Chapter 37

Lin Feng was really not blind. He felt that Liu Yifei's current figure was not fat at all, but if she lost weight, she would look a bit thin.

The last time he saw Tang Yan, the woman was as thin as a bamboo pole, and she scared him.

Lin Feng continued: "It's not a good thing for the lady to lose weight. She looks sick."

Liu Yifei sighed: "As a female artist, it's okay if you don't keep in shape, otherwise you won't be able to get filmed."

Yueyue stopped what she was doing and asked, "If my godmother doesn't film, will she have no money?"

"Yes, if you don't film, you won't be able to make money, so you won't be able to buy Yueyue delicious food."

Yueyue said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, don't work too hard for godmother. If godmother has no money, you can ask dad for it and let dad support you."

Liu Yifei snorted and joked: "Yueyue, your father finds it troublesome to raise you. Will he raise a godmother?"

Yueyue looked at Lin Feng: "Dad, can you support your godmother?"

As soon as these words came out, the restaurant suddenly became quiet.

Liu Yifei's pretty face was slightly red, she lowered her head and kept picking vegetables into her mouth, her heart pounding like a deer bumping around.

Lin Feng scratched his head, and his mouth was suddenly stuck with something.

Yueyue really asks questions about anything she catches, and she doesn't know how to consider other people's feelings.

It’s so embarrassing!
Childish words have no taboo!Childish words have no taboo!

After being silent for a few seconds, Lin Feng quickly changed the topic: "Yueyue, don't you love shrimps? The three delicacies from the river that dad made are also quite delicious. Eat more."

Yueyue was unmoved: "Dad, don't interrupt. If you don't express your position, it means you acquiesce!"

Liu Yifei's face turned red to the base of her neck, thinking that her pain for this little guy was not in vain.

Lin Feng blushed for a while.

Yueyue is too young and naive, and doesn't understand anything between men and women.

She just thinks that whoever treats her well will try her best to report back to him.

After changing the topic, Lin Feng and Liu Yifei started talking more.

Liu Yifei wanted to ask about Da MiMi several times, but considering Yueyue's presence, she didn't mention it.

The happy time is always short, and another hour passed before I knew it.

After several people finished eating, they worked together to clear the table.

After Liu Yifei finished washing the dishes and bowls, Yueyue pulled her to watch TV together.

Time came to ten o'clock in the evening.

Usually at this time, Yueyue is already lying on the bed, listening to stories and getting ready to sleep.

But today because Liu Yifei was here, she wasn't sleepy at all.

Lin Feng urged her to go to bed, but Yueyue didn't listen at all, saying that she could only let her godmother coax her to sleep.

After staying up for another half an hour, the little guy was still jumping up and down with energy.

Lin Feng finally couldn't help it anymore: "Yueyue, stop pestering your godmother. It's getting late and it's not safe for your godmother to go back."

"Then you can't let your godmother live at home?" Yueyue said with a small mouth.

Lin Feng: "..."

Liu Yifei's pretty face suddenly turned red again. She didn't know what messy things were thinking in her mind.

"Be obedient, or daddy will be angry!" Lin Feng became serious.

Yueyue felt aggrieved: "But I just want my godmother to coax me to sleep."

Liu Yifei couldn't bear it and said, "How about I put Yueyue to sleep first and then leave."

Yueyue exclaimed excitedly: "Yeah! Long live my godmother!"

Lin Feng glanced at Liu Yifei resentfully: "This child's little temper is all caused by you."

"Okay, Yueyue, go to sleep quickly!"

Liu Yifei picked up the beautiful Yueyue and walked into the bedroom.

On the big bed in the bedroom, Yueyue's little head rested tightly in Liu Yifei's arms, like a docile kitten.

"Godmother, is my mother good-looking? What kind of woman is she?"

Liu Yifei was obviously startled by Yueyue's words.

Lin Feng had previously told people around him not to mention rice rice in front of Yueyue.When Yueyue asked this question, Liu Yifei didn't know how to answer.

"Why did Yueyue suddenly ask this?"

"I haven't seen my mother, so I'm curious and want to ask."

Liu Yifei caressed Yueyue's chubby little face and said softly: "Yueyue's mother is very beautiful, a great beauty, and she is very capable and a very enterprising woman."

"Isn't it beautiful?"

"Well, it's beautiful."

"Then is she gentler than my godmother?"

"more or less."

Yueyue said lightly: "The mother I imagined is just like my godmother. She is beautiful and gentle. Even if I do something wrong, she will not blame me or scold me."

"Godmother, I want to call you mom, is that okay?"

Meeting Yueyue's expectant eyes, Liu Yifei almost burst into tears at this moment.

She grew up with a single mother, so she can understand Yueyue's mood at the moment.

When she was very young, she fantasized about her father countless times.

Xiao Liu Yifei always thought that her father was a superman. When she encountered difficulties, her father would always fall from the sky and lend a helping hand to her.

But that was all her imagination.

In times of crisis, she called her father's name countless times, but he never showed up.

The current Yueyue is not the same as before.

Liu Yifei just hugged Yueyue's small body and said softly: "If Yueyue wants to call me mom, of course she can, but she can only do it when no one is around."

"Okay, Mom."

Yueyue shouted the word "Mom" in a clear voice, and a warm current flowed through Liu Yifei's heart.

"Godmother, you and I are both my mother now, so can you marry my father?" Yueyue asked again.

Liu Yifei's delicate body trembled.

I really want to get married, but I'm afraid your father doesn't want me.

She laughed and said: "Yueyue, marriage is a matter of mutual consent. I can't make the decision alone."

"Then why do you like dad?" Yueyue asked another sharp question.

Liu Yifei was silent for a moment and said lightly: "I like it."

"Then does daddy like you?"

"This... my godmother doesn't know either."

Liu Yifei has also thought about this question for a long time. Does Lin Feng like me?

Let’s say I don’t like it, but I kind of like it.

Say you like her, Lin Feng is always lukewarm towards her.

The relationship between the two is delicate.

Yueyue said: "Godmother, let's work together to make daddy fall in love with you!"

Liu Yifei was secretly happy, this was also her goal.

But with Yueyue's help, maybe this goal can be accomplished faster.

"Okay, let's work hard together."

"However, this is a secret between the two of us. Yueyue is not allowed to tell outsiders, do you understand?"

Yueyue's tone was firm: "Yeah, I know. Don't worry, godmother, I'm very strict with my words."

"Godmother believes in you." Liu Yifei felt happy.

Today was really a fruitful day. Not only did I see Yue Yue thinking about her day and night, I also got Yue Yue's help in pursuing love.

This trip was not in vain!

After the brief excitement, Liu Yifei patted Yueyue's back gently: "Yueyue, it's getting late, go to bed quickly, my godmother will sing to you."

(End of this chapter)

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