I originally thought it was the kind of ordinary life video.

But I didn't expect it to be such a funny scene.

Lin Feng was happily riding a scooter in front, while Lin Yueyue was sweating profusely in the back and running wildly with tears in her eyes.

It made people laugh instantly.

Everyone felt that Lin Feng finally stood up, stopped being cheated, and started cheating his daughter.

Netizens were very enthusiastic in leaving messages below.

"Hahahaha! Every time Lin Feng and Lin Yueyue's videos are played, they have unexpected effects!"

"Lin Yueyue is so pitiful, hahahaha!"

"Lin Yueyue seems to have grown a lot taller. She should be in kindergarten now!"

"A five-year-old parent was made angry and cried by a 30-year-old child, hahahahaha, it made me laugh so hard!"

"Yueyue, you are already a big child and have already entered kindergarten. You can't be made to cry by your father so easily!"

"Come on Yueyue, rush forward and scalp your father!"

Netizens happily commented in the comment area, and the video became more and more popular. The highest video has more than 200 million views.

The scarf hot search even ranked in the top five!
At this time, Da Mimi also saw this video.

Seeing Lin Yueyue chasing Lin Feng angrily and aggrievedly, she almost exploded with anger.

He cursed Lin Feng crazily in his heart.

She secretly decided that when she sees Lin Feng next time, she must let Lin Feng know how powerful she is!

Lin Feng and Lin Yueyue didn't know what was happening online.

After the father and daughter arrived at the door of the house, they did not rush upstairs, but started playing downstairs.

Lin Feng pays great attention to children's sports.

Since you don’t have time to exercise in kindergarten, you can catch up on it in the evening.

Lin Yueyue placed the scooter next to Lin Feng and went to play on the slide happily.

There are many entertainment facilities in the community, including sports equipment and slides for children.

Lin Yueyue likes this slide very much. In the past, she would come here to play almost every day.

In addition to ordinary slides, there are also cylindrical rotating slides, which feel very comfortable when sitting up.

Lin Feng sat on the chair next to him and watched Lin Yueyue playing happily.

From time to time, he also raised his phone and took two photos of Lin Yueyue.

It was at this moment that he saw the message from Da Mimi.

During this period, Da Mimi sent him many messages, but Lin Feng had never read them.

But today, Lin Feng was a bit cunning. After sending it, he opened it easily.

"Lin Feng, don't think that anything will happen if you don't reply to my message!"

Lin Feng: "???"

What a piece of crap!

Lin Feng directly crossed out the message and continued to take photos of Lin Yueyue.

However, Da Mimi sent a lot of messages.

Lin Feng exhaled helplessly, glanced at Lin Yueyue who was playing on the slide, and clicked on the satellite.

"Lin Feng, is this how you take care of Lin Yueyue?!"

"You don't grow up, and you can't bully children. If you don't want to raise Lin Yueyue, I can. Even if you cancel my role, I still have the ability to raise children!"

"Lin Feng, you are really not a man. You don't even dare to reply to messages and phone calls. Let me tell you, if you make me anxious, I will go to your home to find you!"

"Lin Feng, don't think it's enough to just be a coward!"

"Let me tell you, if you push me too hard, I will tell reporters that you helped Liu Yifei snatch my role. See if her character can be maintained!" Da Mimi posted a lot of messages.

After Lin Feng finished, he understood why she suddenly went crazy.

Lin Feng exhaled helplessly.

I just feel that there is something wrong with Damimi.

Yao remembered that Da Mimi had snatched the role of Tang Yan a few years ago. At that time, she said that she impressed the director with her strength.

And now...

Lin Feng couldn't help but sneered when he thought of this.

This woman really has double standards!
He also said that if he didn’t want to raise Lin Yueyue, he could raise it for her.

How could she say such words?
I'm afraid she wouldn't even dare to admit that she is Lin Yueyue's mother!

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and hesitated to say a few words.

"First, Ms. Da Mimi, if you want to admit that you are Lin Yueyue's mother, I completely agree, but if you want to use this matter to talk about the character..."

"I'm sorry, I won't let you hurt my daughter so easily!"

"Also, Xixi stole your role, just grab it. Did you sign the contract? You said nothing about not signing the contract!"

"Finally, I hope I will never see you in my life, so the next time you come to my house, I will call the police as soon as possible!"

"Reporters should be very interested in this matter. What do you think will be the hotly searched title by then?"

"I'm telling you, if you make me angry, we will both be embarrassed, but I want to say that you will be more embarrassed than me!"

Lin Feng's news immediately stunned Da Mimi.

She originally thought that Lin Feng would not reply to her message.

Unexpectedly, Lin Feng actually replied, and even replied so much.

She was so angry that she was shaking all over, and even Reba beside her felt something strange about her.

He also asked with great concern whether Da Mimi felt unwell from time to time and whether he should go to the hospital.

Da Mimi said that she was under a lot of pressure and didn't sleep well.

Seeing her look, Reba didn't say anything more.

After all, Da Mimi is just her boss, not a close best friend, and she is too lazy to worry about others.

While Reba was scrolling through videos, she happened to see a video of Lin Yueyue and Lin Feng, and couldn't help but laugh.

After not seeing each other for a few days, this Lin Yueyue seems to be even cuter.

It really makes me want to hug her!
Da Mimi, on the other hand, is trying hard to suppress her emotions.

She still has work to do next, and she can't let this incident affect her work.

After a while, she became more stable.

Then he picked up his phone and started to reply to Lin Feng's messages.

"Lin Feng, you are going too far. As a girl, it is really not easy for me to go from the bottom of the entertainment industry to where I am today!"

"In other words, you must target me now, right?"

After seeing her news, Lin Feng couldn't help but sneer.

This is Da Mimi. She always feels that others are deliberately targeting her. I don’t know how she got such confidence.

Thinking about it, Lin Feng replied directly: "Crazy!"

Seeing the news, Da MiMi was so angry that she almost smashed her phone.

She felt that Lin Feng was deliberately targeting her, and he also deleted it on WeChat to stimulate her, hoping to make her beg him and let him get back together with her.

But thinking of this, Da Mimi's mood actually improved a lot! (End of chapter)

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