My daughter, I asked you to be on the show, but I didn’t ask you to find a stepmother.

Chapter 405 My dad is free, let him pick you up when the time comes!

Chapter 405 My dad is free, let him pick you up when the time comes!

At this moment, Lin Yueyue also came to Lin Feng and asked curiously:

"Dad, why don't you answer the video?"

With that said, she took Lin Feng's cell phone and saw Reba's surrender on it.

So she immediately laughed happily: "Ah! It's Sister Reba!"

With that said, she directly connected to the video.

"Sister Reba, what's wrong? Didn't you go to work today?"

After connecting to the video, Lin Yueyue asked happily.

Although she didn't have much contact with Reba, she always felt that Reba was very kind, and she didn't know why.

She likes Reba very much, and feels that Reba and she have a lot to think about.

"Yueyue, I just finished working, what are you doing?" Reba said.

"I was watching a cartoon just now. It was a popular science short film about space. It was quite interesting!"

"Is that so, where is your father? Are you the only one watching?" Reba asked nervously.

"My dad is right next to me. What's wrong? Do you have something to do with him?" Lin Yueyue said as she glanced at Lin Feng next to her with her camera.

"No, no, I just want to have a chat with you!"

Reba is not someone who takes the initiative to make video calls to others. She also had a purpose this time.

She originally didn't want to get involved in this kind of thing, but Da Mimi kept begging her, and she finally had to agree.

However, she really didn't want Lin Feng to think that she contacted him because of the matter about Da Mimi.

Hearing that Lin Feng was nearby, Reba didn't know what to say.

Thinking about it, she started to talk nonsense.

"Yueyue, why are you resting at home today? Didn't you go to kindergarten?"

"Today is Saturday!"

"Oh, that's it. I even forgot that today is Saturday!" Reba suddenly remembered, and then she asked: "Yueyue, what did you learn in kindergarten?"

"It's nothing. I just do a little math every day, draw pictures and play with toys with the kids."

Hearing this, Reba immediately became excited.

The task that Da Mimi asked her to help may be completed soon.

"Yueyue, didn't your kindergarten teach you dancing?"

"No, maybe I don't like it. We had to perform during Children's Day. I was originally going to dance, but then I joined the martial arts performance group!"

Lin Yueyue laughed as she spoke: "I'm very good at martial arts! Even my teacher can't compare to me!"

In terms of martial arts, Lin Yueyue is said to be very talented.

After all, she had already practiced orderly when she was in the temple.

I casually performed a set of Shaolin Changquan in the kindergarten and immediately gained the admiration of everyone.

Hearing Lin Yueyue's words, Reba smiled and asked, "Yueyue, do you want to learn dancing? Nowadays, many children want to learn dancing, as well as piano and so on."

Lin Yueyue shook her head quickly: "I don't want to learn dancing, I just like martial arts. This is what I learned in the temple before!"

After saying that, she asked again: "Sister Reba, have you learned dancing and piano?"

Reba smiled and nodded: "Yes, I started my career as a dancer!"

After Da Mimi was discharged from the hospital, she seemed to have gone crazy and kept thinking about compensating Lin Yueyue.

But she didn't know how to compensate Lin Yueyue.

Having just seen a dancing performance on TV, Da Mimi immediately wanted to sign up for Lin Yueyue's dance class.

I heard that learning dance can also help children exercise their body shape!She even wanted Lin Yueyue to learn piano. She felt that if Lin Yueyue learned piano, she would be able to cultivate her sentiments.

Parents in the entertainment industry will enroll their children in several specialty training classes.

Although I don’t want my children to eat this bowl of rice in the future, what if it happens?
Multiple choices mean multiple paths!
Da Mimi knew very well that if he contacted Lin Feng, Lin Feng would definitely not agree.

So he asked Reba to help him and asked her to ask Lin Yueyue if she wanted to learn these things.

If Lin Yueyue wants to learn, then things will be simple.

Reba also felt pitiful when she saw Mimi's condition, looking like she was dying.

That's why she agreed to videotape Lin Feng.

Seeing Lin Yueyue's smiling face, she felt like she was deceiving Lin Yueyue.

"Yueyue, do you want to learn piano or dance?"

Lin Yueyue shook her head: "I don't want to learn, I just want to learn martial arts!"

"Why?" Reba was a little curious: "Dancing is so beautiful. As a girl, why do you want to learn martial arts?"

"I don't like it!" Lin Yueyue continued to shake her head: "Martial arts can exercise your body. If you encounter bad people in the future, I can also teach them how to be a new person!"


"If I learn piano and dancing and others bully me, then I can only dance or play piano for others to cheer them up!"

Lin Yueyue said seriously.

After hearing this, Reba couldn't help laughing.

This is really different from what others think!

"You can learn martial arts and dancing at the same time, and you can also find time to learn piano!" Reba continued to recommend, as if she was a teacher of dancing and piano, and Lin Yueyue could get a kickback for signing up for her.

"It's very tiring like this. I'm so young and I don't want to be so tired!"

Reba smiled: "Yes, Yueyue is still young, so she can learn it if she wants to in the future."

"Sigh... I really don't like dancing. If I have time in the future, I would rather learn martial arts, such as Wing Chun or Tai Chi."

"That's right. If you know martial arts, your whole aura will look different!"

"Hey, my dad knows martial arts, so he looks very handsome!"

Hearing this, Reba also laughed: "Yes, your father looks very handsome!"

Lin Feng: "..."

You really have nothing to talk about!

"Sister Reba, do you have time to come over and watch my performance on Children's Day?"

"June [-]st..."

Reba thought for a while, and there seemed to be no work on June [-]st.

Thinking about it, she nodded: "I should be quite free on June [-]st, but can I go into your kindergarten?"

"Yes, our teacher Zhu said that during the performance, everyone in the family can watch it!"

Reba smiled: "Well, if I don't have work that day, I will go watch you perform martial arts!"

Hearing this, Lin Yueyue nodded vigorously: "Okay! I'll treat you to something delicious when you come!"

After saying that, she patted her head again: "Sister Reba, do you know where my home is?"

Reba shook her head.

"It's okay, my dad is free, let him pick you up when the time comes!"

Lin Feng: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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