Chapter 370 I really don’t want to go to kindergarten!
the next morning.

Although Lin Feng went to see Liu Sisi yesterday.

But he insisted on returning to his home in the middle of the night. After all, he was sending Lin Yueyue to kindergarten the next day.

This morning, Lin Yueyue got up very early.

It's just that she didn't want to go to kindergarten, but wanted to take leave.

Although she had fun playing in the kindergarten these two days, she still wanted to stay at home.

Kindergarten is not as free as home.

Kindergartens need to listen to the teacher's instructions, not just do whatever you want.

But at home, you can do anything, heaven and earth, everything is possible!

Therefore, after Lin Yueyue got up, she came to Lin Feng's bedside and started acting coquettishly, trying to get Lin Feng to ask for leave for her.

"Dad, I don't want to go to kindergarten today!" Lin Yueyue said sadly.

"What's the matter, what happened?"

Lin Feng woke up immediately, and then looked at Lin Yueyue seriously. He was afraid that Lin Yueyue was being bullied in the kindergarten.

After all, there is so much bullying in schools nowadays.

Although this kind of thing is unlikely to happen in kindergarten, what if Lin Yueyue encounters it? If it is not handled properly, it will definitely have a very bad impact on Lin Yueyue.

But to be honest, with Lin Yueyue’s character, no one would bully her casually, right?
That's why he wanted to find out the problem.

"I...I'm worried that Dad will be bored at home alone, so I want to spend some time with Dad at home!"

Lin Feng couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

Hey, my daughter is really a considerate little cotton-padded jacket, and she even knows how to worry about herself.

So he said, "Yeah, I'm not used to it when you go to kindergarten. I always feel bored and don't know what to do."

Hearing this, Lin Yueyue immediately became happy: "Then let's make an agreement. I will stay with you at home today and go to the kindergarten tomorrow!"

"That's not possible!" Lin Feng smiled helplessly: "When did I promise you not to go to kindergarten?"

"You just said you were bored!"

"Yes, it is boring, but I can bear it. I can't let my daughter take leave to stay with me at home!"

Lin Yueyue: "..."

Lin Yueyue bulged her mouth angrily.

Then he looked at Lin Feng and said seriously: "Dad, you are a person who values ​​sex over friends!"

"Pfft! Where did you learn this?"

Lin Yueyue: "..."

She continued to discuss with Lin Feng and was too lazy to go to kindergarten.

But no matter what she said, Lin Feng didn't agree.

Lin Yueyue didn't have to accept the fact that she had to go to kindergarten until she was carried to the gate of the community by Lin Feng.

She hugged Lin Feng helplessly, not wanting to come down no matter what.

There were even tears on his face.

"Dad! I don't want to go to kindergarten!"

"Dad! I want to play at home for a day. Dad, can you put me down?"

Lin Yueyue never made any noise. She was not like other children who would unleash sonic attacks like crazy.

But it’s actually quite uncomfortable for you to keep talking about it like this.

Lin Feng exhaled, and she could only put Lin Yueyue on the ground first.

But unexpectedly, as soon as Lin Yueyue was placed on the ground, she immediately ran towards home.

Lin Feng: "..."

He let out a breath and chased after him helplessly.

Last night he told Liu Sisi that Lin Yueyue had grown up and she even liked her in kindergarten, and she would definitely do well in school in the future.

I didn’t expect that the slap in the face would come so quickly! "Yueyue, you have to know that as you get older and older, one day your father will no longer be by your side!" Lin Fengan endured his temper and patiently explained to Lin Yueyue.

"I don't want to, I don't want to leave dad!" Lin Yueyue was very sad, tears kept flowing out.

"Look, you are already so old. You should go to kindergarten to learn knowledge. Otherwise, you will never understand some things!"

"If you don't understand, you don't understand. I just want to be with my father. What's wrong with that!"

Lin Feng: "..."

Seeing Lin Yueyue cry, Lin Feng actually felt very sad.

But he understood that if he agreed to Lin Yueyue not to go to kindergarten today, then Lin Yueyue would really not want to go to kindergarten in the future.

This opening cannot be opened.

So, he took a deep breath and said: "Yueyue, the holiday is in two days, are you going to give up now? The other children are insisting!"

"Then can I just rest today and go to kindergarten tomorrow?"

"That can't be done!"

Lin Feng held Lin Yueyue and walked towards the kindergarten. He didn't know why, but the road to the kindergarten seemed to have suddenly become longer today.

"Dad, can I go to kindergarten after breakfast? I don't want to eat kindergarten breakfast today. I want to eat steamed buns. There are no steamed buns in kindergarten!"

Lin Feng exhaled helplessly.

He was actually a little annoyed.

It's nothing to miss one day of kindergarten, but he just doesn't want Lin Yueyue to give up so early.

So he said: "Okay, we won't have breakfast in the kindergarten today. We'll go after eating!"

"it is good!"

Lin Yueyue gasped and nodded.

Lin Feng laughed helplessly, and then said: "Then you should be a little better, I'll ask Teacher Zhu for a leave, say you rebel after eating, and then send you there!"


Lin Yueyue laughed with tears.

Lin Feng: "..."

This little girl!

Lin Feng was helpless and asked for an hour's leave from Teacher Zhu, then drove Lin Yueyue to eat her favorite Xiao Long Tang Dumplings.

When Lin Yueyue was sitting in the shop eating soup dumplings, the tears on her face disappeared and she laughed happily.

However, there were puddles of translucent liquid left on Lin Feng's white top.

Lin Feng: "..."

This is my adopted daughter, this is my adopted daughter...

He was very helpless.

But after all, it was Lin Yueyue who did it. No matter what he did, he couldn't vent his anger on Lin Yueyue.

Lin Yueyue drank soy milk and ate xiaolongtang dumplings.

Killed three of them in an instant.

"Dad, you might as well sell Xiao Long Tang Dumplings from now on, okay?" Lin Yueyue said while eating, "This way, I can eat Xiao Long Tang Dumplings every day!"

Lin Feng: "..."

He laughed helplessly: "Will the buns I make taste delicious?"

"Hmm... Indeed, I have never eaten the buns you made, but the buns from both companies are delicious!"

Lin Yueyue scratched her hair: "This proves that buns are very difficult, and the ones you make will definitely not be too delicious!"

"But, dad, you can open a restaurant!"

Lin Feng rubbed Lin Yueyue's little head helplessly: "Are you looking for a job for dad here?"

(End of this chapter)

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