Chapter 421 Makeup!I came here just to put on makeup!
The next morning.

After the alarm clock woke up Lin Feng, it was turned off ruthlessly.

He was very tired yesterday, so Lin Feng was not able to get out of bed.

I don’t know what’s wrong, it’s just a small supermarket, but it’s actually more tiring than fighting the heroine all night long!
But just when Lin Feng was about to fall asleep, the doorbell suddenly sounded.

"Ding dong! Ding dong!"

"Ding dong! Ding dong!"

Lin Feng lay on the bed a little sluggishly, listening to the doorbell, too lazy to move.

Who is this!
It's early in the morning. Are you sick? !

Liu Sisi is back? !
No, Liu Sisi came back at this time because she had never passed the audition. According to her character, she would definitely go home and cry, and then secretly scare herself.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Liu Sisi?
Lin Feng was lying on the bed thinking about this problem, and had no intention of getting out of bed and opening the door.

However, after waiting for a while, the doorbell rang again.

Lin Feng: "..."

He had no choice but to get up and open the door.

While yawning, he staggered towards the door.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw Reba with exquisite makeup.

Reba dressed very energetically today, wearing a short T-shirt that exposed her navel, and short shorts, giving people the feeling that she was about to go to the tennis court to play.

Coupled with her makeup, it really gives people the feeling of a dynamic and beautiful girl.

Lin Feng was completely stunned.

Facts have proved that when a man, especially a mature man, wakes up in the morning and sees such a beautiful woman standing in front of him, it is a bit unbearable for anyone.

For a moment, Lin Feng felt like he had forgotten to breathe!
Reba...has she grown up recently?

Lin Feng's mind went blank and he didn't know what to say.

Reba was the first to react. She said a little embarrassedly: "Brother Lin Feng, I'm sorry, did I disturb your rest?"

"it's okay no problem!"

Reba was very satisfied with Lin Feng's surprised look just now. It was a good thing that she was ready to get up before dawn!
She smiled slightly and said, "Is Yueyue getting up now?"

"Not yet. Are you here so early?"

"What's wrong? Is something inappropriate?"

"No no!"

Reba stuck out her tongue and smiled: "It was Yueyue who asked me to come over in the morning yesterday!"

"Yueyue?!" Lin Feng's head was full of questions. He didn't even know when the two people had agreed.

"When we were chatting last night, Yueyue asked me to come over early and said she wanted me to do her makeup!"

"Hey, little girl, I'm sorry for making you get up so early!"

"It's okay, it's okay, I happen to be coming to see Yueyue's performance on Children's Day!"

Lin Feng: "..."

The activity held by a kindergarten seemed to be more grand than some parties, and there was even a celebrity group of relatives and friends!

Lin Feng couldn't help but laugh sadly, and then asked Reba to come in and sit down.

"Sorry, I haven't gotten up yet, so the room is a bit messy. You take a rest first, and I'll go wash up!"

Lin Feng said while putting away the clothes on the sofa.

Reba smiled and sat next to the sofa.

"alright, no worries!"

As she said that, Reba looked at Lin Feng's waist intentionally or unintentionally.

Is this something she can see for free? !

These abdominal muscles, these mermaid lines, and these chest muscles are as perfect as sculptures!
He caught Reba's attention in an instant.

Girls, how can they resist the temptation of such a figure!With this kind of figure... Tsk, tsk, tsk, Damimi is really unlucky!

If she was with Lin Feng, she would definitely not choose to leave Lin Feng like Da Mimi!
Following Reba's line of sight, Lin Feng also discovered the only large pair of shorts on her body.

It is indeed not good to be shirtless in front of the opposite sex.

So she quickly said: "Reba, you take a rest, I'll change clothes and wash up, and wake up Lin Yueyue by the way."

With that said, Lin Feng quickly walked back to the room.

Reba began to look at Lin Feng's home.

The decoration style is very simple, but full of the warmth of home.

There are many photos of Lin Feng and Lin Yueyue on the wall.

From left to right, from when Lin Yueyue was born to now!

I have to say that Lin Yueyue has been very cute since she was a child. She was like a doll when she was a baby!
It can be seen from these photos that Lin Feng has taken Lin Yueyue to many places, and we can also feel that the father-daughter relationship between Lin Feng and Lin Yueyue is very deep.

There were toys in the corner that Lin Yueyue had not yet had time to put away. Reba suddenly thought of her own childhood.


Lin Feng quickly changed his clothes, then quickly came to Lin Yueyue's room and woke Lin Yueyue up.

At this time, Lin Yueyue was sleeping soundly holding a red panda doll.

Lin Feng patted Lin Yueyue: "Yueyue, wake up! Sister Reba is here!"

"it is good……"

"Yueyue, Sister Reba is in the living room. If you don't get up, she will go back!"

Hearing this, Lin Yueyue finally woke up.

She barely opened one eye and asked, "Dad, who were you talking about just now?"

"Sister Reba, she is already sitting in the living room now!"

"Wow! Then I'm going to take a look!"

When Lin Yueyue heard that Reba was coming, she ran out in excitement, even forgetting to put on her shoes.

At this time, Reba was standing in front of the photo wall.

Lin Yueyue ran over and hugged Reba happily: "Sister Reba, you are here, hey hey hey!"

"That's necessary, I promised you, of course I'm coming over!" Reba knelt down and rubbed Lin Yueyue's little head, and then pinched her face: "Yueyue, are you fat again? ?”

"Sister Reba, don't talk about such a fun-loving slide!"


Reba looked at the lovely Lin Yueyue and couldn't help but laugh.

Lin Feng took advantage of this time to wash up quickly, and then called Lin Yueyue into the bathroom to wash up.

After washing up, Reba was ready to put makeup on Lin Yueyue.

Reba is a dancer. She did her own makeup in the early years, so her skills are very good.

She applied base makeup on Lin Yueyue very skillfully, and then slowly added details to her.

Many people put heavy makeup on their children.

But in fact, it is enough for children to wear a little lighter makeup, otherwise, they will look very uncomfortable.

"A little more of this, a little more of this, Yueyue, you are getting more and more beautiful now!"

The T-shirt Reba wore today was very small. When she bent over, Lin Yueyue could just see inside.

She couldn't help but said: "Sister Reba, you are so big!"

Reba didn't even react at first.

But as Lin Yueyue looked over, her face suddenly turned red.

(End of this chapter)

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