After hearing what An Ran's parents said, Lin Feng also understood what they meant.

It’s the sense of boundaries that adults have.

We were not familiar with each other and had no business dealings with each other. It was very embarrassing just thinking about sitting down to eat.

In fact, Lin Feng was also very embarrassed.

So Lin Feng was quite happy about their decision: "I don't care, will An Ran be unhappy?"

"It's okay, we have already discussed it with her!"

An Ran's mother said and shouted towards the back room: "An Ran, my father and I are leaving first. I'll pick you up in the afternoon!"

After a while, An Ran replied from the back room: "Okay, goodbye, Mom and Dad!"

"Then let's go first!"

"Yeah, slow down on the road!"

An Ran didn't even want to come out to see her parents. She was already having fun in Lin Yueyue's room.

When An Ran's mother heard this, she looked at Lin Feng and said, "Teacher Lin Feng, then I'm disturbing you today!"

"It's okay, don't bother."

"Then let's leave first. We'll come to pick up An Ran in the afternoon!"

An Ran's parents left them with gifts and left directly. Before leaving, they told An Ran to have fun with Lin Yueyue and not to cause trouble.

An Ran's parents left.

Lin Feng stood at the door and let out a long breath.

Since leaving the entertainment industry, he has had some social fears.

He doesn't like eating with strangers or talking to strangers. Even the last time he sat with Liu Yifei's mother for dinner, he felt very awkward.

After pausing for a moment, Lin Feng arrived at the door of Lin Yueyue's room.

Two little girls were playing with toys, changing clothes for the little Barbie doll one by one, and they were very happy.

Lin Yueyue turned her head and glanced at Lin Feng who was standing at the door, and said, "Dad, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, you can continue playing. I just wanted to ask if you would like some snacks or fruit?"

"I want them all, give us more!"

Lin Feng smiled: "Okay, then you wait for a while and I will prepare it for you."

"Thank you dad! Dad is so nice!"

"Thank you Uncle Lin! Uncle Lin is so kind!"

Lin Feng couldn't help but nodded, these two children were pretty good.

After a while.

Lin Feng washed some cherries and strawberries for the two girls, and also brought lychees and some snacks.

After pouring them a glass of juice, Lin Feng stood aside and watched for a while. He found that they were all having fun, so he let them play with confidence.

After telling the two little girls not to do dangerous things, Lin Feng went to the kitchen to cook.

"If anything happens, just call me!"

"Good good!"

Lin Feng rubbed Lin Yueyue's little head, and then rubbed An Ran's little head.

After arriving in the kitchen, Lin Feng processed the fish first.

This braised fish is a dish Lin Yueyue made today. She quite likes eating fish.

Previously, Lin Feng thought that Lin Yueyue couldn't eat fish, so he rarely prepared fish dishes. At most, he would order seabass for her when eating grilled fish.

But today Lin Yueyue wanted to eat fish very much, so Lin Feng bought a braised yellow croaker with few spines.

Before An Ran arrived, Lin Feng had already taken care of the fish.

Now it just needs to be braised.

First simmer the pan with onions, ginger and garlic, then fry the fish, then add soy sauce and cooking wine, and finally add some boiling water to cook directly.Braised fish is a very simple dish, but if you want it to be delicious, you must add some flavorful seasonings, such as tempeh.

And it’s tempeh that I chop myself.

After finishing the fish, Lin Feng cooked the rice again.

After that, he started cooking pork ribs and braised prawns.

Both of these dishes require frying. Two dishes are equal to one dish, which is very convenient.

In about an hour, Lin Feng had all the lunch ready.

Looking at the dishes on the table, braised fish, grilled chicken wings, sweet and sour pork ribs, braised prawns, shredded pork with Beijing sauce, three delicacies soup, vegetarian vegetables, home-style tofu, fried river shrimp!

There is also a little pigeon steamed in the pot!

It can be said that flying, swimming and walking are all available!
Lin Feng let out a long sigh of relief, feeling so powerful!
He smiled slightly and shouted towards the room: "Yueyue! Anran! Come over for dinner!"

As he spoke, he took off his apron and put it on his shoulders very handsomely.

After the two girls heard what Lin Feng said, Li Amin ran over.

When she saw the table full of dishes, An Ran's eyes widened in shock: "Uncle Lin, couldn't you have cooked all these dishes?"

"Of course I did it!"

"It looks more appetizing than the food in the restaurant!" An Ran said in shock.

Lin Yueyue was almost crying with greed and asked quickly: "Dad, shall we eat now?"

"Wash your hands, let's eat now!"


The two girls quickly went to the bathroom to wash their hands.

Taking advantage of this time, Lin Feng also went to the room to change his clothes. He had just been busy in the kitchen for a long time and his body was full of the smell of oil smoke.

After he changed his clothes and came out, An Ran and Lin Yueyue were already sitting on chairs waiting for Lin Feng.

They were quite well-behaved, and they all endured without eating first, waiting for Lin Feng.

Lin Feng couldn't help but smile.

Well, these kids are pretty well behaved!

Thinking about it, he came to the dining table and touched the heads of the two little girls: "Let's eat! Eat!"

"Eat, eat, eat!"

Lin Feng took a bite of vegetable mixed vegetables first, and then the two children started to use their chopsticks.

Lin Yueyue took a bite of the braised fish first. Lin Feng checked carefully and found that there were no thorns before letting Ling Yue eat it too.

Later, Lin Feng also gave An Ran a piece of braised fish with chopsticks, and also checked whether there were any thorns.

Although fish bones usually don't cause any serious problems, if an accident occurs, it will definitely be a serious matter that requires you to go to the hospital.

So Lin Feng pays great attention to this.

An Ran took a bite of the braised fish, and her eyes immediately turned into crescent moons as she smiled: "Uncle Lin, this braised fish is so delicious!"

Lin Feng smiled and gave her another chopstick: "If it tastes good, eat more. Eating more fish is good for your health!"

"Dad, can fish in good health also be caught?" Lin Yueyue asked curiously.

Lin Feng: "..."

He smiled helplessly: "It is fish and nutritious, so eating it is good for your health, not fish!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Lin Yueyue took her own bowl and placed it in front of Lin Feng: "Then Dad, I want to eat fish too!"

Lin Feng smiled: "Okay, okay, everything is available, don't worry!"

Lin Feng gave Lin Yueyue and An Ran several chopsticks of fish, and told them to eat carefully and spit out fish bones if they encountered them.

"You must pay attention when eating fish, otherwise you will get stuck, which will be very uncomfortable and you will have to go to the hospital!" (End of Chapter)

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