Chapter 408 The legendary chef in kindergarten!Lin Feng!

More than 20 children at the scene shouted the word "good" in unison.

It's actually quite spectacular.

Even Lin Feng was stunned.

Afterwards, Lin Feng took Lin Yueyue out of the kindergarten with the expectations of all the children.

As soon as she walked out of the classroom, Lin Yueyue said happily: "Dad, are you very happy now?"

"Huh? Why am I happy?"

"All the students in our class like you very much, aren't you happy?!"

"Hahahaha, of course I'm happy!" Lin Feng laughed helplessly.

He didn't want to spoil Lin Yueyue's interest, but he didn't want trouble, so he was very helpless.

However, let so many children come as guests at home.

If something unexpected happens, then Lin Feng will be the sinner of more than 20 families!

He can't afford this responsibility!
Moreover, this kindergarten is a private kindergarten, and the families who can attend this kindergarten are very good.

They raise children very carefully.

Some time ago, I heard that a child shared a birthday cake in class and was sued by his parents. He even went crazy in the parent group.

Lin Feng didn't want such troublesome things to come to him, and he didn't want to cause trouble to Lin Yueyue because of these things.

Therefore, he did not agree directly in the kindergarten, but asked the children to go home and ask his parents.

Thinking about it, Lin Feng looked at Lin Yueyue and said softly: "If the relationship is not very good in the future, don't invite others to your home, okay?"

Lin Yueyue blinked. She thought her father liked this feeling.

She asked with some confusion: "Why not invite?"

"Because these children are very young, their parents are worried about them going out to play!"

Lin Feng said seriously: "Some children are allergic to certain foods and will feel very uncomfortable after eating them!"

"If a child feels uncomfortable in our home, we are responsible for him!"

Lin Yueyue's eyes widened: "Why should I be responsible for him!?"

"I didn't ask anything. This is the rule of society and the law!" Lin Feng rubbed Lin Yueyue's little head: "In the future, if they are not particularly good friends, don't invite them to your home. What's your number?"

"All right……"

Lin Yueyue curled her lips. She felt a little uncomfortable, but she didn't know how to tell Lin Feng, so she could only look at Lin Feng angrily.

She didn't understand. Although she was very happy with her children, why didn't her father want others to come to the house?

She feels that sharing delicious food with friends is a very happy thing.

Therefore, it was very incomprehensible for Lin Feng not to allow her to invite the children to her home.

Lin Feng looked at Lin Yueyue's eyes and smiled helplessly: "If we have a very good relationship with you and their parents agree to come to our house to play, then you can invite them. Do you understand?"

Lin Yueyue curled her lips and fell silent for a while.

After a while, she asked: "Can we eat out again?"

Afraid that Lin Feng would disagree, she said again: "Don't you often have dinner with your friends? Can I also have dinner with my friends?"

Lin Feng smiled: "Of course, you can have dinner with your friends, but your parents must accompany you because you are still very young, right?"

After hearing Lin Feng's words, Lin Yueyue let out a long breath.

"so far so good!"

What she hopes more is to make friends, and it doesn't matter where she eats.

Since Lin Feng doesn’t want to eat at home, then he can invite his friends to eat out!
Thinking about it, she said: "Then let's make an appointment to eat at a restaurant outside!"

Lin Feng: "..."

"Then Dad, many children in the class like your cooking, what should I do?" Lin Yueyue asked. "Maybe they just said that, and they have to go back and ask their parents. Wait until their parents agree, then we'll talk about it!"

"What if everyone wants to eat the food you cook!" Lin Yueyue's eyes widened.

"Then if there is a chance, dad will go to the kindergarten kitchen and cook food for you, okay?" Lin Feng said helplessly.


Lin Feng: "..."


Afterwards, Lin Feng took Lin Yueyue to play in the community for a while.

When I got tired of playing, I went home to eat.

Today's dinner can be said to be very perfunctory.

I just ordered green vegetable noodles, and then made two more dishes, one of which was braised pork bought at the gate of the community.

But Lin Yueyue ate very happily.

After eating and drinking, Lin Feng directed Lin Yueyue to wash the dishes.

The rule in Lin Feng's family is that everyone does housework together.

Although Lin Yueyue is relatively young and can't do any complicated housework, washing dishes is still no problem!

After washing the dishes, it was time for Lin Yueyue to play with her mobile phone.

Lin Feng allowed her to play with her phone for a little while every day, but not for too long.

Just as Lin Yueyue picked up her phone and started playing happily, Lin Feng received a message from Reba.

"Lin Feng, look at this painting. Isn't it amazing?"

Lin Feng: "..."

I don't know what happened.

Reba seemed to be mentally ill during this period, always sending him all kinds of strange messages.

Yesterday I posted a video of a child playing the piano on the roadside, saying that I wanted him to listen and see how it went.

As far as Lin Feng's musical attainments were concerned, even when he heard the sound of a big saw, he thought it was quite pleasant.

Today Reba sent Lin Feng another oil painting.

Lin Feng didn't understand anything about this kind of art, so he could only reply: "It's pretty awesome!"

Maybe Reba just likes to share these strange works of art!

"Lin Feng, this oil painting was painted by a six-year-old child. Isn't he very talented?"


After Reba saw Lin Feng's reply, she felt bad.

This is the task given to her by Da Mimi.

But this task is too difficult!
Of this pair of father and daughter, one doesn't want to learn, and the other is too lazy to let his daughter learn.

It is really difficult for her to be a salesperson!

"Brother Lin Feng, why don't you let Yueyue take a look and see if she likes drawing?" Reba sent the message bravely.

Lin Feng: "..."

He exhaled a long breath and replied: "Reba, what's the matter, can you tell me directly and stop beating around the bush?"

Reba's face turned red after seeing Lin Feng's news.

She thought she was disguising well, but Lin Feng found out.

"Brother Lin Feng, I see that many children are attending various training classes now, but Yueyue is not attending, so I was thinking about asking her if she wants to learn other things!"

(End of this chapter)

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