My daughter, I asked you to be on the show, but I didn’t ask you to find a stepmother.

Chapter 411 An actor becomes the owner of a small supermarket!

Chapter 411 An actor becomes the owner of a small supermarket!

It can be seen from Lin Yueyue's expression that Lin Yueyue now feels that Lin Feng is very powerful.

"Dad, you are awesome!" Lin Yueyue's eyes shone: "I will be after school, can I help you look after the store?"

"It's not necessary. Dad can just look after the store. Now you can have some fun after school!"

"I just like staying in small supermarkets!"

"Hahahaha, that's okay!"

"So when can we open the store?"

"Wait a moment, I want to renovate the small supermarket first!"

"Then can you hurry up? I can't wait to be a small boss!" Lin Yueyue was very happy: "After the opening, we will have Aunt Sisi, Godmother, and Aunt Tangtang all come over to celebrate. Our mini-mart is open!”

"That's right, Sister Reba is here too!"

Lin Feng couldn't help but smile: "Yueyue, we are just a small supermarket and not a commercial complex. We don't need to invite so many celebrities!"

"Ah? Why don't you invite me?"

"How about we celebrate by ourselves and eat something delicious?" Lin Feng said with a smile.


The father and daughter chatted in the store for a while, and Lin Yueyue actually took the initiative to help Lin Feng clean up.

She held a rag and carefully wiped the shelves and goods.

Lin Feng continued to sort out the goods, throwing away the unnecessary items and keeping what was needed.

After about two hours, the father and daughter took a rest.

Lin Yueyue's nose and face were all black, and she looked like she had rolled in the ground.

There was also a lot of dust on Lin Feng's clothes.

"Dad, you are so sloppy now!" Lin Yueyue pointed at Lin Feng's clothes.

"Aren't you the same?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"I didn't. I was careful to clean myself just now. There is no dust on my body!" Lin Yueyue said as she wiped the sweat on her face with her hand and wiped a piece of black on it.

Lin Yueyue had completely turned into a little cat at this time.

Lin Feng looked at her appearance and couldn't help but laugh.

"Why are you laughing!"

"Just look in the mirror and you'll know!"

With that said, Lin Feng casually took a small mirror and handed it over.

Lin Yueyue looked at herself in the mirror, her eyes widening in shock.

She tentatively touched her face with her hands, and sure enough, there were some dust marks.

Lin Yueyue: "..."

She exhaled helplessly, she was so sloppy!
At this moment, Lin Feng's cell phone on the table next to him rang.

Lin Yueyue took it over and found that it was a video call from Reba, so she picked it up directly.

"Sister Reba!"


Reba looked at her cell phone, which looked as dirty as Lin Yueyue who had just come back from rolling in the mud. Her eyes widened in shock: "Yueyue, where did you go to have fun?!"

"I'm not playing, I'm helping my dad clean up!" Lin Yueyue was very happy: "My dad bought a small supermarket, and I will be the owner of the small supermarket from now on!"

"What? Bought a small supermarket?!"

"That's right!"

Lin Yueyue nodded while switching the camera to take a picture of Reba's situation inside the small supermarket.It's not very big and the decoration is a bit old.

Reba scratched her hair. She didn't know why Lin Feng suddenly bought a small supermarket. Didn't he plan to return to the entertainment industry in the future?

Lin Yueyue saw that Reba was silent, so she continued: "Sister Reba, isn't my dad very powerful! My dad just said that the small supermarket will sell all kinds of snacks and drinks. When you come over to play, I will treat you to snacks. !”


To be honest, Reba was actually a little confused about Lin Feng's behavior.

He was originally a very important actor in the entertainment industry, but now he has to open a small supermarket to make a living?

Even if he hasn't acted for a long time, if he wants to make money, I believe many directors will give him face. Even if he participates in variety shows, he can still make a lot of money!
Although you have less time, you can also make more money!
Nowadays, even if actors are not acting, even if they participate in the recording of variety shows, they can still make a lot of money!

Moreover, an actor like Lin Feng can definitely participate in "actor" variety shows, and he will definitely become famous.

She really couldn't understand Lin Feng's decision and why he wanted to leave the entertainment industry.

At this moment, Reba only thought that Lin Feng was an actor who had left the entertainment industry, and she did not know that he was a legendary personal employer.

Now, Reba just feels that it is a pity that Lin Feng opened a small supermarket.

But she couldn't say anything, they were just ordinary friends.

She took a slight breath and could only bury what she wanted to say in her heart.

Seeing Lin Yueyue's happy smile, she really didn't know what expression to use to face Lin Yueyue.

"Sister Reba, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, I just feel that your father is very powerful!" Reba said with a smile.

"Yes! I also feel that my dad is very powerful!" Lin Yueyue nodded happily. She felt that Sister Reba was really her good friend: "My dad is even more powerful than Superman!"

"Hahahaha!" Reba smiled: "By the way, Yueyue, is your kindergarten performance on June [-]st?"

"I...I don't know either."

"Then what did your teacher tell you?"

"I...I forgot. How about I ask Teacher Zhu tomorrow!" Lin Yueyue said.

"Okay, I have to coordinate my work so I can have time to go to the show!" Reba said: "By the way, Yueyue, are you alone in the small supermarket? Where is your father?"

"My dad is here too, he's still busy!"

As Lin Yueyue spoke, she turned the camera to Lin Feng.

At this time, Lin Feng's clothes were dirty, which made Reba feel sore in her heart.

"Dad, Sister Reba called me with a video call!"

"Oh, okay, let's chat first!" Lin Feng smiled at Lin Yueyue: "I'm going to throw away this shelf and buy a new one tomorrow!"

"Let me help you!"

Lin Yueyue said as she ran over.

"It's okay, it's okay, I can just move it myself!"

Lin Yueyue realized that she couldn't reach the shelves, so she scratched her hair and returned to where she originally stayed.

Seeing this situation, Reba felt even more uncomfortable.

The actor who used to shine on TV has now become the owner of a small supermarket.

This sense of gap made Reba very uncomfortable.

She didn't know what to say, and she knew she was not qualified to say anything.

She could only say hello to Lin Yueyue as soon as possible, hang up the phone, and prevent herself from crying in front of Lin Yueyue...

(End of this chapter)

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