Chapter 418 Close the door!sleep!
to be frank.

Looking at Lin Feng up close, they all felt more handsome than on TV.

Without the filter and all kinds of light, Lin Feng looked more like a very handsome guy, rather than that kind of distant figure.

He is more grounded.

Many girls nowadays are more bold.

However, Lin Feng didn't want to provoke them. After all, they had never been in the entertainment industry and didn't understand the rules.

This is also the reason why Lin Feng has never wanted to go on a blind date, because if he gets entangled with them, it will be very difficult to leave.

After paying the bills to a few girls, the takeaway arrived.

Lin Feng saw that they had no request to take pictures, so he ignored them and directly took Lin Yueyue to eat takeout.

The father and daughter had already prepared a small folding table and a small matzah, and sat next to them to eat.

And the girls didn't leave, they just stood there and looked at them.

Lin Yueyue looked at them and said, "Sister, do you want to eat some?"

"no, I'm fine!"

"We don't know what to eat for lunch, so we just want to see what you eat."

Hearing this, Lin Yueyue also introduced them to them enthusiastically.

"This is old-fashioned Sichuan food. It's delicious and spicy. My dad and I like to order their takeout the most!"

Lin Yueyue started eating as she spoke.

She hasn't ordered takeout for a long time, and she thinks these dishes are very delicious.

Even when there was rice on the corner of her mouth, she didn't react.

Lin Feng smiled helplessly and wiped away the rice grains for her.

He smiled and said: "Yueyue, eat slowly, no one is going to steal it for you!"

"Why not? Look at those sisters, they are looking at my rice eagerly!"

As she spoke, Lin Yueyue speeded up her meal, as if those girls were really trying to steal her meal.

Lin Feng turned around and looked around, and saw those girls.

To be honest, those big eyes staring straight at you really make the game uncomfortable!
"Sisters, do you want to eat something?" Lin Yueyue scratched her hair: "But we didn't order too much food, how about you order some food?"

"No, no, no, we just want to see what you are eating, and we are going to have lunch too!"

After saying that, the girls left quickly.

Lin Yueyue looked at their backs, scratched her hair and said, "Dad, they don't really want to eat our takeaway, do they?"

"How could that be? Eat slowly!"

Lin Feng gave Lin Yueyue a chopstick dish and asked her to eat more.

Several girls left the small supermarket. After walking for a while, they stopped.

After looking at each other, they suddenly laughed.

"Hahahahaha! It was so embarrassing just now!"

"Yes! Xiao Qiuqiu is too thick-skinned. In front of other people's children, she said she wanted to be a stepmother for her!"

"Why am I so thick-skinned? I feel like I am a stepmother. What's wrong!"

"Stop talking about this, Lin Feng really opened a small supermarket!"

"Did you take a photo just now? He is so handsome!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect to be so handsome at such an old age. This is amazing!"

"Don't make trouble. There are too many people in their 30s who come out to pretend to be young. They are all filtered and photoshopped. The real people are old men and tweeting. It's disgusting to watch!"

"Lin Feng is really handsome. I have never seen anyone so handsome in real life!"

Several girls took out their mobile phones and looked through the photos they had just taken.

"Should we post it online?"

One of the girls suddenly asked, and everyone was stunned.They looked at each other.

Of course I have to post it online. Of course this handsome guy has to share it with all netizens!

They come here just to take photos and post them online!
"But... I don't think that posting it online will cause trouble to Lin Feng and Lin Yueyue?"

"That's right. People have opened small supermarkets. What if we post it online and all the people who come are fans, which affects the business?"

"Yes! Lin Yueyue is so young, what if she is kidnapped!"

Several girls suddenly calmed down.

Yes, they have not thought of these problems!
Lin Feng's purpose in choosing to open a small supermarket was to return to life.

Otherwise, he would definitely go to the entertainment industry to make money.

Moreover, even if he can't return to the entertainment industry, he can definitely attract a lot of fans by making a video of his opening to promote it!
Maybe he just wanted to bring up Lin Yueyue in an ordinary way?

Several girls looked at each other.

"Otherwise, we shouldn't post it online!"

"Okay, don't post it online, can we just see it ourselves?!"

"Hehe, this is a secret between us and Lin Feng. It's quite embarrassing to think about it!"

After a while, several girls agreed not to post photos online!
"Come on, let's go! Let's go to Lao Tu Zao to eat. I just saw them eating and I'm so hungry!"

"I'm greedy too, let's go, let's go!"

"Doesn't eating the same lunch as Lin Feng mean having lunch with him!?"

"Hahaha! Let's go!"


While Lin Feng and Lin Yueyue were eating, several more customers came to the small supermarket.

After this morning, Lin Feng had already summarized the patterns of the guests.

Most of these customers are the elders and aunts in the community, and they buy things for home use, such as soy sauce, vinegar tea and so on.

As for snacks, when I come here to buy things, I will also bring some for my children.

After this pattern, Lin Feng decided to bring back some more oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and rice noodles.

After eating, Lin Feng sorted out the morning's accounts.

The gross profit is more than 3000, and the net profit is estimated to be not much.

However, he is quite satisfied with this small supermarket.

It's much more comfortable than at home, and it feels closer to life.

At this moment, Lin Yueyue yawned, looked at Lin Feng and said, "Dad, I'm so sleepy!"

"Then let's go back and take a nap?"

"Go home and take a nap?! Then we have to close the door too?"

"Yes!" Lin Feng said.

"Forget it then, I'll just sleep here, it won't affect our income!"

Lin Feng couldn't help but laugh: "Okay, okay, I just happened to bring a recliner, you can go and sleep there!"

"it is good!"

Lin Yueyue lay on the recliner: "Dad, remember to call me if you are too busy!"


Lin Yueyue had just finished speaking and fell asleep.

Lin Feng was actually sleepy too.

After thinking about it, he directly set an alarm clock for two o'clock in the afternoon, closed the store door, and started to sleep.

Opening your own store is such a freedom!
(End of this chapter)

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