Chapter 410 Admiration from my daughter!
In the afternoon, Lin Feng returned to the store again.

The boss has left all purchase channels open. It can be said that Lin Feng can make money immediately as long as he takes over.

Now, Lin Feng just needs to tidy up his things. As long as he wants, he can open his business normally tomorrow.

To be honest, although this small supermarket is small, it has a very comprehensive range of products.

After all, it has an entire community as customers, and the more complicated the things it sells, the more money it can make.

Not only are there daily necessities, but there are also many pots, pans, needles, threads, hardware and more for sale.

But Lin Feng didn't want to sell these things, so he found a big box and put them all away.

He now wants to sell something simple, such as snacks and drinks.

At most, they will sell some oil, salt, sauce and vinegar tea.

He wanted to keep it simple. After all, it was just a way to kill time, as long as he didn't lose money.

He can even accept a slight loss...

Lin Feng got busy in the small supermarket, collecting all kinds of things that were due and that he didn't like in boxes.

Later, he also changed the layout of the small supermarket.

After organizing the shelves, the entire small supermarket looks much larger.

However, the walls have become gray due to age.

Lin Feng exhaled helplessly, this thing can only be renovated!

Otherwise, it would be so dirty and uncomfortable to look at!
Thinking about it, he contacted the worker directly and asked him to come and take a look when he had time.

Time passed quickly, and soon it was time for Lin Yueyue to finish school.

Lin Feng quickly changed his clothes and hurriedly went to pick up Lin Yueyue.

When he arrived at kindergarten, Lin Yueyue and Teacher Zhu were the only ones left in the class.

Seeing Lin Feng, Lin Yueyue immediately jumped up excitedly.

"Dad, you are finally here. I thought you had forgotten me!" Lin Yueyue said loudly.

"Sorry, sorry, there were a lot of things going on today, so I didn't pay attention to the time." Lin Feng quickly apologized to Lin Yueyue.

"Hey, it's okay, I don't blame you!"

Later, Lin Yueyue discovered that Lin Feng's pants were dirty, and asked in confusion: "Dad, what did you do? Why are there so much dirt on your pants!"

Lin Feng smiled and rubbed Lin Yueyue's little head: "Because daddy wants to give you a surprise, let's go home first, Teacher Zhu has to get off work too!"

Hearing this, Teacher Zhu quickly waved his hand: "It's okay, it's okay. Lin Yueyue is very cute. I am very happy to play with her here for a while!"

"Hey, I'm so lovable!" Lin Yueyue also smiled and acted coquettishly at Teacher Zhu, making Teacher Zhu look cute.

Lin Yueyue took Lin Feng's hand and waved towards Teacher Zhu: "See you tomorrow, Teacher Zhu!"

"Goodbye, Lin Yueyue, be careful and safe on the road!"

"Goodbye Teacher Zhu!"

Lin Feng pulled Lin Yueyue out of the kindergarten.

Lin Yueyue was very curious along the way and asked quickly: "Dad, what is the surprise you said you wanted to give me?"

Lin Feng smiled: "You will see it soon!"

Lin Yueyue also laughed: "Dad, I didn't expect you to be so tolerant, hehehehe..."

Both father and daughter were in a very good mood.

As he walked, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

After a while, Lin Feng and Lin Yueyue returned to the community.

But Lin Feng did not take Lin Yueyue in, but came to the small supermarket at the door.

I just accepted the small supermarket today, and Lin Feng only tidied it up a little. The decoration inside and the sign at the door have not had time to change.

"Dad, do you want to buy something? Why do you come to the small supermarket?" Lin Yueyue asked curiously: "Do you want to buy snacks?"

"Hey, guess what?"

"Why do you always ask me to guess? Then I guess you have to buy me snacks!"

"Humph, your situation is too small!" Lin Feng said as he took out the key to the door from his pocket and opened the door of the small supermarket.

Lin Yueyue was shocked.

"Dad! Dad! You said before that you can't go to other people's homes without their permission. The police will take you away!"

Lin Yueyue quickly grabbed Lin Feng.

Seeing Lin Yueyue's frightened look, Lin Feng couldn't help but laugh.

He pinched Lin Yueyue's little nose: "Silly girl, what are you thinking!"

"What's wrong dad?"

"Now this store is ours, we can do whatever we want!"

Lin Yueyue's eyes widened: "You didn't lie to me, did you?"

"Of course not. I have already bought this small supermarket, so it will be our store from now on!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Yeah! That's great!"

Lin Yueyue was very excited.

She followed Lin Feng into the small supermarket.

"That's great! We also have a small supermarket at home!"

Lin Yueyue was very happy. When she was very young, she dreamed of having a small supermarket at home.

This is probably every kid's dream.

The small supermarket sells all kinds of delicious food. As long as she wants to eat, she can just grab it!

Unexpectedly, this dream came true today!

She stood next to Lin Feng, so excited that she didn't know what to say.

After a long time, she sighed and said: "Dad, I think you are really powerful, even more powerful than Superman!"

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Isn't that necessary?"

"Then, can I go and see what delicious food the store sells?"

"of course!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Lin Yueyue walked inside very happily.

The boss had been considering the transfer before, so the store had not received any goods for a while.

But there are still many varieties, almost all snacks are available, and there are also some imported snacks. Lin Yueyue is already dazzled.

She touched every snack.

She feels like she is the happiest child in the world!

"Dad, can I eat all these snacks?"

"Of course, but you can't eat too much, otherwise it will be bad for your health!"

"I understand! I understand!"

Lin Yueyue excitedly picked up a pack of chocolate beans and opened the package with trembling hands.

He took one and put it in his mouth, enjoying it all.

good to eat!

Eat your own snacks, they are delicious!

Dad is amazing!
Lin Yueyue was eating and jumping around in the shop.

After a while, she ran back to Lin Feng and said, "Dad, dad, are you the owner of this small supermarket?"

"That's right!"

"Ah, then I'm not the little boss!?"

"That's right!"

Lin Feng looked at Lin Yueyue who was dancing with excitement and couldn't help but laugh.

This feeling is even more exciting than before when I won an award for filming. This is the admiration from my daughter!
(End of this chapter)

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