why can't my godmother just hold her anymore?"

"Well, I'm growing taller again!"

"Not only have I grown taller, but I have also grown more beautiful."

"Hehe, my godmother talks so nicely."

Listening to Liu Yifei's praise, Yue Yue couldn't help but feel happy.

Liu Yifei hugged Yueyue and sat on the sofa. Lin Feng poured a glass of water and placed it in front of her.

"Yueyue, why don't you stick around? Godmother is very tired after a long day of work. Let her rest and drink water."

"Oh." Yueyue responded, "Godmother, please put me down quickly and I will bring you some water."

Liu Yifei reluctantly put Yueyue down, and Yueyue held up the water glass with both hands and handed it to Liu Yifei.

"Godmother, drink water."

Liu Yifei took it with a smile and took a sip: "Thank you Yueyue."

Yueyue smiled again and stared straight at this fairy-like woman: "Godmother, you have become beautiful too."

What Yueyue said was extremely serious and not false at all.

A warm current flowed through Liu Yifei's heart: "Why is Yueyue so happy again, right? She knows how to fool her godmother with nice words."

"Godmother, I'm not lying to you. If you don't believe me, just ask dad." Yueyue turned to look at Lin Feng, "Dad, do you think godmother has become beautiful again?"

Lin Feng was suddenly stunned and confused by the question.

I don’t want to get involved in the topic of you two women.

Sensing Liu Yifei's burning eyes looking at him, Lin Feng didn't want to ruin the beautiful atmosphere between mother and daughter.

He said nonchalantly: "Yueyue, what day is my godmother not beautiful? The title of fairy sister is not given in vain."

"Sister Tianxian?" Yueyue was surprised and happy, "This title is not false at all."

(End of this chapter)

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