My daughter, I asked you to be on the show, but I didn’t ask you to find a stepmother.

Chapter 407: Set up a small supermarket and become a small boss!

Chapter 407: Set up a small supermarket and become a small boss!

The chat between the two little girls soon attracted many children.

"Yueyue, did An Ran come to your house to play?"

"Yes!" An Ran said happily: "Uncle Lin's cooking is very delicious!"

"Is it so powerful?!"

"Yes! Braised prawns, sweet and sour pork ribs, and braised yellow croaker are very fragrant!" An Ran was very proud: "Yueyue, isn't it?"

Lin Yueyue raised her head like a queen: "Hey, of course, my dad cooks delicious food!"

"Yueyue, can I also go to your house to play?"

"Yes, yes! I really want to eat it too!"

“I don’t believe it, I’ve never tasted such delicious food!”

The children became excited instantly.

Teacher Zhu next to them kept asking them to be quiet, but it was of no use at all.

"Yueyue, what does your father cook?"

"Hehe, my dad can cook all kinds of dishes. My dad's cooking talent is very good!"

An Ran also nodded vigorously beside him: "Uncle Lin's cooking is really delicious! It feels even better than in a restaurant!"

"Yueyue, can I go to your house to play?"

"I want to eat delicious food too!"

After a while, Lin Yueyue became the most popular child in the kindergarten class.

It's like being the king of children, being admired.

They all wanted to visit Lin Yueyue's home and have a taste of Lin Feng's craftsmanship.

Lin Yueyue also offers a wide range of services. As long as you want to go, I will agree.

Teacher Zhu’s brain ached as he listened.

Lin Feng, who had just finished breakfast and was on his way home, didn't know that he had become a legend in Lin Yueyue's class in kindergarten.

Moreover, because of Enron's publicity, Lin Feng seems to be a very powerful person, even the best father in the world!

Lin Yueyue was also very happy.

She feels that it is a very proud thing for her father to be liked by so many people. She is happier when others praise her father than they do to her.

Lin Feng never imagined that he could become a legend in kindergarten.

He had just finished eating and was wandering on the road because he had nothing to do.

When I arrived at the gate of the community, I suddenly discovered that the small supermarket at the gate was going to be transferred.

It has to be said that when he was a child, he wanted to open a small supermarket that could sell various snacks and toys.

It is a very pleasant thing to eat snacks and do business at the same time every day.

Thinking about it, he came to the door of the small supermarket without knowing it.

"Boss, do you want to transfer?"

"Yes! Do you want to take over this small supermarket?" The boss is a man in his 50s or [-]s. His hair and beard are white, but he looks very energetic: "If you want to take over, we can have a good chat. !”

"Okay, let's talk!"

Lin Feng had nothing to do anyway, and he always felt like he was going to be stupid just staying at home, so he wanted to see if he could find something to do.

Just in time, this small supermarket hit his point of interest!
The business hours are very flexible. You can just sit at the counter and you won’t feel tired at all. How nice!
Moreover, this is his own store. He can open it if he wants to, or not if he doesn't want to. If he encounters an annoying customer, he can still refuse to sell it to the other party.

"Come pack cigarettes!"


It's cool to think about it!
Moreover, Lin Feng never wanted to use this small supermarket to make money. He just wanted to pass the time and chat with others, which was quite good.

The most important thing is that this store is not very big, only sixty or seventy square meters, and one person can easily handle it.

Thinking about it, he started chatting with his boss.After chatting for a while, he realized that the boss was too old and couldn't handle such long business hours.

The store is now open from five in the morning until two in the evening.

They used to run it as a husband and wife, and they could still maintain it by taking turns.

But later on, the child gradually grew up and did not do well in the high school entrance examination, so he had to be taken to his hometown to attend high school.

Therefore, the couple could only live apart.

Now the boss can no longer run the business alone. He only sleeps three hours a day and is about to have a heart problem.

So, I wanted to transfer the store and open a small supermarket in my hometown so that I could still live with my wife.

"Little brother, let me tell you this, this small supermarket can make money, but it won't make a lot of money. If you want to maintain a living, this small supermarket is still good, at least it is easier than going to work!"

"If you want it, I will leave you everything in the store, as well as all the purchase channels, I will also leave it to you!"

"Okay, no problem!"

Lin Feng was using it to kill time anyway.

So, he agreed almost without thinking.

The price inside and outside is only about 30, which is not a big expense.

He made an agreement with his boss to go through various formalities tomorrow.

After Lin Feng finished chatting with his boss, it was already noon. Lin Feng took a casual bite outside and then went home to sleep.


At 04:30 in the afternoon, Lin Feng came to the kindergarten on time to pick up Lin's appointment.

As soon as they arrived in the class, all the children looked at Lin Feng, their eyes were green, and they shouted loudly: "Hello, Uncle Lin!"

Lin Feng was frightened when he saw this scene.

what's the situation? !

He scratched his hair and looked at Lin Yueyue with some confusion.

Lin Yueyue showed a big smile towards him.

Then, Lin Feng looked at Teacher Zhu again.

Teacher Zhu rubbed his temples: "That's what happened. Lin Yueyue's father, An Ran and Lin Yueyue discussed the weekend in the class. All the children now know that your cooking skills are very good..."

"Now they all want to visit your home and eat your cooking!"

Lin Feng: "..."

He looked at Lin Yueyue, who gave him a very proud look in return.

It's like waiting for a compliment.

Lin Feng took out a breath and said with a smile: "Thank you all little classmates. If you have time, you are also welcome to come to my home!"

"Thank you, Uncle Lin!"

"Uncle Lin, I want to eat braised prawns, can I?"

"I seem to be eating shredded pork with Jingjiang sauce!"

"I want to eat sweet and sour pork ribs!"

Children are so innocent. After hearing the invitation, they were very excited and told them what they wanted to eat.

Teacher Zhu smiled helplessly: "Lin Yueyue's father, I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay, it's okay!" Lin Feng also laughed.

He looked at his classmates and said, "I can cook these dishes, but you have to go home and ask your parents for their opinions first, okay?"

"it is good!"

(End of this chapter)

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