Chapter 417 Yeah!How embarrassing!
Just after ordering takeout, Lin Feng suddenly noticed a few young girls appearing in front of his small supermarket.

They stood at the door of the store, nervously looking inside.

Lin Feng was slightly stunned.

He can't be his fan, right?

It shouldn’t be, isn’t it usually the kind of middle-aged women who like me?
After all, when they were popular, they also looked popular, with very energetic looks and turbulent hormones.

As a result, even though I have quit the entertainment industry for many years, my mom fans are the ones who discuss me the most on the Internet.

A true mommy fan…

Maybe he's a die-hard fan of mine since he was in school? !
Lin Feng scratched his hair.

He doesn't like being surrounded by fans, and now he has some social anxiety.

What if they want to take pictures with themselves or sign autographs...

Thinking about it, Lin Feng wanted to drive them away.

But at this moment, Lin Yueyue suddenly walked out and shouted to the girls: "Sister, do you want to buy something?"

When several girls heard this, they suddenly became shy.

Only one of them bravely walked into the small supermarket: "Yes, we want to buy something!"

"Okay, okay, what do you want to buy?"

After a morning of practice, Lin Yueyue has successfully transformed into a small boss.

She is very professional now.

"We want to see it first!" the girl said.

"Okay, okay!" Lin Yueyue smiled and nodded.

Then, she turned to look at Lin Feng: "Dad, there are guests coming, you should go and greet them too!"

"Go ahead, I think you are more professional!"

"Then I'll go there!"

As Lin Yueyue said this, she walked out of the counter and came to the side of several girls.

When several girls saw Lin Yueyue, they immediately became excited.

After their observation, they were able to confirm that this was the small supermarket opened by Lin Feng!

However, they still couldn't believe it. They looked at Lin Yueyue and asked, "Little sister, are you Lin Yueyue?"

"Yes, do you know me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, several girls jumped up excitedly, startling Lin Yueyue.

She looked at the girls nervously, always feeling that they didn't look like good people.

"Yueyue, hello, hello, we all like you very much. We were your fans when we watched the variety show before!"

Seeing that Lin Yueyue was a little frightened, the girls quickly explained.

Lin Yueyue nodded: "That's right, then you came here specifically to see me!"

"Actually, I came here to see your father!" A girl said directly.

Lin Yueyue: "..."

She turned around and glanced at Lin Feng, who was playing with his mobile phone at the counter.

What’s so good about my father?
Thinking about it, she exhaled helplessly: "Then don't you want to buy something?"

"No, we also need to buy some snacks!"

"That's it!"

"Yueyue, do you think a snack would be more delicious? Help us choose one!" a girl said.

She looked at Lin Feng and then at Lin Yueyue, her eyes filled with excitement about meeting her idol.

"If you ask me anything else, I may not know, but if you ask me about snacks, I'm very knowledgeable!"

Lin Yueyue immediately stood up seriously.

She pulled a few girls to the shelf: "These snacks were picked out by my dad, and they are quite delicious! For example, these lemon-flavored potato chips, although they sound a bit strange, are very addictive when you eat one. , all the potato chips will be eaten!”

“This chicken feet only has a soy sauce flavor, but it’s also very delicious!”

"This chocolate bean is also very delicious, with a very milky flavor. Eating it gives people a feeling of happiness!" Lin Yueyue pointed to her favorite snacks on the shelf and recommended them to several girls.

"Not bad! Then let's buy them all. Let's look at other snacks!"

"Give me some too!"

"I don't want to eat potato chips. I'll get more chocolate beans. I like chocolate beans the most!"

Lin Yueyue was so cute that these girls couldn't bear to refuse her recommendation and took a lot of snacks.

After taking the snacks, a girl looked at Lin Yueyue and said with a smile: "We have bought it, can Yueyue take a photo with you?"

"Of course!"

"Okay, okay, we liked you and your dad very much when we were watching the variety show before!"

Lin Yueyue said with a smile: "We are not that good!"

Afterwards, Lin Yueyue stood in the middle and took photos with the girls.

The girls were very happy and decided to come to this small supermarket to buy more things in the future.

Thinking about it, one of the girls subconsciously stretched out her hand to shake hands with Lin Yueyue.

But Lin Yueyue still refused. She stretched out her two small hands and started to make gestures.

But at this moment, Lin Yueyue accidentally touched the girl's skirt.

It's very slippery, cool, and very comfortable.

She asked curiously: "Sister, what kind of cloth is this skirt of yours made of? It seems very comfortable!"

The girl smiled and said: "Ah, Yueyue, do you still understand this? Then do you want to guess what kind of fabric this is?"

Lin Yueyue shook her head.

She didn't know much about fabrics, but she just felt that the skirt felt very comfortable.

"Don't you know?" the girl asked with a smile.

"I don't know!" Lin Yueyue said.

The girl smiled and said, "Well, if you don't want me to be your stepmother, I'll tell you?"

Hearing this, the other girls were shocked. They didn't expect that she would be so bold.

In other words, thick-skinned.

But Lin Yueyue shook her head.


"Sister, you are very beautiful. My father is not worthy of marrying you!" Lin Yueyue said seriously.

Because the sound was relatively loud, even Lin Feng looked over curiously.

Seeing Lin Feng looking over, the girl immediately blushed shyly.

"Yeah... I'm just kidding!"

The girls next to her looked at her with disdain.

The girl scratched her hair, and then said quickly: "Let's go check out, we will go to other places later!"

Lin Yueyue looked at the girl and asked curiously: "Do you also think that my father is not good enough for you?"

"No, no, I was just joking, how could I be worthy of Lin Feng!"

Lin Yueyue: "..."

This person is so strange, he seems a bit nervous.

The girl found that Lin Feng was also looking at her, and her face immediately turned redder.

She didn't even look at Lin Feng.

I quickly grabbed the snacks and went to check out.

And other girls are also very shy, after all, their companions are so shameless.

They also feel ashamed...

(End of this chapter)

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