Chapter 38
Amidst the melodious children's songs, Yueyue slowly closed her eyes.

After Yueyue fell asleep, Liu Yifei tiptoed out of the bedroom, came to the sofa in the living room, and sat down next to Lin Feng without any scruples.

Lin Feng said lightly: "I'm sorry, Yueyue has caused you trouble again."

"What are you talking about? She is my goddaughter, how can she be called trouble?" Liu Yifei said dissatisfied and then sighed softly: "Yueyue is a very worried child. She has always wanted a mother, but you didn't think about it. Have you ever considered this for the sake of your children?”

"I don't have any plans yet."

"Don't be so individualistic. Yueyue is still so young. She needs her mother's company."

Lin Feng pouted: "Isn't it enough for her to have so many mothers like you?"

This gangster logic made Liu Yifei laugh.

Lin Feng had already said that, so she didn't ask any more questions. Yueyue happened to be away, so she was going to ask about Da MiMi.

"Then what's going on with you and Mimi now?"

Lin Feng looked indifferent. Whenever someone mentioned this woman's name, his stomach would churn and he said displeasedly: "It's okay. I don't want to see this woman again in my life."

Liu Yifei nodded lightly: "She has a big career now, much better than the rest of us. If she can return to Yueyue, it will be of great benefit to you and your daughter."

Lin Feng said disdainfully: "Ha! Yueyue and I still lack her money? My current financial ability, even if Yueyue does nothing in the future, will be enough for her to spend her whole life."

He glanced at Liu Yifei: "If you are here to talk to me and Da Mimi, I advise you to give up the idea."

Liu Yifei waved her hands repeatedly: "You misunderstood. I'm just curious and want to ask if there is a possibility of you and Da Mimi getting back together."

"Absolutely impossible in this life."

"I understand."

Liu Yifei said calmly, but she felt happy in her heart: "It's stable! It's stable!"

Liu Yifei was still very good at observing people's emotions. When she mentioned rice rice, she could clearly feel that Lin Feng's expression became serious.

As she got closer, she changed the subject: "I saw today that Wu Jing wanted you to participate in "The Wandering Earth". Did you really refuse?"

Lin Feng used to be a workaholic.

He particularly likes the profession of actor, even to the point of being crazy about it.

Before Yueyue was born, he spent almost all of his lunch breaks throughout the year on his acting career.

I'm either asking the teacher for advice on acting skills or reading the script.

Liu Yifei once thought that Lin Feng liked to perform, otherwise it would be impossible to pay such a high price and put all his thoughts on it.

But the moment she saw Lin Feng nodding, she realized that her previous understanding of Lin Feng was still too shallow.

Lin Feng leaned back on the sofa and said lazily: "I haven't filmed for many years, and I have forgotten how to act."

Liu Yifei rolled her eyes at him: "You don't even believe this. If you don't know how to act, then the entire entertainment industry will be just a sidekick."

Lin Feng laughed dryly: "You don't have to praise me so much. You know how much I weigh."

"I'm not flattering you, you are too modest. You have acted in many works, and you are still used as a case study by Beijing Film Academy."

"That's the credit of the director and screenwriter. It has nothing to do with me. Lin Feng looked lazy, and Liu Yifei was angry and wanted to laugh.

Lin Feng noticed that Liu Yifei's gentle side face looked particularly beautiful and moving under the dim light.

In recent years, due to the rapid advancement of plastic surgery technology, plastic surgery has also become a trend in the entertainment industry.

Many male artists move closer to female looks, and coupled with their shy personalities, they all become sissies.

Female artists all have pointed chins and tapered faces.

Since Liu Yifei entered the industry, she has always maintained a beautiful appearance. Even when she is photographed without makeup, she still looks like some popular celebrities.

In recent years, with the increase of age and experience, her temperament has become softer and more feminine than when she first debuted, revealing the intellectual beauty of classical women.

Sensing Liu Yifei's nervousness, Lin Feng withdrew his gaze and said doubtfully: "I'm very confused. You didn't just come here just to see Yueyue today. Tell me! What other purpose do you have?"

Liu Yifei laughed loudly: "I'm not here to look at Yueyue, but to feel what's coming. Please don't be so sensitive."

Lin Feng smacked his lips: "You are persuading me to get back together, and you are persuading me to act in a drama. I feel that you must have something in mind."

Liu Yifei's heart was beating fast. She had other ideas, but she couldn't say them yet.

She is still not sure whether Lin Feng is interested in her.

If so, she would speak her mind without hesitation.

However, she didn't feel that Lin Feng meant anything to her at all, so she didn't dare to reveal her feelings.

If Lin Feng rejects him, I'm afraid he won't even be able to be friends in the future.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Lin Feng said proudly: "Did I guess it?"

"That's right."

"Then tell me honestly, what did you do here today? From the moment you walked in, I felt something was wrong with you."

Liu Yifei paused for a moment: "I actually just want to talk to you about your future plans. Yueyue is about to go to kindergarten, and you are about to be free. You can't be like retired uncles and aunts, doing nothing every day."

"If you have the idea of ​​returning to acting, I can use my connections to help you find some resources."

Lin Feng was stunned and said with a wry smile: "What did I think? It just so happens that I also have something to talk to you about. Before answering this question, you should listen to what I have to say."

"Oh? Tell me." Liu Yifei sat up straight.

"It's about Mimi." Lin Feng said seriously, "I don't like Yueyue knowing that she has a ruthless mother. You must keep this secret for me. In Yueyue's imagination, her mother is A particularly good woman. If she knew that she was abandoned by her mother, it would be very traumatizing for her."

"Judging from the current situation, Da Mimi doesn't want to recognize Yueyue as her daughter. This is better. As long as she doesn't make trouble, we can keep this secret forever."

"I do it for Yueyue's own good. I don't want her to get hurt at all. I hope you can understand."

Lin Mo finished speaking in one breath, and when he met Liu Yifei's eyes, the other party nodded.

"As for returning to acting, let me tell you clearly. I have no such plan, not now, and never in the future. I have now been eliminated by this industry."

"I don't think so. Are you perfunctory with me? Who promised me that being an actor is your lifelong ideal and career? Have you forgotten?"

(End of this chapter)

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