Chapter 420 Reba: You must show your best side tomorrow!
Hearing Lin Feng's words, Lin Yueyue puffed up her mouth angrily.

"Even if I eat it secretly, you won't be able to find it!"

"The snacks I put are all in certain quantities. If you eat them secretly, some children will be left without them, and that child will be sad!"

Lin Feng said jokingly.

Hearing this, Lin Yueyue's eyes widened in shock.

Thinking of the sad expression of a child in the class, Lin Yueyue couldn't help but feel sore in her heart.

However, she quickly thought of a good way.

"Hey, I can eat all the snacks in one of them, then they won't know there is such a snack! Then they won't be sad!"

Lin Feng couldn't help but give Lin Yueyue a thumbs up and said: "Off-road, I didn't expect you to be quite smart!"

Lin Feng actually didn't know whether these words were being sarcastic or really saying that Lin Yueyue was smart.

However, Lin Yueyue is indeed quite smart, and her smartness is usually related to eating.

Lin Feng felt that if he didn't say anything, there would definitely be a snack that would not appear in front of the children tomorrow.

So he said: "Don't worry, you have your share of every snack, so don't eat it secretly!"

"I don't believe you!"

"If you don't believe it, just count it yourself!"

"Hmph! Just bully me for not knowing how to count!"

Lin Yueyue started losing as she spoke: "1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8,..."

Lin Feng exhaled helplessly.

It's better to count it yourself. According to Lin Yueyue's calculation, there may be several extra packs of snacks!


At 08:30 in the evening, Lin Feng closed the small supermarket on time.

Although Lin Yueyue wanted to open the store for a while longer and make more money, Lin Feng still locked the store door.

08:30 is very late. After watching TV at home, it’s time to wash up and go to bed.

Moreover, tomorrow is Children’s Day, so if you’re not in good spirits, you won’t be able to have fun!

As soon as she got home, Reba called me via video.

Lin Feng also knew that Reba came to see Lin Yueyue, so he directly handed the phone to Ling Yueyue.

"Sister Reba!" Lin Yueyue said with a smile: "Wow, sister Reba, you seem to be more beautiful today!"

Hearing this, Reba immediately laughed: "Yueyue, wasn't I beautiful before?"

"Of course it's beautiful, but today it makes people shine!"

As Lin Yueyue spoke, she handed the phone to Lin Feng to look at: "Dad, do you think Sister Reba is very beautiful today?"

Lin Feng: "???"

He actually doesn't want to see it...

But since Lin Yueyue handed over the phone, Lin Feng couldn't help but respect it, so he said: "Yes, it's quite beautiful!"

Originally Lin Feng wanted to fool him, but Lin Yueyue puffed up his mouth: "Dad, you are too fooled, you didn't even look at your phone!"

After saying that, Lin Yueyue handed the phone to Lin Feng: "Dad, look at it, look carefully!"

Reba suddenly became nervous, quickly adjusted her expression, and said with a smile: "Brother Lin Feng!"

"Reba, have you just finished your work?"

"Dad, please don't change the subject first. Take a look at Sister Reba first. She is very beautiful today!" Lin Yueyue insisted very much.

Hearing this, Reba couldn't help but look forward to it.

Many people said she was beautiful, but no one expected Lin Feng to praise her as much.

Lin Feng glanced at Lin Yueyue helplessly, and then said: "She is indeed pretty!"

"Hey, dad, you are very discerning!"

Lin Feng: "..."

"You and Sister Reba chat first, I'll go to the bathroom to wash up, and then you go to wash up!"

"Okay, okay!" Then, Lin Feng walked directly into the bathroom.

Lin Yueyue happily shared with Reba what happened today.

Reba also listened to her with interest.

"By the way, Yueyue, what time will you perform tomorrow? I'll go there early!"

"I don't know either. I'll ask my dad later!"

"it is good!"

"By the way, Sister Reba, do you know how to put on makeup?"

Hearing this, Reba laughed: "Of course! My sister is an actress, so of course she knows how to put on makeup! When there were no makeup artists in the past, we all did our own makeup!"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Lin Yueyue immediately jumped up happily: "Sister Reba, can you come over early tomorrow? We have a performance tomorrow and may have to put on makeup at home!"

Hearing this, Reba was shocked.

Lin Yueyue...invited me to her home?
No, is it Lin Feng’s home? !

Is this bad?

Is this okay? !

Many fragments appeared in Reba's mind instantly, and her whole body became nervous.

She wanted to go to Lin Feng's home, but she didn't feel good.

"Sister Reba, what's wrong? Don't you have time?"

"No, no, I was wondering if I could adjust my work!"

"Hey, sister Reba, help me!"

Looking at Lin Yueyue's eyes, Reba agreed directly in the next second.

Moreover, she also wanted to visit Lin Feng's home.

Later, after Reba and Lin Yueyue agreed on a time and address, they hung up the video.

After a while, Lin Feng also came out of the bathroom.

Carry Lin Yueyue to the bathroom to wash up.

After washing up, Lin Feng originally wanted to let Lin Yueyue watch TV.

But Lin Yueyue shook her head and said, "I don't want to watch TV anymore. I'm going to bed. Sister Reba is coming to see me tomorrow!"

Hearing this, Lin Feng thought it was Reba who was coming to see her perform, so he didn't think much and let Lin Yueyue sleep.

After Lin Yueyue fell asleep, Lin Feng began to sort out today's accounts.

Today is the opening discount, so the customers who came here bought a lot of rice, flour and oil. It is cheap anyway, so it is more cost-effective to buy it home and save it.

Then came some fast food, noodles, and cigarettes.

Snacks are not selling well.

After some calculation, the gross profit is quite high, but the net profit is only a few hundred yuan.

It's much better than going to work.

Lin Feng stretched. It had been getting hotter and hotter these two days. He had to contact the wholesale cold drinks and beverage manufacturers to get two freezers.

In this case, it’s almost the same in a small supermarket!

Lin Feng calculated his inventory and then went back to his room to sleep.


Reba originally wanted to tell Da Mimi that she would go to Lin Feng's house tomorrow morning.

But she soon regretted it.

After thinking for a while, she made up a reason not to go with Da Mimi tomorrow, but to go to Lin Feng's place first!
After making her decision, she lay on the bed.

Looking at the ceiling, it felt like Lin Feng's face was floating on the ceiling.

Tomorrow... I must show my best side!
(End of this chapter)

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