Chapter 412 The supermarket is all ready!

Reba sat on the chair, looking at the blackened mobile phone in a daze.

She thought of many ways to help Lin Feng, but she rejected them all.

Later, she collapsed a little, so she called Da Mimi.

Now that Da Mimi is a top figure in the entertainment industry, if he wants to help Lin Feng, it should be much easier than himself.

However, what she didn't expect was that after hearing Lin Feng's current situation, Da Mimi wasn't worried at all. Instead, she couldn't help but laugh twice.

"Sister Mi, why are you laughing? Do you want to think about how to help Lin Feng?"

"Help Lin Feng, why are you anxious?"

"I'm thinking about Yueyue!" Reba explained: "Aren't you anxious? Yueyue's life now will be very hard in the future!"

"Don't worry, Lin Yueyue won't have a hard life!"

"What's wrong?!"

Reba scratched her hair in surprise.

Damimi looked at Reba in the video and couldn't help but laugh twice.

Then he said: "You little girl, you always think of things so simply."

"Yeah, isn't it that simple?"

Hearing Reba's words, Da Mimi exhaled helplessly: "I am speechless for you. Let me tell you, Lin Feng is not as simple as you seem!"

"Huh? Isn't he simple?"

"You must have heard of Maple Grove, right?"

Reba nodded. She must have heard of this legendary independent employer.

As long as Fenglin invests in film and television projects, there is no profit-making project.

There is no actor he has invested in who has not won awards.

Da Mimi wanted to discuss cooperation with the other party before, but he didn't even see the other party in person!
But, what does this have to do with Lin Feng?

Damimi looked at Reba's appearance, smiled and shook her head.

This Reba thinks of things as simply as she does.

"Let me tell you something, you can't tell anyone about this!"

When Reba heard this, she immediately became serious.

"Actually, Fenglin is Lin Feng!"

Reba: "..."

She froze there in shock, her mind went blank, as if her computer had suddenly shut down.

After a long time, Reba finally recovered.

"Sister Mi, that is to say..."

"Yes, Lin Feng is the legendary independent proprietor, so don't worry. He bought a small supermarket just to kill time!"

"is this real?!"

"Isn't this nonsense! Fenglin is Lin Feng in turn!" Damimi was a little helpless: "This is the news that I asked someone to inquire about for a long time, and Lin Feng also admitted it!"

Reba: "..."

She was stunned for a long time without reacting.

After about 5 minutes, she said: "Sister Mi, didn't you say before that Fenglin is a pervert and doesn't like women?"

"I just said it casually before!" Da Mimi waved his hand.

Da Mimi wanted to discuss cooperation with Fenglin before, but no matter how she contacted the other party, the other party did not respond to her.

In the end, Fenglin directly refused to meet with Da Mimi.

Of course Damimi thinks that the other party is a pervert. After all, he can reject himself. Are you still a man? !

"Is that so..." Reba scratched her hair: "Then do I still have a chance?"

Hearing this, Damimi glared at Reba.Yes, she still has a chance, but she has no chance!


While they were discussing.

Lin Feng has packed up everything in the small supermarket, and now only the redecoration is left, which cannot be solved by him alone.

After checking the time, Lin Feng was too lazy to cook and took Lin Yueyue outside to have a meal.

Afterwards, she and Lin Yueyue strolled home while rubbing their bellies.

On the way, Lin Yueyue suddenly said: "Dad, why don't you buy a restaurant? In this case, we can eat in the restaurant every day!"

Lin Feng laughed helplessly: "I'm not exhausted when I buy a restaurant. I just want to sit at the counter and collect money!"

"Hey, hey, dad, NIIT is so lazy!"

"Then if you're not lazy, how about you open a restaurant in the future and let dad eat there every day?"

"Okay! I'll make sweet and sour pork ribs and shredded pork with Beijing sauce for you every day, so you'll be full!"

Hear this.

Lin Feng couldn't help but laugh.


The next morning, after Lin Feng sent Lin Yueyue to kindergarten, he went to the small supermarket.

Yesterday, he contacted a foreman and asked him to come over to take a look at the situation of the small supermarket and decide on a decoration plan.

In fact, Lin Feng had no intention of decorating the small supermarket.

After all, it is just a small supermarket, and the customers it serves are just the residents of this community.

Lin Feng now wants to make the inside of the store look a little cleaner, preferably on par with a convenience store. After all, he may feel more comfortable sitting at the counter.

The foreman of the decoration was also very practical. He inspected the inside of the store and said to Lin Feng that the store had been renovated last year, but there was just a lot of dust on the walls.

You can just enforce it directly, so that you can open the business as soon as possible with just a little sticker.

Lin Feng nodded.

It is true that if it is repainted, bad substances will definitely be left behind.

Lin Yueyue will definitely come here to play every day after school. If there is formaldehyde or something like that, it will not be good for children.

The left and right sides are just cleaned, so why not just put up wallpaper.

The foreman chose a wall made of diatom mud. This material is very green and environmentally friendly and contains no formaldehyde.

Lin Feng chose a color that looked grand, and the foreman went to prepare it.

The work was very fast and it was all done by the afternoon.

Finally, Lin Feng contacted a design company that made door headers and customized a brand new door header.

In this way, everything is ready.

Lin Feng stood at the door of his small supermarket. He didn't know if there was something wrong with him. He always felt that the fun of opening this small supermarket was more than his investment!

Time passed quickly.

A week passed in no time.

Lin Feng's small supermarket is all ready.

Brand new shelves, brand new doors, and the furnishings inside have also been reorganized.

Lin Yueyue looked at the brand new small supermarket and jumped up with joy.

She kept running around the store, and finally came to Lin Feng and asked, "Dad, is this our small supermarket?"

"Of course, look at this door!" Lin Feng pointed to the top of his head.

Lin Yueyue looked up and saw that it was indeed brand new!
Lin Feng smiled: "I forgot, you can't read, but the name of this shop is related to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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