My daughter, I asked you to be on the show, but I didn’t ask you to find a stepmother.

Chapter 419 Share it with the children, but you can’t let me eat it? !

Chapter 419 Share it with the children, but you can’t let me eat it? !
Lin Feng was lying on the counter, half asleep.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the alarm clock rang for half an hour before waking him up.

He got up, turned off the alarm clock, and rubbed his head.

The sun outside was still very strong, and Lin Feng thought he could sleep until three o'clock before opening the door.

He stood up and stretched.

How about getting a folding bed in the future? It would be too uncomfortable to sleep on the counter!

This counter is where he will often stay in the future, so all these things must be prepared!
That's right!

Get a code scanner, otherwise it will be more troublesome to keep accounts!

The equipment must be prepared, otherwise you will have a lot of trouble in the future!
It’s not about making money anyway, so do whatever makes you feel comfortable!

Perhaps he was thinking too seriously, and Lin Feng didn't even notice Lin Yueyue coming over.

She opened her eyes and looked around, and it took her a while to react.

Ah...this is my own little supermarket!
She stretched out and said to Lin Feng: "Dad, I woke up!"

"Are you awake? Did you sleep comfortably?"

"It's not bad. I had a dream. In the dream, I was buried in snacks. I had to finish eating before they could let me out. I'm so happy!"

Lin Feng couldn't help laughing, hugged Lin Yueyue and said, "You can be buried in snacks now!"

"Hahaha, that seems right!"

Lin Feng put Lin Yueyue on the ground again.

Lin Yueyue suddenly discovered why her small supermarket was closed? !

"Dad, why did you close the door?"

"The sun outside was too strong. I felt a little hot, so I closed the door!"

Lin Yueyue: "..."

She pointed at the door angrily: "Look, there are locks on the door. You must be lazy!"

"Lin Feng: "..."

She smiled helplessly. This child was quite smart.

If you want to lie in the future, you still have to think about it a little bit.

Otherwise it would be a bit embarrassing to be exposed.

Thinking about it, he said: "There were no customers at noon, so I closed the door and slept for a while!"

"Then you are just lazy!"

"I'm not being lazy, I'm running my own shop, so I'm very free!"

The purpose of opening a small supermarket is just to kill time. Of course, you can open it if you want to, or if you don't want to.

Wanting to make money, he went to invest and open a small supermarket!
Of course, there is another purpose of opening a small supermarket, and that is to practice speaking, otherwise Lin Feng feels that his social anxiety will become more and more serious.

Lin Yueyue looked at Lin Feng and blinked.

She always thought that Lin Feng opened a small supermarket just to make money, so she asked with some confusion: "Dad, are you a little too free?"

"Freedom means being able to do whatever you want!"

"Dad, I think this is called showing off!"

Upon hearing this, Lin Feng directly picked up the fly swatter on the counter.

Lin Yueyue made a face at him and ran away immediately.

Lin Feng stood there and smiled helplessly.

"Lin Yueyue, don't get caught by me, or I'll be rude to you!"

"You'd better be polite!"


"Wow! So scary, so scary!"

Lin Yueyue hid in the corner of the small supermarket, and Lin Feng couldn't help but laugh.

This little girl is really reluctant to hit her!
...About 5 minutes later, an old woman walked into the small supermarket.

This is the grandmother of Lin Yueyue's playmate. Lin Feng sometimes helps her look after the children while cooking.

She also heard from people in the community that Lin Feng opened a small supermarket at the door. The items sold were very affordable and looked very clean, so she came to take a look.

As soon as he stepped into the small supermarket, he saw Lin Feng standing at the counter, holding a fly swatter in his hand.

"Xiao Feng, what are you doing?"

Lin Feng looked at the old lady and smiled quickly: "It's okay, Aunt Xu, what do you want to buy?"

"I'll take a look for a while first. You're busy with your work. I'll just take a look for myself!"

"Okay, let's take a look first!"

Aunt Xu walked into the small supermarket and muttered in a low voice: "That's weird, where did Lin Yueyue go?"

Just when she came to the rice and noodles shelf, she saw Lin Yueyue squatting next to a bag of rice.

Lin Yueyue's big eyes suddenly flashed, and when she saw Aunt Xu, she immediately laughed: "Grandma Xu!"

"Ah! Yueyue! Why are you here? I thought you weren't in the store just now!"


"Why are you here? Why don't you go to the counter? The rice in here is very dangerous!" Grandma Xu said softly.

Lin Yueyue stuck out her tongue: "Grandma Xu, keep your voice down, don't let my father find out!"

"what happened?"

"I just made dad angry. He's going to hit me with a fly swatter!"

Hearing this, Grandma Xu immediately laughed and whispered: "Don't worry, I will protect you, your father will not hit you!"

With that said, he took Lin Yueyue's hand and brought her to Lin Feng's face.

Aunt Xu said with a smile: "Xiao Feng, I understand that it is not easy for you to raise a child alone. Yueyue will still be young by then. Don't beat her at every turn, but reason with her!"

Lin Feng glanced at Lin Yueyue and smiled helplessly: "I didn't want to hit her, I just wanted to scare her!"

"That's good. You're a girl, and you're not a brat. Don't hit her easily!"

With that said, he sent Lin Yueyue into the counter.

"I'll pick out some soy sauce or something, you guys be good!"

After hearing this, Lin Feng's mind couldn't help but recall his childhood.

I remember that when I was a child, I was naughty and broke the TV at home.

His father chased him from the beginning of the village to the end of the village. It was also the neighbor's grandmother who persuaded his parents.

Unexpectedly now, I have become the one being persuaded.

Grandma Xu not only got a bottle of soy sauce, but also a bag of rice. After all, the price was really very cost-effective.

Before leaving, he didn't forget to tell Lin Feng that he didn't want any big children.

Lin Feng could only smile helplessly and nodded.


In the afternoon, a notice was sent to the kindergarten parent group.

Tomorrow is Children's Day. The kindergarten asks the children to bring some snacks to the kindergarten.

So, Lin Feng took a lot of snacks from the warehouse and packed them for Lin Yueyue.

"Yueyue, this is for you to take to the kindergarten to share with the children tomorrow. Remember!"

"What the hell? Can't I eat it?!"

"Of course not. You want to share it with your good friends. I've done the math. There are several kinds of snacks. You can give one to each child!"

"Then I can't eat it?!"

"Yeah, you have no part in this!" Lin Feng teased Lin Yueyue and said.

(End of this chapter)

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