Chapter 409: I’ll give you a surprise after school!
Saw the message from Reba.

Lin Feng smiled helplessly and said, "Does Damimi want Lin Yueyue to attend the training class, or do you want to be the spokesperson for a certain training class?"

Lin Feng's words made Reba stunned.

She didn't expect that Lin Feng could completely see her purpose.

After asking Da MiMi, she replied to Lin Feng:
"It was Sister Mi who wanted Lin Yueyue to attend the training class. She wanted to compensate Lin Yueyue."

Reba was very nervous when she sent this message.

Seeing this news, Lin Feng couldn't help but sneer.

He had long noticed that Reba was a little strange.

After all, she was not Lin Yueyue's mother, so why did she always want Lin Yueyue to attend training classes.

She doesn't get any kickbacks.

Thinking about it, he replied: "Ask Da Mimi not to be so troublesome, and Lin Yueyue doesn't need her compensation!"

After seeing Lin Feng's message, Reba didn't know how to reply.

If she was speaking for Da Mimi, she was afraid that Lin Feng would delete her directly.

If she doesn't speak for Da Mimi, she is still an employee of Da Mimi after all, and her relationship with Da Mimi is quite good.

Such a complicated situation made her very confused.

Reba thought for a long time and replied: "I understand, Brother Lin Feng, I will tell Mi Li!"

After seeing this message, Lin Feng stopped replying.

He let out a breath of annoyance.

He doesn't know why, but now he always feels that Da Mimi is like a piece of tape, insisting on sticking to him, which is very annoying.

Lin Yueyue, who was next to her, also felt the same as Lin Feng, and asked curiously: "Dad, why do you seem so angry all of a sudden?"

"It's okay, I was just wondering if I should sign you up for a training class so that you can go to class after school or on a day off!"

Hearing this, Lin Yueyue's eyes widened in shock.

"Dad! I'm so young, you can't abuse me like this!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Yueyue felt that her attitude was not yet firm.

He stood up immediately and looked at Lin Feng seriously: "Dad, I don't need any training. I just want to spend more time with you at home!"

Hearing this, Lin Feng couldn't help but laugh.

"You want to spend more time with me? You want me to spend more time with you!"

Lin Yueyue waved her hand: "How could it be? If I weren't at home, you would be at home alone. How lonely it would be, so I should stay with you more!"

Lin Feng: "..."

How could he hear the feeling that the old man should not be left alone in an empty room?
Before he could speak, Lin Yueyue said again: "Dad, I saw it on the news, saying that you should spend more time with your parents, and don't let regrets really become regrets!"

Lin Feng: "..."

He exhaled: "First of all, at your father's age, it will take a long time for it to become a real regret!"


Before Lin Feng finished speaking, Lin Yueyue said loudly in shock: "Dad, you are already thirty, why does it take so long?!"

Her tone, combined with her expression, made it seem as if Lin Feng was about to die!
Lin Feng felt bad: "30 years old is very young, okay! 30 years old is in the prime of life!"

"How old is that?"

"In another 30 years, when your father turns 60, he will be old!" Lin Feng curled his lips and said.

Later, Lin Feng deliberately teased Lin Yueyue and said, "Yueyue, let me ask you seriously, do you have anything you want to learn? Dad can find you a hobby class or training class?"

Lin Yueyue: "..."

She scratched her hair: "I'm really not interested!"

Lin Feng: "..."

"Dad, I really don't want to take a training class now. I don't have that many things that need training!"

Lin Yueyue said aggrievedly.Lin Feng smiled: "I'm just asking you, why are you so excited!"

"I don't want to go to school. I'm pretty good at practicing martial arts!"

"Okay, let's do it now!" Lin Feng said, "When you grow up a little bit, you can think about the training class again!"

"Yeah! You're so kind, Dad!"

When she heard that Lin Feng would not let her delete the training class, she immediately became happy.

She even hugged Lin Feng's face and gave him a sharp smack.

Lin Feng also laughed helplessly.

In fact, this is the happiness of raising children!

It can always make you happy when you are feeling down.


Time passed quickly, and it was the next day in a blink of an eye.

After Lin Yueyue woke up, she was going to kindergarten again.

Lin Yueyue always wonders why things go by so fast when she stays at home.

It was like an ellipsis, and the whole night was spent.

As soon as you close your eyes, as soon as you open them, you're going to kindergarten again!

It's like I haven't slept at all!

What a nasty feeling!

Although there are many children in the kindergarten and Teacher Zhu likes her very much, she still wants to spend more time with her father.

She sat up sadly and looked at Lin Feng, hoping that her father could tell her that she didn't have to go to kindergarten today.

But this is not possible.

"Yueyue, you go to kindergarten today. After school, dad will tell you a very happy thing!"

"whats the matter?"

"Hey, you'll find out when you get out of school!" Lin Feng said while blinking.


Lin Yueyue was very sad. She kept shaking Lin Feng's arm, wanting to know in advance what the happy thing was.

But Lin Feng just didn't tell her.

"Yueyue, be obedient. You will know what happened after school is over!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "I guarantee that you will be very happy after school today!"

"Okay, okay, okay..."

Lin Yueyue scratched her hair helplessly.

After a while, Lin Feng sent her into the kindergarten.

After that, Lin Feng went directly to the small supermarket at the entrance of the community.

Yesterday, he made an appointment with his boss to go through the formalities, so Lin Feng wanted to finish it quickly today.

The boss was excited when he saw Lin Feng.

Lin Feng, a taker who never bargained or made any demands, was very valuable to him.

Therefore, without hesitation at all, he took his things and went to go through the formalities with Lin Feng.

To be honest, it is very convenient to go through various procedures now.

No one is playing football anymore, very quickly.

All the procedures were completed quickly, but it would take two months before the business manufacturing could be changed.

But now Lin Feng can run this small supermarket.

Back at the small supermarket, Lin Feng and the boss took inventory of the items in the supermarket. They were so busy that they didn't even bother to eat lunch, but the boss remembered and ordered a takeaway.

(End of this chapter)

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