Chapter 369 It's time to sleep

Liu Sisi leaned on Lin Feng and said with a smile: "If the two families are connected, then we will be one family!"

"Hahahaha, even so, we are still a family!"

Lin Feng said with a smile, and Liu Sisi was also very happy.

She hugged Lin Feng, then smiled and kissed Lin Feng.

Lin Feng: "..."

To be honest, Lin Feng felt that Liu Sisi's charm was a bit too great.

This kind of body, this kind of initiative...

At this moment, Lin Feng said with a smile: "Look, we are all a family, so what is my relationship with you?"

"What's the relationship?" Liu Sisi said stupidly.

"There seems to be something wrong with your head!"

Lin Feng smiled, then pinched Liu Sisi's nose and said, "We are all a family, why don't you call me husband?"

Hearing this, Liu Sisi's face suddenly turned red.

She is a bit shy and always blushes in unexpected places.

Liu Sisi actually called Lin Feng husband in her dream.

But if she were really asked to scream now, she really wouldn't be able to scream.

She looked at Lin Feng with a red face. Her mouth swelled several times but she couldn't make a sound.

After holding it in for a long time, she said: "Go, go, go, I won't call you husband!"

As she said that, she snorted: "We haven't received our certificates yet, so I won't call you husband!"

Lin Feng smiled: "Although we are not married, we are already like husband and wife!"

Liu Sisi: "..."

Her head was dizzy, and many images appeared in her mind.


"Go, go, go!" Liu Sisi quickly woke herself up, and then pinched Lin Feng's butt hard: "I will definitely not call you husband!"

"Hey, you girl, if you don't call me husband, then call me daddy!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Sisi immediately started going crazy.

She slapped Lin Feng hard, but Lin Feng kept dodging.

"If you do this again, I won't be polite to you!"

"Come on, come on and be rude to me!"

Lin Feng suddenly dodged and avoided Liu Sisi's attack.

Liu Sisi sneered, turned her palm into a sword, and stabbed Lin Feng in the butt hard.

I don't know why the focus of her attacks is always Lin Feng's butt. It feels like she is a little perverted.

Lin Feng tried his best to dodge this.

Because Liu Sisi was a dancer, and Lin Feng was deliberately giving way to her, the two of them could be said to be fighting back and forth.

After several attacks, Liu Sisi finally revealed her true thoughts and began to attack the opposite side of the buttocks!
Lin Feng couldn't bear it anymore and said quickly: "Sisi, if you keep doing this, I won't let you!"

"Hey, who wants you to give in?"

After Liu Sisi finished speaking, she continued to attack Lin Feng.

Lin Feng laughed and said: "That's pretty good, then you have to be careful, I'm going to start attacking!"

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he ducked to avoid Liu Sisi's fatal punch, and then suddenly pushed Liu Sisi down on the sofa.

Liu Sisi wanted to get up, but Lin Feng grabbed Liu Sisi's hands and forced them down on the sofa.

"Be careful!"

Liu Sisi snorted hard and then began to struggle.

But no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't escape Lin Feng's Moza. "Hey, little girl, you should be convinced now, right?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"I'm tired, I'm tired!" Liu Sisi said very tiredly: "Lin Feng, you didn't give in to me at all, you bastard!"

"Just be convinced, just lie down and don't say so many words!"

"Hey, I'm going to say it! I'm going to say it! If you have the ability to let go of my hand, I must let you taste what it feels like to be grabbed by fate!"

Lin Feng: "..."

This woman is really crazy!
Seeing that Lin Feng didn't speak, Liu Sisi continued to struggle hard.

"Lin Feng, be careful. When I break free from your clutches, I will make you look good!"

"Sisi, you have to be able to bend and stretch as a person. If you call me husband now, I will let you go immediately!"

"I just surrendered to you! I am the most powerful woman!"

Lin Feng suddenly laughed evilly, and then slapped Liu Sisi's butt hard.

"Ah! You actually hit me! I, I'm going to beat you to death!" Liu Sisi's face was very red. When Lin Feng hit her before, she would be very shy.

"Let go, let go, you hurt me!"

Lin Feng continued to smile and said: "Call me husband, if you don't call me, I won't let you go!"

"no, I do not!"

"Then you call Dad!"

"no, I do not!"

When Lin Feng heard this, he immediately hit her twice more.

This time he didn't hit him so hard.

Liu Sisi was very ashamed and angry.

She struggled hard: "Didn't you return your husband just now? Why did you suddenly change to calling you daddy? If you give up on this, I will never call you daddy!"

"Then you call me husband!" Lin Feng said with a smile: "If you call me, I will let you go!"

After hearing Lin Feng's words, Liu Sisi struggled a few more times, and then helplessly understood one thing, that is, she couldn't struggle at all.

Liu Sisi felt that Lin Feng was too strong and had very good endurance.

What is this man made of? Is he a robot? !

He's not even tired today!

He exhaled helplessly, then said with a smile: "Husband! Husband!"

When Lin Feng heard this, he became excited.

Then he kissed her hard on the mouth.

"You are so obedient!"

Liu Sisi: "..."

Lin Feng did not continue to tie up Liu Sisi. After kissing her, he let go.

Liu Sisi immediately sat up from the sofa, and then glanced at Lin Feng angrily: "Look, the wrist that was only swollen today is swollen again!"

Lin Feng quickly took her wrist and looked at it, then said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay. I just noticed that I didn't touch this place!"

Liu Sisi: "..."

She glanced at Lin Feng with a groan, her face full of dissatisfaction. She was just thinking about how to get revenge and came back.

But Lin Feng smiled and said: "You don't look good like this. Smile twice, you are the cutest!"

Liu Sisi: "..."

"Okay, okay, let's hurry up, otherwise it's time to go to bed!" Lin Feng said with a smile: "Also, you just said you wanted to call me husband, so you have to keep calling me husband!"

"Go, go, I won't be so shameless!"

The two of them were chatting and lying on the sofa with smiles on their faces.

Under the rhythm of music, this sofa worth 2 yuan, hua
(End of this chapter)

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