Da Mimi is in a better mood now.

She felt that this video was a plan by Lin Feng.

Otherwise, as an individual proprietor, there is no need for him to re-export his business to the public.

That's it!That's it!
As long as he has an idea in his mind.

He must want to unspoken rules for himself!

Damimi thought very confidently.

After so many years in the entertainment industry, she has seen too many tricks like this.

Although Da Mimi would never agree every time she encounters something like this, it doesn't mean that she doesn't know.

And this time it was Lin Feng, so she couldn't accept it.

Lin Feng is very handsome and has a lot of resources at his disposal.

The most important thing is that they both have a child, and they are not only old lovers but also old rivals.

Damimi was also very happy.

After a long time, Da Mimi sent another message to Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, I know what you want to do, and you don't have to beat around the bush!"

"Give me my role back. You can do whatever you want. You understand, and I don't need to explain it clearly!"

When Lin Feng saw these two pieces of news, he felt bad.

He felt that there might be something wrong with Da Mimi's brain.

Is he so horny? !

Although Da Mimi has a very good figure and looks good, is Liu Yifei bad?
Liu Sisi’s looks are also very good!
Thinking about it, Lin Feng decided to make it clear to Da Mimi that he could not let her think too much, otherwise, his life would be infinitely disturbed by her.

So he replied: "Damimi, maybe I didn't express it clearly before. I think I should tell you clearly."

"We have no relationship before, do you understand?"

"I don't have any ideas about you. You can use your own means to win the role, but I can't help you!"

"At the same time, Lin Yueyue actually doesn't want a mother like you. I also want you to stop appearing in our lives!"

"Finally! I want to tell you, really, really, don't show up randomly anymore, it's very annoying!"

Seeing this news from Lin Feng, Da MiMi was so angry that she vomited blood.

Coupled with the work pressure these days, Da Mimi fainted directly in the workplace, scaring Reba so much that her face turned pale!
Reba ran over quickly and wanted to help Dami up but didn't dare to.

She shouted loudly: "Sister Mi! Sister Mi! Sister Mi, what's wrong with you?"

Reba was very anxious and kept calling Damimi, but Damimi didn't respond at all.

If it weren't for Damimi still breathing, she felt like Damimi would die suddenly.

In an instant, Reba panicked.

She quickly shouted to the driver: "Hurry to the hospital, sir! Sister Mi suddenly fainted! Hurry!"


The driver also noticed something strange about Da Mimi and quickly drove towards the hospital.

Everyone was very panicked.

Fortunately, the driver was very familiar with the road conditions and drove Mimi to the nearest hospital within 5 minutes while running a red light.

When he arrived at the hospital, Da Mimi was still unconscious.

Reba originally wanted the driver to carry Da MiMi in, but when she realized that Da Mi Mi didn't want to be in contact with a strange man, she had to carry Da Mi Mi on her own.

Reba took off her high heels, barefooted, and ran into the hospital carrying Mimi on her back, leaving passers-by stunned.

"Oh my god, is this Reba?!"

"It's Reba. She seems to be carrying Mimi on her back. What's going on?!"

"Oh my god, Da Mimi fainted?!"

"There won't be any danger, this is too surprising!"

"Damimi seems to have no consciousness at all. I don't know what happened. It's so scary!" Many passers-by were discussing this. Some people took out their mobile phones to take photos and posted them on their neck scarves.

Soon, hot searches appeared on the scarf.

But these things are unimportant.

Reba carried Mimi all the way into the hospital.

Everyone followed behind them.

"Doctor! Doctor!"

"Doctor! Something happened, come quickly!"

"Help, doctor!"

After a period of confusion, Da Mimi was finally sent to the emergency room.

After emergency treatment, the doctor told everyone that Da Mimi was out of danger. After all, the shock was very serious, but it has now eased.

There was nothing serious about Da Mimi's body. It was just a sudden mood swing that caused her to fall into coma.

Moreover, my work intensity has been very high recently, I haven’t eaten well, and I have low blood sugar and excessive mood swings, so that’s why I’m like this.

After the doctor gave Da MiMi an infusion, he was able to recover.

When Reba heard what the doctor said, she also let out a long breath.

Other staff members also relaxed. They bought Reba sports drinks and mineral water and let her sit on a chair to rest.

Just now Reba came in carrying Da Mimi on her back.

Reba drank half the bottle of water in one breath before she slowly recovered.

I just gave her one.

Looking at Da Mimi, who was pale and lying on the hospital bed with an infusion, her mind went blank and she could only stay by her side quietly.

At this time, the news that Damimi fell into a coma and entered the hospital also spread on the Internet.

Especially when they saw Damimi with a pale face on Reba's back, all the fans felt distressed.

"Oh my god, what's happening to Sister Mi!"

"I hope Sister Mi can recover soon!"

"Sister Mi is a workaholic. If she works too hard, her body will definitely be overwhelmed!"

"Celebrity is also a high-risk profession. I hope Sister Mi can recover soon!"

"I feel sorry for Sister Mi!"

"It must be too much work and overload. Otherwise, it would be impossible to suddenly pass out!"

"Reba is still very good, carrying Sister Mi who is about the same weight as herself and running all the way!"

"Reba is Sister Mi's best assistant!"

"Damimi and Reba, I got them, did you get them?"

Netizens are very concerned about Mimi, and several hot searches on the scarf are about this topic.

But Lin Feng didn't pay attention at all.

When he saw that Da Mimi didn't reply to him, he thought that Da Mimi finally understood his thoughts and that Da Mimi would no longer appear in his life.

So I put the phone directly into my pocket.

Looking up at Lin Yueyue, I found that Lin Yueyue had made several friends and were playing happily.

Time passed quickly. In the evening, Lin Yueyue was tired from playing and came to Lin Feng, clamoring to go home for dinner.

At this time, Lin Feng was typing a copy.

So he said: "Yueyue, please wait for me for a while, I am at a critical moment here!"

"Alright alright!"

Lin Yueyue did not continue to urge, but sat next to Lin Feng and started drinking water by herself. (End of chapter)

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