My daughter, I asked you to be on the show, but I didn’t ask you to find a stepmother.

Chapter 402: Melancholy Lin Yueyue, give me another younger brother and sister!

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Lin Yueyue looked at Lin Feng curiously.

"Dad, next time you cook fish, can't you not put fish bones in it?!"

Lin Feng: "..."

Lin Yueyue has such a little head, sometimes I really don't know what she is thinking.

The words he said always left Lin Feng scratching his head.

"Fish have spines, just like the bones in our bodies. Fish spines are the bones of fish!"

Lin Feng laughed helplessly: "Okay, okay, hurry up and eat, there are so many delicious dishes!"

"Alright alright!"

Later, Lin Feng gave Lin Yueyue and An Ran two pieces of sweet and sour pork ribs.

"Uncle, these sweet and sour pork ribs are so delicious!" An Ran ate very deliciously, and her little mouth was oily.

She looked at Lin Feng with eyes full of admiration: "I think Uncle Lin, your cooking skills are much better than those of restaurant chefs!"

"If you like to eat, eat more!"

Lin Feng was very happy to be praised. He brought some more dishes to An Ran and Lin Yueyue, and specially wrapped a piece of shredded pork with Beijing sauce for An Ran.

An Ran kept praising Lin Feng's cooking skills, and Lin Feng was in a state of ecstasy amidst the sounds of "God of Cooking".

This little girl really knows how to praise people!

It has to be said that An Ran was always praising Lin Feng, while Lin Yueyue was always bickering with Lin Feng.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng gave Lin Yueyue a helpless look.

Lin Yueyue: "???"

what's the situation? !

Lin Yueyue also glanced at Lin Feng: "Dad, if you have something to say, just tell me directly and don't seduce me with your eyes!"

"I didn't say anything. You look quite cute while eating!"

"Hey, I don't believe you at all!" Lin Yueyue said.

"Believe it or not, I just think you are cuter!"

Lin Feng smiled helplessly: "Would you like me to make you some shredded pork with Beijing sauce?"

"No, no, no, I want to make it myself. It's delicious!"

As Lin Yueyue spoke, she put a piece of bean skin on her hand, then two cucumber strips and a pile of shredded pork, and finally wrapped a shrimp in it.

Lin Feng: "..."

The reason why I make it myself is that it tastes better, after all, there are a lot of fillings!

But I don’t know if it can be packed in normally.

Lin Yueyue looked at the bean curd buns in her hand, feeling a little puzzled, and filled it with many other vegetables.

Lin Feng couldn't help but laugh twice, and said: "Please prepare less vegetables, otherwise you won't be able to pack them in!"

However, Lin Yueyue didn't listen at all. She saw that it couldn't be covered, so she took another bean skin and covered it.

Although it was not successfully wrapped, it was still successfully put into the mouth.

Lin Feng laughed helplessly.

He looked at Lin Yueyue, whose face was full of oily hands, and then looked at An Ran, who was relatively elegant and elegant even though the food was delicious.

There are some differences between girls!
Their daughters are all so quiet and cute, but Lin Yueyue feels a bit rough...


It's not that rough guys are bad, Lin Yueyue also has a cute feeling.

Maybe, this is her advantage!
What a good character!

Just when Lin Feng was thinking wildly, he suddenly saw Lin Yueyue bringing the huge Jingjiang pork shredded bun in front of him.

She smiled and said, "Dad, this big bag is for you. Thank you for working so hard to cook for us today!"

Hearing this, Lin Feng almost burst into tears.

He quickly kicked the thought out of his mind.

Lin Yueyue is my best little cotton-padded jacket, and she is the best daughter in the world!Lin Feng smiled and took the huge Jingjiang pork shredded bun, and said with a smile: "Thank you, Yueyue!"

"You're welcome, Dad, it's us who want to thank you!" Lin Yueyue waved her hand.

An Ran also nodded: "Uncle Lin, thank you for cooking so many delicious foods for us today!"

Lin Feng smiled and said: "You're welcome, you're welcome, this is what I should do!"

While talking, Lin Feng also greeted the two little girls to eat.

And he took the huge shredded pork bun with Beijing sauce that Lin Yueyue gave him and ate it.

Lin Feng almost cried while eating this big bag.

This... is too salty!

Lin Yueyue not only made a lot of shredded pork, but also made a lot of sauce, which made the shredded pork in Beijing sauce very strong.

Lin Feng took a bite and drank a sip of water subconsciously.

"Dad, what's wrong? The buns don't taste good?"

"How could it be? I just took a big bite and choked. It's delicious!"

Lin Feng finished Lin Yueyue's Jingjiang pork shredded bun with tears in her eyes.

"An Ran, you eat a shrimp. This braised prawn is my father's favorite creation!" Lin Yueyue kept greeting An Ran, like an adult.

Lin Feng couldn't help but nodded.

Lin Yueyue is quite mature, not bad!

After more than half an hour, the two children were finally full.

"Yueyue, your father's craftsmanship is so good!" An Ran leaned on the chair and couldn't help but sigh.

"Hehe, I'm not bragging. My dad's craftsmanship is just very good!" Lin Yueyue said proudly.

"It would be nice if I could switch with you!"

Lin Yueyue: "???"

An Ran's father appeared subconsciously in her mind.


Forget it, that bald guy better not be my father!
Thinking about it, she waved her hand: "I won't change it anymore, I really like staying with my dad."

"I was just joking!" An Ran rubbed her belly: "Yueyue, can I still come to your house to play in the future?"

"Of course there is no problem!"

"Yueyue, you are really my best friend!"

"Hey, you're my best friend too!"

After a while, the two little guys went to the room to play with toys again.

After a while, Lin Feng asked Lin Yueyue to take An Ran to take a nap and rest.

Lin Feng also took advantage of this time to squint for a while.

Time passed quickly, and An Ran's parents came to pick her up in a blink of an eye.

Although An Ran didn't have enough fun, she was still taken home by her parents.

After An Ran left, Lin Yueyue also felt a little melancholy.

Now she is the only child left at home, and it is indeed very boring.

Thinking about it, she looked at Lin Feng: "Dad, why don't you give me a younger brother or younger sister!"


Lin Feng scratched his hair, why did he want his younger siblings again?

"I'm bored at home alone. If I have younger brothers and sisters, they can play with me!"

Lin Yueyue kicked the toy away as she spoke, her tone very helpless.

"But I can't give birth. Men can't give birth!"

Lin Yueyue breathed out: "I understand, our teacher has already told us about this matter..." (End of Chapter)

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