Chapter 36 A sumptuous meal

At this moment, Liu Yifei was elated.

"Godmother, daddy made sophora flower egg pancakes tonight, it's delicious! Do you want to try it?"

Meeting Yueyue's gaze, Liu Yifei said with a gentle expression, "Yeah, okay. Godmother hasn't eaten yet."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? I thought you came here after dinner!"

Lin Feng scratched his head in embarrassment. Liu Yifei must have just finished her work and rushed over to see Yueyue. She was so inconsiderate that she didn't care whether she had dinner or not.

"Then I'll make something for you."

Yueyue said: "Godmother, dad made sophora flower egg pancakes tonight, and they were delicious. I'll eat some more with you!"

"Okay, Yueyue."

Lin Feng glanced at the little guy: "How can you still eat after eating so much at night? What a waste of food."

Yueyue twisted her fingers together and made a gesture, and protested: "I just ate a little bit, and I'm not full yet."

She yelled in a commanding tone: "Dad, hurry up and cook, godmother is so hungry!"

Lin Feng rolled his eyes at her, then turned to look at Liu Yifei: "Feifei, what do you want to eat?"

"Anything is fine, I can just take a few bites and deal with it." Liu Yifei said with the corner of her mouth raised.

"Our Great Fairy Liu is really easy to serve."

"It really doesn't need to be too much trouble. I'm very easy to support." Liu Yifei pursed her red lips and smiled, "You go quickly, I'll play with Yueyue here for a while."

Lin Feng got up and walked into the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator and was thinking about making something for Liu Yifei. At this time, Liu Yifei came in with a bag in his hand, "I packed a few side dishes. Don't make anything else. I I just want to try your Sophora Flower Egg Pancake."

"I know, hurry up and play with Yueyue. You don't know how much she misses you. She whispers your name in my ear every day."

Lin Feng took the bag and kicked Liu Yifei out of the kitchen.

Liu Yifei returned to the living room and took out the gifts she bought for Yueyue, including puzzles, Lego, and picture books, which made Yueyue extremely happy.

Seeing the little guy happily surrounding her, Liu Yifei suddenly remembered a sweet dream she had that day: her husband Lin Feng was cooking delicious food in the kitchen. She was stroking her big belly and building blocks with Yueyue in the living room. In her belly was the crystallization of her and Lin Feng's love. , the atmosphere was joyful.

The scene at this moment is very similar to that dream!
Alas, just a little regretful.

"Godmother? Why are you sighing?" Yueyue asked, blinking her big eyes.

"Ah?" Liu Yifei turned around with a confused expression and explained: "My godmother just discovered a new restaurant and will take Yueyue to try it another day."

"All right."

When talking about eating, Yueyue couldn't help but recommend: "Godmother, the egg pancakes made by dad are really amazing. I ate several of them at night!"

"Haha, is it really that delicious?"

"Yeah! It's so delicious!"

"Well, godmother will definitely eat some more later!"

"Hey, godmother, you don't know this Sophora japonica is..."

Before Yue Yue finished speaking, she quickly covered her mouth with her hands. Although she wanted to tell Liu Yifei about the interesting story of picking locust flowers, she was afraid...

Liu Yifei looked at Yueyue with gentle eyes: "Yueyue, climbing a tree is really dangerous. Dad spanked you today for your own good. Don't you think about how sad Dad will be if you fall from the tree? , not only is he sad, he will also blame himself for not taking good care of you."

"You are his dearest person!"

"Promise godmother you won't be so reckless in future things, okay?"

After hearing this, Yueyue nodded vigorously: "Okay, I know my godmother."

Liu Yifei's red lips curled up: "Well, Yueyue is really good."

Yueyue hugged Liu Yifei and rubbed her little head in front of her, feeling her body temperature and softness.

"Godmother, if I want to eat locust flowers again in the future, I will ask my father to climb a tree and pick them for me. Anyway, I will never climb a tree again." "Yes, yes, if it falls, it will be your father."


There were bursts of laughter in the living room.

Although Liu Yifei asked Lin Feng to do less, he still showed warm hospitality.

He Sanxian, clams with fish sauce, scallion oil chicken, minced meat vermicelli... and sophora flower egg pancakes.

Plus a few side dishes packed by Liu Yifei.

A table full of delicacies makes people salivate.

Yueyue, who was sitting on the small dining chair, swayed her legs and looked back and forth between each dish.

She doesn’t even know what to eat!

"Since it's so hard to choose, let's eat chicken drumsticks!" Lin Feng picked up a chicken drumstick and put it in Yueyue's bowl.

Yueyue immediately frowned and pursed her lips: "No! I don't like chicken."

It's not that Yueyue doesn't like chicken, but she only likes fried chicken.

She doesn't like scallion chicken at all.

Lin Feng said displeased: "How can you grow taller if you don't eat meat?"

Yueyue ignored him and turned to Liu Yifei: "Godmother, you are too thin. Eat some chicken to replenish your body."

Liu Yifei smiled knowingly: "Yes, godmother needs to eat some chicken to replenish her body."

As she said that, she took the chicken from Yueyue's bowl.

Seeing this, Lin Feng sighed: "You are too fond of her. This little guy is too picky about food. He doesn't eat vegetables or meat. He just likes to eat junk food."

Liu Yifei argued rationally: "Children don't have very small intestines. If you let her eat so much meat at night, it will be difficult for her to digest."

Lin Feng curled his lips, glanced at the very proud Yueyue, and said nothing more.

"Godmother, you'd better be nice to me." Yueyue hugged Liu Yifei's arm and began to act like a baby, coaxing Liu Yifei as sweet as honey.

"Godmother, try the sophora flower egg pancake made by dad." Yueyue clumsily picked up a sophora flower egg pancake and raised her little hand to feed it to Liu Yifei's mouth.

Liu Yifei hurriedly went over and took a bite. The taste of this sophora flower egg pancake was simply amazing.Not only does it taste delicious, it’s even more beautiful in your heart.

She put her hand on her chin and chewed it in small bites.

Lin Feng asked: "How is it? Is it delicious?"

Liu Yifei nodded: "Yeah, it's very delicious."

"Hey, godmother, I didn't lie to you." Yueyue said, and also took a sophora flower egg pancake for herself.

Lin Feng also put some clams into Liu Yifei's bowl: "Try it, this is a new dish I learned recently."

Liu Yifei picked it up, tasted it, nodded, took a few bites, and put down her chopsticks again.

Lin Feng wondered: "What? Not to your liking?"

"No way, I've eaten. I said I don't have a big appetite, but you have to cook so many dishes!"

"You only eat so much? Eat two more bites, see how thin you have become?" Lin Feng gave Liu Yifei another sophora egg pancake.

"Don't try to trick me. People say I'm fat, and my manager is urging me to lose weight."

"Don't listen to them. If you keep losing weight like this, you'll only have bones. This is good!"

(End of this chapter)

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