Chapter 406 Work and compensate your daughter!

After hearing Lin Yueyue's words, Lin Feng scratched his hair helplessly.

You really give your father a mission!

"It's okay, I'll just drive there when the time comes. Your dad will send me the location later, and I'll be able to go there directly!"

"Good good!"

The two of them just made an appointment in the video to watch Yueyue's performance on June [-]st, and neither of them asked Lin Feng what he thought.

Afterwards, after the two chatted for a while, Reba hung up the video.

Lin Yueyue also handed the phone to Lin Feng.

She looked at Lin Feng, scratched her little head, and asked: "Dad, should I also have a WeChat account? Can you get one for me?"

Lin Feng smiled: "Why do you need WeChat? You just went to kindergarten!"

"If I have WeChat, I can chat with Sister Reba by myself, and there is also Aunt Sisi and my godmother. I can also chat with them!"

Lin Yueyue said seriously: "If you bully me in the future, I can tell them!"

Lin Feng: "..."

Originally, he wanted to get a WeChat account for Lin Yueyue.

Now Lin Yueyue is in kindergarten and has her own friends.

But after hearing Lin Yueyue's words, he thought it would be better to wait a little longer.

Thinking about it, Lin Feng said: "You are still young now. I will apply for WeChat for you in a few years!"

"Hmm!" Lin Yueyue bulged her mouth.

"When you grow up a little bit, I will get you a WeChat account!"

"Then when will I grow up?" Lin Yueyue exhaled helplessly: "I want to grow up every day now!"

"You are growing up every day!"

"Is that so..."

After a while, Lin Yueyue thought of Reba, so she said, "Dad, please send the seat to sister Reba, otherwise, sister Reba won't be able to see my performance!"

"If you don't remind me, I will forget it!" Lin Feng said: "In the future, can you stop calling people to your house so casually?"

"what happened?"

"This is not good. If someone else has something to do, aren't you making things difficult for them?" Lin Feng said.

"If they have something to do, they don't have to come!"

Lin Feng: "..."

Lin Yueyue waved her hand: "Okay, okay, Dad, hurry up and send the location to Sister Reba, okay!"

While saying this, Lin Yueyue looked at Lin Feng cutely and blinked.

Lin Feng laughed helplessly, then sent the location of the kindergarten to Reba, and then made an appointment with Lin Yueyue not to invite others to his home casually in the future.

Lin Yueyue nodded sensibly.

I don’t know if she really agreed or was perfunctory with Lin Feng.


the other side.

After Reba hung up the video, she immediately told Dami Mi that Lin Yueyue didn't want to learn dancing or piano.

Da Mimi had a headache and kept asking Reba what Lin Yueyue wanted to learn.

Reba said that Lin Yueyue liked martial arts, but she had been learning these things for a long time.

Moreover, Lin Feng has a foundation in martial arts, and the resources in all aspects are definitely better than ordinary training classes, so there is no need to sign up for any training classes.

Hearing Reba's words, Da Mimi was stunned.

So how should we compensate Lin Yueyue!

Although she doesn't dare to admit that she is Lin Yueyue's mother now, she will definitely admit it sooner or later.Therefore, if she does nothing now, how can Lin Yueyue still care about herself at that time!
Da Mimi rubbed her temples. She felt very tired now, both physically and mentally.

She said helplessly: "Reba, how do you think I should compensate Lin Yueyue?"

"I don't really know."

Although Reba said this, she felt that no matter what Da Mimi did now, she could not make up for the fact that she abandoned Lin Yueyue.

Moreover, Lin Yueyue now thinks that it is very normal that she does not have a mother. She has become accustomed to not having the role of mother in her life.

What if Da Mimi suddenly told her that she was her mother.

Maybe Lin Yueyue would be very uncomfortable with it.

However, Reba did not dare to say these words directly to Dami.

Da Mimi has just come out of the hospital. It would be bad if he is stimulated to the hospital again!
Thinking about it, she said carefully: "Sister Mi, I think it's better to compensate Lin Yueyue with something she likes!"

"For example? I actually don't even know what Lin Yueyue likes!"

"Lin Yueyue likes to eat, but I don't know quite what she likes to eat the most..."

Reba scratched her hair: "How about I ask you a side question?"

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to you, Reba!"

"It's okay, it's okay!" Reba smiled: "By the way, Sister Mi, Lin Yueyue will perform a show on Children's Day, will you go and see it?"

"Six Day..."

Da Mimi opened her phone and looked at her schedule. On June [-]st, she had a work schedule, which was a program on Mango Channel.

She wanted to say that she was going to work, but she felt that she should go see Lin Yueyue.

After thinking about it, she said, "I'll try my best!"

"Okay, okay, Lin Yueyue just invited me to see it, let's go there together then!"

"Let's talk about it that day!" Da Mimi rubbed Tai Yuangxue.

If her work on Mango Channel could be canceled, she would still have time to watch it.

I just don’t know if I can cancel it now.

Thinking about it, she sent a message to her agent, asking her to ask.

While waiting for the news, Reba and Reba started chatting casually.

The two of them were discussing what gifts to buy for Ling Yue.

Reba has no children, and has never even been in a relationship, so she can't tell what to buy, so she can only try her best to come up with ideas.


Time flies by quickly, and Monday is here in a blink of an eye.

As usual, Lin Yueyue was sent to kindergarten by Lin Feng very early.

She missed An Ran quite a lot since she didn't play with An Ran these days.

As soon as the two people met, they started jumping hand in hand.

Lin Yueyue even forgot to say goodbye to Lin Feng.

When they arrived at the kindergarten, the two little girls started chatting.

An Ran was at home this weekend, supervising her father to cook at home. And Dagang felt depressed and felt even more tired than going to work.

"Yueyue, why is your father's cooking skills so good!" An Ran thought of the food Lin Feng cooked that day, and she felt that the food in the kindergarten was not delicious.

"Hey, my dad has the talent to be a chef!" Lin Yueyue raised her head and said, "I'm not bragging, is my dad's cooking delicious?"

"Yes, yes! My favorite is sweet and sour pork ribs!"

"Hey Hey……"

(End of this chapter)

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