My daughter, I asked you to be on the show, but I didn’t ask you to find a stepmother.

Chapter 404: Involution or lying flat?Fight first and then level!

After hearing Lin Yueyue's words, Lin Feng finally felt a little happier.

But at this moment, Lin Yueyue asked again: "Dad, did you use all our family's money to build a theme park?"


"This..." Lin Yueyue was stunned immediately: "Do we still have any money?!"

Hearing this, Lin Feng couldn't help but laugh.

It turned out that I was afraid that my family would have no money.

So, he deliberately teased Lin Yueyue and said, "Then what will you do if our family has no money?"

Lin Yueyue froze there and didn't speak for a long time.

Lin Feng thought Lin Yueyue was frightened.

Lin Yueyue is still a child who has just entered kindergarten. Although she looks mature, she is just crushed.

She can't think about such complex problems yet.

Just when Lin Feng was thinking about how to tell Lin Yueyue this matter, Lin Yueyue spoke.

She let out a breath: "If our family has no money, I will spend less. I won't buy toys or snacks. I still have some New Year's money, and we, father and daughter, won't be hungry anyway!"

Hearing this, Lin Feng was moved.

It is indeed my caring little cotton-padded jacket!

Although she usually bickers from time to time, Lin Yueyue is really very sensible.

At this time, you can still think of spending your pocket money!

Lin Feng was almost moved to tears.

He smiled and said, "Don't worry, my family hasn't used your New Year's money yet, and I'm not a fool. How could I use all my family's money to build a theme park!"

Hearing this, Lin Yueyue took a long breath and patted her chest gently.

"Okay, okay, I don't have to take out my new year's money!"

"I just thought, if I really don't have money, I will go pick up scraps after school!"

Lin Feng: "..."


Enron home.

An Ran kept praising Lin Feng when he was on the road, and he didn't stop even when he got home.

"Uncle Lin is really awesome. He is also handsome and has a good temper. He always smiles when he looks at people."

"His cooking skills are really great. He cooked a large table of dishes today, including chicken, fish, shrimp, and pigeons!"

"And he will play games with us!"

"I think he is much more powerful than my father, very powerful!"

An Ran kept praising Lin Feng, and An Dagang next to him felt a little sour in his heart.

He felt that Lin Feng was indeed great. After all, he was an actor, and his appearance and figure must be very good.

But Andagang's temper is also quite good.

I just don’t know how to cook, but why do I have to know how to cook when there are so many restaurants!

Andagang looked at An Ran helplessly: "An Ran, you can't say that, dad will be sad!"

"Sad? Dad, why are you sad? Everything I said is true!"

Andagang: "..."

An Ran's mother couldn't help laughing when she saw the two of them looking like this.

However, after hearing An Ran's words, she actually felt that Lin Feng was more powerful.

"Dad, do you also think Uncle Lin is better?"

An Ran's mother nodded subconsciously.

Andagong's complexion changed, his face was green and vegetable-colored!
I really don’t know if Lin Feng can do magic. How could he attract his wife and daughter?

"Mom, how about we find another father?" "What?!"

"You just take me and marry Uncle Lin. In this case, I can let Uncle Lin be my father!"

Hearing this, Anda almost fainted: "An Ran, what you said is a bit too much!"


An Ran pouted her mouth angrily, and then shook her mother's arm vigorously: "Mom, do you think it's okay?"

An Ran's mother smiled helplessly: "I said yes, but your father will definitely not agree!"

To be honest, An Ran's mother also thinks Lin Feng is more powerful.

Indeed, even though he is a former star, he is still handsome!
And he has no airs and is very easy-going!
The most important thing is that he can also take care of children and cook. He is a good man!
However, An Ran's mother just thought about it.

An Ran was also very helpless. She looked at her father and then thought about Lin Yueyue's father. She felt bad.

An Ran's mother, seeing her like this, quickly said: "An Ran, no one's father can be replaced. You and your father are related by blood!"

"But I really think Lin Yueyue's father is so awesome, he is like a superhero in the movie!"

"Then you can help your dad become better and better!"

Hearing this, An Ran scratched his hair and agreed to this statement.

"I will definitely watch my dad lose weight from now on, and I will also exercise and learn how to cook!"

Andagang: "..."

He never imagined that he would be involved in a mid-life crisis with someone else.

Is this still a caring little cotton-padded jacket? !

This is black-hearted cotton!


Lin Yueyue and Lin Feng stayed at home and lived a very comfortable life.

Although Lin Yueyue wanted younger siblings, she was really used to being at home with Lin Feng.

Just watch TV and have a meal every day. If you want to go out, just play in the community for a while. This kind of life is really very comfortable!

However, this was all Lin Feng's hard work when he was young.

He is a person who came from the countryside to a big city. He has no resources and no evil people he knows. He has to rely on himself for everything.

At that time, he only slept three or four hours a day at most.

It has entered a working state, which can be said to be very desperate.

After working hard to the limit, what matters is talent, and coincidentally, Lin Feng has such talent.

In the film and television industry, he has also risen rapidly.

But the long hours of high-intensity work also overdrawn his enthusiasm for work.

I'm really tired.

Later, I quit the entertainment industry and had more and more time, so I became lazier and lazier.

Although I have made some investment, the work is still not as intense as before.

He doesn't know whether this kind of life is good or bad for him.

However, he quite likes living like this.

Maybe when Lin Yueyue grows up and has time, he will return to the entertainment industry and play some of his favorite roles!
At this moment, Lin Feng's cell phone suddenly rang.

When I took it out, I saw it was a video invitation from Reba.

Lin Feng: "..."

He has been in contact with Reba for such a long time, and he also knows that Reba's personality is not the kind of person who would casually send videos to others.

Is there something wrong?

Thinking of this, Lin Feng frowned slightly. (End of chapter)

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